Life is Beautiful Festival Day 2


Got to see a few of the talks including Harry Shum, Quddus Philippe, and Tony Hsieh, and got a few good pictures of Janelle Monae before my camera broke. Guest photographer: Matthew Spindler.


Life is Beautiful Festival Day 1


At the Life is Beautiful music festival in downtown Las Vegas, got to see Knocked Up Kids, Imagine Dragons, Childish Gambino, and San Francisco tech band Cover Flow.


Jay Z + Me


I think it was Dustin Curtis who said something along the lines of “you can learn a lot about someone by their bucket list,” and he had posted his publicly recently. (Posting it is a great idea by the way, people will help you with it.) I began to think about mine, which was a little strange because I’ve been trying to move away from desiring things or experiences and just be more grateful in the present, but immediately a few music ones came to mind: have WordPress name-checked in a major hip-hop song, be in a rap video, and perform with one of my favorite artists (somehow).

It was less than a week later I got an email from a friend who was helping organize a hush-hush event where Jay-Z would sing his song Picasso Baby over and over 6 hours while interacting with various artists and an audience as a performance piece, and there might even be an opportunity to be one of the people he interacted with. My jaw dropped.




Flying into Memphis, I believe.


10 Downing Street


Visiting 10 Downing (powered by WordPress) with some Web Summit folks and got a few pictures in the entry room. We spoke with Tim Luke, one of the Number 10 policy members focused on business and enterprise. I asked how the UK government thought about cyber security, and he actually thought about it as a growth area because they have a lot of security expertise. Afterward went to East London to visit with the Memrise team at their super-cool office.


Bay Bridge Cable Walk


Had a cool opportunity to walk up the cable to the top of the the first tower of the Bay Bridge today with folks from the Bay Lights project. You walk right up the cable/pipe to the top, it actually wasn’t that hard. Once on top the vistas were amazing. I tried to grab some photos of the hardware behind the lights at the top of the cables. The top of the tower is 526 feet high, and 280,000 cars drive on the bridge every day, making it the second busiest bridge in the world. Guest photos by Lucas Saugen.


America’s Cup in San Francisco


Got to watch the start of the America’s Cup race in San Francisco from a boat, sometimes very up close to the action.


Om’s b-day


At the David Bouley Test Kitchen in New York.


Space Shuttle Endeavour


The Space Shuttle Endeavour flew over San Francisco and I snapped a few pictures of it from my patio.


WWW Day 3 and EFF Awards


WWW Conference and spoke at the EFF Pioneer Awards, where the Tor Project won. It’s weird to see Jacob in this album when he can’t enter the US anymore.


WWW Conference Day 2


Day two at the WWW Conference included more great music and conversations including Yo-Yo Ma, Matt Groening, David BRooks, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Norman Lear, Herbie Hancock, Mark Cuban, Dan Ariely, and Quincy Jones.


WWW Conference Day 1


First day of the WWW Conference, arriving and the pre-party at the Mission Inn.


San Diego Meetup Vignettes


A few snaps from a day at the grand Automattic meetup in San Diego.


Automatticians in San Francisco


A wrap party for Automatticians after the WCSF dev day. Photos by Sheri Bigelow.


WordCamp San Francisco Hack Day


Hack Day at WordCamp San Francisco went really well. Developers from around the globe met up to work on WordPress. Photos by Sheri Bigelow.


HSPVA 02 Reunion


This was actually the second night of the reunion, starting at the Archway Gallery, moving to Khon’s, then ending at Whataburger. Was great catching up with so many talented old friends.


Final day in Eygalières


Just puttering around the house and dinner.
