Calexico - The Black Light (Full Album)
Calexico - Algiers (Full Album Stream)
Calexico - Carried to Dust (Full Album)
Calexico - Feast of Wire (Full Album)
Calexico - Garden Ruin (full album)
Calexico Live @ Sziget 2013 [Full concert]
Calexico Live at AB - Ancienne Belgique (Full concert)
"Two Silver Trees" by Calexico
Calexico - Stray
Calexico - Splitter (official video)
Calexico - Crystal Frontier
Calexico - Inspiracion
Calexico - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Calexico - Alone again, or.. - Live HQ
Calexico - The Black Light (Full Album)
Calexico - Algiers (Full Album Stream)
Calexico - Carried to Dust (Full Album)
Calexico - Feast of Wire (Full Album)
Calexico - Garden Ruin (full album)
Calexico Live @ Sziget 2013 [Full concert]
Calexico Live at AB - Ancienne Belgique (Full concert)
"Two Silver Trees" by Calexico
Calexico - Stray
Calexico - Splitter (official video)
Calexico - Crystal Frontier
Calexico - Inspiracion
Calexico - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Calexico - Alone again, or.. - Live HQ
Calexcio & Radio Symphonieorchester Wien - Fortune Teller (Improvisation) - FM4 Radio Session
Calexico covers Kenny Loggins
Calexico - El Picador
Calexico - Black Heart
Calexico - "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" Touch and Go Records
Calexico & Mariachi Luz de Luna - Crystal Frontier
Calexico - "The Vanishing Mind"
Calexico w/ Neko Case - The Ballad of Cable Hogue
Calexico - "Para"
Calexico may refer to:
Kenneth Clark "Kenny" Loggins (born January 7, 1948) is an American singer and songwriter. He is known for soft rock music beginning during the 1970s, and later for writing and performing for movie soundtracks in the 1980s. Originally a part of the duo Loggins and Messina, he became a solo artist and has written songs for other artists.
Loggins (born in Everett, Washington) is the youngest of three brothers. His mother was Lina (Massie), a stay-at-home mom, and his father, Robert George Loggins, was a salesman. They lived in Detroit and Seattle before settling in Alhambra, California. Loggins attended San Gabriel Mission High School[citation needed], graduating in 1966. He formed a band called the Second Helping, that released three singles during 1968 and 1969 on Viva Records. Greg Shaw described the efforts as "excellent punky folk-pop records" that were written by Loggins who was likely to be the bandleader and singer as well; Shaw included "Let Me In" on both Highs in the Mid-Sixties, Volume 2 and the Pebbles, Volume 9 CD. Loggins had a short gig playing guitar for the "The New Improved" Electric Prunes in 1969 before writing four songs for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, which were included in their Uncle Charlie & His Dog Teddy album. During his early twenties, he was part of the band Gator Creek with Mike Deasy. An early version of "Danny's Song" (later recorded by Loggins and Messina) was included in a record on Mercury Records.
Neko Case ( /ˈniːkoʊ ˈkeɪs/; born September 8, 1970) is an American singer-songwriter, best known for her solo career and her contributions as a member of the Canadian indie rock group The New Pornographers.
Case recorded and toured for several years as Neko Case & Her Boyfriends before performing solely under her name. She primarily performs her own material, but also performs and has recorded cover versions of songs by artists such as Harry Nilsson, Loretta Lynn, Tom Waits, Nick Lowe, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Scott Walker, Randy Newman, Queen, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Sparks and Hank Williams.
Case was born in Alexandria, Virginia, to teenage parents of Ukrainian ancestry. The original family name, changed before she was born, was Shevchenko. Her family traveled around while she was young before settling in Tacoma, Washington, the city she considers her hometown. She left home when she was fifteen. Her father was in the United States Air Force.
In 1994, Case moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, to attend the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design. While attending school she played drums in several local bands, including the Del Logs, the Propanes, the Weasels, Cub (which featured I Am Spoonbender's Robynn Iwata), and Maow. All of these bands were local punk groups except for Cub and The Weasels, which Case described as a "country music supergroup".[citation needed]
"Ich bin der Überzeugung, dass sich alles irgendwie annähert; die
multikulturelle Gesellschaft, Technologien, Philosophien, usw. Musik spiegelt
lediglich das wieder, was da draußen vor sich geht. Aber ganz am Ende geht es doch
nur darum, dass dein Herz am richtigen Platz sitzt und man genügend Spielraum für
musikalische Raffinessen, Nuancen und dynamische Elemente lässt. Dieser Raum ist
extrem wichtig und wir versuchen, die Musik frei atmen zu lassen und das Gefühl in
eben diesem Raum einzufangen."So antwortete Joey Burns, Sänger, Gitarrist und
Songwriter von Calexico 1998 auf die Frage nach dem Einfluss lateinamerikanischer
Musik auf seinen Stil. Überhaupt ist die Musik von Calexico eine Frage des Stils,
oder besser: der ständige Versuch einer Stildefinition. Sämtliche Berichte über die
Band lesen sich wie eine verzweifelte Suche nach nötiger Klarheit. Immer wieder
stößt man auf ellenlange Reihungen, die sich aufmachen, die höchst unterschiedlichen
Richtungen wie TexMex, Folk- und Country-Rock, Country-Folk, Mariachi-Sound,
Mood-Music, Western-Sound, Latin-Jazz oder auch Desert-Rock und Gringo-Rock unter
einen Hut zu bringen...und meistens scheitern. Ob mit Tucson-Desert-Rock, dem
jüngsten Etikettierungsunterfangen der Kritikerszene, nun eine aussagekräftige
Bezeichnung gefunden worden ist, sei dahingestellt. Letztendlich ist es auch nicht
nötig. Schließlich lassen sich die unterschiedlichsten musikalischen Einflüsse nicht
leugnen, mit denen Calexico seit nunmehr fünf Jahren virtuos experimentieren.Die 1996
in Tucson/Arizona ins Leben gerufene Band bezieht sich explizit auf ihre
gleichermaßen amerikanischen und mexikanischen Wurzeln. Ein Umstand, der bereits
durch den Namen zum Ausdruck gebracht wird. Das tatsächlich existierende Grenzkaff
Calexico im Südwesten der USA zwischen Kalifornien und Mexiko ist ebenso zwischen
zwei unterschiedlichen Welten und Einflüssen gefangen, wie sich die Musik von Burns
und seinem Partner John Convertino, Schlagzeuger und Multiinstrumentalist, permanent
zwischen scheinbar gegensätzlichen Stilen hin und her bewegt, ohne einen wirklich
greifbaren Anhaltspunkt zu bieten: "Wir leben in Arizona. Aber was war hier
früher? Es war einfach nur das Land der indianischen Ureinwohner. Es ist diese
Vorstellung von existierenden Grenzen oder nicht existierenden Grenzen oder auch dem
resultierenden Gegensatz dieser beiden Widersprüche, der uns umtreibt. Ich glaube,
indem man Einflüsse aus anderen Quellen benützt, z.B. unsere Nachbarn und die
Mariachi-Bands oder der Latin Jazz aus New York oder Südamerika, oder auch die
Musik, die wir über die Jahre gemacht oder gehört haben – das alles entfaltet sich
in unserer Idee, diese unterschiedlichen Elemente zu vereinigen."Burns
bezeichnet sich und seinen kongenialen Partner Convertino als "Frankensteins of
instruments" und spielt damit auf die klangliche Vielfalt ihrer Musik an, die
von einfachem Schlagzeug und Gitarre, über Mundharmonika, Mariachi -Trompeten bis
hin zu Marimbas, Vibraphon, Pedal-Steel-Gitarren und Harpsichord alles zu bieten
hat: "Im Lauf der Jahre war es eine natürliche Folge, dass wir mit den
verschiedenen Instrumenten, die wir gesammelt haben, auch unsere eigene Musik machen
wollten. Einige dieser Instrumente haben wir aus einem Laden namens The Chicago Store
