
Adoption paved the way for love

Julie Davis For me, the decision to adopt my baby out was fairly black and white. But reflecting on what has been, I think we've both been blessed.

Comments 5


Smoking bans cut premature births

Kate Kelland Banning smoking in public places has helped to cut premature births by 10 per cent, according to new research from the United States and Europe.

The delights of the first trimester

GREER BERRY It's hard to shrug off the effects that major pregnancy hormone changes have on one's body, to just say 'Pregnancy is beautiful and wonderful' and all those things. Because, quite frankly, there are some terrible side effects in this first trimester.

Blessingways: bringing back 'women's business' in pregnancy

Flu shot may have saved pregnant mum, coroner finds

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS): one mum's story

Choosing a midwife


New drug to replace pethidine as birth pain relief

JULIA MEDEW The use of pethidine to relieve pain during birth may be on its way out as a small but growing number of doctors recommend a more powerful opiate that appears safer for babies.


'Babysuiting' is the next big thing

Mashable The premise is simple: put your baby in a suit, laugh at how squishy her face is, wait for her to become a CEO.


Why I let my child kiss whoever she wants to kiss

LAUREN SMELCHER SAMS My toddler likes to kiss. A lot. I have no problem with that - and I will defend her right to continue.


Video: Dad turns son into action movie hero

action movie kid

Melanie Mahoney Many kids would love to be an action movie hero in real life, but very few will ever be able to see themselves in movies like these.

Is your child ready for toilet training?

Bed linen for your little firefighter, dancer, astronaut or princess

The truth about bribing your kids

IKEA announces bed canopy recall

Being Dad

Stay-at-home dad tries, fails to crowdfund a salary

Kasey Edwards Imagine launching a crowdfunding campaign to ask strangers to pay you an income for parenting. That was one dad's grand plan - but it didn't go quite as planned.


To my girls on their first birthday


You don’t know is how the past year has affected me as a person. You don’t know how I’ve changed, and how my perspectives have been completely displaced and realigned. This is comforting to me – I want you to know me for who I am now.


The rise of the vasectomy party

A great dad, but not a super hero

Couvade syndrome: when dads have pregnancy pains too

Dad and daughter's loving tribute in mum's memory


Family taxi is the perfect place for a music lesson

Letitia Rowlands It doesn't matter whether or not you can hold a tune, it's still important to sing with your kids in the car, according to new research.