Tennessee Williams Interview with Bill Boggs
Bill Boggs Interviews Tennessee Williams "It's an honor to have this great American Playwr...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: BillBoggsTV
Tennessee Williams Interview with Bill Boggs
Tennessee Williams Interview with Bill Boggs
Bill Boggs Interviews Tennessee Williams "It's an honor to have this great American Playwright in my archives. This interview came to be because Tennessee's ...- published: 02 Dec 2011
- views: 21029
- author: BillBoggsTV
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005) Extended
A remarkable one-time-only meeting of cast members from two concurrent Williams revivals o...
published: 06 Aug 2013
author: cunytv75
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005) Extended
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005) Extended
A remarkable one-time-only meeting of cast members from two concurrent Williams revivals on Broadway—Natasha Richardson, John C. Reilly and Chris Bauer of "A...- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 47
- author: cunytv75
Tennessee Williams on the David Frost Show, excerpts
Some bits of David Frost's interview with Tennessee Williams in January 1970. Regarding th...
published: 30 May 2009
author: iamtheperfectcrime
Tennessee Williams on the David Frost Show, excerpts
Tennessee Williams on the David Frost Show, excerpts
Some bits of David Frost's interview with Tennessee Williams in January 1970. Regarding the "I've covered the waterfront" comment, the interview went as foll...- published: 30 May 2009
- views: 54151
- author: iamtheperfectcrime
Tennessee Williams Biography
NAME: Tennessee Williams
OCCUPATION: Playwright
BIRTH DATE: March 26, 1911
published: 06 Jan 2014
Tennessee Williams Biography
Tennessee Williams Biography
NAME: Tennessee Williams OCCUPATION: Playwright BIRTH DATE: March 26, 1911 DEATH DATE: February 25, 1983 EDUCATION: Soldan High School, University City High School, University of Missouri, University of Iowa PLACE OF BIRTH: Columbus, Mississippi PLACE OF DEATH: New York, New York ORIGINALLY: Thomas Lanier Williams III FULL NAME: Tennessee Williams BEST KNOWN FOR Tennessee Williams was a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright whose works include, A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 56
Tennessee Williams: A Life of Theatre
A short biography and visual essay on American playwright Tennessee Williams I had to make...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: GWJohansson
Tennessee Williams: A Life of Theatre
Tennessee Williams: A Life of Theatre
A short biography and visual essay on American playwright Tennessee Williams I had to make for my college drama class. I thought I would upload it here since...- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 94
- author: GWJohansson
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005)
A remarkable one-time-only meeting of cast members from two concurrent Williams revivals o...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: cunytv75
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005)
ATW's Working in the Theatre #331 Interpreting Tennessee Williams (Spring 2005)
A remarkable one-time-only meeting of cast members from two concurrent Williams revivals on Broadway—Natasha Richardson, John C. Reilly and Chris Bauer of "A...- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 24
- author: cunytv75
Tennessee Williams Bio
Excerpt from A&E; Biography of Tennessee Williams....
published: 25 May 2011
author: PaulBudlineProd
Tennessee Williams Bio
Tennessee Williams Bio
Excerpt from A&E; Biography of Tennessee Williams.- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 1143
- author: PaulBudlineProd
Everything you wanted to know about Tennessee Williams and The Glass Menagerie
Last week, Tennessee Williams scholar Robert Bray travelled from the USA to speak exclusiv...
published: 01 Dec 2010
author: YoungVicLondon
Everything you wanted to know about Tennessee Williams and The Glass Menagerie
Everything you wanted to know about Tennessee Williams and The Glass Menagerie
Last week, Tennessee Williams scholar Robert Bray travelled from the USA to speak exclusively to us and answer your questions on the great 20th Century Ameri...- published: 01 Dec 2010
- views: 3287
- author: YoungVicLondon
Maggie Smith in Suddenly, Last Summer 1 of 6
1993 BBC adaptation of the Tennessee Williams play that adheres closer to the original tex...
published: 14 Aug 2011
author: jmd26
Maggie Smith in Suddenly, Last Summer 1 of 6
Maggie Smith in Suddenly, Last Summer 1 of 6
1993 BBC adaptation of the Tennessee Williams play that adheres closer to the original text then does the 1959 film. Features Maggie Smith, Natasha Richardso...- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 23244
- author: jmd26
Blanche Marvin on Tennessee Williams part 1.MP4
theatrevoice.com video: Blanche Marvin recalls her youthful days as an actress in New York...
