
RUTHIE HENSHALL as Fantine - I Dreamed a Dream (As Good As It Gets!)
Ruthie Henshall in character as Fantine with another spectacular performance of "I Dreamed...
published: 14 Jan 2010
author: verycoolsound
RUTHIE HENSHALL as Fantine - I Dreamed a Dream (As Good As It Gets!)
RUTHIE HENSHALL as Fantine - I Dreamed a Dream (As Good As It Gets!)
Ruthie Henshall in character as Fantine with another spectacular performance of "I Dreamed a Dream." Ruthie was cast as Fantine in the 1995 Les Miserables Lo...- published: 14 Jan 2010
- views: 660698
- author: verycoolsound

Dominique vs. Fantine - Please Don't Stop The Music (The Battle | The voice of Holland 2013)
Dit is The Battle tussen Dominique Rombouts en Fantine Tho. Ze zingen het nummer "Please D...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Dominique vs. Fantine - Please Don't Stop The Music (The Battle | The voice of Holland 2013)
Dominique vs. Fantine - Please Don't Stop The Music (The Battle | The voice of Holland 2013)
Dit is The Battle tussen Dominique Rombouts en Fantine Tho. Ze zingen het nummer "Please Don't Stop The Music" van Rihanna. Bezoek de officiële site: http://www.thevoiceofholland.com/ ABONNEER voor meer video's: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECl_wtt74nN3SQ_aHaDy5Q?annotation_id=annotation_1123431991&feature;=iv&src;_vid=l3qCnGSUvtY⊂_confirmation=1 Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/rtl_tvoh Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/thevoiceofholland Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/rtl_tvoh- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 379056

Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On (The Blind Auditions | The voice of Holland)
The Blind Audition van Fantine Tho. Ze zingt "Leave The Light On" van Beth Hart.
Bezoek d...
published: 11 Oct 2013
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On (The Blind Auditions | The voice of Holland)
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On (The Blind Auditions | The voice of Holland)
The Blind Audition van Fantine Tho. Ze zingt "Leave The Light On" van Beth Hart. Bezoek de officiële site: http://www.thevoiceofholland.com/ ABONNEER voor meer video's: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECl_wtt74nN3SQ_aHaDy5Q?annotation_id=annotation_1123431991&feature;=iv&src;_vid=l3qCnGSUvtY⊂_confirmation=1 Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/rtl_tvoh Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/thevoiceofholland Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/rtl_tvoh- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 4156

I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway as Fantine - Full Version
From the upcoming film "Les Miserables" based on the broadway musical.... 12/25/12 NO COPY...
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: Bailey Gorman
I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway as Fantine - Full Version
I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway as Fantine - Full Version
From the upcoming film "Les Miserables" based on the broadway musical.... 12/25/12 NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED.- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 787747
- author: Bailey Gorman

Come To Me / Fantine's Death {LesMis ~ Broadway, 2007} - Lea Salonga
Need I say anything about her acting? This is Lea at the top of her game! The Valjean here...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: KateBushDepot
Come To Me / Fantine's Death {LesMis ~ Broadway, 2007} - Lea Salonga
Come To Me / Fantine's Death {LesMis ~ Broadway, 2007} - Lea Salonga
Need I say anything about her acting? This is Lea at the top of her game! The Valjean here is Alexander Gemignani. Enjoy!- published: 03 Feb 2012
- views: 60789
- author: KateBushDepot

Fantine Tho - Happy (The voice of Holland: Liveshow 2)
Tijdens de tweede Liveshow van The voice of Holland seizoen 4 zong Fantine Tho het nummer ...
published: 22 Nov 2013
Fantine Tho - Happy (The voice of Holland: Liveshow 2)
Fantine Tho - Happy (The voice of Holland: Liveshow 2)
Tijdens de tweede Liveshow van The voice of Holland seizoen 4 zong Fantine Tho het nummer 'Happy' van Pharell Williams. Bezoek de officiële site: http://www.thevoiceofholland.com/ ABONNEER voor meer video's: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECl_wtt74nN3SQ_aHaDy5Q?annotation_id=annotation_1123431991&feature;=iv&src;_vid=l3qCnGSUvtY⊂_confirmation=1 Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/rtl_tvoh Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/thevoiceofholland Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/rtl_tvoh- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 76297

Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On - The Voice Of Holland Season 4
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On
The Voice Of Holland 2013...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On - The Voice Of Holland Season 4
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On - The Voice Of Holland Season 4
Fantine Tho - Leave The Light On The Voice Of Holland 2013- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 7368

Les Misérables - Official Clip [HD]: At The End Of The Day - Fantine
LES MIS! SHARE ME on FACEBOOK! http://on.fb.me/UhThx4 In this official clip from Les Miser...
published: 01 Dec 2012
author: ENTV
Les Misérables - Official Clip [HD]: At The End Of The Day - Fantine
Les Misérables - Official Clip [HD]: At The End Of The Day - Fantine
LES MIS! SHARE ME on FACEBOOK! http://on.fb.me/UhThx4 In this official clip from Les Miserables (2012) Anne Hathaway performs from the scene 'At The End of T...- published: 01 Dec 2012
- views: 316043
- author: ENTV

