Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Cash Flow Statement (Part 1)
Learn the building blocks of a financial model. In this video, we'll build a cash flow sta...
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Cash Flow Statement (Part 1)
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Cash Flow Statement (Part 1)
Learn the building blocks of a financial model. In this video, we'll build a cash flow statement given an income statement and balance sheet in Excel. To dow...- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 16066
- author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Building a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model - Part 1
Learn the building blocks of a simple one-page discounted cash flow (DCF) model consistent...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Building a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model - Part 1
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Building a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model - Part 1
Learn the building blocks of a simple one-page discounted cash flow (DCF) model consistent with the best practices you would find in investment banking. If y...- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 8717
- author: wallstreetprep
2/15/11: Financial Modeling/Management
Brian Goncher, Clean Tech Practice Director from Deloitte Services LP, covers what is nece...
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: UCBerkeleyHaas
2/15/11: Financial Modeling/Management
2/15/11: Financial Modeling/Management
Brian Goncher, Clean Tech Practice Director from Deloitte Services LP, covers what is necessary and what not to do when creating the financial model that wil...- published: 19 Feb 2011
- views: 23023
- author: UCBerkeleyHaas
What is Financial Modeling ?
This video gives you a basic understanding of what financial modelling is and what goes in...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: Corporate Bridge
What is Financial Modeling ?
What is Financial Modeling ?
This video gives you a basic understanding of what financial modelling is and what goes inside it. CFA Institute has approved this program, offered by Corpor...- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 277
- author: Corporate Bridge
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: OFFSET / MATCH and Data Validation (Part 1)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstree...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: OFFSET / MATCH and Data Validation (Part 1)
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: OFFSET / MATCH and Data Validation (Part 1)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstreetprep.com/blog/financial-modeling-quick-lesson-2-offset-match-and-d...- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 3653
- author: wallstreetprep
2013-03-09 20.23 Building Financial Model for Valuation (Case Study _Accenture)
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: Edu Pristine
2013-03-09 20.23 Building Financial Model for Valuation (Case Study _Accenture)
2013-03-09 20.23 Building Financial Model for Valuation (Case Study _Accenture)
- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 25
- author: Edu Pristine
Best Practices in Financial Modeling | The Financial Modelers
We talk you through the Best Practices in Financial Modeling and how these practices avoid...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: EduPristine Inco
Best Practices in Financial Modeling | The Financial Modelers
Best Practices in Financial Modeling | The Financial Modelers
We talk you through the Best Practices in Financial Modeling and how these practices avoid the common mistakes people make when creating a financial modeling...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 210
- author: EduPristine Inco
Financial Modelling - Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: VFinancialModelling
Financial Modelling - Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
Financial Modelling - Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
http://www.videofinancialmodelling.com/financial-modelling-sensitivity-and-scenario-analysis/ Shows how to setup a sensitivity, scenario or what-if analysis ...- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 12495
- author: VFinancialModelling
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (1 of 3)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstree...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (1 of 3)
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (1 of 3)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstreetprep.com/blog/financial-modeling-quick-lesson-simple-lbo-model/ In...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 3823
- author: wallstreetprep
WST: 7.2 Basic Financial Modeling - Valuation Model & DCF
Wall St. Training Self-Study Instructor, Hamilton Lin, CFA explains the basic valuation pr...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: wstss
WST: 7.2 Basic Financial Modeling - Valuation Model & DCF
WST: 7.2 Basic Financial Modeling - Valuation Model & DCF
Wall St. Training Self-Study Instructor, Hamilton Lin, CFA explains the basic valuation principles that apply to any asset. We take this to the next level by...- published: 07 Jul 2008
- views: 67172
- author: wstss
Financial Modeling Overview | CFMS 1
published: 05 Sep 2011
author: BizTraining
Financial Modeling Overview | CFMS 1
How to Create Financial Scenarios in Excel
This tutorial analyzes advanced financial modeling tools provided by Excel 2010 to create ...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: edutechional
How to Create Financial Scenarios in Excel
How to Create Financial Scenarios in Excel
This tutorial analyzes advanced financial modeling tools provided by Excel 2010 to create multiple financial scenarios.- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 1603
- author: edutechional
Financial modeling with Excel Video Tutorials
Watch Finance Videos online and improve your skills.Simplilearn Solutions (http://goo.gl/e...
published: 15 Sep 2012
author: Simplilearn .com
Financial modeling with Excel Video Tutorials
Financial modeling with Excel Video Tutorials
Watch Finance Videos online and improve your skills.Simplilearn Solutions (http://goo.gl/e7nfK) is a leading provider Financial Management certification trai...- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 4228
- author: Simplilearn .com
Vimeo results:
Hi Vimeo people!
Would you like to support this project and become a member of the Eterna...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: Mojowonders
Hi Vimeo people!
