Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: crashcourse
Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21
Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You've probably heard of Christopher Columbus, who "discovered" Americ...- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 375761
- author: crashcourse
"Zheng He" - The Great Voyager 1405-1433 AD
Zheng He from 1405 to 1433 made 7 voyages with over 1000 soldiers and crew to India and Af...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: Jim Wyler
"Zheng He" - The Great Voyager 1405-1433 AD
"Zheng He" - The Great Voyager 1405-1433 AD
Zheng He from 1405 to 1433 made 7 voyages with over 1000 soldiers and crew to India and Africa. The great explorer. Their voyages were hidden from history an...- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 7516
- author: Jim Wyler
Zheng He
One in a series of 26 videos created for a Dubai client. The videos were so successful tha...
published: 01 Jun 2007
author: mothercityrecords
Zheng He
Zheng He
One in a series of 26 videos created for a Dubai client. The videos were so successful that they are currently being viewed all over the world.- published: 01 Jun 2007
- views: 71292
- author: mothercityrecords
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 01
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well bef...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: CHINAnimax Vid
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 01
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 01
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well before Magellan circumnavigated the Earth, Chinese Emperor Yongle (Zhu...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 1540
- author: CHINAnimax Vid
Great Voyages: Zheng He
Dr. Adam Smith, Assistant Curator, Asian Section, kicks off the 2013--2014 "Great Lectures...
published: 10 Oct 2013
Great Voyages: Zheng He
Great Voyages: Zheng He
Dr. Adam Smith, Assistant Curator, Asian Section, kicks off the 2013--2014 "Great Lectures" series. This year's theme: Great Voyages. Zheng He, a Muslim-born eunuch, is the most famous of the men that led the spectacular maritime expeditions of the Ming Dynasty, mounted during the early 15th century as an assertion of China's power and prestige among neighboring peoples of Southeast Asia. Dr. Smith discusses Zheng He's seven voyages, which reached beyond Southeast Asia to India, the Middle East, and the east coast of Africa over three decades—half a century before Portuguese navigators reached these same regions via the Cape of Good Hope.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 59
Emperor of the Seas
Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval expeditions l...
published: 09 Jan 2010
author: TravelVideoStore
Emperor of the Seas
Emperor of the Seas
Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval expeditions led by Zheng He and the greatest armada the world had ever seen. Emp...- published: 09 Jan 2010
- views: 1421
- author: TravelVideoStore
ZH: Greatest Naval Explorer You Never Knew? China's Zheng He
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET...
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: Farland Chang
ZH: Greatest Naval Explorer You Never Knew? China's Zheng He
ZH: Greatest Naval Explorer You Never Knew? China's Zheng He
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET: THE EPIC VOYAGE OF ZHENG HE - THE GREATEST EXPLORER YOU NEVER HEA...- published: 14 Jan 2009
- views: 25631
- author: Farland Chang
Ships - Zheng He
Ships - Zheng He....
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: Albianiegea
Ships - Zheng He
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 03
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well bef...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: CHINAnimax Vid
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 03
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 03
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well before Magellan circumnavigated the Earth, Chinese Emperor Yongle (Zhu...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 465
- author: CHINAnimax Vid
ZH: China's Emperor Zhu Di (Patron & master of Zheng He)
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET...
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: Farland Chang
ZH: China's Emperor Zhu Di (Patron & master of Zheng He)
ZH: China's Emperor Zhu Di (Patron & master of Zheng He)
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET: THE EPIC VOYAGE OF ZHENG HE - THE GREATEST EXPLORER YOU NEVER HEA...- published: 14 Jan 2009
- views: 4502
- author: Farland Chang
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 02
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well bef...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: CHINAnimax Vid
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 02
Zheng He 郑和下西洋 Episode 02
Six hundred years ago, before Columbus sailed to the New World (the Americas) and well before Magellan circumnavigated the Earth, Chinese Emperor Yongle (Zhu...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 520
- author: CHINAnimax Vid
ZH: Intro - Why China's Greatest Admiral Zheng He Vanished?
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET...
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: Farland Chang
ZH: Intro - Why China's Greatest Admiral Zheng He Vanished?
ZH: Intro - Why China's Greatest Admiral Zheng He Vanished?
http://www.1000pictures.tv/ Please visit us here to order your DVDs and books. GHOST FLEET: THE EPIC VOYAGE OF ZHENG HE - THE GREATEST EXPLORER YOU NEVER HEA...- published: 14 Jan 2009
- views: 5869
- author: Farland Chang
Os Mutantes - Zheng he
Zheng he
(Henrique Peters/Sergio Dias)
Sorte à nau
Nem Colombo
Nem Cabral
Zheng he que e...
published: 12 Aug 2013
Os Mutantes - Zheng he
Os Mutantes - Zheng he
Zheng he (Henrique Peters/Sergio Dias) Sorte à nau Nem Colombo Nem Cabral Zheng he que era o tal Ele e sua náu Sensacional Nos anais da história a sorte anal Nos anais da história a sorte anal Nos anais da história a sorte anal Nos anais da história a sorte anal A nau do arnal A nau do arnal A nau do arnal A nau do Arnaldo- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 15
Youtube results:
Zheng He: China's Greatest Admiral
http://www.1000pictures.tv Here's the trailer to our award winnning documentary. It's host...
published: 15 May 2007
author: noahstreet
Zheng He: China's Greatest Admiral
Zheng He: China's Greatest Admiral
http://www.1000pictures.tv Here's the trailer to our award winnning documentary. It's hosted and inspired by my partner, Mike Yamashita, the legendary photog...- published: 15 May 2007
- views: 21691
- author: noahstreet
Die Drachenflotte des Admirals Zheng He - Gigant der Meere - Teil 2
Die Drachenflotte des Admirals Zheng He.
