
「たくあん」Takuan 今日の間食 2009.10.14
HANAFUBUKIの柴田洋子の間食風景をご紹介。本日はたくあん。大根のお漬物です。いつもお菓子ばっかり食べていたので今日は日本式の朝ごはんを目指しました。 http://www....
published: 13 Oct 2009
author: Yokomaririn
「たくあん」Takuan 今日の間食 2009.10.14
「たくあん」Takuan 今日の間食 2009.10.14
HANAFUBUKIの柴田洋子の間食風景をご紹介。本日はたくあん。大根のお漬物です。いつもお菓子ばっかり食べていたので今日は日本式の朝ごはんを目指しました。 http://www.youtube.com/user/HANAFUBUKI.- published: 13 Oct 2009
- views: 2329
- author: Yokomaririn

Korean Gimbap Sushi Recipe : Slicing Taken for Korean Gimbap Sushi
Learn how to slice takuan for an easy gimbap sushi recipe with expert cooking tips in this...
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: expertvillage
Korean Gimbap Sushi Recipe : Slicing Taken for Korean Gimbap Sushi
Korean Gimbap Sushi Recipe : Slicing Taken for Korean Gimbap Sushi
Learn how to slice takuan for an easy gimbap sushi recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Korean sushi video clip. Expert: Kathleen Lynch Bio: Kathleen...- published: 22 Oct 2008
- views: 4308
- author: expertvillage

Opinion - U takuan ne Prizren! (13 janar 2014)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan Emision LIVE nga Blendi Fevziu ne KLANHD & TVKLA...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Opinion - U takuan ne Prizren! (13 janar 2014)
Opinion - U takuan ne Prizren! (13 janar 2014)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan Emision LIVE nga Blendi Fevziu ne KLANHD & TVKLAN- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 2725

The Unfettered Mind
"Many people have the misunderstanding that liberated beings become very boring," provides...
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: satyogainstitute
The Unfettered Mind
The Unfettered Mind
"Many people have the misunderstanding that liberated beings become very boring," provides Shunyamurti, the director of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica....- published: 19 Nov 2010
- views: 1702
- author: satyogainstitute

プチレシピ #1 「たくあんフライとカクテキフライ」の作り方 Fried Daikon Pickles Recipe
日本語・英語の字幕あり Subtitle avaliable in English and Japanese! 大好きな漬物をフライにしたら、あら不思議!?おもしろい味に(^―^)...
published: 21 Jun 2013
author: nozamama
プチレシピ #1 「たくあんフライとカクテキフライ」の作り方 Fried Daikon Pickles Recipe
プチレシピ #1 「たくあんフライとカクテキフライ」の作り方 Fried Daikon Pickles Recipe
日本語・英語の字幕あり Subtitle avaliable in English and Japanese! 大好きな漬物をフライにしたら、あら不思議!?おもしろい味に(^―^) たくあんもカクテキも市販のものです。 たくあんは塩分控えめのものがお勧め! Have you ever deep fried Ja...- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 4752
- author: nozamama

Bryan André, Takuan kie nin, Salle Teueikan [3/8] [3/15]
Bryan André, Takuan kie nin, Salle Teueikan, Mani-utenam, Québec, le 4-5 août 2012 ST_BA00...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: nikamuna09
Bryan André, Takuan kie nin, Salle Teueikan [3/8] [3/15]
Bryan André, Takuan kie nin, Salle Teueikan [3/8] [3/15]
Bryan André, Takuan kie nin, Salle Teueikan, Mani-utenam, Québec, le 4-5 août 2012 ST_BA003TakuanKieNin_1.mpg.- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 1484
- author: nikamuna09

wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Ratafia
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière in Franschhoek, South Africa abou...
published: 24 Jul 2013
author: Winecoza
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Ratafia
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Ratafia
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière in Franschhoek, South Africa about their Pierre Jourdan Ratafia.- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 2
- author: Winecoza

wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Blanc de Blancs
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière in Franschhoek, South Africa abou...
published: 24 Jul 2013
author: Winecoza
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Blanc de Blancs
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière about their Pierre Jourdan Blanc de Blancs
wine.co.za talks to Takuan von Arnim from Haute Cabrière in Franschhoek, South Africa about their Pierre Jourdan Blanc de Blancs.- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 2
- author: Winecoza

