
"Crime is the disease. Meet the cure." First came Rocky, then he was Rambo, and now Sylves...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: warnervoduk
"Crime is the disease. Meet the cure." First came Rocky, then he was Rambo, and now Sylvester Stallone ("The Specialist," "Cliffhanger," "Tango & Cash") plays his toughest character yet as a police officer dirtier than Harry, who must protect a beautiful witness from a cult of serial killers. Explosive action from the director of "Rambo: First Blood Part II." MPAA Rating: NOTRATED © 1986 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.- published: 30 Sep 2011
- author: warnervoduk

Best Scene from Cobra [1986]
This is the most hillarious and enjoyable scene from the 1986 Sylvester Stallone movie COB...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: Jim P
Best Scene from Cobra [1986]
Best Scene from Cobra [1986]
This is the most hillarious and enjoyable scene from the 1986 Sylvester Stallone movie COBRA. Enjoy, Credits where credits are due... Disclaimer: I am not re...- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 92502
- author: Jim P

COBRA - Market Gunfight
This is the scene from the begining of the movie where Cobretti has to go into a market to...
published: 11 Feb 2010
author: slasher7555
COBRA - Market Gunfight
COBRA - Market Gunfight
This is the scene from the begining of the movie where Cobretti has to go into a market to save people from a crazed lunitic with a shotgun and bomb. - Crime...- published: 11 Feb 2010
- views: 1864
- author: slasher7555

Great Movie Mistakes: COBRA (1986)
The Best and Worst Movie Mistakes in Cobra (Sylvester Stallone) they did not want you to s...
published: 28 Jan 2013
Great Movie Mistakes: COBRA (1986)
Great Movie Mistakes: COBRA (1986)
The Best and Worst Movie Mistakes in Cobra (Sylvester Stallone) they did not want you to see...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 36151
- author: INNITMOVIE

Cobra Final Showdown
Final showdown in Cobra between Cobretti and the Night Slasher, which ends in a way only s...
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: 80sActionMovies
Cobra Final Showdown
Cobra Final Showdown
Final showdown in Cobra between Cobretti and the Night Slasher, which ends in a way only seen in the best 80s action movies http://80sactionmovies.com/- published: 24 Feb 2008
- views: 79479
- author: 80sActionMovies

"Cobra (1986)" Theatrical Trailer
Original theatrical trailer for the 1986 film "Cobra." Starring Sylvester Stallone, Brigit...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: cinematictrailers
"Cobra (1986)" Theatrical Trailer
"Cobra (1986)" Theatrical Trailer
Original theatrical trailer for the 1986 film "Cobra." Starring Sylvester Stallone, Brigitte Nielsen, Reni Santoni, Andrew Robinson, Brian Thompson, Art LaFl...- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 11047
- author: cinematictrailers

Black Cobra 1
Fred Williamson is Detective Robert Malone, a cop who shoots first and answers to no one! ...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: Vonetize
Black Cobra 1
Black Cobra 1
Fred Williamson is Detective Robert Malone, a cop who shoots first and answers to no one! A sociopathic biker gang is terrorizing New York City, robbing and viciously murdering anyone who crosses...- published: 31 Mar 2011
- author: Vonetize

COBRA - Making Of
Making of del film "Cobra", thriller/azione del 1986 con Sylvester Stallone (Marion Cobret...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: SlyitalianVideo
COBRA - Making Of
COBRA - Making Of
Making of del film "Cobra", thriller/azione del 1986 con Sylvester Stallone (Marion Cobretti), Brigitte Nielsen, Reni Santoni, Andrew Robinson e Brian Thomps...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 6529
- author: SlyitalianVideo

COBRA - 1986. EEUU.
Exclusivo vídeo, extraído del DVD original, de la mítica película de Sylvester Stallone y ...
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: CharlyCRP
COBRA - 1986. EEUU.
COBRA - 1986. EEUU.
Exclusivo vídeo, extraído del DVD original, de la mítica película de Sylvester Stallone y de la que fuera su mujer: Brigitte Nielsen. El audio del clip ha si...- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 236663
- author: CharlyCRP

