
Upcoming Seminars

Apr 22     Tony Hsieh

Tue, Apr 22, 02014 @ 7:30pm
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  “Helping Revitalize a City”

May 20 Sylvia Earle, Tierney Thys “Oceanic”   Jun 10 Stefan Kroepelin “Civilization’s Mysterious Desert Cradle: Rediscovering the Deep Sahara”   Jul 16 Adrian Hon “A History of the Future in 100 Objects”   Nov 12 Kevin Kelly “Technium Unbound”      View All Seminars

The Long Now Foundation's monthly Seminars were started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking; to help nudge civilization toward our goal of making long-term thinking automatic and common instead of difficult and rare.


Search Seminars

  Sylvia Earle, Tierney Thys Oceanic
  Brian Eno, Danny Hillis The Long Now, now
  Adam Steltzner Beyond Mars, Earth
  Peter Schwartz The Starships ARE Coming
  Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast and Slow
  Stewart Brand Reviving Extinct Species
  Nicholas Negroponte Beyond Digital
  Chris Anderson The Makers Revolution
  Steven Pinker The Decline of Violence
  Benjamin Barber If Mayors Ruled the World
  Edward O. Wilson The Social Conquest of Earth
  Carl Zimmer Viral Time
  Tim Flannery Here on Earth
  Alexander Rose Millennial Precedent
  Matt Ridley Deep Optimism
  Mary Catherine Bateson Live Longer, Think Longer
  Philip K. Howard Fixing Broken Government
  Lera Boroditsky How Language Shapes Thought
  Stewart Brand, Jane McGonigal Long Conversation 19 of 19
  Jane McGonigal, Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 18 of 19
  Paul Hawken, Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 17 of 19
  Katherine Fulton, Paul Hawken Long Conversation 16 of 19
  Stuart Candy, Katherine Fulton Long Conversation 15 of 19
  Stuart Candy, Danese Cooper Long Conversation 14 of 19
  Danese Cooper, Peter Schwartz Long Conversation 13 of 19
  Peter Schwartz, Pete Worden Long Conversation 12 of 19
  Ken Foster, Pete Worden Long Conversation 11 of 19
  Melissa Alexander, Ken Foster Long Conversation 10 of 19
  Melissa Alexander, Ken Wilson Long Conversation 9 of 19
  John Perry Barlow, Ken Wilson Long Conversation 8 of 19
  John Perry Barlow, Violet Blue Long Conversation 7 of 19
  Violet Blue, Robin Sloan Long Conversation 6 of 19
  Robin Sloan, Jill Tarter Long Conversation 5 of 19
  Emily Levine, Jill Tarter Long Conversation 4 of 19
  Saul Griffith, Emily Levine Long Conversation 3 of 19
  Jem Finer, Saul Griffith Long Conversation 2 of 19
  Stewart Brand, Jem Finer Long Conversation 1 of 19
  Nineteen Speakers Long Conversation
  Richard Rhodes Twilight of the Bombs
  Nils Gilman Deviant Globalization
  Stewart Brand, Brian Eno, Alexander Rose Long Finance: The Enduring Value Conference
  Sander van der Leeuw The Archaeology of Innovation
  Stewart Brand Rethinking Green
  Wayne Clough Smithsonian Forever
  Michael Pollan Deep Agriculture
  Gavin Newsom Cities and Time
  Drew Endy, Jim Thomas Synthetic Biology Debate
  Peter Diamandis Long-term X-Prizes
  Neal Stephenson ANATHEM Book Launch Event
  Daniel Suarez (aka author Leinad Zeraus) Daemon: Bot-mediated Reality
  Edward Burtynsky The 10,000-year Gallery
  Niall Ferguson, Peter Schwartz Historian vs. Futurist on Human Progress
  Joline Blais, Jon Ippolito At the Edge of Art
  Rip Anderson, Gwyneth Cravens Power to Save the World
  Steven Johnson The Long Zoom
  Larry Brilliant, Katherine Fulton, Richard Rockefeller The Deeper News About the New Philanthropy
  Brian Eno, Will Wright Playing with Time
  Chris Anderson, Will Hearst The Long Time Tail
  George Dyson, Freeman Dyson, Esther Dyson The Difficulty of Looking Far Ahead
  Ray Kurzweil Kurzweil's Law
  Will Jarvis Time Capsule Behavior
  Stewart Brand Cities & Time
  Paul Hawken The Long Green
  Phillip Longman The Depopulation Problem
  David Rumsey Mapping Time
  Brian Eno The Long Now

