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Poster archive digitisation

We need your help to preserve our rare political poster collection. Jura has an archive of thousands of radical political posters dating back 40 years. Many of the posters have huge political and artistic significance. Many are the only surviving copy.

Artists and collectives represented include Earthworks, Dobie Gillis, Nosey, Possum, Toby Zoates, Redback Graphix and Without Authority. Many worked out of the famous 'Tin Sheds'. You can learn more here:
ABC Radio doco on the Tin Sheds
5 minute 2SER interview with Jura
SMH article about the Jura collection

At Jura we're working hard to preserve this important collection, but the ravages of time, mould, and silverfish constantly threaten their survival. As such, it's imperative to digitally document the posters for posterity. We have begun this process: volunteers have spent hundreds of hours sorting and organising posters for digitisation. Now we want to take high-quality photos of the 1,500 most important posters, using a professional studio. But this is expensive. It may cost as much as $3,000.

We need your help to raise funds to take the photographs. Please make a donation now. Any amount, small or large, will be appreciated. You can deposit directly into our bank account:
Name: Jura Books Libertarian Labour
BSB number: 062193
Account number: 10204881
Please include the reference 'digitisation', and email us to let us know you've sent a donation. Alternatively, you can use paypal, post a cheque payable to Jura Books (please include a note explaining what it's for), or donate cash in person at Jura during opening hours.

For inspiration, check out this 7 minute video from the US Center for the Study of Political Graphics.

The CSPG has preserved over 80,000 social movement posters. At Jura we’re inspired by CSPG - we want to preserve our poster collection - with your help.

UPDATE: As of February 2014, we have recieved the following donations from wonderful supporters:

$30 (from RS)

$300 (from 'Jura is sky blue')

$50 (BK)

$50 (JK)