T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 1 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 1 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 1 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 11540
- author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 2 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 2 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 2 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 6882
- author: Deano1952
T.E. Lawrence - Footage
This vid is very self indulgent..It's merely so I can keep all the footage I have found of...
published: 01 Nov 2009
author: dengler11
T.E. Lawrence - Footage
T.E. Lawrence - Footage
This vid is very self indulgent..It's merely so I can keep all the footage I have found of the man himsel' in one place without the usual 'arty' stuff you're...- published: 01 Nov 2009
- views: 43112
- author: dengler11
Ralph Fiennes Interview, The Real TE Lawrence
Ralph Fiennes played Lawrence in the infrequently aired film 'A Dangerous Man' Lawrence af...
published: 13 Sep 2010
author: mitsymagicful
Ralph Fiennes Interview, The Real TE Lawrence
Ralph Fiennes Interview, The Real TE Lawrence
Ralph Fiennes played Lawrence in the infrequently aired film 'A Dangerous Man' Lawrence after Arabia. A motorcyle accident killed TE Lawrence in 1935. In thi...- published: 13 Sep 2010
- views: 22704
- author: mitsymagicful
Lawrence Of Arabia
David Lean's splendid biography of the enigmatic T.E. Lawrence paints a complex portrait o...
published: 22 Feb 2012
author: CrackleUK
Lawrence Of Arabia
Lawrence Of Arabia
David Lean's splendid biography of the enigmatic T.E. Lawrence paints a complex portrait of the desert-loving Englishman who united Arab tribes in battle against the Ottoman Turks during World War I.- published: 22 Feb 2012
- author: CrackleUK
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 7 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 7 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 7 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 2855
- author: Deano1952
Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt pt 1
Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt pt 1 This video has subtitles to aid note-taking....
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: mrallsop
Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt pt 1
Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt pt 1
Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt pt 1 This video has subtitles to aid note-taking.- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 20548
- author: mrallsop
ingiliz casus lawrence
Yarbay Thomas Edward L...
published: 02 Oct 2013
ingiliz casus lawrence E.T LAWRENCE HAKKINDA ANSİKLOPEDİK BİLGİLER Yarbay Thomas Edward Lawrence (d. 15 Ağustos 1888, Tremadoc, Caernarvonshire, Galler - ö. 19 Mayıs 1935, Clouds Hill, Dorset, İngiltere),[ Britanyalı arkeolog, askeri stratejist, casus ve yazar. Profesyonel olarak T.E. Lawrence veya T.E. Shaw isimlerini kullandı. 1916 - 1918 yıllarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na karşı yürütülen Arap Ayaklanmasında, Birleşik Krallık irtibat subayı olarak aldığı görev nedeniyle Arabistanlı Lawrence olarak tanınmıştır. Şövalyelik nişanını reddetmiştir, "Üstün Hizmet Madalyası" ve "Fransız Şeref Lejyonu Madalyası" ile ödüllendirilmiştir. Arapların birçoğu, Osmanlı ve Avrupalı devletlerin hakimiyetine karşı verdikleri özgürlük mücadelesine önderlik etmesinden dolayı onu, Arap ulusal uyanışının öncüsü ve halk kahramanı olarak kabul ederler.[kaynak belirtilmeli] Kendisine hayran bazı Bedeviler tarafından Lawrence'a Dinamit Emir (İng: Amīr Dynamite) lakabı verilmiştir. Britanyalılar da onu en büyük savaş kahramanlarından biri olarak kabul ederler.[kaynak belirtilmeli] Bahsi geçen dönemi 1926 tarihli "Bilgeliğin Yedi Sütunu" (İngilizce: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom) adlı otobiyografik eserinde anlatmıştır. ARAP AYAKLANMASI İlk tayin yeri olan Kahire'de İngiliz Askeri Haberalma Servisi için çalıştı. Araplarla olan sıcak ilişkileri Lawrence'ı, İngiliz ve Arap kuvvetleri arasındaki irtibat subaylığı görevi için biçilmiş kaftan kılıyordu. Ekim 1916'da, Arap millî faaliyetlerini rapor etmesi için çöle gönderildi. Mekke şerifi Hüseyin bin Ali'nin oğlu Emir Faysal komutasındaki düzensiz birliklerle birlikte Osmanlı ordusuna karşı gerilla mücadelesi verdi. Arapları, Medine'deki Osmanlı muhafız birliklerini şehirden çıkarmamaları konusunda ikna etti. Böylece Araplar, şehre malzeme getiren Hicaz demiryoluna yaptıkları saldırılara ağırlık verebildiler. Şehri savunmakla meşgul olan Osmanlı askerlerini diğer yandan da demiryolunu tamir etmek zorunda bırakmak suretiyle oyaladılar. Lawrence, Akabe ve Şam'ın işgalinde de önemli rol aldı. Araplarla geçirdiği zaman zarfında, gelenek ve yaşantılarına bayağı adapte oldu. Deve ile seyahat edip, sıkı bir dostluk kurduğu Prens Faysal'ın hediye ettiği yerel kıyafetleri giymeye alıştı. I. Dünya Savaşı'nın sonlarında İngiliz hükümetini, Arapların bağımsızlığının İngilizlerin yararına olduğuna ikna etme konusunda oldukça başarılı oldu. EFSANENİN YAYILIŞI Lawrence, 1918'de savaş muhabiri Lowell Thomas'ın belgesel film ve fotoğraflar çekmesine yardımcı oldu. Savaştan sonra bu belge niteliğindeki fotoğraf ve filmlerle dünya turuna çıkan Lowell Thomas, oldukça yüksek kazançlar elde etti. Lowell Thomas'ın Lawrence'ı büyük bir kahraman gibi göstermesi, Lawrence'ın da kendi anılarında bölgede daha önceden yüzlerce İngiliz ajanı tarafından yapılmış birçok şeyi kendine mal etmesi Lawrence'ın aslında çok da hak etmediği bir üne kavuşmasını sağladı. Öyle ki sonradan Lawrence'ın efsanesini kaleme alan yazarlar yeri geldiğinde Lawrence'ı gerilla savaşı'nın mucidi olarak kabul etmişlerdir. 