
Craftwork with Peter Straub (1/4)
Part 1....
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: The Center for Fiction
Craftwork with Peter Straub (1/4)
Craftwork with Peter Straub (1/4)
Part 1.- published: 28 Apr 2011
- views: 1017
- author: The Center for Fiction

reddit.com Interviews Author Peter Straub
Horror Author Peter Straub answers the top 10 questions from the reddit community: http://...
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: reddit
reddit.com Interviews Author Peter Straub
reddit.com Interviews Author Peter Straub
Horror Author Peter Straub answers the top 10 questions from the reddit community: http://bit.ly/9CRum5 Big thanks to Peter for sharing so much of his time w...- published: 08 Feb 2010
- views: 15150
- author: reddit

Meet Peter Straub
"There's something in people that is naturally story-like. You're taking all this unformed...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: OpenRoadMediaVideos
Meet Peter Straub
Meet Peter Straub
"There's something in people that is naturally story-like. You're taking all this unformed, chaotic stuff and making sense of it." New York Times bestselling...- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 1325
- author: OpenRoadMediaVideos

Peter Straub: 2010 National Book Festival
Peter Straub at the 2010 National Book Festival. Speaker Biography: Peter Straub was born ...
published: 08 Oct 2010
author: LibraryOfCongress
Peter Straub: 2010 National Book Festival
Peter Straub: 2010 National Book Festival
Peter Straub at the 2010 National Book Festival. Speaker Biography: Peter Straub was born in Milwaukee, the first of three sons of a salesman and a nurse. Th...- published: 08 Oct 2010
- views: 1922
- author: LibraryOfCongress

Craftwork with Peter Straub (3/4)
Part 3....
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: The Center for Fiction
Craftwork with Peter Straub (3/4)
Craftwork with Peter Straub (3/4)
Part 3.- published: 28 Apr 2011
- views: 371
- author: The Center for Fiction

The Talisman by Stephen King & Peter Straub
9/10 fantasy novel. If books don't make you cry and eat ice cream afterward then we wouldn...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: BonerBookClub
The Talisman by Stephen King & Peter Straub
The Talisman by Stephen King & Peter Straub
9/10 fantasy novel. If books don't make you cry and eat ice cream afterward then we wouldn't love them as much.- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 25713
- author: BonerBookClub

Peter Straub Vs. Josh Watson
Josh Watson vs. Peter Straub in a 170 lb. fight. Round one was all standing action with bo...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: fighttowinmma
Peter Straub Vs. Josh Watson
Peter Straub Vs. Josh Watson
Josh Watson vs. Peter Straub in a 170 lb. fight. Round one was all standing action with both fighters throwing hard fast and accurate strikes with Watson abl...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 354
- author: fighttowinmma

In R J Dent's Library - Peter Straub
A look in R J Dent's library at the novels of a master writer of horror and thriller ficti...
published: 15 Oct 2013
In R J Dent's Library - Peter Straub
In R J Dent's Library - Peter Straub
A look in R J Dent's library at the novels of a master writer of horror and thriller fiction - Peter Straub.- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 26

The Talisman Part 1 A Novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub
Why had twelve-year-old Jack Sawyer's mother frantically moved the two of them from Rodeo ...
published: 17 Dec 2013
The Talisman Part 1 A Novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub
The Talisman Part 1 A Novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub
Why had twelve-year-old Jack Sawyer's mother frantically moved the two of them from Rodeo Drive to a New York City apartment to the Alhambra, a fading ocean resort and shuttered amusement park in New Hampshire? Who or what is she running from? She is dying . . . and even young Jack knows she can't outrun death. But only he can save her—for he has been chosen to search for a prize across an epic landscape of dangers and lies, a realm of innocents and monsters, where everything Jack loves is on the line.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 41

Craftwork with Peter Straub (2/4)
Part 2....
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: The Center for Fiction
Craftwork with Peter Straub (2/4)
Craftwork with Peter Straub (2/4)
Part 2.- published: 28 Apr 2011
- views: 569
- author: The Center for Fiction

Mick Garris on GHOST STORY (Trailer Commentary)
Peter Straub's popular 1979 scarefest was considered one of the finest horror novels of th...
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: trailersfromhell
Mick Garris on GHOST STORY (Trailer Commentary)
Mick Garris on GHOST STORY (Trailer Commentary)
Peter Straub's popular 1979 scarefest was considered one of the finest horror novels of the late 20th century by Stephen King. Its high-profile big studio mo...- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 1092
- author: trailersfromhell