Would you like to support this project and become a member of the Eternal Junkie Family? We are looking for financial resources by means of crowd funding.
Contact us for more information: Sammy@viva.be. The Eternal Junkie crew thanks you!
Like: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eternal-Junkie-Shortfilm/505406562844634 for more updates!
Directed by Anastasios Kitsos
Produced by Sammy Paeps
Models: Vanessa Bouvier, Amber Verleyen
Make-up by Britt Dammen
Thank you, KONY 2012 Supporters
Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey answers some of the questions about Invisible Children t...
published: 11 Mar 2012
Thank you, KONY 2012 Supporters
Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey answers some of the questions about Invisible Children that have been raised in the wake of KONY 2012's viral success.
It includes an explanation of Invisible Children's unique development model and the philosophy behind the allocation of its money. Ben also breaks down the organization’s financial expenses including travel/transportation expenses, production costs, and management/general expenses. In addition, he explains the purpose and goals of KONY 2012--in both the short and long terms.
If you have any additional questions, please tweet them to us @invisible with the hashtag #AskICAnything, and we will do our best to answer your questions. Stay tuned for instructions on how to turn your awareness into action.
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes ...
published: 29 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes (et encore moins américaines) ne me passionnent plus, tant elles me semblent issues d'une sorte d'eugénisme industriel ou la créativité n'est qu'un moyen publicitaire à usage des salons automobiles...
J'ai pourtant vécu quelques moments de bonheur au vu des concepts-cars électriques de Renault (Twizy et Zoe) et Peugeot (la BB1), me demandant pourquoi ces petits bijoux ne servent qu'à faire rêver les rêveurs... alors qu'une mise en production ne devrait pas être plus complexe que de fabriquer les petites horreurs re-stylées qu'on nous sert et ressert à grands coups de battages médiatiques distillant de vaines promesses et espoirs...
Ca fait longtemps que sous des faux principes sécuritaires, les Etats Européens détournent le sacro-saint principe de la liberté d'acheter et vendre partout..., un des piliers de la Communauté Européenne, que tous les Etats membres s'échinent à contourner en créant de multiples contraintes et obligations qui s'avèrent bien pires et plus sournoises que les taxations douanières qui servaient de barrières...
A force de taxer et de contraindre le monde de l'automobile est devenu gris et sans véritable saveur, robotisé, quasi uniforme et les automobiles qui sortent du lot, comme les Ferrailleries et Porscheries jusqu'à l'indigestion, ne sont que des arnaques bien plus sophistiquées que leurs mécaniques, vendues non plus par rapport à ce qu'elles ont couté, mais en fonction de ce que les cibles sélectionnées peuvent payer pour leur soif de paraître et pour étancher leur égo...
Il n'y a plus de véritable passion dans ces calculs sordides si ce n'est celle que doit procurer un hold-up réussi, sachant que les crétins qui se sont à la fois fait piéger et se sont piégés eux-mêmes, devront continuer à payer des sommes mirobolantes pour entretenir l'objet de leurs désirs inventés...
C'est cela, également, qui a détruit irrémédiablement les nombreux créateurs et petits industriels automobiles, qui inventaient et fabriquaient des voitures totalement hors-normes, en petites séries.
Certes, ces réalisations artisanales n'étaient pas toutes exceptionnelles, loin de là, beaucoup étaient d'horribles petits canards déformés, des engins apocalyptiques ou des retours aux sources, parfois complexes, souvent faciles et désuets..., mais, en tous les cas, c'était du rêve plus ou moins accessible.
Le plus grand succès commercial de ce type d'engin, furent les répliques, il y en eut d'extraordinaires, mais bien plus d'abominables..., les "Cobra" arrivant à réunir ces deux extrèmes, vers le top-niveau avec les "continuations " AC MKIV et Shelby'revival CSX4000 series..., les Arntz et Dax..., puis, descendant vers le pire avec les Pilgrim 4 et 6 cylindres et surtout les Scobra montées maladroitement sur des chassis de VW coccinnelle en conservant le flat-four arrière...
Il n'empèche, que même si cela faisait rire, les moins lotis de la vie pouvaient ainsi jouer à faire "comme-si " ils étaient riches...
Les complications administratives délibérées, les obligations de contrôle technique, les homologations et attestations de toutes sortes, les sur-taxations, la mise en place de nos sociétés hyper-policées imposant les diktats du Nouvel Ordre Mondial par "une stratégie de la peur "... et les principes appliqués de la tolérance zéro pour tout (et n'importe quoi)..., ont peu à peu dégouté les "ceusses " (les petits constructeurs) qui continuaient à vouloir jouer dans la cour des grands (les grandes marques automobiles)... et comme les lois en matière d'homologation et d'immatriculation sont devenues drastiques et incontournables, tous ces engins, catalogués "Kit-Cars " à défaut d'être reconnus comme vraies marques individualistes..., sont devenus quasi inutilisables et in-revendables...