1962'de çekilen Arabistanlı Lawrence filmi ise efsaneyi doruk noktasına ulaştırmıştır. ÖLÜMÜ Lawrence 19 Mayıs 1935 günü Clouds Dorset-İngiltere'de bir motosiklet kazasında 46 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. kaynak https://www.facebook.com/osanal- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 17
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 6 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 6 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 6 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 3212
- author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 3 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 3 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 3 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 4793
- author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 4 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 4 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 4 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 4275
- author: Deano1952
T. E. Lawrence - Flog It!.mp4
A short segment about T. E. Lawrence shown on Flog It!...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: Raymond Garfield
T. E. Lawrence - Flog It!.mp4
T. E. Lawrence - Flog It!.mp4
A short segment about T. E. Lawrence shown on Flog It!- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 137
- author: Raymond Garfield
Lawrence of Arabia part 1
Lawrence of Arabia is a 1962 British-American epic adventure drama film based on the life ...
published: 08 Aug 2013
author: jefke peremans
Lawrence of Arabia part 1
Lawrence of Arabia part 1
Lawrence of Arabia is a 1962 British-American epic adventure drama film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence.- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 215
- author: jefke peremans
Youtube results:
Produced during the First World War this silent newsreel, WITH LAWRENCE IN ARABIA was the ...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Produced during the First World War this silent newsreel, WITH LAWRENCE IN ARABIA was the creation of Lowell Jackson Thomas (April 6, 1892 -- August 29, 1981), an American writer, broadcaster, and traveler. He is perhaps best known today as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous, but in his day he was equally well known as a biographer, radio host, and the author of over sixty books. This short newsreel, a companion of sorts to Thomas' book of the same name, does not contain many images of T.E. Lawrence but it does chronicle some of the desert campaign under Allenby. This version was produced for the home market; a longer version and magic lantern slides were shown by Thomas during his lectures. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 42
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 5 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrenc...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: Deano1952
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 5 of 7
T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary pt 5 of 7
1986 BBC 90 minute documentary biography of T E Lawrence. In 1987 T E's brother AW Lawrence wrote to the BBC producers, "I have at last had the video shown t...- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 3538
- author: Deano1952
T.E. Lawrence - All Known Footage
Together wIth the original 'T.E.LAWRENCE - FOOTAGE'..I'm confident that this is all the fo...
published: 14 Apr 2010
author: dengler11
T.E. Lawrence - All Known Footage
T.E. Lawrence - All Known Footage
Together wIth the original 'T.E.LAWRENCE - FOOTAGE'..I'm confident that this is all the footage of T.E.L. that has ever been captured on film..The first scen...- published: 14 Apr 2010
- views: 12361
- author: dengler11
Minichamps BROUGH SUPERIOR SS 100 ´T.E. LAWRENCE´ - 1932 - BLACK L.E. 1932 pcs.
T.E. Lawrence was a fine Englishman, much admired by Winston Churchill. After he led his A...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: Minichampsmodelcars
Minichamps BROUGH SUPERIOR SS 100 ´T.E. LAWRENCE´ - 1932 - BLACK L.E. 1932 pcs.
Minichamps BROUGH SUPERIOR SS 100 ´T.E. LAWRENCE´ - 1932 - BLACK L.E. 1932 pcs.
T.E. Lawrence was a fine Englishman, much admired by Winston Churchill. After he led his Arab fighters to victory over the Turks in the First World War, he r...- published: 23 Mar 2011
- views: 4405
- author: Minichampsmodelcars