Seminars by Subject

  Brian Eno, Danny Hillis The Long Now, now
  Adam Steltzner Beyond Mars, Earth
science, Space, starship, Technology, space exploration, futurism, Mars, Curiosity Rover, sky crane, seven minutes of terror, Earth
  Peter Schwartz The Starships ARE Coming
science, Space, starship, interstellar, Technology, space exploration, futurism, scenario planning, galactic civilization
  Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast and Slow
behavioral economics, prospect theory, intuition, fast thinking, slow thinking, nobel prize
apocalypse, climate change, adventure, environment, glaciers, desertification, geology, genetic engineering
science, asteroid, Sentinel, B612, astronauts, space, gravity tractor, Chelyabinsk, Tunguska, B612 Foundation
  Stewart Brand Reviving Extinct Species
extinction, de-extinction, Genomics, genes, technology, revive, species, mammoth, passenger pigeon
  Nicholas Negroponte Beyond Digital
technology, laptop, media lab, education, digital
digital universe, time, acceleration, computer history, evolution, technology, big data
  Chris Anderson The Makers Revolution
technology, entrepreneurship, emerging markets, globalization, engineering, maker, makerbot, maker faire, 3d printing, drones, cad
Easter Island, Rapa Nui, environment, sustainability, anthropology, statues, moai
culture, history, film, arts, San Francisco, Lost Landscapes
natural sciences, arts, color, evolution, light, bioluminescence, spectrum, twilight
culture, history, philanthropy, philosophy, anthropology, Pantheon, underground, preservation
  Steven Pinker The Decline of Violence
politics, history, violence, social issues, conflict, social sciences, humanitarianism, peace, democratization
  Tim O'Reilly Birth of the Global Mind
technology, globalization, Internet, collective intelligence, gift culture, crowd-sourced, artificial intelligence
culture, religion, history, revelations, gnostic gospels, conflict, Rome, bible
technology, security, copyright, net neutrality, freedom, open source, surveillance, hacking
  Benjamin Barber If Mayors Ruled the World
politics, democratization, public policy, globalization, cities, mayors, urbanization
environment, sustainability, policy, plastics, recycling, bioplastic, green chemistry, disposable
environment, history, globalization, sustainability, Columbus, invasive species, trade, slave trade
  Edward O. Wilson The Social Conquest of Earth
evolutionary biology, ants, altruism, eusocial, kin selection
environment, climate change, sustainability, policy, planetary boundaires, ocean acidification, ozone, earth systems
seeds, food, agriculture, animals, photography, National Geographic
law, public policy, Capitol Hill, campaign finance, Danny Hillis, congress, constitution
culture, history, film, arts, San Francisco, Lost Landscapes
library, books, Internet, digital, knowledge
ecology, climate change, environment, paleontology, California
psychology, wellness, education
Energy, Environment, Sustainability,
Climate Change, Sustainability, Environment
  Carl Zimmer Viral Time
Natural Sciences, Environment, Health & Wellness
  Tim Flannery Here on Earth
Climate Change, Sustainability, History, Environment
History, Conflict, Globalization, International Relations
  Alexander Rose Millennial Precedent
Design, Architecture, Future, Engineering, Longevity
  Matt Ridley Deep Optimism
Sustainability, Personal Technology, History, Environment, Economic Policy
  Mary Catherine Bateson Live Longer, Think Longer
Education, Health & Wellness, Social Issues, Sustainability
  Philip K. Howard Fixing Broken Government
Economic Policy, History, Entrepreneurship,
Arts History
Environment, Natural Sciences, Sustainability
  Lera Boroditsky How Language Shapes Thought