Le manque de moyens financiers a dès-lors tué cette industrie qui a du se reconvertir dans la fabrication de pièces "tuning " et/ou dans la construction d'engins "aux-normes ", forcément infiniment plus chers, donc peu concurrentiels avec les voitures "de niche " des grands constructeurs...
La crise de 2008 a terminé d'achever les plus faibles, quoique certains irréductibles créatifs survivent encore...
C'est de Russie que vient une sorte de renouveau, mais aucun média automobile occidental n'en cause parce que les journaleux "de chez nous " ne se déplacent que si les voyages sont pré-payés, avec cadeaux à la clé et reportages pré-machés.
Notez qu'à la lecture de mes articles, beaucoup se mettent à publier quelques infos et photos...
Vous avez pu le constater avec l'article en 4 parties sur les Marussia B1, B2, B3 et B4..., aucun magazine n'en a jamais "parlé " véritablement, sinon sous forme d'entre-filets méprisants...
Et pourtant, avec un prix de 70.000 euros, par rapport à ce que les ténors du haut de gamme occidental pro
Terminix 2011 / TVC 'Flying Monster' - Director's Cut
Terminix is the USA largest pest-control provider which assists homeowners in proactively ...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: Dvein
Terminix 2011 / TVC 'Flying Monster' - Director's Cut
Terminix is the USA largest pest-control provider which assists homeowners in proactively protecting themselves from the financial and health issues associated with pest problems. The main creative challenge of this project was to develop the creatures, generating these monsters: we were searching for something unexpected and at the same time it had to have the insects features, but magnified.
Client: Terminix
Agency: Publicis Dallas
Production Co.: Blacklist [http://www.blacklist.tv]
Executive Producer: Adina Sales
Producer: Michael Neithardt
Direction & Art Direction: Dvein [http://www.dvein.com]
Character design & development: Dvein
Producer: Esther de Udaeta
Post-production & VFX: Vando [http://www.vandostudio.com]
Producer: Ignasi Céspedes
Modeling Artists: Omar Sarmiento del Barrio, Javier Jaen, Marc Calvelo, Jonatan Catalan
Texturing Artists: Javier León, Jaime Fernandez Muro, Kepa Casado, Jonatan Catalan, Marc Calvelo
Character TD: David Corral
Character Animator: Hugo García
Lighting & Rendering Artists: Javier León, Kepa Casado
FX Artist: Marco Rossi
Compositing Lead: Roberto García
Compositing: Rodrigo Fiallega
Music & Sound Design: Hecq [http://www.hecq.de]
Sound Mix Company: Infinia, Marc Gonell and Hecq
Special thanks to Furia Digital
Youtube results:
A 60 Minute Recipe for creating a Simple Project Finance Model - Part 1
http://www.videofinancialmodelling.com/ Part 1 of a tutorial developing a simple acquisiti...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: VFinancialModelling
A 60 Minute Recipe for creating a Simple Project Finance Model - Part 1
A 60 Minute Recipe for creating a Simple Project Finance Model - Part 1
http://www.videofinancialmodelling.com/ Part 1 of a tutorial developing a simple acquisition financial model for a toll road. If you want more free tutorials...- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 7708
- author: VFinancialModelling
Building Financial Models - Launch video
The launch video for the introduction to financial modeling course. The first video sessio...
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: FinanceTrainingVideo
Building Financial Models - Launch video
Building Financial Models - Launch video
The launch video for the introduction to financial modeling course. The first video session reviews the course plan, introduces the concept of design for fin...- published: 17 Jan 2012
- views: 20973
- author: FinanceTrainingVideo
CFA Level 2 - Free Cash Flow Based Valuation - Financial Modeling - Equity Research
CFA level 2 training for June 2013 @ PACE, Hyderabad. Free Cash Flow Based Valuation - Fin...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: Vamsidhar Ambatipudi
CFA Level 2 - Free Cash Flow Based Valuation - Financial Modeling - Equity Research
CFA Level 2 - Free Cash Flow Based Valuation - Financial Modeling - Equity Research
CFA level 2 training for June 2013 @ PACE, Hyderabad. Free Cash Flow Based Valuation - Financial Modeling using EXCEL Training Videos. CFA Level 1, CFA Level...- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 6599
- author: Vamsidhar Ambatipudi
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (2 of 3)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstree...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: wallstreetprep
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (2 of 3)
Financial Modeling Quick Lesson: Simple LBO Model (2 of 3)
Note: To download the Excel template that goes with this video, go to http://www.wallstreetprep.com/blog/financial-modeling-quick-lesson-simple-lbo-model/ In...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 2600
- author: wallstreetprep