Angel Of The City - Cobra Soundtrack
Video by Lueur Verte, from "Cobra" movie (1986). Music by Robert Tepper - Angel Of The Cit...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Lueur Verte
Angel Of The City - Cobra Soundtrack
Angel Of The City - Cobra Soundtrack
Video by Lueur Verte, from "Cobra" movie (1986). Music by Robert Tepper - Angel Of The City (1986).- published: 22 May 2011
- views: 2002439
- author: Lueur Verte

Cobra Car Chase.
The movie with Sylvester Stallone in Cobra. Clip the car chase. (1986)...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: SailormoonLoveSonicX
Cobra Car Chase.
Cobra Car Chase.
The movie with Sylvester Stallone in Cobra. Clip the car chase. (1986)- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 2511
- author: SailormoonLoveSonicX

Cobra (1986): Where Are They Now?
find out what ever happen to the 1986 film, Cobra....
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: wherearetheynowguy
Cobra (1986): Where Are They Now?
Cobra (1986): Where Are They Now?
find out what ever happen to the 1986 film, Cobra.- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 457
- author: wherearetheynowguy

Jean Beauvoir - Feel The Heat (From ''Cobra'' [1986])
[1986] Cobra (Sylvester Stallone) Come see my channel for more!...
published: 28 May 2011
author: ShadoW19970
Jean Beauvoir - Feel The Heat (From ''Cobra'' [1986])
Jean Beauvoir - Feel The Heat (From ''Cobra'' [1986])
[1986] Cobra (Sylvester Stallone) Come see my channel for more!- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 110499
- author: ShadoW19970

COBRA (1986) - Awesomely Bad Movies
Kyle Anderson (@FunctionalNerd) learns that the only truly effective form of law enforceme...
published: 22 Jan 2014
COBRA (1986) - Awesomely Bad Movies
COBRA (1986) - Awesomely Bad Movies
Kyle Anderson (@FunctionalNerd) learns that the only truly effective form of law enforcement involves straight, raw-dog fascism. So bust out those aviator shades and chomp down on that toothpick. It's 1986's COBRA! STALLONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Website - mydamnchannel.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com/modprimate Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/awesomelybadmovieswithkyle Praise be to the geniuses who made this: Written by and starring Kyle Anderson - twitter.com/FunctionalNerd Produced, directed, & edited by Matt Warren - twitter.com/mpmwarren Produced, directed, & edited by Graham Wilson - twitter.com/_GrahamWilson Executive Producer for My Damn Channel - Warren Chao- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 463
Youtube results:

Cobra 1986 trailer Cannon Films
outro filme fodão do sly. e o nome da musica é feel the heat,cantada pelo jean beauvoir....
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: rambo9882
Cobra 1986 trailer Cannon Films
Cobra 1986 trailer Cannon Films
outro filme fodão do sly. e o nome da musica é feel the heat,cantada pelo jean beauvoir.- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 5364
- author: rambo9882

Cobra Trailer [HD]
THIS IS TRAILER NUMBER 400 !!!! Time for a new layout, if you like it let me now. Then i w...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: MoviemanTrailers
Cobra Trailer [HD]
Cobra Trailer [HD]
THIS IS TRAILER NUMBER 400 !!!! Time for a new layout, if you like it let me now. Then i will send all my trailer like this one. (Thanks) No Copyright Infrin...- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 16376
- author: MoviemanTrailers

Stallone Cobra (1986) "Maconha faz mal, sabia?"
Stallone Cobra (1986)...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: Gui Mastellini
Stallone Cobra (1986) "Maconha faz mal, sabia?"
Stallone Cobra (1986) "Maconha faz mal, sabia?"
Stallone Cobra (1986)- published: 12 Feb 2011
- views: 76208
- author: Gui Mastellini