DK vs LGD (Starladder IX - China Qualifiers) [CLOSE GAME]
DK vs LGD (Starladder IX - China Qualifiers) [CLOSE GAME]
Commentators: GoDz & LD
published: 10 Mar 2014
DK vs LGD (Starladder IX - China Qualifiers) [CLOSE GAME]
DK vs LGD (Starladder IX - China Qualifiers) [CLOSE GAME]
DK vs LGD (Starladder IX - China Qualifiers) [CLOSE GAME] Commentators: GoDz & LD Starladder IX China VoDs : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv0oDvY_zp6Qwrwz6wwtv1l8RuryW-nas GoDz - https://twitter.com/BTSGoDz LD - https://twitter.com/LDdota twitch,justin tv,BTS,esports,starladder,starladder IX,starladder 9dota,dota2,dota 2,beyond the summit,beyondthesummit,BTS casting,dota cast,ld,lddota,godz,zyori,zyoritv,kpoptosis,BTS vods,bts coverage,SLTV,SLTV China,starladder china,iG,DK,invictus gaming,LGD,tongfu,dreamtime,DT.club,CIS,Vici Gaming,VG,chinese dota,Team dk,newbee,burning,mushi,iceiceice,lanm,mmy!,dai,yao,maybe,dd,ddc,xiaotuji,rabbit- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 11382
Vetokeles deja-vu: Se hans helt ens mål
Igor Vetokeles mål mod OB i søndags var en tro kopi af hans mål mod FCN i november. Se sel...
published: 11 Mar 2014
Vetokeles deja-vu: Se hans helt ens mål
Vetokeles deja-vu: Se hans helt ens mål
Igor Vetokeles mål mod OB i søndags var en tro kopi af hans mål mod FCN i november. Se selv her i FCK TVs split screen-video - det er ren deja-vu! Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe. Abonnér på FCK TV: http://goo.gl/LrJLG Følg os på facebook http://www.facebook.com/FCKobenhavn Følg os på twitter http://twitter.com/fckobenhavn FCK MegaStore http://goo.gl/PrB17 Køb billetter http://burl.dk/vcnh42 Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk www.fck.dk/- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 2411
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 5 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasin...
published: 08 Mar 2014
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 5 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 5 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasing all the top teams plus teams who have the chance to qualify through an open qualifier and an invite qualifier. With $15,000 on the line should be looking at some of the best DOTA 2 from these teams, to prove they deserve the prize money and an initiation to TI4 ----- Commentator: @TobiWanDOTA & @MiSeRyDota Event: SinaCup Supernova Season 3 Coverage Page: http://www.joindota.com/en/coverages/6659-sina-cup-supernova-s3------------ http://www.joinDOTA.com http://www.facebook.com/joinDOTA http://www.facebook.com/TobiWanDOTA http://www.twitter.com/TobiWanDOTA- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 301
Lotfi DK - KLEOUHA [NEW 2014] لطفي دوبل كانون ـ كلاوها
Lotfi DK - KLEOUHA [NEW 2014] لطفي دوبل كانون ـ كلاوها
published: 07 Mar 2014
Lotfi DK - KLEOUHA [NEW 2014] لطفي دوبل كانون ـ كلاوها
Lotfi DK - KLEOUHA [NEW 2014] لطفي دوبل كانون ـ كلاوها
Lotfi DK - KLEOUHA [NEW 2014] لطفي دوبل كانون ـ كلاوها http://www.fb.com/doublekanon2- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 229690
[Hestemund.dk] 3 bidfejl alle ryttere laver som påvirker deres hest og ridning
Følg Christina fra Hestemund.dk og lær alt om bid, ridning og heste og hvordan du hjælper ...
