
lagu ini buat kamu ale'sihir....
published: 19 Sep 2007
author: k155w4ndry
lagu ini buat kamu ale'sihir.- published: 19 Sep 2007
- views: 280134
- author: k155w4ndry

Uk's - Pahit Akan Manis Akhirnya
published: 06 Jun 2011
author: Md Syakirin Samsuri
Uk's - Pahit Akan Manis Akhirnya

UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 2/2)
Start from the beginning and watch part 1/2 here: http://bit.ly/Debt-Collector-1
Ten year...
published: 24 Jul 2013
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 2/2)
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 2/2)
Start from the beginning and watch part 1/2 here: http://bit.ly/Debt-Collector-1 Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpool and embroiled in a war against a rival drug gang. Shaun introduced urban terrorism to the British underworld. He sprayed up houses with machine guns, tortured people and used homemade napalm to firebomb his enemies. Today, after a spell of five years in prison for firearms offences, he is trying to transfer those skills to the legal economy by working as a debt collector in the northern English satellite town of Warrington. Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 1473758

UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Full Length)
Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpo...
published: 12 Sep 2013
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Full Length)
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Full Length)
Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpool and embroiled in a war against a rival drug gang. Shaun introduced urban terrorism to the British underworld. He sprayed up houses with machine guns, tortured people and used homemade napalm to firebomb his enemies. Today, after a spell of five years in prison for firearms offences, he is trying to transfer those skills to the legal economy by working as a debt collector in the northern English satellite town of Warrington. Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 23241

New Very.co.uk's Bring the Colour TV Advert
Check out Very.co.uk's brand new Bring the Colour TV advert! Shake off the winter blues an...
published: 20 Feb 2014
New Very.co.uk's Bring the Colour TV Advert
New Very.co.uk's Bring the Colour TV Advert
Check out Very.co.uk's brand new Bring the Colour TV advert! Shake off the winter blues and stand out from the crowd this spring with bright, bold colours. Music by ODESZA - "My Friends Never Die" Free Download @ Odesza.com: http://odesza.com/ Shop the Ad: http://www.very.co.uk/content/very-new-in.page Shop Definitions Collection: http://www.very.co.uk/definitions/e/b/4294958685.end- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 28996

UK's David Cameron defeated on Syria
CNN's Max Foster reports on British lawmakers' vote rejecting intervention in Syria....
published: 29 Aug 2013
UK's David Cameron defeated on Syria
UK's David Cameron defeated on Syria
CNN's Max Foster reports on British lawmakers' vote rejecting intervention in Syria.- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 185

Examining UK's idiotic house prices (06Feb13)
Author Ross Clark takes a look at the UK's insane property prices, being kept artificially...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: liarpoliticians
Examining UK's idiotic house prices (06Feb13)
Examining UK's idiotic house prices (06Feb13)
Author Ross Clark takes a look at the UK's insane property prices, being kept artificially high by four things: 1) Quantitative easing stealing from savers t...- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 3934
- author: liarpoliticians

UK's open border immigration, debate Bulgaria+Romania (24Apr13)
Debating the UK's Open Borders (tm) immigration policy in light of soon to be allowed into...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: liarpoliticians2
UK's open border immigration, debate Bulgaria+Romania (24Apr13)
UK's open border immigration, debate Bulgaria+Romania (24Apr13)
Debating the UK's Open Borders (tm) immigration policy in light of soon to be allowed into UK Romania and Bulgaria. With Nigel Farage - UKIP, Mark Harper - C...- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 28579
- author: liarpoliticians2

UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 1/2)
Continue to part 2/2 here: http://bit.ly/Debt-Collector-2 Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an...
published: 23 Jul 2013
author: VICE
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 1/2)
UK's Scariest Debt Collector (Part 1/2)
Continue to part 2/2 here: http://bit.ly/Debt-Collector-2 Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpool and em...- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 623724
- author: VICE

Disana Menanti Disini Menunggu - UKS
Seumur hidup aku
Ini ...
published: 03 Sep 2012
http://www.samsungsmarttvs.com Disana Menanti Disini Menunggu - UKS Seumur hidup aku Ini yang pertama Pintu hatiku diketuk Oleh dua wanita (Wow...) Punyai ciri selama ini ku cari Berbeza wajah ayunya tetap asli (Mantap...) Kalau ku pilih di sini Apa kata di sana (Rindu...) Kalau ku pilih di sana Di sini akan terluka (Pasti...) Perlukah aku pilih keduanya (Kalau aku perlu...) Bahagi kasih adil-adilnya (Ok...) Sungguh ku merasa resah (Kasian deh lu..) Untuk menilai sesuatu yang indah Namunku ada pepatah Yang aku gubah (Jangan sembarang gubah ya...) Di sana hanyalah menanti Sampai bila pun ku tak pasti Bertanya khabar melalui tinta Jarang sekali bertemu muka Namunku tahu dia setia (Semoga saja...) Dan di sini tetap menunggu (Setia nih ye...) Berada jelas di mataku Kasih tak luak terhadap aku Sanggup menunggu kata putusku Sayang, ketabahanmu menawanku ( Siip...) ( ulang dari 1 ) Ku terima satu nota Ringkas tulisannya Dia sedia undur diri Dan memaafkanku Katanya anggap ini satu mimpi Yang datang sekadar Untuk menguji Ending... || Jom visit : http://ekosusilo.com- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 3844
Youtube results:

Max Keiser Report - UK's Economy will COLLAPSE in 2014
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks
published: 08 Jan 2014
Max Keiser Report - UK's Economy will COLLAPSE in 2014
Max Keiser Report - UK's Economy will COLLAPSE in 2014
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks http://www.youtube.com/user/AKNewsflash24 From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest global news covering a potential World War 3 and Elite government cover - ups and much more,AKNewsflash is the place to be.The world is turning into a wild place and certain aspects of reports go un noticed therefore i am here to keep u up on the most important stories around the world.Due to the Population of the world growing at an alarming rate, The Elite are finding it hard to keep control of the public,Rising Gold and Diamond Prices to rise in prices for oil and petrol. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Insurance companies are hiking prices and tax is at an extortionate rate. How is the Globe to survive. The Monopoly of Arab States run by dictators is coming to an end as people want democracy but onthe other hand, The people who have democracy are being enslaved by the global elite. Both are at war and there is no sign of it ever stopping, However if we are good one another then maybe that is a start. Pakistan to England, Paris to New York, We are all in this world together.We talk about subjects such as wwIII,china,infowars,bilderberg,elite,inflation, The food prices are rising, oil price, oil, petrol, food shortage, all these problems are being caused by the freemasonsagenda. Fema camp,are popping up everywhere which means we are preparing for martial law. We will also talk about britain, england and the royal family.David icke and prison planet are also discussed. No one wants Martial Law or a policed state but with the rise in food prices and the ever changing technology, we are forced to disobey and be monitored by surveillance. This is the alternative media and is non biased, therefore you will see both sides of the argument in the battle of good v evil. Millions of people are dying around the Globe and with 21st century technology, the news is only a finger tip away. From the Current crisis in Syria to the Global Economy collapse, TheAlternativeNews aims to stay with you the whole way and inform you on these issues and many more issues as Mass Manipulation, Killers of War duty,symptoms,injury benefit,corruption,auto insurance quotes, that are being over priced.Reports from info wars will be discussed,water filtration will all be spoken about and tips on how to survive nukes, nuclear, army, military attacks will also be Told.Unbiased Reports from rt,russiatoday,alternative media will give you an idea on subjects including war,subliminal messages and capitalism. We need a revolution, as stand against the ELITE. We needour free speech and neither Europe, usa, politics, or any dictators can stop us from this rebel, protest, Movement. The crisis on wall street, will change America Just like 911, 9/11 in new York did. Therefore, Forget the bullion or the investment.The Illuminati and NWO are subjects we tackle as well as Fighting in the Middle East between Muslims,Jews and Christians.Please subscribe and support us and we will do our best to keep you informed. Lets all Live Love And Find our Hearts to make and create a better world before its too late.- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 199

UK's GCHQ caught storing Yahoo webcam images
The United Kingdom's Government Communications Headquarters - their version of the Nationa...
published: 27 Feb 2014
UK's GCHQ caught storing Yahoo webcam images
UK's GCHQ caught storing Yahoo webcam images
The United Kingdom's Government Communications Headquarters - their version of the National Security Agency - intercepted millions of Yahoo users' webcam images, with the help of the NSA. The program, called "Optic Nerve," was revealed through documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Yahoo condemned the collection and storing of its users' webchat images. "This report, if true, represents a whole new level of violation of our users' privacy that is completely unacceptable," the company said in a statement. Ameera David finds out how the program was carried out from RT's Sara Firth in London. Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_America- published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 119

Neo-Nazi's in Britain - UK's Violent Skinheads (Full Documentary)
Neo-Nazi's of Britain - UK's Violent Skinheads (Full Documentary)
Documentary covering a g...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Neo-Nazi's in Britain - UK's Violent Skinheads (Full Documentary)
Neo-Nazi's in Britain - UK's Violent Skinheads (Full Documentary)
Neo-Nazi's of Britain - UK's Violent Skinheads (Full Documentary) Documentary covering a group of Britain's most violent neo-nazi skinhead groups.- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 193

More moments of madness at UK's level crossings
Network Rail release more CCTV images of pedestrians and motorists putting their lives on ...
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: ITN
More moments of madness at UK's level crossings
More moments of madness at UK's level crossings
Network Rail release more CCTV images of pedestrians and motorists putting their lives on the line at Britain's level crossings. Follow us on twitter at http...- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 160930
- author: ITN