Peter Straub interviewed at ReaderCon 2010
Peter Straub, author of The Skylark, A Dark Matter, Mr.X and many others, talks about the ...
published: 14 Jul 2010
author: Eric Rosenfield
Peter Straub interviewed at ReaderCon 2010
Peter Straub interviewed at ReaderCon 2010
Peter Straub, author of The Skylark, A Dark Matter, Mr.X and many others, talks about the future of publishing and genre.- published: 14 Jul 2010
- views: 625
- author: Eric Rosenfield

Peter Straub Receives 2008 Writers for Writers Award
Peter Straub receives the 2008 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award from Poets & Write...
published: 21 Jul 2008
author: poetsandwriters
Peter Straub Receives 2008 Writers for Writers Award
Peter Straub Receives 2008 Writers for Writers Award
Peter Straub receives the 2008 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award from Poets & Writers on March 18, 2008 in New York City. For more info, visit: http:/...- published: 21 Jul 2008
- views: 1592
- author: poetsandwriters

Review #7: Ghost Story by Peter Straub + October Wrap-up
Review of the horror novel, Ghost Story, by Peter Straub. First published in 1978. The mov...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: Kasey Rex
Review #7: Ghost Story by Peter Straub + October Wrap-up
Review #7: Ghost Story by Peter Straub + October Wrap-up
Review of the horror novel, Ghost Story, by Peter Straub. First published in 1978. The movie Ghost Story (1981): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082449/ Other r...- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 1154
- author: Kasey Rex
Vimeo results:

The Drowning Girl teaser
This is a promotional teaser for _The Drowning Girl_, a novel by Caitlin R. Kiernan, to be...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: Brian Siano
The Drowning Girl teaser
This is a promotional teaser for _The Drowning Girl_, a novel by Caitlin R. Kiernan, to be published by Roc Trade Books in March, 2012.
Directed by Caitlin R. Kiernan
Photographed by Kyle Cassidy and Brian Siano
Edited by Brian Siano
Artwork: Michael Zulli
Music by A Whisper in the Noise/West Thordson
Nicole Astes
Sarah Murphy
Dani Church
Assistance, Transport, and Emotional Support:
Ryan Anas
Geoffrey H. Goodwin
Kathryn Pollnac
Camera used was a Panasonic HDC-TM700. Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.
This project was funded via Kickstarter. Thanks to all of our Kickstarter supporters!
Kat Anderberg, David W. Aquilina, Christine Ashton, Heidi Berthiaume, J.R. Blackwell, Dietmar Bloech, Deborah J. Brannon, Helen Braund, Quijana Byrd, Beth C., Charles Christopherson, David Cicconi, Jeff Coffield, Kat B. Coll, Cat Conley, Amy Cossano, Lara Cripe, Michael Donahue, Amanda Downum, Sarah Drescher, Sarah Dungan, Heidi Bowles Ellis, Amy G., Melissa Greenwood, Richard Gropp, Devin Hales, Philip Harris, Michael Haymore, Maura Henn, Dee Hudson, Angela N. Hunt, Betsy Isaacson, Cecily Israel, James Jackson, Margrethe Aas Johnsen, Matthew Johnson, Mark Keller, Patrick Kelly, David Kirkpatrick, Merissa Dubraque Kreidler, Max Kuliev, Michelle LaRock, Michelle Larson, Shari Lawrence, David Lemoine, Miz Liz, Mark Steven Lubold, Natasha M., Marian Makins, William George Matthews, michael matton, M. C. Matz, Rebecca McClannahan, Neil McCrea, Maria McDonald, Kate McKinnon, Barb Moermond, Robin Moore, Traci Murdock, Fionnuala Murphy, Robyn Pearson, Lars Ahn Pedersen, Jon Perry, Aaron Pethybridge, Kathryn Player, Michael Pomerantz, Tim Pratt, Caitlin Savage, Kate Savage, Will Savage, Shelley Shearer, Michael Smith, Sharon Snyder, Jen Sparenberg, Stephen Spector, Paul Stefanini, Peter Straub, Robert Stutts, Michael J Sullivan, Jennifer Szczublewski, Tziedel Tammas, K. Taylor, Alexander Teitz, Leonard Tower, Jr., Tom Tsirakis, Carolyn VanEseltine, John Vogel, Laura Vogel, Caroline Warmkessel, Mark Warren, Jaime Weida, Mike Wilson, Cameo Wood, 12th, AnnNoE, Brandy, Busara, cailleuch, Clockworkwasp, disoculated, doni, Ginger, jimcripps, Lance, Marjorie, Musictwig, mwolff, Ruth, Sarahmarian, Therese, Valya