Takuan Sniper Kill Collection:たくあん スナイパーキル集
前回の砂動画の失敗を踏まえて 作り直しました(´・ω・`) 番外編集 【番外編】フレンドの人とCoD:BO2【S&D;】→http://youtu.be/xZusz9aVDjQ 【番...
published: 19 Jul 2013
author: takuan douga
Takuan Sniper Kill Collection:たくあん スナイパーキル集
Takuan Sniper Kill Collection:たくあん スナイパーキル集
前回の砂動画の失敗を踏まえて 作り直しました(´・ω・`) 番外編集 【番外編】フレンドの人とCoD:BO2【S&D;】→http://youtu.be/xZusz9aVDjQ 【番外編】フレンドの人とCoD:BO2【TDM】→http://youtu.be/JoYp0vgNvjQ 【番外編】フレンドの人とCoD:...- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 24
- author: takuan douga
Vimeo results:

えどのあそび 一 「沢庵押し」
Edo no asobi 01 Takuan oshi
Director/CG : A4Create (Hideki Kawahara)
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: A4Create (Hideki Kawahara)
えどのあそび 一 「沢庵押し」
Edo no asobi 01 Takuan oshi
Director/CG : A4Create (Hideki Kawahara)
TOOL USED:Adobe After Effects CS6 , Cinema 4D R13 , Zen Brush(iPadApp)

Taketori Katana V1.0 (Work in progress)
A choppy and poorly-made video of the sword I am currently making in the Second Life virtu...
published: 13 Apr 2008
author: Takuan Daikon
Taketori Katana V1.0 (Work in progress)
A choppy and poorly-made video of the sword I am currently making in the Second Life virtual world.