in Tucson gerettet, der eine Art Instrumentenfriedhof ist. Man läuft durch enge Gänge
und kleine Tunnels und findet dort all diese Instrumente, bedeckt mit dem Staub der
letzten Jahrzehnte, und wir erwecken sie wieder zum Leben und geben ihnen eine
Chance auf unseren Platten zu singen."So ist auch die Gründung der Band
vielmehr das Ergebnis zahlreicher Sessions und Ideenfragmente als eine geplante
Aktion und fällt mit dem Release der Low-Budget-Produktion "Spoke"
zusammen (ursprünglich nur in Europa veröffentlicht), wo sie sich erstmals als
musikalische Grenzgänger zeigten. Doch auch die Jahre davor waren die beiden nicht
untätig. Bereits 1990 begann die Zusammenarbeit von Burns und Convertino unter der
Fittiche von Howe Gelb, dem Mastermind der Kultband Giant Sand, wo sie auch heute
noch, wenn es die Zeit erlaubt, die exzellente Rhythmus-Sektion bilden. Es ist genau
diese Zeit, in der sie durch die Zusammenarbeit mit den unterschiedlichsten Musikern
ihren eigenen Stil entwickeln konnten, darunter Bands wie Friends of Dean Martinez
und OP8.Zwei Jahre später, 1998, erscheint das Album "The Black Light",
auf dem sie den bereits mit Spoke eingeschlagenen Weg fortsetzen und sowohl in der
Independent-Szene als auch bei den Kritikern für höchste Aufregung sorgten. Mit
"The Black Light" legten Calexico den Grundstein für ihren
unverwechselbaren Stil. Das als Konzeptalbum angelegte Werk ist stark instrumental
ausgerichtet und erzählt auf angenehm unaufdringliche Weise Geschichten von Abschied
und Einsamkeit oder von schießwütigen Desperados. Die sonore, teilweise fast
eintönige Stimme von Burns - prachtvoll unterstützt vom Spiel seiner Gitarre -
ergänzt sich dabei hervorragend mit Convertinos kompromisslosen Drum- und
Perkussionspiel. Für den Hörer baut sich dabei ein eindringliches Klangbild der
Einöde des nordamerikanischen Südwestens auf, wo die flimmernde Hitze der Wüste
förmlich auf der Haut brennt.Mit der jüngsten Veröffentlichung "Hot Rail"
sind Calexico bereits heute schon zu lebenden Klassikern geworden. Hot Rail, das ist
der Warnruf der mexikanischen Gleisarbeiter in Arizona, wenn sich ein Zug nähert. Die
mexikanischen Einflüsse sind auch hier wieder in jedem Song des Albums zu spüren.
Nach dem Achtungserfolg von "The Black Light" schoss "Hot Rail"
sofort von 0 auf 43 in den deutschen Charts und stieg kurioserweise sogar bis auf
Platz sechs in den griechischen Charts.Ein Erlebnis der besonderen Art sind die
fulminanten Live-Auftritte von Calexico, wobei die Besetzung der Band mit jeder Tour
variiert. So kann es schon mal vorkommen, dass Burns und Convertino beschließen, eine
ganze Besetzung original mexikanischer Mariachi-Bläser mit auf die Bühne zu bringen
und für einen Abend die Atmosphäre von Tucson-Downtown in Europas Konzertsälen
heraufbeschwören. Dabei kann man sich kaum der fast psychedelischen Aura entziehen,
die über der Musik von Calexico schwebt. Eine Aura, die Joe Burns als völlig
natürlichen Bestandteil des Alltags in Arizonas betrachtet: "In Arizona muss
man keine Drogen nehmen um high zu sein. Die psychedelische Aura ist in der Luft, in
der Sonne und am Himmel. Mir persönlich reicht es eigentlich Tequila und guten
mexikanischen Wein zu trinken." Ein Grund mehr, sich Karten für das nächste
Konzert zu besorgen...2001 Aerocalexico 20012000 Hot Rail1998 The
Black Light1996 Spoke
Her eyes are closed now
That final breath is near
She lets go of my hand
And I'm falling to a sea of tears
And search for the trail that we both riding
Lost sometime ago
Now I'm stranded on the mountain's edge
And there's only one way back
Down and down I go
Into the ground where the bad seeds are sown
And take route and pull me further in
Long and long and longer it takes
Good luck's gone and there's no more brakes
Just the ground beneath that shakes and gives way
Swallowed up home
There ain't much now I can pull
No stuntman surprises or Houdini that disguises
For death defying escape
Avoid the tap on the shoulder
From that one with the long black cape
Just to see those eyes of her shine
Is worth any sum or length of time
That would fill that space
Where her love once flowed
But the more I resist
The further and further I drift
Get swept out in the riptide
Where my heart in me wants
To lie 'neath the waves of sorrow and tears
Sink to the bottom and linger there the rest of my years
Walk among the mild sea bones
Of my fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers
Feel their blood flowing, they send the soul its way
No one knows where the night can go
Except for the few lovers
Entangled and torn from the hour
The stars now are starting to leave
A silent moon begins to weep
And the lovers fall further and further
Into the dark and deep
Come morning, without warning
The absence of love's embrace
Like winter's light, it creeps on in
And the moon's tears fade
He starts the car and is driving away
Hearing her voice and tasting their last kiss
That sent them spinning and racing
The moon's glow lights the way
Otherwordly underwater dreamscape
Till a semi's headlights invade
Come morning, without warning
The absence of love's embrace
Like winter's light, it creeps on in
And the moon's sullen glow is fading
The glow is fading
The glow is fading
Soul escaping
Stars are leaving, the moon is weeping
Soul escaping
Soul escaping
Racing through the night...
Riding through nostalgia, shaking memories by the mile
The city lights are closing in on him
The distance grows shorter for a while
He wonders what dreams fill her heart
And wonders if what they had could ever be sparked
"the roads never lead where they're supposed to go"
That's what he tells himself before he lets it go
Out on the cold grey plain, sunken on the side of the road
The words bleed off the page, the letter becomes well-soaked
"no more turning backwards," he says, as he drives off in the rain
Ventures on up through the colorades and settles under the rock
And pines, and stakes claim
Still he wonders what what dreams fill her heart
And wonders if what they had could ever be sparked
The roads never lead where they're supposed to go
They just twist 'round and 'round the flame
The eyes closing, the heart retains
A bit of a spark before it fades away
Marco's shadow falls on the door to the seven lost cities of gold
Finds a raven's head and rattlers tail
Dead in his tracks, this godforsaken soul's
Unwanted here and his ghost lingers for years
Amalia's face hides behind the mask sweating on the TV factory line
That smile on her face is starting to crack
While welding back the pieces of a shattered heart
That's scattered out here, with the ghosts of her peers
Searches for her lost child along the river of tears, the river of tears
At the end of the working week
When drunken worlds meet
Both sides keeping a close eye
For a break in the line here on the crystal frontier, crystal frontier
Ramon tightens up his leather belt and slips through a hole in the fence
He can get you anything you want
Might cost you a life, might cost you
The whole price of freedom here on the crystal frontier
Searches for her lost love along the river of tears, the river of tears
Blood spills out on the streets
And bodies are missing for weeks
Both sides keeping a close eye
Watching the bullets fly here on the crystal frontier, crystal frontier
On the outskirts of expansion
Looking out from blueprint peak
The flow is flooding of urban setters
Panning through rivers running dry
Numbers roll on in
Smiling a lottery grin
A sadness blurs the eye
It's just a matter of time before they're moving on
It's just a matter of time before they're moving on
Doesn't take much time for plans to go wrong
And chase another ghost of a chance
In the shadows of chain-store ghost towns
Where no one walks the streets at night
A silent nation hooked on medication
