New Internationalist


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Money-making and morality are seldom bed-fellows

Chris Coltrane explains why investing in bombing children to feed other children is not OK.

Filed in: Arms NGOs

Disasters: no quick fix to recovery

The Philippines must learn from the mistakes made in Haiti, says Linda O’Halloran.

Filed in: Development Disasters Haiti Philippines

Radical ideas and true solidarity are essential for today's internationalism

Amy Hall sums up a night of discussion and reflection on the marking of New Internationalist’s 40th birthday.

Filed in: Development (Aid) NGOs

International aid agencies must work in partnership with local organizations

Local action is more effective than an uncoordinated international response to disasters, says Alexander Carnwath.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Disasters NGOs

Internationalism is about justice – and the World Cup too

The international development agenda needs to be reclaimed as a struggle for global justice argues Jean Grugel.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Human Rights Migration

NGOs must give up power

Aid organizations need to relinquish the clout that comes with money and bureaucracy, argues Oxfam’s Ben Phillips.

Filed in: Development Development (Aid) Globalization NGOs Poverty

The wrong kind of solidarity

If you erase power and class, you are left with a cosmopolitan elite lecturing on ‘global society’ to people suffering poverty at home, warns Nick Dearden.

Filed in: Colonialism Development (Aid) Globalization NGOs Poverty

As the cuts bite, why bother with the global South?

Jonathan Glennie opens our Internationalists series, calling on rich nations to reject nagging stinginess and embrace radical redistribution across borders.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Equality Politics Poverty

Flushed down the toilet: why aid projects don’t always deliver

Sanitation saves lives, but too many projects are unsuccessful at fulfilling their goals, says Rebecca Dracup.

Filed in: Australia Development Kenya

VIDEO: the power of participation

Chris Lunch believes we are only just scratching the surface of video technology’s potential.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Society Technology

What will happen when the MDGs expire?

Dan Smith gets to grips with the UN High Level Panel’s report on international development post-2015, and argues that it needs to go deeper.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Peace Poverty UN

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