Zheng He wurde zur Zeit der Ming-Dynastie in Kuny...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Die Drachenflotte des Admirals Zheng He - Gigant der Meere - Teil 2
Die Drachenflotte des Admirals Zheng He - Gigant der Meere - Teil 2
Die Drachenflotte des Admirals Zheng He. Zheng He wurde zur Zeit der Ming-Dynastie in Kunyang, der heutigen Großgemeinde Kunyang (昆陽鎮 / 昆阳镇) im Kreis Jinning, in der südchinesischen Provinz Yunnan als Sohn einer muslimischen Familie geboren. Sein Geburtsname war Ma He. Er war ein direkter Nachkomme -- in sechster Generation -- des berühmten, in den Diensten der Mongolen stehenden Ministers Sayyid Adschall Schams ad-Din Umar (1211--1279)[2], dessen Vorfahren aus Buchara stammten und als Nachfahren Mohammeds galten. Sein Großvater und Vater hatten, als gläubige Muslime, beide die Haddsch, die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka, absolviert. Im Jahre Hongwu 15 (1382) geriet er als elfjähriger Junge in Gefangenschaft der Ming-Truppen, die gerade die Provinz Yunnan befriedeten. Mit 13 Jahren wurde er kastriert, da der Kaiser und seine Nachkommen die einzig zeugungsfähigen Männer im Palast sein durften. Zheng He kam zunächst als Diener an den Hof des Prinzen von Yan, Zhu Di, der später als Cheng Zu der Yongle-Kaiser (1403--1424) der Ming-Dynastie werden sollte. Ma He zeigte sich als außergewöhnlicher Diener und wurde in Kriegskunst und Diplomatie unterwiesen. Prinz Zhu Di gab Ma He den neuen Namen Zheng He (Cheng Ho), nachdem das Pferd des Eunuchen in einer Schlacht bei Zhenglunba getötet wurde. Als weiterer Name Zheng Hes tritt „San Bao" auf, was „drei Juwelen" bedeutet. Zheng He war nach den Berichten eine imposante Erscheinung. Er soll über zwei Meter groß und sehr beleibt gewesen sein (was bei Kastration vor Beendigung des Wachstums sehr glaubhaft ist) und eine tiefe oder aber sehr durchdringende Stimme gehabt haben (Kastration nach dem Stimmbruch?). Als Prinz Zhu Di im Jahre 1402 Kaiser wurde, bedeutete dies auch einen erheblichen Machtzuwachs für Zheng He. 1403 ernannte ihn der neue Kaiser Yongle zum Admiral und befahl, eine Flotte von Schatzschiffen zu bauen, um damit den Einflussbereich Chinas auszudehnen und nach der Fremdherrschaft der Mongolen wieder als ein mächtiges Land zu erscheinen. Admiral Zheng He war der erste Eunuch, der eine so hohe militärische Position in China bekleidete. Vermutlich führte er auf seinen Reisen ein Glas mit seinen Geschlechtsteilen mit, damit er im Fall eines Unglücks wenigstens im Jenseits wieder „ein ganzer Mann" sei.- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 1
Mit offenen Karten Die Abenteuer des Seefahrers und Eunuchen Zheng He
Mit offenen Karten (französisch Le Dessous des cartes) ist eine wöchentlich ausgestrahlte ...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: MitoffenenkartenDE
Mit offenen Karten Die Abenteuer des Seefahrers und Eunuchen Zheng He
Mit offenen Karten Die Abenteuer des Seefahrers und Eunuchen Zheng He
Mit offenen Karten (französisch Le Dessous des cartes) ist eine wöchentlich ausgestrahlte Sendereihe auf ARTE, in der fast ausschließlich anhand von Karten h...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 3
- author: MitoffenenkartenDE
Gigant der Meere p.3 - Admiral Zheng He (1372-1433)
Little did the famous Muslim geographer, Ibn Battuta know, that about 22 years after his h...
published: 02 Jan 2009
author: raeprnmwt12
Gigant der Meere p.3 - Admiral Zheng He (1372-1433)
Gigant der Meere p.3 - Admiral Zheng He (1372-1433)
Little did the famous Muslim geographer, Ibn Battuta know, that about 22 years after his historic visit to China, the Mongol Dynasty (called the Yuan Dynasty...- published: 02 Jan 2009
- views: 6368
- author: raeprnmwt12