Stares into a blue flickering light
The young drift off alone
And the old are whisked away
And prospects keep looking up
But the line's getting longer on the lost highway
The line's getting longer on the superstition highway
Doesn't take much time for plans to go astray
And chase another ghost of a chance
They say deep down inside, lie properties of a healing kind
If so it'd better come around soon
And do a little bit of service and repair
Do a little bit of service and repair
Do a little more service and repair
Doesn't take much time for plans to change
And offer up another chance
For a little bit more service and repair
Do a little bit of service and repair
Doesn't take much time for plans to change
Washed my face in the rivers of empire
Made my bed from a cardboard crate
Down in the city of quartz
No news, no new regrets
Tossed a susan b. over my shoulder
And prayed it would rain and rain
Submerge the whole western states
Call it a last fair deal
With an american seal
And corporate hand shake
Take the story of carpenter mike
Dropped his tools and his keys and left
And headed out as far as he could
Past the cities and gated neighborhoods
He slept 'neath the stars
Wrote down what he dreamt
And he built a machine
For no one to see
High atop radio towers
Sky darkens in the final hours
Marie wrings her praying hands
Don't see why the spirit won't understand
While lines are crossed
Hope's broken at the knees
And at a loss
The world's made of dust
And dust it will return
Sniper surveys the scene
Angel chorus won't intervene
Takes her child to the river's edge
And let's her go to the depths
Where dark waters flow
A singing tide
Pulls her to the edge and hypnotize
Samn any fool willing to believe
There's no hand behind any of this
What's it gonna take, force the cycle to break
And skut it down before it makes another round
Sworn in on an oath the lies
Swat away a halo of flies
Fast track vision deceives
The storm on the horizon
Close behind
love the run but not the race
all alone in a silent way
world drifts in and the world's a stranger
in a light, eclipsed and alienated
in a time, occupied and invaded
can't tell what's right, better hit the ground running
in the hills where the tall weed grows
hands are tied and won't let go
can't escape this place without leaving the world behind
in a light, ashamed and humiliated
in a time, sacrificed for the sake of trade
the soul is bent, feels the weight of truth
falling through
left behind, no choice but to run to the mountains
where no poppies grow, you have to hit the ground running
in a light, paralyzed and spirits fading
out of time, must decide to fall or run
into the eye, of the storm no sign or omen
make it right, or fall to the other side
where fields are burning
from the day you're born
you'll always hit the ground running
Spring is frozen now I'm stuck in low
Wrapped with wire, tapped to the heart
Can't find no poison, now I've got no cure
(the) fangs are stuck inside my skin
Payne county line
Watching unjust claims
One man's righteousness is another man's
Long haul, sentence carried out
Long haul, counting the miles
To the four corners of the world
Spring is rusted shut, (faith's) coiled and cracked
Apparitions worth their weight in gold
Scratched in metal, name erodes away
Hands are scarred, heart is charred
Burnt though, and ashen
Trip on fence post line
Sifting through the remains
One man's close pursuit is another man's
Last chance, make it through the divide
Last chance, suffer the weight or get buried by this
Black heart, sweeping over the land
With a head like a vulture
And heart full of hornets
He drives off the cliff
Into the blue, into the blue
Not even the priestess
With her wrenches and secret powers
Could save him from danger
For a little while, for a little while
Not even she could save him
Not even she could save him
With a head like a vulture
And heart full of hornets
He drives off the cliff
Into the blue, into the blue
Not even she could save him
Not even she could save him
Found him inside the motor
[Something] Attracts immigrants in hard times
The southwest is suffering rapid change
Coal-burning plants multiply and the Four Corners grow dingy
The Grand Canyon is overrun by motorized rafters and transistorites
Our lust for energy dams the rivers
Missile sites, bombing ranges nuclear testing, and mock desert warfare all disturb Lummis' classic southwest.
Dialing in a forgotten voice
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Sweeping through illegal ports
Rising from the depths, falling off the tongue
Ships drifting out of tune
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Many, many more, sculpting the shoreline
Etching the harbor and the people
Who've stayed afloat
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Dialing in a forgotten voice
Rising from the depths, falling off the tongue
Sweeping through illegal ports
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Ships drifting out of tune
Can't stop the waves coming like a ghost
Is that your shape in the foam of the sea
After all these years coming home to me?
La Chascona, hearts to ocean
(With vows unbroken)
Lying in the bath fully clothed
Ready for the ocean's wake
The tears won't wash away
What her eyes can't erase
Not safe to say in her native tongue
A radio voice drowning out
The general's song lingering on
A raft made of books from a driftwood house
The people will survive in their environment
The dirt, scarcity, and emptiness of our south
The injustices of our greed, the practices we merit
The dirt, scarcity and emptiness of our south
There on the beach, I could see it in her eyes
Through miles of waste to cross upstream
Risking all dreams for what the surface brings
Free like a flow that pours from your hand
There’s a piano playing on the ocean floor between Havana and New Orleans
Drummin’ a requiem for the dead and the souls hanging on every poet’s
Running to the rock, running to the sea
Prayin’ to the Lord please shelter me
But the ground keeps shaking, water is boiling on fire
Blood pulsing through their veins like the waves crashing on the
Malecón wall
Clocks stopping at twelve on the eve of a forgotten war
Luis drivin’ a ‘59 making it half way across the Gulf
Stranded on the rock, stranded on the sea
There’s a wall in the ocean between you and me
Dreams of reaching dry land, talking to the fortune teller
Prisoners pounding the jail like the waves crashing on the Malecón
Someone lost an eye, someone lost the truth
Trying to save face, oh ‘neath the eyes of the Virgin el Cobre
Shout me a line sister, shout me a line sister
Oh I see your hands in the air, see you drowning on the other side
“Chief’s in the parish and the drummers in the square
Walkin’ across the fire, walkin’ across the waves”
Sinner in the rock, sinner in the sea
There’s a sunken bridge ‘tween you and me
Running past the embassy gates, the Santería shrine
Blood pulsing thru their veins like the waves they remember
I'm gonna walk these streets of cold concrete
Like I'm a ghost searching for its grave
Then I'll dwell by the edge of this man made lake
And descend into the city that holds no place for me
But the streets with no stir of life
And all the houses on the streets are wholly submerged
Then I'll gather the leaves from the cell phone trees
And return them to their place and pretend someone's calling for me
Yo canto de mi coraz?n
Y t? mi amigo inspiras mis pasos
Me voy por el mundo donde siento varia gente
Pero nunca hay una persona como t?
Mirame, que estoy aqu?
Si pudieras mirarme que pensaras de mi
Pero hoy es muy tarde para decirte que estoy cambiado
Me duele, me duele que ya no estas aqu?
Ya, ya es muy tarde para decirte que estoy cambiado
Ya, ya es muy tarde para decirte que soy cambiado
Oh, mirame, ya yo estoy aqu?