globalization, international relations, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Stewart Brand, Jane McGonigal Long Conversation 19 of 19
Entertainment, globalization, Social Issues
  Jane McGonigal, Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 18 of 19
Ineternet, Social Issues
  Paul Hawken, Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 17 of 19
Internet, New Media, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Katherine Fulton, Paul Hawken Long Conversation 16 of 19
Environment, Journalism, Philanthropy, Social Issues
  Stuart Candy, Katherine Fulton Long Conversation 15 of 19
Philanthropy, Social Issues
  Stuart Candy, Danese Cooper Long Conversation 14 of 19
Education, Internet, New Media
  Danese Cooper, Peter Schwartz Long Conversation 13 of 19
Education, Internet, New Media, Social Issues
  Peter Schwartz, Pete Worden Long Conversation 12 of 19
Natural Sciences, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Ken Foster, Pete Worden Long Conversation 11 of 19
Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
  Melissa Alexander, Ken Foster Long Conversation 10 of 19
Arts Education Internet
  Melissa Alexander, Ken Wilson Long Conversation 9 of 19
Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Issues
  John Perry Barlow, Ken Wilson Long Conversation 8 of 19
Internet, New Media, Philanthropy
  John Perry Barlow, Violet Blue Long Conversation 7 of 19
Health & Wellness, Internet, Journalism, Social Sciences
  Violet Blue, Robin Sloan Long Conversation 6 of 19
Internet, New Media, Social Sciences
  Robin Sloan, Jill Tarter Long Conversation 5 of 19
Internet, Natural Sciences, New Media, Social Sciences
  Emily Levine, Jill Tarter Long Conversation 4 of 19
Education, Entertainment, Natural Sciences
  Saul Griffith, Emily Levine Long Conversation 3 of 19
Climate Change, Entertainment, Environment, Social Issues
  Jem Finer, Saul Griffith Long Conversation 2 of 19
Climate Change, Energy, Entertainment, Music
  Stewart Brand, Jem Finer Long Conversation 1 of 19
Environment, Music, Social Issues
  Nineteen Speakers Long Conversation
Education, Entertainment, Natural Sciences, New Media
  Richard Rhodes Twilight of the Bombs
Terrorism, U.S. Foreign Policy
Environment, Social Issues, Sustainability
New Media, Personal Technology
History, U.S. Foreign Policy
Energy sustainabilty
  Nils Gilman Deviant Globalization
globalization, Social Issues
History, Internet, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Beth Noveck Transparent Government
Entrepreneurship, Internet, law, Personal Technology, Social Issues, White House 2009
Environment, members only, Social Issues
  Stewart Brand, Brian Eno, Alexander Rose Long Finance: The Enduring Value Conference
Economic Policy, Social Issues, Social Sciences, Sustainability
books, History, Social Sciences
Arts History
  Sander van der Leeuw The Archaeology of Innovation
Climate Change, History, Sustainability
  Stewart Brand Rethinking Green
Climate Change, Energy, Environment
  Wayne Clough Smithsonian Forever
Climate Change, Environment, History, Natural Sciences
Environment, food, Social Issues, Sustainability
Economic Policy, emerging markets, globalization
  Michael Pollan Deep Agriculture
Environment, food, Social Issues, Sustainability
  Gavin Newsom Cities and Time
Climate Change, Energy, Environment, food, Sustainability
History, Social Issues, Social Sciences
Economic Policy, Social Issues, Sustainability
  Saul Griffith Climate Change Recalculated
Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Sustainability
Arts History
  Drew Endy, Jim Thomas Synthetic Biology Debate
Health & Wellness, Natural Sciences, Social Issues
Energy Environment Sustainability