published: 11 Mar 2014
[Hestemund.dk] 3 bidfejl alle ryttere laver som påvirker deres hest og ridning
[Hestemund.dk] 3 bidfejl alle ryttere laver som påvirker deres hest og ridning
Følg Christina fra Hestemund.dk og lær alt om bid, ridning og heste og hvordan du hjælper din egen hest og ridning bla. via biddet. https://www.facebook.com/hestemund- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 3114
剛力彩芽が登場! 映画「L・DK」完成披露イベント(1)
published: 10 Mar 2014
剛力彩芽が登場! 映画「L・DK」完成披露イベント(1)
剛力彩芽が登場! 映画「L・DK」完成披露イベント(1)
★エンタメニュースを毎日掲載!「MAiDiGiTV」登録はこちら↓ http://www.youtube.com/maidigitv 女優の剛力彩芽さんが3月10日、東京都内の劇場で、初主演を務めた映画「L・DK」(川村泰祐監督)の完成披露イベントに主要キャストとともに登場。鮮やかなピンクのドレス姿の剛力さんは「ついにお披露目できるときが来たんだな。たくさん胸キュンしていただければ」と笑顔であいさつ。劇中で描かれる恋人との同居生活について聞かれると、「してみたい! 一緒にご飯を食べたい!」とあこがれを語った。 一方、お相手役を務めた山崎賢人さんは、撮影時に剛力さんが「すごく恥ずかしかった。キュンときました!」と語っていた"壁ドン"シーンに言及。壁際に立つ女性に向かって、男性が壁に手を「ドン」と置いて耳元でささやくという恋愛ドラマやマンガでよくあるシーンのことで、山崎さんは「"壁ドン"という技を習得したので、ぜひ使っていきたい! 電車の中とかで」と宣言して、剛力さんらを笑わせていた。 映画は、渡辺あゆさんが「別冊フレンド」(講談社)で2009年から連載する同名の人気少女マンガが原作。タイトルの「L・DK」は「ラブ同居」の略。ぼや騒ぎがきっかけで、剛力さん演じる直情型で暴走しがちな西森葵と、山崎さん演じる学校一の"ツンデレイケメン"の久我山柊聖(しゅうせい)がひとつ屋根の下に住むことになり、秘密の同居生活がスタートする......というラブストーリー。 この日のイベントには剛力さん、山崎さんのほか、中尾明慶さん、岡本玲さん、桐山漣さん、川村監督、主題歌を担当した2人組ボーカルユニット「Honey L Days」が登場した。映画は4月12日に全国公開。- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 35
[ Dota2 ] LGD vs DK - Starseries IX China - Thai Caster
Starseries IX China - Groupstage - BO1
Chat :: http://chatwing.com/twitch
TGPL :: https://...
published: 10 Mar 2014
[ Dota2 ] LGD vs DK - Starseries IX China - Thai Caster
[ Dota2 ] LGD vs DK - Starseries IX China - Thai Caster
Starseries IX China - Groupstage - BO1 Chat :: http://chatwing.com/twitch TGPL :: https://www.facebook.com/TGPLtv DossierChannel :: https://www.facebook.com/dossierchannel Dota2Mania :: http://dota2mania.com/- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 1000
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 2 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasin...
published: 08 Mar 2014
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 2 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 2 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasing all the top teams plus teams who have the chance to qualify through an open qualifier and an invite qualifier. With $15,000 on the line should be looking at some of the best DOTA 2 from these teams, to prove they deserve the prize money and an initiation to TI4 ----- Commentator: @TobiWanDOTA & @MiSeRyDota Event: SinaCup Supernova Season 3 Coverage Page: http://www.joindota.com/en/coverages/6659-sina-cup-supernova-s3------------ http://www.joinDOTA.com http://www.facebook.com/joinDOTA http://www.facebook.com/TobiWanDOTA http://www.twitter.com/TobiWanDOTA- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 2904
TOP 5: De bedste mål mod Sønderjyske | fcktv.dk
Se FCK TVs TOP 5 over de bedste mål løverne har scoret mod Sønderjyske i Superligaen med ...