Si pudieras mirarme, que pensaras de mi
Pero hoy es muy tarde para decirte que estoy cambiado
You say you're leaving - going back home
Where's your family. where do you come from
Something's missing in your life. you've felt it all along
Retrace your steps, balance and check where it all went wrong
The spirit is broken. the path is overrun
You can't move forward and now nothing gets done
I hope you find some. in a peace along the way
Whatever it takes I pray you'll make it home on christmas day
In case you don't find what you need when you finally arrive
And your heart is snowed in there's no warmth or light
Take this candle with you and this book of matches as well
As you're climbing the walls there's no answer at all
Except the gift you give yourself
I trust that you'll find some in a peace through times that are rough
Dying of thirst, could I still be alive or worse
Where was I last, parked on the street when a shadow
Was cast
Taking me out, a struggle ensued
What was that hole in my shirt and the blood that
Spilled to the floor
Like a dead man's
Focus is blurred and a voice off camera is heard
The lighting's to blame, tell the assistant director
The same
Pulling away to a final dissolve
Soundtrack provides a lush bed of strings
Before the screen fades to black
And the credits rise above like the soul of
Is there anyway I can fix it
Take out my tools, maybe smash with it
Let me destroy the parts that annoy
Swallow the words I'm saving
Fumble the chords I'm playing
Better just break it apart
Then where should they go
But you know I'm just following suit
It's something I aim not to do
Can't mock up a model, me and you
Is someone out there I can trust
The words that never seem to fit
No sense looking backwards
Shattered every mirror in my eye
Scattering the scrapbook blueprints on the floor
Always thought things would snap into place
With a little more ease and grace
Still a ship sealed in a bottle
Never reaches the sea
And I stash
All of the reasons
Then dash
Them against the wall
And all that I smash
Your heart into tiny little pieces
And every time this happens
It gets harder and harder to built up again
Strange feeling you get
When you cross the switchbacks and bring it on home
Just the farther and farther you drift
Like that old crow, that's beaten and worn
It's been a long day, been a long way
Fly your little wing
Old crow, old crow, battered and worn all your
Now you're tattered and torn
All that silver sparkles in your teeth
While it rains in your heart
Swallowed it under, swallowed it down
Gonna take a little sip, gonna meet them boys downtown
Old crow, feeling kinda worn and worn out
Miles of highway poppies
A stretch of maybe flowers past Signal Hill away
We were parked and searching
For a hubcap rolling into the fields of thorn
Although we couldn't see a thing that night
And the stars in their slowness
And their slowness took us by surprise
If I never told you how you helped to rescue
The car and all inside
Remember roads were steep and
You and I went sliding down the grade from Gate's Pass
You asleep and me behind the wheel
Hovering in, in that slowness
And that slowness has never gone away
Although we couldn't see a thing that night
And the stars still shone and the stars still shone
And the stars still shone
In their slowness, in their slowness
In their slowness, in their slowness
When the evening sun is setting low
Blinding you on your drive home
And the lanes of traffic all converge
Causing you to curse every other word
For to wish it all away
Daily grind's got your screw stripped
No can of wd40 can fix your situation
Seems to be losing steam
Dream's been dropped on credit cards
And false hope pumping out of your soul
Like oil in the gulf it's a dead end
Drive it further deep into the ground
Till the point's dull as your skull
And the same sun that you curse
Wait to rise long after dark
Been asleep at least three solid days
Wandering round this house just like a ghost
Searching for something in this life
That would fill the holes and satisfy
Your need to please everybody else
While your nerves shatter and fall apart
Wear out the grip-tape wrapped round your heart
Now you're dressed and ready for the kill
Check if your friends are asleep in bed
Same ones who left you to yourself
Make some noise and take a walk outside
All those years you kept the pain inside
Strangled any chance to love your own
And veer from your collision course
Getting late for decision
What's that waiting about
Horses are chomping at the bit
The gate is nearly busted down
Moment before the calm of the storm
And everyone's blood goes wild
Except yours and mine
How many years has it taken
Your restless heart growing old
Horses running off on their own
And the stable's burnt to the ground
The longer you wait
Your decision will fade
She swings on the front porch
And sweeps her days into an empty sky
Of a dream drowned in the rain
Out where the land is as flat as the sea
There's a train pulling out west
And a box of money stashed under the bed
Up through the pines
And down into the city of light
Where the world spins on a string
The weave of lovers weave meet their fate
Down by the sea falls in love with the sailor who keeps the light house
Storm comes in, smashes the shore
The sailor's duty comes calling
Begging and pleading as she falls to the floor
She's left waiting
She waits at the front
Her husband come wrapped around her
Thumbtacks all spread out across your hometown state
A hollow tree at half mast
Wait until wintertime, leaves a paper trail
And a licorice plant that's overgrown
Like a cabin in the woods on a minor
Like a minor holiday
Wool rich, red plaid wool, Irish whiskey glass
Here comes my fine bright haired lass
Like a trash fire burning and burning it
My heart could never write, the words never fail
And tucked under your cap
And for a moment there's a stillness
Before the room spins again
A minor holiday, spin it again
Ride it out so you can tell
Wasted on the weekend, making good time with my excuse
Where the plot lines are like dead ends
Floating in her eyes at the bottom of a well
Floating in her eyes ride it out for a spell
On a minor holiday, transfer this weight
On a minor holiday, transfer this weight
Minor holiday, minor holiday
Oh, minor holiday, going back and forth
The plaza in the village
Where mission bells used to ring
Is now crumbled to a pile of stench and ruin
Even the swallows have spring
All the blossoms are buried
'neath the waste
Out of the shadows grow hatred
Along the corridor crawls fear
Crushed by the promise of hope
That never returned
Watched with a hawk's trained eye
Trees grow silent fruit
'neath a suffering sky
Those who have stayed, keep a flame
In memory of the fallen
And pass on the old rites despite the risk
But many more have left here
On mended broken wings
Turning to see your reaction
A tear drop fills your eye
But you protest not to give up as give in
Heading straight for the wreckage
Picking up a shovel and a hoe
Start putting back the bricks one by one
Numbers come out of the woodwork
Curious to see the rebirth
Above the swollen clouds
A strange sound fills the air
A silence never heard
Falling like blessed rain
Light shines through darker days
Eyes close and lose their way
Slip away the night
While the whole town's asleep
Caught between the space
Where you wanted to be
Death acts and life reacts
Spent time turning looking back
Clues along the track
Leave the following kind
The ground that seems to be new
Wire fences still coiled with flowers of the night
Songs of the birds like hands call the earth to witness
Sever from fear before taking flight.
Fences that fail and fall to the ground
Bearing the fruit from Jara's Hands
Me siento solo y perdido
Una vela alumbra mi camino
Cruzando tierras que nunca he visto
Cruzando ei rio de mi destino
Solo soy un chico mas
Que sueha en alto y mirando al mar
All alone and lost
My path is lit by flame
Crossing lands never seen
Crossing rivers of my destiny
Only a boy nothing more
There are code breakers with lines well tapped
Traces sweeping out across the static night
You are drapped in white like the blossoms of the tree
Looking down a glass elevator
At your father signing the papers for
Two silver trees, two silver trees
Two worlds in need, two silver trees
Branches falling down
From sources underground
False identities
Stranded in each single seed
False sense of warning no poisoned cup
Just deception crawling up like a snake
Decay of the blossoms and roots well hacked
Spoil the hidden waters dying at the base of
Two silver trees, two silver trees
Two worlds in need, two silver trees
Branches falling down
From sources underground
False identities
Words and music by Tom T. Hall
From Real - The Tom T. Hall Project
Originally by Tom T. Hall
Have you read any good telephone books lately?
If you ain't then let me recommend one
I've already read that tulsa telephone book thirteen times
If you don't know any last names it ain't much fun
Readin' that tulsa telephone book, can drive a guy insane
Especially if that girl you're lookin' for has no last name
I gotta find her and tell her, I don't want our love to end
So I'm readin' that tulsa telephone book again
Well, I was in tulsa and didn't have anything goin'
She lived in tulsa and didn't have anything on
She said, "my name is juanita," and I said, "my name is j.b. [t.]"
When I woke up the very next mornin' she was gone
All of the tulsa operators know my voice now
And they gotta know how long I've been alone
If you meet a girl named juanita with some ribbons in her hair
Would you tell her that she's wanted on the phone
Readin' that tulsa telephone book, can drive a guy insane
Especially if that girl you're lookin' for has no last name
I gotta find her and tell her, I don't want our love to end
Walking south along the river
Never had he found that twist of pleasure
Remembering times when they were younger
Setting the town on fire
And watching as his fellow friends
Fell apart in the wake
Claiming it was all just a mistake
When his finger pulled the trigger
And he shot everyone
It was all just a mistake
When he shot everyone
Nothing will stand in the way
When hunger hasn't eaten for days
Scrounges around where the ends meet
Then disappears into the fray
He hopes for a while he'll reconcile
The pain that never dies
The ghosts of his family constantly
Gnawing at his insides
He pulls out a worn photo
And an old handmade gun
Wishes it was he who was frying
When he set the whole town on fire
He walks off crying
He shot everyone
4 in the morning the sidewalk's asleep
Dogs on the porch,
Spiders on the leaf
Shipwrecked by night sailing through days
Nobody noticed the slipping away
Connecting the dots with thorns in his side
Boarded up the Windows with pain and with pride
The music box broken that once was his soul
Its sad little song spinning out of control
Then came the storm that washed the roads out
Closed both his eyes and pointed straight south
Second line drums marched into the sea
While the clouds overhead cried "mutiny"
They parted for Cathy and her bitter news
As her words fail and the sky grew dim
Recalled how close to that exit l've been
Ours not to reply, ours not to reason why
The news about William
The lifeline retreats
Desire for release
The thorns in his side
Michael Fan - violin
Rose Todaro - violin
Martin Wank - French horn
Paul Niehaus - pedal steel
John Convertino - drums
Leave the heart of the city
For the hert of the world
Leave the heart of this city
Love the way her trust unfurls
Follow her hand to the dark end of the street
Cross in the night, invisible to the electric eye
Sippin' on a little Night Train
Slippin' in to the car to stay warm
Keep moving, keep moving
Sleep by day, move at night
Keep moving
Follow her hand to the dark end of the street
Cross in the night
Become invisible in a blink of an eye
Out past the border patrol
Who's thunderbird's no match
A helicopter shadow follows you
Way out past the downtown city glow
Cross the Santa Cruz and I-10
Past the cancerous sprawl into fields of thorn
Through the Rincon Mountains and Cochise
Stronghold South of the Chiricahuas
With Valerie Leulliot of Autour de Lucie
Words and music by Lee Hazlewood
From Total Lee - The Songs of Lee Hazlewood
Originally by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood
There's no one in this world for me
There's never gonna be
There's no one in this world needs me
There's never gonna be
Yet sometimes in my dreams I hear...