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: theatrevoiceTV
Blanche Marvin on Tennessee Williams part 1.MP4
Blanche Marvin on Tennessee Williams part 1.MP4
theatrevoice.com video: Blanche Marvin recalls her youthful days as an actress in New York when she met the young Tennessee Williams, then premiering The Gla...- published: 03 Apr 2011
- views: 906
- author: theatrevoiceTV
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 13
Ann-Margret ... Blanche DuBois Treat Williams ... Stanley Kowalski Beverly D'Angelo ... St...
published: 20 Jan 2011
author: MrTimothytickles
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 13
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 13
Ann-Margret ... Blanche DuBois Treat Williams ... Stanley Kowalski Beverly D'Angelo ... Stella DuBois Kowalski Randy Quaid ... Harold 'Mitch' Mitchell Erica ...- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 86439
- author: MrTimothytickles
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, Theatre TCU, Hays Theatre, directed by T. J. Wa...
published: 06 Aug 2009
author: walshwork
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, Theatre TCU, Hays Theatre, directed by T. J. Walsh.- published: 06 Aug 2009
- views: 19576
- author: walshwork
Tennessee Williams, Liz Taylor, Paul Newman, in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'
Check out the blog a http://aroundthenetworks.com/ -- Here At aroundthenetworks.com we lik...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: aroundthenetworks
Tennessee Williams, Liz Taylor, Paul Newman, in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'
Tennessee Williams, Liz Taylor, Paul Newman, in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'
Check out the blog a http://aroundthenetworks.com/ -- Here At aroundthenetworks.com we like to highlight emotional scenes in film. This is a nice piece of em...- published: 25 Oct 2011
- views: 16806
- author: aroundthenetworks
Vimeo results:
SONS to screen at 25th festival in Beijing June of 2013! What inspiration might the LGBT ...
published: 31 Jan 2009
author: tim wolff
SONS to screen at 25th festival in Beijing June of 2013! What inspiration might the LGBT community of China take from the pioneers of gay public assembly in the US?
THE SONS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS is the story of the gay men of New Orleans who created a vast and fantastic culture of "drag balls" starting in the late 1950s and established the first gay civil rights in the U.S.
These men worked with the traditions of Mardi Gras to bring gay culture into public settings in the early 1960s. By 1969, there were four gay Mardi Gras krewes, legally chartered by the state of Louisiana, throwing yearly extravaganzas at civic venues around the city. "Society matrons begged for ball tickets from their hairdressers".
They succeeded in bringing down the “Jim Crow” laws that targeted gay people for offenses such as public assembly, same-sex dancing and cross-dressing. They staged a flamboyant costumed revolution without politics and won freedoms during a time, as now, when laws and people fought against them.
Contact: timwolffhouse@yahoo.com
Talk To Me Like The Rain
Based on a one-act play by Tennessee Williams...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: Volt Magazine
Talk To Me Like The Rain
Based on a one-act play by Tennessee Williams
A Martin Patrick 3 Lifestyle
A short narrative film produced for the men's clothing and accessories boutique Martin Pat...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: Jonathan Chapman / JCP
A Martin Patrick 3 Lifestyle
A short narrative film produced for the men's clothing and accessories boutique Martin Patrick 3.
Jonathan Chapman - Director of Photography
Ravi Katkar - Principal Talent
Chadwick Nelson, Splice - Editor
Tanya Silver - Producer
Sam Trewick - Styling, Art Department, Poster + Promo Design
Eric Schleicher - 2nd Camera Operator
Ashlee Ellert - Hair + Make-up
John Fontana - Location Sound Mixer
Patrick Meehan - Boom Operator
Nathaniel Schmidt - AC / Continuity + Promotional
Michael Sandness, Splice - Colorist
Kelly Pieklo, Splice - Sound Designer / Mixer
Coelement - Motion Graphics
Flashlight Photo Rental - Lighting / Grip
Emily Pritchard - The Social Lights
Bryce Bordenkecher - JCP for MP3 Event Photography
Excerpt from Tennessee Williams "The Glass Menagerie"
// Tennessee Williams // Endstation Sehnsucht //
„Desire“, das bede...
published: 20 Jan 2010
author: * kleines theater * Landshut
// Tennessee Williams // Endstation Sehnsucht //
„Desire“, das bedeutet Wunsch und Sehnsucht, aber auch Trieb, Begierde. Und ist in Tennessee Williams’ berühmtem, pulitzerpreisgekröntem Drama „Endstation Sehnsucht“ der Name einer Straßenbahn. Mit ihr kommt Blanche Dubois bei ihrer Schwester Stella an, dem Stern, dem einzigen Fixpunkt ihres Lebens. Sonst ist ihr nicht viel geblieben. Sie hat ihren Job verloren, ihr Haus, steht kurz vor dem sozialen Abstieg, der inneren Verelendung. Aus ihrer Lebenswirklichkeit heraus geworfen, muss sie sich in einer ihr fremden Welt zurechtfinden – und landet in einer inneren Krise.