published: 12 Mar 2014
TOP 5: De bedste mål mod Sønderjyske | fcktv.dk
TOP 5: De bedste mål mod Sønderjyske | fcktv.dk
Se FCK TVs TOP 5 over de bedste mål løverne har scoret mod Sønderjyske i Superligaen med mål af blandt andre Santin, N' Doye og Santos. Hvilket mål er din favorit? Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe. Abonnér på FCK TV: http://goo.gl/LrJLG Følg os på facebook http://www.facebook.com/FCKobenhavn Følg os på twitter http://twitter.com/fckobenhavn FCK MegaStore http://goo.gl/PrB17 Køb billetter http://burl.dk/vcnh42 Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk www.fck.dk/- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 56
Highlights: OB 0-1 FCK | fcktv.dk
Se Igor Vetokeles flotte flugter-scoring og de øvrige højdepunkter fra 1-0 sejren i Odense...
published: 10 Mar 2014
Highlights: OB 0-1 FCK | fcktv.dk
Highlights: OB 0-1 FCK | fcktv.dk
Se Igor Vetokeles flotte flugter-scoring og de øvrige højdepunkter fra 1-0 sejren i Odense over OB her: Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe. Abonnér på FCK TV: http://goo.gl/LrJLG Følg os på facebook http://www.facebook.com/FCKobenhavn Følg os på twitter http://twitter.com/fckobenhavn FCK MegaStore http://goo.gl/PrB17 Køb billetter http://burl.dk/vcnh42 Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk www.fck.dk/- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 840
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 1 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Finals - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasin...
published: 08 Mar 2014
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 1 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Finals - TobiWan & MiSeRy
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 1 - SinaCup China Dota 2 Grand Finals - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasing all the top teams plus teams who have the chance to qualify through an open qualifier and an invite qualifier. With $15,000 on the line should be looking at some of the best DOTA 2 from these teams, to prove they deserve the prize money and an initiation to TI4 ----- Commentator: @TobiWanDOTA & @MiSeRyDota Event: SinaCup Supernova Season 3 Coverage Page: http://www.joindota.com/en/coverages/6659-sina-cup-supernova-s3------------ http://www.joinDOTA.com http://www.facebook.com/joinDOTA http://www.facebook.com/TobiWanDOTA http://www.twitter.com/TobiWanDOTA- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 5484
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 3 - SinaCup China Dota 2 WB Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasin...
published: 06 Mar 2014
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 3 - SinaCup China Dota 2 WB Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
DK vs Vici Gaming Game 3 - SinaCup China Dota 2 WB Final - TobiWan & MiSeRy
The SinaCup is the first major DOTA 2 event in China since the Chinese new year, showcasing all the top teams plus teams who have the chance to qualify through an open qualifier and an invite qualifier. With $15,000 on the line should be looking at some of the best DOTA 2 from these teams, to prove they deserve the prize money and an initiation to TI4 ----- Commentator: @TobiWanDOTA & @MiSeRyDOTA Event: SinaCup Supernova Season 3 Coverage Page: http://www.joindota.com/en/coverages/6659-sina-cup-supernova-s3------------ http://www.joinDOTA.com http://www.facebook.com/joinDOTA http://www.facebook.com/TobiWanDOTA http://www.twitter.com/TobiWanDOTA- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 6658
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Co-Op - Part 11 - World 6: DK Island 2/3 (100% 1080p Wii U)
NEW! 1080p Co-Op Gameplay Walkthrough of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze!! Co-Op 100% ...