  Peter Diamandis Long-term X-Prizes
Entrepreneurship Sustainability
  Neal Stephenson ANATHEM Book Launch Event
Arts books Entertainment
  Daniel Suarez (aka author Leinad Zeraus) Daemon: Bot-mediated Reality
Arts, books, Entertainment, Internet, New Media, Personal Technology
  Edward Burtynsky The 10,000-year Gallery
Energy, Environment, Social Sciences, Sustainability
emerging markets, globalization, Social Issues
  Niall Ferguson, Peter Schwartz Historian vs. Futurist on Human Progress
Conflict, History, Social Issues
Energy, Natural Sciences, Social Issues
books, Credit Crunch, Economic Policy
Computing, Personal Technology, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Joline Blais, Jon Ippolito At the Edge of Art
Philanthropy, Social Issues
Arts History
  Rip Anderson, Gwyneth Cravens Power to Save the World
Energy Environment Sustainability Terrorism
History, Social Issues
  Francis Fukuyama 'The End of History' Revisited
Economic Policy, History, Social Issues, U.S. Foreign Policy
History, Social Issues, U.S. Foreign Policy
  Steven Johnson The Long Zoom
Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Personal Technology, Social Issues
  Frans Lanting Life's Journey Through Time
Arts, History, Social Issues
History, Social Sciences, Sustainability
Issues Social
History, Social Issues, U.S. Foreign Policy
Entertainment Internet
  Larry Brilliant, Katherine Fulton, Richard Rockefeller The Deeper News About the New Philanthropy
Philanthropy, Social Issues
  John Baez Zooming Out in Time
Energy Environment History
Social Issues, Terrorism, U.S. Foreign Policy
  Brian Eno, Will Wright Playing with Time
Music, Personal Technology
  Chris Anderson, Will Hearst The Long Time Tail
Internet, Personal Technology
Internet, Social Issues
Energy, History, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
Energy, Environment, History, Social Issues, U.S. Foreign Policy
Energy, Environment, Social Issues, Terrorism, U.S. Foreign Policy
Religion, Social Issues
Internet, Personal Technology
  George Dyson, Freeman Dyson, Esther Dyson The Difficulty of Looking Far Ahead
Social Issues, Sustainability
  Ray Kurzweil Kurzweil's Law
History, Social Issues
History, Social Issues, Social Sciences
History, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Robert Neuwirth The 21st Century Medieval City
Energy, Environment, Social Issues
  Will Jarvis Time Capsule Behavior
  Stewart Brand Cities & Time
History, Social Issues
Environment, Social Issues, Sustainability
Energy, Environment, History, Social Issues
Religion, Social Issues
Natural Sciences, Social Issues, Social Sciences
Health & Wellness, Natural Sciences, Social Issues, Social Sciences
  Paul Hawken The Long Green
Natural Sciences, Social Issues, Sustainability
Entrepreneurship, History, Personal Technology
  Phillip Longman The Depopulation Problem
Issues Social
Computing, Social Issues
  David Rumsey Mapping Time
Arts History
Environment, Social Issues, Sustainability
Religion, Social Issues
Issues Social
History, Social Issues
  Brian Eno The Long Now
Arts, History, Social Issues

SALT Summaries Book

$2.99 Also available as a paperback book

Condensed ideas about long-term thinking summarized by Stewart Brand
(with Kevin Kelly, Alexander Rose and Paul Saffo) and a foreword by Brian Eno.

Watch Long Now Seminars and thousands more thought-provoking videos www.fora.tv

Seminar Sponsors

Will Hearst • David and Abby Rumsey • Kim Polese • Shel Kaphan • Garrett Gruener • Christensen Fund • Stream Guys Media Streaming • The Scorpio Rising Fund • Peter Baumann • Brian Eno • Greg Stikeleather • Chevron • Nion McEvoy and The Long Now Membership

We would also like to recognize George Cowan (1920 - 2012) for being the first to sponsor this series.