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Change Taxonomies Permalink header

How To Change Your WordPress Category, Tag, or Post Format Permalink Structure

| Tutorial | No Comments

There are five default WordPress taxonomies: category, post_tag, post_format, nav_menu, and link_category – but nav_menu and link_category are off in a world of their own so let’s pretend they don’t…

Subdomain Multisite header

How to Setup a Localhost WordPress (Sub-domain Multisite) Environment

| Tutorial, WordPress | 18 Comments

Heads up that I work on a Mac so, therefore, this tutorial is for Mac OS. However, I’m sure the majority of this process can easily be applied to Windows….


How to Hide the WordPress Admin Bar

| Tutorial, WordPress | One Comment

The WordPress admin bar, or toolbar, can be really helpful but sometimes it gets in my way, especially when I’m trying a new design and having difficulty imagining what it…


Things Are A (WordPress) Changing

| WordPress | No Comments

Hey gang. I decided to mix things up a bit over at and migrate all my WordPress-ery to a new home,! My plans are to now turn…