published: 05 Mar 2014
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Co-Op - Part 11 - World 6: DK Island 2/3 (100% 1080p Wii U)
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Co-Op - Part 11 - World 6: DK Island 2/3 (100% 1080p Wii U)
NEW! 1080p Co-Op Gameplay Walkthrough of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze!! Co-Op 100% ALL Levels!! Think we can all SMASH that Like button to make this series extra awesome!? Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Part 1 World 1 Let's Play Playthrough!! Don't forget to leave a Like and Favorite, helps out a ton!! Twitter: http://twitter.com/GhostRobo Facebook: http://facebook.com/GhostRobo2 Shirts and Stickers: http://redbubble.com/explore/GhostRobo Music courtesy of: http://soundcloud.com/Voxide #GhostRoboArmy for life!! donkey kong country tropical freeze donkey kong tropical freeze donkey kong country tropical freeze part 1 donkey kong tropical freeze part 1 donkey kong part 1 donkey kong country tropical freeze trailer donkey kong country tropical freeze gameplay donkey kong country tropical freeze final boss donkey kong country tropical freeze music donkey kong country tropical freeze trailer 2 donkey kong country tropical freeze world donkey kong country tropical freeze world 1 donkey kong country tropical freeze secrets donkey kong country tropical freeze 100% donkey kong country tropical freeze hidden donkey kong country tropical freeze 1-k donkey kong country tropical freeze all levels donkey kong country tropical freeze kong donkey kong country tropical freeze wii u donkey kong country tropical freeze part 1 coop donkey kong country tropical freeze part 1 world 1-1 donkey kong country tropical freeze part 1 multiplayer donkey kong country tropical freeze cranky kong donkey kong cranky kong diddy kong dixie kong all letters all levels wii u video games hd- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 2961
Se Toutouhs sejrsdans | fcktv.dk
Youssef Toutouh fejrede sejren over OB sammen med de mange medrejsende FCK-fans med en san...
published: 09 Mar 2014
Se Toutouhs sejrsdans | fcktv.dk
Se Toutouhs sejrsdans | fcktv.dk
Youssef Toutouh fejrede sejren over OB sammen med de mange medrejsende FCK-fans med en sand sejrsdans. Se den her: Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe. Abonnér på FCK TV: http://goo.gl/LrJLG Følg os på facebook http://www.facebook.com/FCKobenhavn Følg os på twitter http://twitter.com/fckobenhavn FCK MegaStore http://goo.gl/PrB17 Køb billetter http://burl.dk/vcnh42 Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk www.fck.dk/- published: 09 Mar 2014
- views: 4345
Vimeo results:
elizabeth carson - best of d - k
Another "dancing summary" of the best shootings with letters D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K
published: 07 May 2012
author: karl louis
elizabeth carson - best of d - k
Another "dancing summary" of the best shootings with letters D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K
more on www.ecarson.com
and www.karllouis.com
D.K. Pitch Motion Frames
I created these frames for a pitch by Digital Kitchen. They were originally done as a seri...
published: 28 Oct 2009
author: Stephen Fitzgerald
D.K. Pitch Motion Frames
I created these frames for a pitch by Digital Kitchen. They were originally done as a series of stills (which are on my website) but I'd done all the work in 3d to assemble them, so I thought "why not give the camera a little motion?" just to show the world a little better.
Everything was created in Lightwave 3d. I referenced the origami designs from Himanshu on flickr
Creative Director: Rama Allen
Producer: Christos Mountzouros
Designer: Me
published: 03 Dec 2013
author: Teo Karakatsanis
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: zhgun
Youtube results:
DK vs Titan - Game 2 (Redbull ECL 2014 - Groups) [BURNING DROW]
DK vs Titan - Game 2 (Redbull ECL 2014 - Groups) [BURNING DROW]
Game 1 - http://www.youtu...
