
MummyMaze Deluxe Walkthrough Pyramid 6 ''Pyramid of Hunefer''
If you want the game watch my tutorial on how to download it in Full-Version free for pc:w...
published: 29 Dec 2011
Author: dorualexandru26
MummyMaze Deluxe Walkthrough Pyramid 6 ''Pyramid of Hunefer''
If you want the game watch my tutorial on how to download it in Full-Version free for pc:www.youtube.com Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com After I made my tutorial I decided to make a walkthrough of this game.I will make a playthrough for each pyramid so people who are stuck in one part of the game can continue further. In this game you are an explorer that goes to pyramids and needs to lock the mummies so he can proceed to the next room.It is really fun. Also I want to apologize for some few mistakes like when i give the wrong solution but don't worry it is easy to understand. Support me by liking my videos,commenting on them and subscribing! Ignore Extra tags: Popcap,Suggestions: Free (ISP) Freeware +Change Wind Prank "DeLuxe Color" "Pyramid (game Show)" Change Monkey Funny Mummy Maze Deluxe Walthrough Pyramid 4 '' Shane of Apophis'' Pyramid mummy adventurer Scary "Game Show" Edition Scream Playthrough Creepy Special Scared Weird Wind Scare Screaming "Monkey (advertising Character)" "Television Special" "Weird (Travel Guides)" Strange Prank Bully Limited Ape "Scary Maze" Extreme Scaring "Maze Game" Flying Halloween "Game (retailer)" "Halloween (1978 Film)" "Scream (film Series)" Crazy Monkeys Earth Retail Reaction Kite Mansion Mask Colors Changing Wings Colour Guard "Special Edition" Zoo Dust Banana Makeover Entertainment Arts Performing "The Arts" News Short Trailer Commercials nny Monkey Edition Scary Pyramid (game Show) DeLuxe Color Monkey (advertising <b>...</b>

Ancient Egypt- Hunefer and Anubis
Ancient Egypt Homework 'Hunefer and Anubis'...
published: 08 Oct 2012
Author: MrMarshmellowmellow
Ancient Egypt- Hunefer and Anubis
Ancient Egypt Homework 'Hunefer and Anubis'

Papyrus Hunefer
Papyrus Hunefer - 125 kapitola - XIX. dynastie Čtrnáct bohů pozorně ...
published: 13 Dec 2009
Author: ssk1507
Papyrus Hunefer
Papyrus Hunefer - 125 kapitola - XIX. dynastie Čtrnáct bohů pozorně sleduje akt vážení duše písaře Hunefera

SC2 Toina[T] Vs Hunefer[P]
Toina brings more ladder adventures and talks about using your scouting information to cre...
published: 11 Jan 2012
Author: BastardMode
SC2 Toina[T] Vs Hunefer[P]
Toina brings more ladder adventures and talks about using your scouting information to create your compositions as well as watching things back to learn why unexplained things happen.

Fra Hunefers døds bog...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Author: Jens Aage Poulsen
Fra Hunefers døds bog

Hunefers rejse til efterlivet. De dødes bog for 3300 år siden...
published: 17 Sep 2011
Author: Jens Aage Poulsen
Hunefers rejse til efterlivet. De dødes bog for 3300 år siden

Strangest und ugliest fishes - fishes from hell
Here are the ugliest and most interesting fishes. They live in the deep sea. Post a commen...
published: 24 Sep 2012
Author: TheHunefer
Strangest und ugliest fishes - fishes from hell
Here are the ugliest and most interesting fishes. They live in the deep sea. Post a comment if they are ugly or interesting. If you think they are ugly and/or interesting, send the video to your friends.

6 proofs that aliens exist - 6 Beweisfotos für Aliens - secret NASA fotos hacked
Here are some fotos wich proof that aliens exists... Some of them are fotos of ufos taken ...
published: 24 Sep 2012
Author: TheHunefer
6 proofs that aliens exist - 6 Beweisfotos für Aliens - secret NASA fotos hacked
Here are some fotos wich proof that aliens exists... Some of them are fotos of ufos taken by normal people, some of them are fotos of dead aliens of Area 51

2.1 Hell: Views of the Underworld in Egypt
Meet the Gods: www.godchecker.com OGDOAD www.godchecker.com Brazier www.egyptianmyths.net ...
published: 09 Apr 2009
Author: wayman29
2.1 Hell: Views of the Underworld in Egypt
Meet the Gods: www.godchecker.com OGDOAD www.godchecker.com Brazier www.egyptianmyths.net Ammit devours the Hearts that are heavier than the feather of Ma'at. www.egyptianmyths.net The Doctrine Of Eternal Life: www.bibliotecapleyades.net Egyptian book of the Dead: www.bibliotecapleyades.net An amateur scholar's translation of the Book of the Dead: www.bibliotecapleyades.net Confession of Maat: simple.wikipedia.org The judgment, from the papyrus of the scribe Hunefer. 19th Dynasty: www.egyptarchive.co.uk Questions to ask: How have deities roles and attributes changed in modern religions? What influence did Egyptian religion have on Hebrew, Greeks, Romans,and their theologies? How did theses other theologies influence Egyptian views? Extra Credit: How are these three places alike and how are they different. Sheol www.jewishencyclopedia.com Hades: en.wikipedia.org Amentet www.touregypt.net Correction: The Tibetan Book of the Dead also deals with afterlife and Judgment. I was wrong about what the text fully contained. Here is a Judgment scene from that text that some my find interesting : www.summum.us

Darkorbit:Bigboy vs. Annihilator
Bigboy vs. Annihilator...
published: 02 Apr 2011
Author: TheHunefer
Darkorbit:Bigboy vs. Annihilator
Bigboy vs. Annihilator