I miss you, sundown
I need you, sundown
Come on, come on, come on, come on, back to me
Come on, come on, come on, come on, back to me
I need you, sundown
I need you, sundown
There's no hands ever reached for me
There's never gonna be
There's no one meant for lonely me
There's never gonna be
Yet sometimes in my dreams I hear...
I miss you, sundown
I want you, sundown
Come on, come on, come on, come on, back to me
Come on, come on, come on, come on, back to me
I love you, sundown
I love you, sundown
Sometimes in my dreams
I love you, sundown
I love you, sundown
It rained the whole day he spent at his lover's grave
Said his goodbyes to her family and friends
Packed his things in a rusted car
And rode off in the rain
Came upon a church in ruin
With an old man dwelling within
Who said, "watch where you stray my friend"
Old man spoke of meanings lost and without name
Never shifting from their worn and weathered place
What was found in the endless serach
For truth behind the tale
Beneath the ash and ember lies only one story to tell
Watch where you stray my friend
There's a flower that grows in a cave
So lovely to see but need to be saved
Started talking
To a couple of wedded strangers
Sitting down on motorcycles
Who passed on the highway
Stepped into
The service station
Took a piss, got water
Bought fuel to ride
Blood is flowing
And mountains are blurring
There is something stirring
Way down inside
Barely know
My homebase home
Seems I'm rarely there
For any share of time
The neighborhood's the same
They all remember my name
Holding no reservations
The newness is wearing in
Checked my eyes to see if they had spokes
See if they are moving
See if they had spokes
See if there is somewhere else to ride
Barely know
My airbase home
Seems I'm rarely there
Through the gardens and fields 'neath the tall green grass
You were walking 'neath the moon while covering your tracks
Working your fingers down to the skin and stone
One hand on the hammer, one foot by the door
Pushed by the wind, fed by the need for moving on,
Moving on to nowhere
When division runs deep and down into the well
All the coins you dove after lost all their spell
Covered in moss walking for silver and blood
Out in the cafe, working in the grove
Guarding the port of the future you sold
Holding on, holding on to no one
Holding on, holding on to no one
One eye in the mirror, the other on the screen
Sewn in the pockets and down into the dream
Caught up in the mortar, bricks and heavy load
Wait in the shadows down the living road
Moving on, moving on to no one
Sonic Wind, honing in, on a tune that no one can hear
perfect pitch, simple glitch, promises it would never
in the skies (disguised)
Change in direction where birds never fly nor roam
lie 'neath green valleys and wait for the call to come
Firetail bats, poised to attack
to set ablaze the rafters and the roofs
until the plan leaves the hand
burns the site down to the ground
through the ground
Craters are carving and wounds are left to weep
sink to the table filtering through the years
closing behind the nightmarish fears that run deep
down in green valleys wait for the call to come
when it's all over and the empty quarter
returns to the emptiness again
5000 miles over airplane graveyards
landmass oceans wide. over continents
a sonic wind honing in on a tune no one can hear
perfect pitch, simple glitch, promises...
over the skies - in disguise
Change in direction
a sonic wind is blowing
and the fire it is burning
down in green valleys where birds never fly nor roam
over airplane graveyards, wait for the call to come
To save this sad, lonesome cry
Sorrow fills the oceans wide
Calling you close, promising love
Letting passion navigate you
Into the arms of sirena
Into the eyes of sirena
Into the heart of sirena
Dancing like ghosts, haunting the shore
The old ones warn, stay away
Her love is sweet, but sorrow too great
Dreams of leaving her curse for good
Rise from the sea as flesh and blood
Still the wind carries her voice
Fills all thoughts, sways your choice
Drawn the fear, capsize the heart
Till all passion navigates you
Into the arms of sirena
Into the eyes of sirena
Into the haert of sirena
Dancing like ghosts over the waves
Safe in the harber of her embrace
Bebe mi vino de amor
Besos de kerosina
Volvierdo el mar en infierno!
To save this sad, tragic soul
Sorrow's worse than the tide's pull
Sinking deeper, gasping for love
Till desire navigates you
Into the arms of sirena
Into the eyes of sirena
Into the heart of sirena
Dancing with ghosts under the waves
And into the arms of sirena
Into the eyes of sirena
Into the heart of sirena
Caught in the rip tide, smashed on the reef
Going on their lands for sale to stake my claim
Burn my name in the soil
Out past the borders beyond the hill
Through seasons of nothing
Safe for the self-destructive world
Memories get altered
No point of reference to hold
And it feels like someone is watching
Asi tear into the skin of innocence
And decadence for awhile
So we settled in and half the veins where blood runs pure
Troubled the cure for a short while
Out in the dust they suffocate the sprawl and greed
Bent on breed and stare
And children stare
Sleeping in the valley, valley of ill fortune
Waking cross the river, river of delusion
Full moon lures the waves, waves of desperation
Empty hearts and mouths wither away
So close your eyes
Slow your breath
Dream of northern lights
Around this dance of death
No abandones, no llores, busca tu rio
No te sientas perdido
Gira, vuelta y vuelta gira
Danza de la muerte
Que viene a verte
Cup your hands to her parched heart, parched and
Broken heart
No water here to drink way downstream
One goes where the water flows and water's running dry
So don't give up no don't cry, don't cry
Just close our eyes
Pretend we forget
North country dreams
Twist this dance of death
Danza de la muerte
Si viene a verte
Que bailando te encuentre
Bailando, girando
Danza de la muerte
Spin round, spin round, spin round
Follow the current through the city that lies in ruins
Bottle is washed up but the message is missing
Heroes and ghosts, graveyards and buildings
Pay the price of admission
Haunted for years in a hallway of mirrors
Till i step through the window
Over the river, coat of feathers sweeping out of view
Weigh the difference, the scales are turned
Let conscience be so judged
Arrows with strings flung from below
Striking and reeling you in
Tied to mistakes, left there for days
Seeing which side you're in
Lately i feel so removed
Fell back into the ditch i dug
And doing the things i normally do
Heroes and ghosts, graveyards and buildings
Pay the price of admission
Haunted for years in a hallway of mirrors
Till i step through the window
Lately i feel so removed
Late night streets all alone
No one's here, no one's here
Watch the faces come and go
Always spinning around
Drifting further away
She is young, dressed in white
Like a cloud, spins in the sky
Not sure if it'll sun or rain
Always spinning around
Drifting further away
Not sure if she will run or stay
Or follow the holes leading underground
Watching from across the road, she's older now
Than her picture (poster) shows
Some stay lost, some get found
Others drift from town to town
Always spinning around
Drifting further away
Love the run but not the race
All alone in a silent way
World drifts in and the world's a stranger
In a light, eclipsed and alienated
In a time, occupied and invaded
Can't tell what's right, better hit the ground running
In the hills where the tall weed grows
Hands are tied and won't let go
Can't escape this place without leaving the world behind
In a light, ashamed and humiliated
In a time, sacrificed for the sake of trade
The soul is bent, feels the weight of truth
Falling through
Left behind, no choice but to run to the mountains
Where no poppies grow, you have to hit the ground running
In a light, paralyzed and spirits fading
Out of time, must decide to fall or run
Into the eye, of the storm no sign or omen
Make it right, or fall to the other side
Where fields are burning
Panic open string, power grids blackout
Birds all fly in numbers down to the ground
Reassure the blades of green, green grass
Season's still asleep more or less
Wind is gearing up for a reckless ride
Leaning accidental on nature's side
Propeller power fields, solar panel sides
Lightning bolts connect, it's with you I will go
When I close my eyes and the seasons pass
Above the cityscape, the city out of reach
Way beyond our lives, far below the green
My dreams are all blue, so is my heart
Light up screens of you, if you could only see
Times, dreams escape late into the night
When the stars align, reminds me of you
Words will lose their fear and I will find their truth
Church bells in the hills, they will ring and ring
The oceans on the coast will cling to their host
The sun will split in two, sink through an empty sky
It's where we'll go when we
Leave this place and die
Gilbert works alone, late into the night
Dangling from a free way overpass
He's welding rebar and sculpting concrete
They're paving in the gap way out west
In off in the distance, the sleepy city shines
He raises his mask to take a look
Slip from the perch, still holding onto his torch
I see him falling just like a burning star
Out of control
And went drifting way off course
And went drifting way off course
Waking up confused in a bed of thorn
And a world turns upside down
No questions asked, no party ever searched
Like a blip gilbert slips into a void