Mc Fantine Lavando Carro na Véspera do Réveillon 2013 / 2014
Em Plena véspera do Réveillon, Mc Fantine lavando carro , Isso mesmo pessoal enquanto muit...
published: 01 Jan 2014
Mc Fantine Lavando Carro na Véspera do Réveillon 2013 / 2014
Mc Fantine Lavando Carro na Véspera do Réveillon 2013 / 2014
Em Plena véspera do Réveillon, Mc Fantine lavando carro , Isso mesmo pessoal enquanto muita gente já estão se preparando para a virado do ano novo, Essa deusa do funk esta lavando carro do produtor , que ainda vai leva lá pra muitos shows em 2014. ★CONTATOS PRA SHOWS★ ☏℡゚ (12) 7898 9602 ID: 90*14144 Jorge Curi E-mail: contato.deborafantine@hotmail.com Site: www.deborafantine.com.br Site Oficial - https://www.deborafantine.com.br Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/deborafantine Instagram - http://instagram.com/deborafantine Twitter - http://twitter.com/deborafantine Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/deborafantine- published: 01 Jan 2014
- views: 4361

Les Miserables: Valjean Saves Fantine Scene HD 1080p (2013) Blu-Ray
Check out my art pages! Give them a like or follow!
published: 28 Mar 2013
Les Miserables: Valjean Saves Fantine Scene HD 1080p (2013) Blu-Ray
Les Miserables: Valjean Saves Fantine Scene HD 1080p (2013) Blu-Ray
Check out my art pages! Give them a like or follow! http://www.facebook.com/kregfrancoartcollection https://twitter.com/Egrka96 http://instagram.com/egrka/ Here's a great scene from the Blu Ray of Les Miserables! When Valjean rescues Fantine from the "whirlpool of her sin!" The beauty of redemption. In 19th-century France, Jean Valjean, who for decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after he breaks parole, agrees to care for factory worker Fantine's daughter, Cosette. The fateful decision changes their lives forever. I DO NOT OWN ANY AUDIO OR FOOTAGE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO UNIVERSAL PICTURES- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 22

Clipe da música Até o Fim, de Fantine Tho, direção de Marco Rodrigues, com o tema AUTISMO
A cantora Fantine Tho lançou dia 07/07/2011, no site da MTV Brasil, um videoclipe da músic...
published: 09 Jul 2011
author: Revista Autismo .com.br
Clipe da música Até o Fim, de Fantine Tho, direção de Marco Rodrigues, com o tema AUTISMO
Clipe da música Até o Fim, de Fantine Tho, direção de Marco Rodrigues, com o tema AUTISMO
A cantora Fantine Tho lançou dia 07/07/2011, no site da MTV Brasil, um videoclipe da música "Até o Fim", dirigido por Marco Rodrigues, com um tema incomum: o...- published: 09 Jul 2011
- views: 46330
- author: Revista Autismo .com.br

Fantine Thó | Leave The Light On | Live "The Voice of Holland" [Completo]
Para ajudar a Fantine, comprem o single no iTunes:
published: 07 Sep 2013
Fantine Thó | Leave The Light On | Live "The Voice of Holland" [Completo]
Fantine Thó | Leave The Light On | Live "The Voice of Holland" [Completo]
Para ajudar a Fantine, comprem o single no iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/leave-light-on-from-voice/id698643001?l=en Apresentação completa + os comentários dos jurados! Fantine foi aprovada e escolhida por três técnicos do programa, mas acabou ficando no time de Marco Borsato.- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 36756

Luciana Manda Mensagem Para Fantine | Domingo Legal • 2004
Em sua saída do Rouge, Luciana Andrade manda Mensagem para Fantine Thó, no programa "Domin...
published: 11 Jan 2010
author: idolos2000
Luciana Manda Mensagem Para Fantine | Domingo Legal • 2004
Luciana Manda Mensagem Para Fantine | Domingo Legal • 2004
Em sua saída do Rouge, Luciana Andrade manda Mensagem para Fantine Thó, no programa "Domingo Legal" em 2004.- published: 11 Jan 2010
- views: 77059
- author: idolos2000
Youtube results:

Fantine Tho: 'Dusty but New'
This video portrait is about Fantine Tho talking about her first solo album Dusty but New....
published: 07 Sep 2013
Fantine Tho: 'Dusty but New'
Fantine Tho: 'Dusty but New'
This video portrait is about Fantine Tho talking about her first solo album Dusty but New. Directed by Godfried Hartkamp http://www.verhaalmakers.nl styling by Cynthia Schrijver http://www.cynthiaschrijver.nl Recording at Sandlane Studio in Rijen (The Netherlands)- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 2267

Fantine Thó "Middle Of The Night" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) HD
Música: Middle of the night Autor: Fantine Thó Produção: Curso de Cinefotografia Toni Mart...
published: 23 Nov 2011
author: Andy Rodriigues
Fantine Thó "Middle Of The Night" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) HD
Fantine Thó "Middle Of The Night" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) HD
Música: Middle of the night Autor: Fantine Thó Produção: Curso de Cinefotografia Toni Martin/ IIF 2011 Direção: Alunos do curso Assist de direção: Gilson And...- published: 23 Nov 2011
- views: 2000
- author: Andy Rodriigues

Deborah Fantine convida um Rapaz e uma Moça pra subir no palco pra dar um Beijo de Chocola...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Deborah Fantine convida um Rapaz e uma Moça pra subir no palco pra dar um Beijo de Chocolate durante um show realizado em um Night Club em Ubatuba Litoral Norte Paulista. Download da musica Beijo de Chocolate: http://bit.ly/downloadbeijodechocolate Site Oficial - https://www.deborafantine.com.br Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/deborafantine Instagram - http://instagram.com/deborafantine Twitter - http://twitter.com/deborafantine Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/deborafantine ★CONTATOS PRA SHOWS★ ☏℡゚ (12) 7898 8282 ID: 45*1103 Carlos Leite E-mail: contato.deborafantine@gmail.com Site: www.deborafantine.com.br- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 3093