Tooth Fairy by Robert Swartwood
I've started working on the 'Hint Fiction' anthology animations. I decided to use Robert ...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: Dustin Grella
Tooth Fairy by Robert Swartwood
I've started working on the 'Hint Fiction' anthology animations. I decided to use Robert Swartwood's story first because he put the anthology together, but also because I thought this one was hirarirous. I was going to draw an old senile tooth fairy bumping into the walls, but then about half way through the animation I decided to give the narrator dementia instead. I think that is why I am so excited about this series. Hint Fiction is defined as a story of 25 words or fewer that suggests a larger, more complex story. There seems to be an almost endless amount of ways I can tell the story because there are so many options.
I was at a birthday party in Brooklyn and I told someone what I was doing and she said that I should look up these 25 word stories. I emailed Robert Swartwood and he emailed his tribe of writers and had them leave emails. So for the next two weeks we'll be doing stories from the anthology, read by the writers.
Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer, published by W. W. Norton and available wherever books are sold. Contributors include:
Jenn Alandy, Nick Arvin, Samuel Baldwin, Max Barry, Kirsten Beachy, L. R. Bonehill, Ryan W. Bradley, Gary A. Braunbeck, William Brazill, Yvonne Brockwell, Jeremy D. Brooks, Randall Brown, Ken Bruen, Stace Budzko, James Burt, Frank Byrns, Ron Carlson, Jonathan Carroll, John Cashman, Adam-Troy Castro, Douglas Clegg, Danielle Combs, Chris Compson, John Connors, Hannah Craig, Brian Crawford, Blake Crouch, Kirk Curnutt, Tara Deal, Gay Degani, Nicky Drayden, Stephen Dunn, Stuart Dybek, David Erlewine, Camille Esses, Merrilee Faber, Nada Faris, Jamie Felton, James Frey, Janet E. Gardner, Roxane Gay, Shanna Germain, Tess Gerritsen, Bill Graffius, Charles Gramlich,Val Gryphin, Jennifer Haddock, Jane Hammons, Ann Harleman, Bruce Harris, Donora Hillard, David Hirsch, Robin Hollis, Kevin Hosey, Eric Hsu, Gregg Hurwitz, Ben Jahn, Ha Jin, Jason Jordan, David Joseph, Michael Kelly, Jack Ketchum, Jack Kilborn, J. A. Konrath, Christina Kopp, Minter Krotzer, Joe Lansdale, Don Lee, Min Jin Lee, Rachel Lopez, Sarah Lyons, K. J. Maas, Nick Mamatas, Lewis Manalo, Marshall Ryan Maresca, Michael Martone, Natalie McNabb, David Miller, Sarah P. Miller, Ty Miller, John Minichillo, Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz, Christoffer Molnar, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Rose Rappoport Moss, Barry Napier, Joyce Carol Oates, Brendan O’Brien, Daniel A. Olivas, Will Panzo, Edith Pearlman, Benjamin Percy, Sophie Playle, Jason Rice, Samuel Rippey , Katrina Robinson, Jenifer Rosenberg, Jess Row, Robin Rozanski, Kathleen A. Ryan, Marcus Sakey, Joe Schreiber, Jessa Slade, Noel Sloboda, Andrea Slye, Kelly Spitzer, Agnieszka Stachura, J. J. Steinfeld, Peter Straub, Jake Thomas, Bob Thurber, Jade Walker, Ben White, Amber Whitley, Sue Williams, F. Paul Wilson, Robley Wilson, Mercedes M. Yardley, Mabel Yu, J. Matthew Zoss
Animation Hotline is a series of daily animations where I use messages left on my voicemail for content. When you get a chance please leave me a message, and honestly it’s best if you leave more than one because sometimes what you think is the perfect message might simply be impossible for me to animate in one day. This project is only as good as the messages that you leave me, so if you feel so inspired, call!
To leave a message call…
inside US: +1 212-683-2490
international (skype): animationhotline

Peter Straub wrote, “What remains when the conscious and functioning self has been erased ...
published: 02 May 2011
author: ZAD Projects
Peter Straub wrote, “What remains when the conscious and functioning self has been erased is mankind’s fundamental condition-irrational, violent, guilt wracked, despairing and mad." With this piece I have created a narrative that explores the themes of transformation, and the inner demon that can hide within us all.
Created by - Zachary Dubuisson
Sound by- Melody Eötvös
Stereo mix