Was passiert, wenn die eigene Vorstellung, die Sehnsucht nach dem Vergangenen als realer wahrgenommen wird als die Realität? Wenn sich Realität und Imagination verschieben, und man sich in seinem inneren Gefühlskosmos verliert? Unfähig, sich von der Vergangenheit zu lösen, klammert sich Blanche an ihren Sehnsüchten und Erinnerungen fest, findet keine wirkliche Beziehung zu sich selbst und zu den anderen .Vor allem nicht zu Stanley, Stellas Ehemann, der ihre Sehnsucht, ihre Ängste nicht versteht, der ihr von Anfang an misstraut. Der ganz im Hier und Jetzt steht, primitiv ist, roh, ein frei laufender Tiger, der sie ängstigt, terrorisiert, sie krank macht. Und doch gibt es eine diabolische Anziehungskraft zwischen den beiden, eine schwer zu erklärende Liebe-Hass-Beziehung, die in eine Katastrophe mündet und die Blanche am Ende in den Wahnsinn treibt. Aber ist sie deshalb verrückt? Oder ist es nicht viel verrückter, in einer verrückten Welt normal zu sein, oder zumindest das zu glauben?
„Endstation Sehnsucht“, das ist ein spannungsgeladener Kosmos der Gegensätze, ein Vabanquespiel der Gefühle, das viel verrät über die so kompliziert gewordene Beziehungswelt, in der wir heute leben. Es ist aber auch vor allem eins: ganz großes Schauspieler-Theater, in einer Sprache, die, wie Arthur Miller schreibt, „direkt aus der Seele kommt.“ Und einen, auch über sechzig Jahre nach der Uraufführung, immer noch genau dort trifft.
Regie: Sven Grunert; Bühne: Helmut Stürmer; Dramaturgie: Susanne Hindenberg; Kostüme: Karin Stephany
Besetzung: Cristina Andrione, Dagmar Geppert, Jakob Haller, Julia Jaschke, Anna Nagornaya, Steffen Nowak, Gerrit Selmeier, Andreas Sigrist,
Videodokumentation: Hagen Wiel
Premiere: 6.11.2009
"Intendant Sven Grunert ist eine Inszenierung gelungen, an der es nichts, aber auch gar nichts zu beanstanden gibt. Der Regisseur nimmt sich im Dienste des Textes zurück - und zeigt, wie man auch in kleinen Häusern ganz großes Theater machen kann.(...) Schnörkellos, packend" Landshuter Zeitung
"Die Inszenierung packt den Betrachter - ob er will oder nicht. Sie ist von einer gnadenlosen Intensität, von einer unwiderstehlichen Wucht, und das hat mit der großartigen Stringenz des Regisseurs Sven Grunert ebenso zu tun wie mit den technischen Kniffen... Was für eine ´Endstation Sehnsucht´ im kleinen Theater ... hochmarkantes Schauspieltheater" Wochenblatt
"Großartig - Julia Jaschke als Blanche in ihrer Sehnsucht nach dem Glück. Unter der Regie von Intendant Sven Grunert, ganz großes Theater im Kleinen Theater. (...) Wie Sven Grunert ... William Tennessees ´Endstation Sehnsucht´ inszeniert, geht unter die Haut. Seine Blanche wird zum Überlebensmodell des modernen Menschen in seiner anonymisierten Sozialisierung. Grunerts cinematischer Regiestil gräbt in die Tiefe, kristallisiert aus der Kunstwelt der Projektionen die Realität der Gedanken, entdeckt hinter der Mauer der Lady eine herzerfrischende Mädchenfrau." Landshut aktuell
Youtube results:
Tennessee Williams - Top 10 Quotes
The ten best quotes by the great American playwright and writer Tennessee Williams! (1911 ...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: iPerceptive
Tennessee Williams - Top 10 Quotes
Tennessee Williams - Top 10 Quotes
The ten best quotes by the great American playwright and writer Tennessee Williams! (1911 - 1983) See all quotes by Tennessee Williams at http://www.ipercept...- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 1119
- author: iPerceptive
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 01
Ann-Margret ... Blanche DuBois Treat Williams ... Stanley Kowalski Beverly D'Angelo ... St...
published: 20 Jan 2011
author: MrTimothytickles
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 01
Tennessee Williams - A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 01
Ann-Margret ... Blanche DuBois Treat Williams ... Stanley Kowalski Beverly D'Angelo ... Stella DuBois Kowalski Randy Quaid ... Harold 'Mitch' Mitchell Erica ...- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 42178
- author: MrTimothytickles
Interpreting Tennessee Williams 1
Excerpt from American Theatre Wing seminar, "Interpreting Tennessee Williams," a remarkabl...
published: 21 Mar 2009
author: badbeaglepup
Interpreting Tennessee Williams 1
Interpreting Tennessee Williams 1
Excerpt from American Theatre Wing seminar, "Interpreting Tennessee Williams," a remarkable one-time-only meeting of cast members from two concurrent William...- published: 21 Mar 2009
- views: 12217
- author: badbeaglepup
Tennessee Williams - Secret Project
Discover.... the time capsule of Tennessee Williams. A special presentation is narrated by...
published: 12 Jul 2010
author: writer2victor
Tennessee Williams - Secret Project
Tennessee Williams - Secret Project
Discover.... the time capsule of Tennessee Williams. A special presentation is narrated by his last lover.- published: 12 Jul 2010
- views: 6463
- author: writer2victor