A rustle nearby then a vision appears
Made from saguaro boots and rib
Grabs a hold of this prickly hand
And together they stand
Walk on through the ruins of a world
That lost control
Wake up now little sleepyhead
From your nightmarish day with the dead trip
You'd be better off not to know
Of the wild seeds you let go
From your thorny fingertips
Try to clean bloodstained hands
That ran away and left the scene
Of a crime last night
Always thought you stood on the other side
Never thought the roof would cave in
Where you were hiding
There's a wave of fear that creeps right in
A vacant stare that can't say where it's been
Or what's been laced
The trail leads all over the place
There's an angel at your side
Who rescued you in a nick of time
Explains how you almost fell
And vanished into a fatal spell
She looks into your eyes and sees
There's something still missing
She notices a chunk bleeding from your chest
Tries to stop the bloodflow with her best compress
But the wreckage is in a mess
There's an emotional tax, figured in after the fact
And stories unfold
The world grows dark and bones get cold
Found a dime in the metro line
Funny to see a familiar face
Since you left us long ago
Never been a trace of luck to guide me
Hopin' to see a sign
Or a lucky dime
Searchin' as I go
(Searchin' as I go)
Hopin' to see a sign
(Hopin' to see a sign)
Or a lucky
Someone told you long ago
All you ever needed to know
No matter how far you drift alone
I'll always be here around
Hopin' to see a sign
(Hopin' to see a sign)
Or a lucky dime
Started talking
To a couple of wedded strangers
Sitting down on motorcycles
Who passed on the highway
Stepped into
The service station
Took a piss, got water
Bought fuel to ride
Blood is flowing
And mountains are blurring
There is something stirring
Way down inside
Barely know
My home base home
Seems I'm rarely there
For any share of time
The neighborhood's the same
They all remember my name
Holding no reservations
The newness is wearing in
Checked my eyes to see if they had spokes
See if they are moving
See if they had spokes
See if there is somewhere else to ride
Barely know
My airbase home
Seems I'm rarely there
For any share of time
Before I ride
Everyday on my way home
The clouds would break and the angels
Would sing their refrain
This world's an ungodly place
Strangled by vines unchaste
So with my shining blade of steel
I would cut a path wide
Dipped in the ink of the fight
Written clean through the night
Mark my words upon the front page
To set my world straight
It's too late, it's too late
It's too late, it's too late
Just like I found it, my world is split
Right down the spine
Years bled dry now ripe for a reckoning
My blade's back slash beckoning
Slice my wounds and I make the sign one more time
Come on. come on. come home. come home
Yeah it's too late, it's too late
It's too late, to refrain...refrain...refrain...
Come on back here into the kitchen
You gotta see this one
You gotta see it close
They told you be careful
Don't trust no one but yourself
Be careful
In the kitchen with one bare light bulb
The floor manager is your best of friends
And out late when the drinking crowd weighs in
Way up late reading your book "kiss and tell"
Kiss and tell, don't trust no one but yourself
Kiss and tell, trust no one
You're under your spell
You can't trust yourself
In the afternoon of orange blossom days
Hummingbirds rest above where we lay
You say it's ok, no need to fret
The weight of it all will ease as we find
The balance in each step we make
Swinging back n' forth in a palo verde tree
The wind in the needles hushes you asleep
Even with the strain, your heart remains
Don't doubt why darlin'
In time you will find we're alright we were born
Like the branch to bend and not to break
Reconcile and resurrect, tombstone rose
Growing up and over the gates to where our children play
The future wraps 'round like vines
Inside these arms
Darlin' will you say in our final embrace
Before returning 'neath the clay
Right outta port angeles like a bullet with no pain
Driving north on the harbor freeway
Up and over st thomas vincent bridge
Making stops as you go, everyone you used to know
Flashing your fury, gonna lay your enemies to waste
Never hear them when they come
Hear them when they come
Drop 'em to the floor, settle every score as you roll
Out of the southbay, into the san bernadinos
Down into the valley drivin' to meet your connection
Driving with the bass
Never heard you when you come
When you come
Heavy with the bass
Never heard you
Drop 'em to the floor blood pumping thru your vein
Riding off with the score
Driving 'neath the stars, you pull over to the side
A voice trickles from your heart
Now the bleeding won't stop
Now the bleeding won't stop
Drivin' you insane
Heavy with the bass
Only a bullet could stop your pain
Words & music by Link Wray
Originally by Link Wray
I hear a sound
It's going through my brain
I hear talk of people
I feel the fallin' rain
I see a man crying
'cause the whole world has left him
Kids are laughing at the funny faces
Of a clown
My mind is like a spring in a clock
It won't unwind
I can't see, can't think, can't feel
I'm out of time
I'm up, then I'm down now
Tell me where is it going to end
You say start at the beginning
Of the end, my friend
I hear thunder
And I can feel the wind
I can see angry faces
In the eyes of men
And don't forget kid's stake
Where kids lay bleeding on the ground
And there's no place on this planet
Where peace can be found
So there'll be stabbings and shootings
And young men dying all around
And it keeps going through my brain
And I can still hear the sound
I hear talking of people
The whole world has gone insane
Through plumes of smoke
A few houses a blaze
Your eyes scan over the water
Where the city's outline is faded and erased
Cries in the night
After the storm
Arms entangled in wave and wire
Frozen below in the darkness
Days float
Buildings sway
Tensions rise with the waters
As the sense of your fears worsen
What's at stake
Once the levee breaks
No one could imagine not returning
Nor the shots that echo and ringing
No second line
Will lay you down
The delta moon weeps and weeps
As the tide folds it little babies to sleep
'neath the darkness
When numbers matter, more than the heart
Your eyes are hollowed
And stiffness starts to take control
Capsize the soul
Deep down you know, it's evil
You've always known
Be a good example, show your new tricks
And while you're out there, they'll make the pitch
To rally the troops and make a huge contribution
To help push this through
Deep down you know, it's evil
You've always known
(Always known)
Always known
(Always known)
(Always known, always)
The days here are numbered but your record is clean
Outstretched and waiting on banks that seem
To flow and flow, a rich reward to show
Duty carried out in the field
Deep down you know, it's evil
You've always known, it's evil
You've always known
(Always known)
Always known
(Always known)
Always known
(Always known)
Oh, it's evil
(Always known)
(Always known)
Always known
(Always known)
(Always known)
(Always known)
(Always known)
Cruel, cruel grounds
Leak truths never found
Torturous ways
Whisper from the grave
A slow spun song of distortion
Bitter, bitter mouth
Spitin' out seeds of doubt
Rituals seek root
Razed before they're told
Stories break like branches in the cold
Seasons trial finds man's mistakes fair game
Careless hand
Lay and law of the land
Falls by the side
Silenced sentient cries
All within the lines of divine right
Better bury the tracks in an unclosed case
Weeds of discontent choke a broken ghost landscape
Cruel, heartless reign
Chasing short term gains
Right down to the warning signs
Birds refuse to fly
No longer trust the sky
Drifting out beyond the signals
Even the horizon is gone
Down the crooked road a ways
A child's shadow hiding in the briar
Tending to a twisted heart that's bent and broken
Wounded and abandoned left amongst the rotted root to rot
Moon, crimson moon
Rose marie's walking down the crooked road a ways
All aglow, her fair white skin
Portrait of beauty, angel to many
Hears the hush crying from the briar
Reaches in her hand to see what's the matter
And is dragged through the darkness
Beneath the lonely cypress
The town's beloved daughter
Carried to her death in the turbid waters
And set afloat downstream
Whole town erupts, bursts into flame
Parties go a-searching down the crooked road a ways
Find old rufus there drunk and asleep
Fishing by the water must have killed our beloved daughter
Can't hold back these waves of anger
Tie a rope around his neck
See if he still hollers
In the land of salvation
Is where you find this masterpiece
Of a right-wing kidney punch
Escape convict pool
Executions are nearly flawless
So riding forever
In the deep
Or taking it into the shallow
Is not a problem
Escape convict pool
Convict pool
Check the underwriter killers
For video surveillance
Of the convict pool
In the warden son's
Private collection
Escape convict pool
Social fool
We evade
I forget to mention
That the coping of this baby's like butter
So stand up and grind far
Escape convict pool
Parental fools
We evade
Tony and george
Avoid the nipple
Protusion on the wall
With a backside hurricane
Over the death box
We fall
And escape
Convict pool
Social tool
Words and music by Nick Drake
Originally by Nick Drake
Who has dressed you in strange clothes of sand
Who has taken you far from my land
Who has said that my sayings were wrong
And who will say that I stayed much too long?