The Drowning Girl - Trailer
India Morgan Phelps-Imp to her friends-is schizophrenic. Struggling with her perceptions o...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: Brian Siano
The Drowning Girl - Trailer
India Morgan Phelps-Imp to her friends-is schizophrenic. Struggling with her perceptions of reality, Imp must uncover the truth about her encounters with creatures out of myth-or from something far, far stranger...
Directed by Caitlin R. Kiernan
Photographed by Kyle Cassidy and Brian Siano
Edited by Brian Siano
Artwork: Michael Zulli
Music by A Whisper in the Noise/West Thordson
Nicole Astes
Sara Murphy
Dani Church
Assistance, Transport, and Emotional Support:
Ryan Anas
Geoffrey H. Goodwin
Kathryn Pollnac
This project was funded via Kickstarter. Thanks to all of our Kickstarter supporters!
Kat Anderberg, David W. Aquilina, Christine Ashton, Heidi Berthiaume, J.R. Blackwell, Dietmar Bloech, Deborah J. Brannon, Helen Braund, Quijana Byrd, Beth C., Charles Christopherson, David Cicconi, Jeff Coffield, Kat B. Coll, Cat Conley, Amy Cossano, Lara Cripe, Michael Donahue, Amanda Downum, Sarah Drescher, Sarah Dungan, Heidi Bowles Ellis, Amy G., Melissa Greenwood, Richard Gropp, Devin Hales, Philip Harris, Michael Haymore, Maura Henn, Dee Hudson, Angela N. Hunt, Betsy Isaacson, Cecily Israel, James Jackson, Margrethe Aas Johnsen, Matthew Johnson, Mark Keller, Patrick Kelly, David Kirkpatrick, Merissa Dubraque Kreidler, Max Kuliev, Michelle LaRock, Michelle Larson, Shari Lawrence, David Lemoine, Miz Liz, Mark Steven Lubold, Natasha M., Marian Makins, William George Matthews, michael matton, M. C. Matz, Rebecca McClannahan, Neil McCrea, Maria McDonald, Kate McKinnon, Barb Moermond, Robin Moore, Traci Murdock, Fionnuala Murphy, Robyn Pearson, Lars Ahn Pedersen, Jon Perry, Aaron Pethybridge, Kathryn Player, Michael Pomerantz, Tim Pratt, Caitlin Savage, Kate Savage, Will Savage, Shelley Shearer, Michael Smith, Sharon Snyder, Jen Sparenberg, Stephen Spector, Paul Stefanini, Peter Straub, Robert Stutts, Michael J Sullivan, Jennifer Szczublewski, Tziedel Tammas, K. Taylor, Alexander Teitz, Leonard Tower, Jr., Tom Tsirakis, Carolyn VanEseltine, John Vogel, Laura Vogel, Caroline Warmkessel, Mark Warren, Jaime Weida, Mike Wilson, Cameo Wood, 12th, AnnNoE, Brandy, Busara, cailleuch, Clockworkwasp, disoculated, doni, Ginger, jimcripps, Lance, Marjorie, Musictwig, mwolff, Ruth, Sarahmarian, Therese, Valya
Youtube results:

Cheers for 40 Years: Peter Straub
In celebration of our 40th anniversary, we've asked members of our community to reflect on...
published: 24 May 2010
author: poetsandwriters
Cheers for 40 Years: Peter Straub
Cheers for 40 Years: Peter Straub
In celebration of our 40th anniversary, we've asked members of our community to reflect on why they value Poets & Writers.- published: 24 May 2010
- views: 701
- author: poetsandwriters

Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub (book trailer)
Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub "Sometimes people just disappeared. They'd be gone. All kinds...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: CemeteryDancePubs
Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub (book trailer)
Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub (book trailer)
Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub "Sometimes people just disappeared. They'd be gone. All kinds of stuff used to happen, stuff you wouldn't even believe in now." ...- published: 20 Sep 2010
- views: 849
- author: CemeteryDancePubs

Peter Straub Vs. Steven Stickler
published: 06 Nov 2012
author: fighttowinmma
Peter Straub Vs. Steven Stickler

Peter Straub Vs. Justin Moss
published: 02 Feb 2013
author: fighttowinmma
Peter Straub Vs. Justin Moss