Yagyu Village Home to Famous Swordsman!
Yagyu Village is located east side of Nara Prefecture. It is the home land of Yagyu clan a...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Kyoto Dream Trips
Yagyu Village Home to Famous Swordsman!
Yagyu Village is located east side of Nara Prefecture. It is the home land of Yagyu clan and Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. There are many buildings and spots which are related with Yagyu clan, including their graves, the school, and ruins of houses. At Hotokuzenji Temple, there is a museum which exhibits many swords, armers, certificate and other items of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu.
The area was the former territory of the Yagyu clan, who became famous as the sword instructors to the Tokugawa Shogun with their famous school of Yagyū Shinkage ryū. within the village are the former houses and the sword school of the Yagyū family.
Yagyū Sekishūsai Taira-no-Munetoshi had studied the Shinkage ryu under Kamiizumi Ise no kami Hidetsuna and was granted in 1571 the certificate of "one person, one province", a licence to teach. He called his version the Yagyū Shinkage ryu to distinguish it from what he had been taught.
In 1564, Kamiizumi Ise no kami Hidetsuna was travelling to Kyoto. While resting along the way in Ise, Hidetsuna asked the governor of Ise if he knew of any capable samurai in the area who might be interested in a friendly match. The governor recommended Munetoshi and a friend of Munetoshi Kakuznbo In'ei a monk and expert spearsman of the nearby Hōzōin temple. Hidetsuna sent a messenger to the Hōzōin temple to ask the two men if they would be interested.
Munetoshi agreed and they met at Hōzōin temple. Munetoshi was soundly defeated and following the custom of the time he became Hidetsuna’s disciple.
Munetoshi invited Hidetsuna to his home in Yagyū village where Hidetsuna taught Munetoshi Shinkage ryu for one year. Hidetsuna then continued on his trip to Kyoto giving giving Munetoshi an assignment to carry out while he was in Kyoto. Hidestuna asked Munetoshi to research the concept of Mutō-dori the methods of defeating an armed opponent while unarmed.
While Hidetsuna was in Kyōto Munetoshi researched these methods and when Hidetsuna returned he successfully demonstrated them for Hidetsuna. Hidetsuna was impressed by these methods and immediately granted Munetoshi the certificate of "one person, one province," signifying the highest attainment in the Shinkage-ryū and permission to teach it.
Munetoshi taught the Shinkage-ryū to his sons and other men. The certificates given out by Muntoshi that date back to 1580 still survive today. In 1589 Muntetoshi wrote the Yagyū Kaken a memoir and treatise on proper conduct meant for descendants of the Yagyu clan.
In 1593 Munetoshi became a Bodisattva Buddhist monk, taking the Buddhist name “Sekishūsai Songon”. In that same year he wrote his famous Heihō Hyakka “One-hundred Songs of Strategy,” a treatise detailing methods of martial strategy.
In 1594 Munetoshi’s prowess in Shinkage-ryū came to be known by a general of Toyotomi Hideyoshi; Tokugawa Ieyasu. Ieyasu was very interested in the military arts. He arranged for a meeting with Munetoshi to see for himself the methods of the Shinkage-ryū. Munetoshi brought his fifth son Munenori along with him for the demonstration. Munetoshi had expected only to give Ieyasu a demonstration using his son as an opponent and explaining the kata of the school, however, Ieyasu wished to actually try out the methods for himself. Ieyasu picked up a wooden sword and requested that Munetoshi demonstrate his Mutō-dori. As the story of the school says, Munetoshi disarmed Ieyasu three times sending Ieyasu sailing onto his back. Ieyasu was impressed and asked Munetoshi to teach him his Shinkage-ryū. Munetoshi however refused, claiming that he was too old and intended to retire from teaching In his place Munetoshi recommended his son Munenori(1571-1647). Ieyasu agreed to this and signed a blood oath to learn Shinkage-ryū diligently and to treat the Yagyū clan with favour. Munenori joined Ieyasu and was given the highest rank of hatamoto or body guard to Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Munenori continued as a teacher also to Tokugawa Hidetada and Tokugawa Iemitsu, increasing the family income and prestige and establishing the Yagyū as hereditary swordsmanship instructors to the Shõgun.
In that same year, a census of the Yamato province revealed hidden, non-taxed rice fields in Yagyū village. Munetoshi’s lands were taken away by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Munetoshi therefore continued to teach Shinkage ryū.
In 1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu moved against Ishida Mitsunari after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He dispatched Munenori back to Yagyū Village, to ask Munetoshi to raise forces in the Yamato region. Munetoshi was 71 and too old to lead the forces himself so Munenori led the Yagyū forces. They marched to Ieyasu's position arriving a day before the battle. Ieyasu soundly defeated Mitsunari with the help of the Yagyū forces, and among the rewards given to the Yagyū was the return of their ancestral lands which had been taken from them earlier by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
In 1604, Munetoshi’s grandson, Toshitoshi, left Y
Youtube results:

Florent Vollant - Takuan
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: Christina Collard
Florent Vollant - Takuan

Rast i mrekullueshëm pas disa viteve u takuan vllah dhe motër - Dhulkarnejn Ramadani
Pjes e shkëputur nga Ligjerata:Dëmet e Drogës
published: 06 Jan 2014
Rast i mrekullueshëm pas disa viteve u takuan vllah dhe motër - Dhulkarnejn Ramadani
Rast i mrekullueshëm pas disa viteve u takuan vllah dhe motër - Dhulkarnejn Ramadani
Pjes e shkëputur nga Ligjerata:Dëmet e Drogës http://thirrjaislame.com http://www.fb.com/ThirrjaIslameofficial Komplet videon mund ta shikoni këtu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RqBJaxd-o Lejohet shpërndarja e linkut dhe jo ringarkimi i videos nëpër akounte dhe vende tjera, gjithashtu nuk lejohet ti ndryshohet asgjë videos nëse shkarkohet videoja!- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 366

A Voyage - 2004 Club Mix /Kimchi Takuan feat.moe♪
作曲/もえ 編曲/きむち沢庵 Brand New Day きむち沢庵 3rd Album....
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: きむち 沢庵
A Voyage - 2004 Club Mix /Kimchi Takuan feat.moe♪
A Voyage - 2004 Club Mix /Kimchi Takuan feat.moe♪
作曲/もえ 編曲/きむち沢庵 Brand New Day きむち沢庵 3rd Album.- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 40
- author: きむち 沢庵