
Aphrodite von Knidos
Die Aphrodite von Knidos war in der Antike das berümteste Kunstwerk des Bildhauers Praxite...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: Hansueli Holzer
Aphrodite von Knidos
Aphrodite von Knidos
Die Aphrodite von Knidos war in der Antike das berümteste Kunstwerk des Bildhauers Praxiteles. Ein Besuch in Knidos an der türkischen Küste lässt das verscho...- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 106
- author: Hansueli Holzer

Antieke stad Knidos bij Datça en Marmaris....
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: Dirk De Poorter
Antieke stad Knidos bij Datça en Marmaris.- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 471
- author: Dirk De Poorter

Knidos Antikkenti Ve Doğası Tarihe Yolculuk - Datça
ISBN: 978-605-88104-0-2 Knidos Antikkenti Ve Doğası Tarihe Yolculuk - Datça İlk olarak Dat...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: Mehmet SÖKMEN
Knidos Antikkenti Ve Doğası Tarihe Yolculuk - Datça
Knidos Antikkenti Ve Doğası Tarihe Yolculuk - Datça
ISBN: 978-605-88104-0-2 Knidos Antikkenti Ve Doğası Tarihe Yolculuk - Datça İlk olarak Datça Merkeze 2 km uzaklıktaki Dalacak Burnundaki Burgaz mevkiinde Kni...- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 242
- author: Mehmet SÖKMEN

Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwreck Knidos F
Nautilus Live website: http://nautiluslive.org Nautilus Live on Facebook: http://facebook....
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: EVNautilus
Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwreck Knidos F
Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwreck Knidos F
Nautilus Live website: http://nautiluslive.org Nautilus Live on Facebook: http://facebook.com/NautilusLive In this highlight video from September 1, 2012, wa...- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 353
- author: EVNautilus

Aphrodite of Knidos (Ancient Art Podcast 26)
Keeping our promise from last episode, episode 26 explores the history, artistry, and myth...
published: 29 Nov 2009
author: Lucas Livingston
Aphrodite of Knidos (Ancient Art Podcast 26)
Aphrodite of Knidos (Ancient Art Podcast 26)
Keeping our promise from last episode, episode 26 explores the history, artistry, and mythology of the famous Hellenistic sculpture, the Aphrodite of Knidos ...- published: 29 Nov 2009
- views: 5411
- author: Lucas Livingston

Sandstead -- Art Attack -- Aphrodite of Knidos
Favorite quote: "Equal opportunity nakedness!!!"...
published: 28 Dec 2008
author: khamilton357
Sandstead -- Art Attack -- Aphrodite of Knidos
Sandstead -- Art Attack -- Aphrodite of Knidos
Favorite quote: "Equal opportunity nakedness!!!"- published: 28 Dec 2008
- views: 1754
- author: khamilton357

Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwrecks Knidos X & Y
Nautilus Live website: http://nautiluslive.org Nautilus Live on Facebook: http://facebook....
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: EVNautilus
Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwrecks Knidos X & Y
Nautilus Dive Highlights - Shipwrecks Knidos X & Y
Nautilus Live website: http://nautiluslive.org Nautilus Live on Facebook: http://facebook.com/NautilusLive In this highlight video from September 3, 2012, E/...- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 886
- author: EVNautilus

Lion of Knidos - Harmonie de Darvoy - Concert de Printemps 2013
Sous la direction de Florent Trassebot....
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: HarmonieDARVOY
Lion of Knidos - Harmonie de Darvoy - Concert de Printemps 2013
Lion of Knidos - Harmonie de Darvoy - Concert de Printemps 2013
Sous la direction de Florent Trassebot.- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 55
- author: HarmonieDARVOY

Datça-Knidos Gezisi 30/04/2011-01/05/2011
published: 04 May 2011
author: yücel özel
Datça-Knidos Gezisi 30/04/2011-01/05/2011
Youtube results:

Fotoğraflar:GEDİZ ALTIOK Yapım:BÜLENT SEMİH ÇİĞDEMLİ KNİDOS'tan video-foto görüntüleri....
published: 02 Aug 2007
Fotoğraflar:GEDİZ ALTIOK Yapım:BÜLENT SEMİH ÇİĞDEMLİ KNİDOS'tan video-foto görüntüleri.- published: 02 Aug 2007
- views: 496

Lowellville Jr. High Band Performs Lion of Knidos: May 2012
The Lowellville Jr. High Band performs at Lowellville High School, Lion of Knidos at their...
published: 30 May 2012
author: MrJd4309
Lowellville Jr. High Band Performs Lion of Knidos: May 2012
Lowellville Jr. High Band Performs Lion of Knidos: May 2012
The Lowellville Jr. High Band performs at Lowellville High School, Lion of Knidos at their Spring Concert. **No Copyright Intended**- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 119
- author: MrJd4309