2.0 Hell: Views of the Underworld in Egypt
Meet the Gods: www.egyptianmyths.net Texts we will be using: The Egyptian Book of the Dead...
published: 30 Mar 2009
Author: wayman29
2.0 Hell: Views of the Underworld in Egypt
Meet the Gods: www.egyptianmyths.net Texts we will be using: The Egyptian Book of the Dead 1240 BC The Papyrus of Ani Parts Translated by EA Wallis Budge and Allen and Faulkner www.touregypt.net The judgment, from the papyrus of the scribe Hunefer. 19th Dynasty: www.egyptarchive.co.uk Confessions of Matt: simple.wikipedia.org

schönsten Tierbilder
Die schönsten Tierbilder...
published: 25 Sep 2012
Author: TheHunefer
schönsten Tierbilder
Die schönsten Tierbilder

5ª Parte. El Libro Egipcio de los Muertos.
En los "Textos de las Pirámides", encontramos que el Ka de los dioses est...
published: 10 May 2011
Author: Alejandro90492
5ª Parte. El Libro Egipcio de los Muertos.
En los "Textos de las Pirámides", encontramos que el Ka de los dioses estaba en el cielo y hacia allá se dirigía el Ka del hombre tan pronto como el cuerpo moría. Secciones y capítulos del libro Los antiguos egipcios conservaron los rasgos más notables de su religión, compleja en extremo, pero no abandonaron sus viejas ideas, dioses y mitos. Aún cuando adoptaran a otros, al contrario, trataron de alguna manera de reconciliarlos y armonizarlos. En épocas diferentes, los sacerdotes de cada uno de los principales centros de culto: Heliópolis, Menfis, Tebas y Hermópolis, trataron de poner algún orden a las creencias. Las selecciones del "Libro de los Muertos" contenidas en los papiros de Ani, Hunefer y Anhai, reflejan la confusión de los Capítulos. El número total de los Capítulos hasta ahora conocidos es de ciento noventa y su extensión es muy desigual aunque no existe un solo papiro que los contenga a todos. El Libro consta de aproximadamente 200 capítulos o sortilegios. Algunos de estos capítulos son derivados directamente de los "Textos de las Pirámides", algunos son versiones de los Capítulos hallados entre los textos del Imperio Medio y el resto son de origen Tebano. De hecho, la palabra "Capítulo", aplicada al trabajo de los escribas, no sería correcta, ya que sugiere unidad y coherencia, quizá sería más apropiado llamarles "Invocaciones" o "Hechizos mágicos". La versión más conocida y más completa es el Papiro de Ani, un texto compuesto por 3 capas de hojas de papiro <b>...</b>

Return to Glory - The Truth About Black History
Lets see how many brainless Gentiles (Europeans) look up this video and make ignorant comm...
published: 12 Sep 2007
Author: LilRome7
Return to Glory - The Truth About Black History
Lets see how many brainless Gentiles (Europeans) look up this video and make ignorant comments. It amazes me that white people can be so ignorant and so racist yet be so sure about what they think is right. Pharaohnic history is not your history. You're like a Gentile American claiming the history of the Aztecs and Incas in early America. You're like the Gentiles who committed genocide in South Afrika and then claimed the land. You are not Afrikan, you are a foreigner to Afrika and Nile Valley civilization; the white Arabs in Egypt today are the descendants of invaders. The least you white people can do is understand the historic genocide that took place in North Afrika and still takes place. The white Arabs in Egypt today have privilege in that nation because their ancestors invaded it and have systematically oppressed the Hamites. All Ancient Egyptian Hamites respected Afrikan aesthetic in art and honored Afrikan values in culture. The 25th Dynasty Hamites were from the South, and I'm sure you acknowledge that only because it's not deniable. But you must not know about the Southern Ta-Seti and Ta-Ntr origins of all of the major dynasties. The ancient Egyptians were Hamites and ancient Egypt was no more mixed than ancient Rome. Any Gentile person in Egypt today is as foreign as the Gentiles in South Afrika. Made by the Ancient Egyptians (1)"The Papyrus Of Hunefer", states: "We came from the beginning of the Nile, at the foothills of The Mountains Of the Moon, where Hapi <b>...</b>
Youtube results:

Hallo, ich versuche gerade einen Guide zu erstellen, wo ich alle Missionen auf Brutal spie...
published: 22 Sep 2012
Author: TheHunefer
Hallo, ich versuche gerade einen Guide zu erstellen, wo ich alle Missionen auf Brutal spiele. Leider habe ich für ein halbes Jahr nicht gespielt, wodurch ich schlechter wurde, aber ich denke das wird schon. Die Videos kommen wahrscheinlich eins pro Wochenende je nach dem wie viel Zeit ich habe.

Man kann auch mit Bigboy VE Golis killen... Danke an HAKAN, Supernova und Scorpion fü...
published: 20 Mar 2011
Author: TheHunefer
Man kann auch mit Bigboy VE Golis killen... Danke an HAKAN, Supernova und Scorpion fürs Jagen gehen am Ende.

Darkorbit - Phönix vs. Bosskristallon
Mit Phönix alleine ein BossKristallon, nachdem ich 2 Monate kein Do mehr gespielt hab...
published: 28 Aug 2011
Author: TheHunefer
Darkorbit - Phönix vs. Bosskristallon
Mit Phönix alleine ein BossKristallon, nachdem ich 2 Monate kein Do mehr gespielt hab...

Book of the dead
Egyptian Book of the Dead exhibition, British Museum...
published: 11 Sep 2012
Author: rahotep1000
Book of the dead
Egyptian Book of the Dead exhibition, British Museum