When do we launch the armed resistance? That is the question bouncing around the libertarian/anarchist social media scene and blogosphere over the last few days. At what point do we stop risking arrest, stop pamphleting, stop speaking out, blogging, YouTubing and all that other stuff in favor of picking up arms and dropping cops and IRS agents by the dozens?

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This past week the Free State Project (FSP) made the news again and, as usual, not in the best way. The FSP board of trustees voted to expel a member – blogger and activist Christopher Cantwell – from the organization for violating the policy against promoting violence.

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How would war work in a stateless society? Would it happen at all? John and I talked about that and much more in our 20th episode. Give it a listen!

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Mike Shanklin, an old liberty friend who runs Voluntary Virtues invited me to do an interview yesterday. Check out the video above. We talked about my evolution from a conservative to an objectivist and then voluntaryist. We talked about my business Shield Mutual, the agora’s first defense agency. We discussed Gandhian nonviolence, the self-ownership principle and some of my recent videos.

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Under what conditions in our oft-promoted libertarian stateless society, will a person’s freedom be taken away? How will people be punished for committing crimes – real crimes, not victimless crimes – against people or property? Will there be pre-trial confinement and bail? House arrest? Will there be prisons? Just how different from the current state injustice system will the stateless libertarian dispute resolution system be? Listen to this week’s episode to find out!

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I screwed up. I dropped the ball. I start so many projects over here in my office overlooking a bamboo forest that I don’t actually finish them all. I have learned to filter myself before trying to put every seemingly good idea I get into practice. Because sometimes, those ideas suck. And sometimes, I just don’t have the time, patience, manpower, assistance or money to do them justice. Here are some recent projects where I just totally failed to deliver.

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Absentee ownership is taken for granted in today’s society and indeed by most anarcho-capitalists. Whatever you can legitimately obtain and keep is kosher, according to proponents of absentee ownership, be that a tiny self-sufficient homestead or a global corporate empire spanning multiple industries with tens of thousands of employees. But without state protection in the form of limited corporate liability, subsidies and the inefficient state monopoly court system, I don’t think absentee ownership on any kind of large and expansive scale can be practically sustained.

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We are defeating ourselves by hyping the power of the forces arrayed against our efforts for liberty. We need to build ourselves up, not continually knock ourselves down with fear after fear after fear. Whether it’s Agenda 21, the NDAA, “black-bagging,” indefinite detention, the NWO, GMOs, economic collapse, fluoride or something else that scares you silly, the first step is to relax and remain calm. If you hype the threat to other people, if you make them scared, you reduce the chance that they will find the courage to speak out, resist and build alternatives.

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The left says the corporations are the bad guys. The right says the government is the bad guy. Which one is it? We solicited opinions from dozens of libertarians and we analyze them in this episode. I had a blast recording the conversation with John. This is episode 17 of The Art of Liberty podcast and I hope you enjoy it!

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Why are libertarians so negative? We toss around words like “sheeple” and “tard.” We brag about hating the state. We found efforts like Cop Block and The Art of NOT Being Governed. Have we forgotten that we need to be builders and creators? That we need to build a broad coalition in order to actually put our ideas into the mainstream? Watch the video to hear my thoughts on this important topic.

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