Clothes of sand have covered your face
Given you meaning but taken my place
So make your way on down to the sea
Something has taken you so far from me
Does it now seem worth all the colour of skies
To see the earth through painted eyes
To look through panes of shaded glass
See the stains of winter's grass
Can you now return to from where you came
Try to burn your changing name
Or with silver spoons and coloured light
Will you worship moons in winter's night
Clothes of sand have covered your face
Given you meaning but taken my place
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep you little baby
When you wake, you shall have cake
And all the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, dapple and greys
All the pretty little horses
Hmm, and mama loves, daddy loves
Oh they love their little baby
When you wake, you shall have cake
And all the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, dapple and greys
All the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, dapple and greys
Coach and six white horses
Way down yonder, down in the meadow
Lies a poor little child
The bees and the flies are pickin' out its eyes
The poor little child crying for its mother
Oh, crying for its mother
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep you little baby
When you wake, you shall have cake
And all the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, dapple and greys
Coach and six white horses
Blacks and bays, dapple and greys
All the pretty little horses
Words and music by Mark Eitzel
From Come On Beautiful - the Songs of American Music Club
All the sweet mouth really wanted
Just fell from her grip
The worst hell you can drag your soul through
Is trying to make all the lies stick
You might as well not make an effort
Lots of bills lying around unpaid
Still I guess some things seem better than
Lying in a bed an old child made
She's got her walkman on
She's got chanel number five
Look at her walk
She's holding her head upright
Wants to show she's got some pride
To the headlights
All over town people looking for
Their little piece of goodnight
Maybe it's finally time
To turn away from the light
All her sweet mouth really wanted
Was lost in her smile
And her soul just lost the taste that makes
Any good lie worthwhile
I know I never asked you to read their minds
So why did you have to go ahead and do it anyway
You think maybe someday if you're good
They'll let you disappear from the scene
But nothing can hide a beating
She's got her walkman on
She's got chanel number five
Look at her walk
She's holding her head upright
Wants to show she's got some pride
With Marianne Dissard
Words and music by Kris Kristofferson
From Nothing Left To Lose - A Tribute To Kris Kristofferson
Casey joins the hollow sound
Of silent people walking down
The stairway to the subway
In the shadows down below
Following their footsteps
Through the neon-darkened corridor
Silent desperation
Never speaking to a soul
The poison air he is breathing
Has the dirty smell of dye
Cause it's never seen the sunshine
And it's never felt the rain
But casey minds the arrows
And ignores the fatal echoes
Of the clickin' of the turnstiles
And the rattle of his chains
Oh, she said,
Casey, it's been so long
Since I seen you
Here, she said
Just a kiss to make a body smile
See, she said
I put on new stockings just to please you
Lord, she said
Casey can you only stay a while?
Casey leaves the underground
And stops inside the golden crown
For something wet to wipe away
The chill that's on his bone
Seeing his reflection
In the lives of all the lonely men
Who reach for anything they can
To keep from going home
Standing in the corner
Casey drinks his pint of bitter
Never glancing in the mirror
At the people passing by
And he stumbles as he's leaving
And he wonders if the reason
Is the beer that's in his belly
Or the tear that's in his eye
Oh, she said
I suppose you seldom think about me
Now, she said
Now that you've a family of your own
Still, she said
It's so blessed good to feel your body
When you can't find the hours
Days keep on slipping thru
Avenues under construction
Blocking out your sky blues
Burried beneath the letters
Bills and the junk in the mail
Finding the strain to your heart
From the troubles down the trail
No sign of your old haunts here
Gone with the copper crews
Veins mined in vein remind you
Choices we choose to lose
New cities keep on sprawling
Old towns falling too
Raining a river of color
And it's flowing bisbee blue
Straight to you bisbee blue
Some say this way's the only one that's true
Bring me back bisbee blue
Bring me back
Oh these days, seem dark
Darkest I've seen
Darling you send me thru the hours
Days keep on sifting thru
Chipping away to remember
Days with you bisbee blue
With marianne dissard
I live out yonder where the snakes and scorpions run
Got myself a little goldmine to bank on
But one day my heart sank when I saw madame in town
I knew her love would be the death of mine
L'amour passait, l'amour obsolète
Pourquoi perdre sa vie à chercher l'or d'un coeur?
Je ne me noierai pas dans ce désert mystique
Je ferme mes comptes et je repars
Love is passé and love is obsolete
Some spend their whole lives searching for a heart of gold
I'm tired of treading water in this desert mystique
I'm cashing in my chips before I ride
Do me a favor while I'm hanging here
Take this gold and go and hide
Ne gigote pas, chéri, sur ta corde pendu
(don't twist too hard darlin' on your hangin' rope)
Don't worry I'll be free in no time
She promised me she would be there when I'd return
She didn't say she'd have a whole army there as well
She whispered, "j'taime baby" as she fired that gun at me
(it's getting late and I'm running out of time)
I should've stayed way out yonder
Better off with the scorpions and snakes
Every act which has no heart will be found out in the end
Guess I'm a little late this time
Words and music by Bryan Maclean
Originally by Love
Yeah, said it's all right
I won't forget
All the times I've waited patiently for you
And you'll do just what you choose to do
And I will be alone again tonight my dear
Yeah, I heard a funny thing
Somebody said to me
You know that I could be in love with almost everyone
I think that people are
Felt a tremor stir beneath my breath
That forecasts storms on the Gallup poll
Woke up from the nightmare news
And hoping to read a sign in the morning air
Nothing changes here and nothing improves
All say my friends who just want out
And leave these troubles behind
Scatter like paper in the eye of the storm
Documented with a silence note
It's only heard from far, far away
More cards in play, following suit
Everywhere you look, you only see red
Wonder when to call off the race
Watching a horse running down its last legs
Just when you think it couldn't get much worse
Watch the numbers rise on the death toll
And the chimes of freedom flash and fade
Only heard from far, far away
I hear you can't trust in your own
Now the grey is broken in the early morn
And the words forming barely have a voice
It's just your heart that's breaking without choice
Everything you heard is distorted in your head
Bouncing off the walls, unraveling the thread
Staying up with the blue screen glow
Forgetting everything you ever dreamed years ago
When the dread is flowing down my veins
I want to tear it all down and build it up again
Hear your heart that's breaking without choice
I want to hear those chimes ring again
Ring again
Alberto hits his brother on the
Back of the head, looks to the north
As he starts to get up
His brothers still sleepy
Grumbles it's not light yet,
if you want a new life, what's
A few minutes wait?