published: 03 Jan 2014
DK vs Titan - Game 2 (Redbull ECL 2014 - Groups) [BURNING DROW]
DK vs Titan - Game 2 (Redbull ECL 2014 - Groups) [BURNING DROW]
DK vs Titan - Game 2 (Redbull ECL 2014 - Groups) [BURNING DROW] Game 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gik8fVFqseQ Game 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZY9wSO4QP0 Commentators: Basskip & WinteR Redbull ECL 2014 VODs - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv0oDvY_zp6R_tJO3ci-jW036G5TtCeJU Basskip Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/basskip WinteR Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/winterDota BTS Stream: http://twitch.tv/BeyondTheSummit BTS Youtube: http://youtube.com/BeyondTheSummitTV BTS FB: http://www.facebook.com/BeyondTheSummitTV BTS Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Beyondthesummit dota,dota2,dota 2,commentary,beyond the summit,beyondthesummit,BTS casting,dota cast,ld,lddota,godz,sea dota,chinese dota,titan,iG,tongfu,DK,invictus gaming,team dk,mushi,burning,lanm,mmy,mmy!,x!,dai,iceiceice,b-god,m-god,dk vs titan,titan vs dk,ohaiyo,kyxy,ky.xy,meracle,xtinct,net,basskip,winter,redbull ecl,redbull ecl 2014,ECL dota2,redbull dota2,redbull dota 2- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 301
Adi: Jeg er klar hvis jeg får chancen | fcktv.dk
Mandag eftermiddag scorede Fanendo Adi endnu engang for FCKs reservehold, der spillede 2-2...
published: 11 Mar 2014
Adi: Jeg er klar hvis jeg får chancen | fcktv.dk
Adi: Jeg er klar hvis jeg får chancen | fcktv.dk
Mandag eftermiddag scorede Fanendo Adi endnu engang for FCKs reservehold, der spillede 2-2 mod AaB. Og den nigerianske angriber er klar til at hjælpe førsteholdet på fredag, hvis der bliver brug for ham på grund af skader og karantæner. Se målene fra reservekampen og hør Adi fortælle om sin situation her: Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe. Abonnér på FCK TV: http://goo.gl/LrJLG Følg os på facebook http://www.facebook.com/FCKobenhavn Følg os på twitter http://twitter.com/fckobenhavn FCK MegaStore http://goo.gl/PrB17 Køb billetter http://burl.dk/vcnh42 Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk www.fck.dk/- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 3022
VG vs DK - Game 2 [Sina Cup Supernova Season 3 Grand Finals] - Dota 2
Game 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pofvddbtDCA
Game 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
published: 11 Mar 2014
VG vs DK - Game 2 [Sina Cup Supernova Season 3 Grand Finals] - Dota 2
VG vs DK - Game 2 [Sina Cup Supernova Season 3 Grand Finals] - Dota 2
Game 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pofvddbtDCA Game 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naxehveYCkM Game 3: soooon... Game 4: soooon.... Game 5: soooon...... Previous DotA2HL - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pofvddbtDCA DotA2HL 241 Date Played: March 7 2014 .......................... SUBSCRIBE!! http://bit.ly/subscribeDIESMILING666 . Donate :3 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=Z9FWKHDDDWTMA .......................... find me VK: http://vk.com/dotahl FB: http://www.facebook.com/idiesmiling FB: http://www.facebook.com/DotAHighlights TW: http://twitter.com/DieSmiling666 G+: http://plus.google.com/+diesmiling666/ .......................... http://www.fixtstore.com/product/62000 Song: Railgun Album: Antisleep vol. 2 Artist: Blue Stahli Label: FiXT SUPPORT THE ARTIST: BUY the song here: http://fixtstore.com/bluestahli SUBSCRIBE to the artist here: http://www.youtube.com/user/bluestahli FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/bluestahli TWITTER: http://twitter.com/bluestahli WEB: http://www.bluestahli.com ..........................- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 4732
DK vs Vici Gaming Base Race Dota 2
DK vs Vici Gaming Base Race Dota 2 Sina Cup Final
Commentary by TobiWanDota and Misery
published: 08 Mar 2014
DK vs Vici Gaming Base Race Dota 2
DK vs Vici Gaming Base Race Dota 2
DK vs Vici Gaming Base Race Dota 2 Sina Cup Final Commentary by TobiWanDota and Misery http://www.twitch.tv/joindotared https://www.youtube.com/user/joinDOTA Subscribe http://bit.ly/noobfromua Epic Pro base-race.- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 301