Darkness on the road and over the land
Into the laws and out of the hands
From those with so much
And no show of heart
You'd think it'd be crazy
To ask for a small part
Spotted an eagle in the middle of a lake
Resting on cactus, feasting on snakes
But the waters recede as the
Dump closes in, revealing a whole lake
Of sleeping children
Poison in the stream that flows to the sea
Out on the waves that crash within reach
Of those with so much
And so little to fear
You'd think it'd be crazy
To be so far away yet so near
Some say a new day will shine here
Over these catastrophes and horrors
Of misfortune, all across the wire
Alberto y hermano on the coyote's trail
And dodging the shadows of the border patrol
Out in the wastelands wandering for days
The future looks bleak with
No sign of change
Darkness in the eye and down
In the soul
All across the wire to those in control
Holding so much
With no show of heart
You think it'd be crazy
In an ocean of noise I first heard your voice
Ringing like a bell as if I had a choice, oh, well
Left in the morning while you were fast asleep
Into an ocean of violence, a world of empty streets
You've got your reasons and me, I've got mine
But all the reasons I gave were just lies to buy myself some time
In an ocean of noise I first heard your voice
Now who here among us still believes in choice? Not I
No way of knowing what any man will do
An ocean of violence between me and you
You've got your reasons and me, I've got mine
But all the reasons I gave were just lies to buy myself some time
I'm gonna work it out 'cause time won't work it out
I'm gonna work it out 'cause time won't work it out for you
I'm gonna work it out 'cause time won't work it out
I'm gonna work it out 'cause time won't work it out for you
I hold your wrist, you bite your lip
The push becomes an embrace
I touch your face, you close your eyes
The embrace becomes a shove
I walk away, you follow too close
The shove takes hold and there's nowhere to go
Take it down! Take it away!
Take it down! Take it all the way down!
Take it down! Take it away!
Take it down! Take it all the way down!
The waterline!
I see you now through a glass wall
All that is you stays with you
But we see it all, we feel it all
And there is no place we can't go
Take it down! Take it away!
Take it down! Take it all the way down!
Take it down! Take it away!
Take it down! Take it all the way down!
Down below!
House Of Valparaiso
Dialing in a forgotten voice
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Sweeping through illegal ports
Rising from the depths falling off the tongue
Ships drifting out of tune
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Many, many more, sculpting the shoreline
Etching the harbor and the people
Who've stayed afloat
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Dialing in a forgotten voice
Rising from the depths falling off the tongue
Sweeping through illegal ports
Coming in like waves rolling off the coast
Ships drifting out of tune
Can't stop the waves coming like a ghost
Is that your shape
In the foam of the sea
After all these years
Coming home to me
La Chascona
Hearts to ocean
Vows unbroken
Lying in the bath fully clothed
Ready for the ocean's wake
The tears won't wash away
What her eyes can't erase
Not safe to say in her native tongue
A radio voice drowning out
The general's song lingering on
A raft made of books from a driftwood house
Soñando con tu sonrisa
Por la noche, abajo de cielo y la luna
Por qué te vas mi amor
Sin mis caricias
Por qué te vas mi linda
Sin besarme con amor
Sus ojos
Me mienten y me engañan
Pero siempre, te amo y te extraño
Por qué te vas mi amor
Sin mis caricias
Por qué te vas mi linda
Sin besarme con amor
La Deriva a lo lejos
Va a dejar mi corazon
Colgando, como una seca rosa
Por qué te vas mi amor
Sin mis caricias
Por qué te vas mi linda
Sin besarme con amor
I continue
Dreaming of your smile
Through the night under the sky and moon
Why do you leave my love
Without my affection
Why do you leave my dear
Without a loving kiss
Your eyes
They lie and deceive me
And still I love you and miss you.
Why do you leave my love
Without my caress
Why do you leave my dear
Without a loving kiss
If you stray far away
You will leave my heart
Hanging, as a dry rose
Why do you leave my love
Without my affection
Why do you leave my dear
I was just standing, turning around
That's when they caught me headin' down
Keep on going don't look away
That's what they tell me, that's what they say
Yeah, that's what they tell me, that's what they say
You're a pretty thought I support
Yeah, I'm just tryin' to hold up as I go
And one day I swear I'll spread my wings
I'm on my way to finer things
I'm on my way to finer things
It wasn't just me playin' those games
Still it's my own fault just the same
I opened up, I let you in
Now these crystal feelings are wearing thin
I opened up, I let you in
I'm walkin' with the fortune teller
I can see my own way home
But I don't like this dark road anymore
And I don't want to be alone for long
Don't want to be alone for long
Ball of flame, it's all I saw
It pulled us in
When the routine bites hard
And ambitions are low
And the resentment rides high
But emotions wont grow
And were changing our ways,
Taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again
Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet theres still this appeal
That weve kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again
Do you cry out in your sleep
All my failings expose?
Get a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
Is it something so good
Just cant function no more?
Lupita's ‘gonna weave a path to the land up north
‘Gonna find her way through the thick of it all
Looking at the lights dancing in the sky
Hoping for a fallen star
“Me consuelo viendo estrellas bailando en el puerto”
Brought them gold from the country to help cure their illness
But they landed with only one purpose for conquest
Though there's still this wave of unsettling hunger that never disappears
Rigo working one, two, three different jobs
And when he comes back home he welds into the night
Builds an air balloon for his pickup truck
‘Gonna fly up and over the wall
If everything stays exactly the same
Then nothing can move and nothing can change
“Me siento ese pájaro que danza sobre el puerto”
Carried ships from the sea up over the mountains
The warriors fell to their knees by the invisible virus
And still you can feel this wave of unsettling anger that never disappears
She's talking on the phone in the heart of town
To her Bachata Mama in the heart of the world
Saying “please come back to Santo Domingo
Why you gotta be so far away”
If everyone stays exactly the same
Then no one can move and no one can change
“Amo ver la Luna vacilando en el puerto”
No one fortelling the depth and type of destruction
Nor the sadness trapped on the tongue of Malinche
Quetzalcoatl feathers strewn out over the altar
Blood running down the pyramid steps in the morning
Codices lost to a language that's been broken
There's this growing sense of impending anger that never disappears
I send my love to you.
I send my hands to you.
I send my clothes to you.
I send my nose to you.
I send my trees to you.
I send my pleas to you.
Won't you send some back to me?
Send your ways to me.
Send your call to me.
Send your days to me.
Send it all to me.
And when I'm high and square,
When I would have you there,
And you will be...
The moon is falling.
My wounds are calling.
My head is bleeding.
And I'm a duck.
The lake is cracking.
It hears me quacking.
Fuck the land, and two if by me.
Send your ways to me.
Send your call to me.
Send your days to me.
Send it all to me.
And when I'm high and square,
When I would have you there,
And you will be
Red Blooms
When the fists of winter fly
Driving bones into the snow
Blackened frostbitten nights
Vodka running dry
The statues cloaked in white
Migrants from museums
Losing all the feeling now that
Sunrise is outlawed
Strangers plant themselves
Down in the cold hard ground
Later when the harvest thaws
Snow drops will be in bloom
Crossed out on city maps
Prospekt Mira reveals
Shadows drinking antifreeze
Neath the underpass
Ordered once a gulag's march
Now cities send the call
Falling from the rooftops fast
And frozen against the wall
Where strangers plant themselves
Dead souls of the underground
When February thaws
Snow drops will be in bloom again
Bloom again, bloom again
Bloom again, bloom again
Nights we hide between the walls and voices leading on the ground
Arms reaching out, hoping for the chance to start
Hearts holding out waiting for the bells to
Bring my words to all of you and if they ever hear my voice
Hold me in your thoughts laid out twisted in defense,
Hoping for the chance to start
Hearts holding out waiting for the bells to
Send my love to all my friends
and if I never make it back
To hold you in my arms again
Jump, scrape, break the switches
coast low wit da bitches
funky pop, drop 'n hop
here come the cops
güero canelo
gangs, guns, knives, thugs
chumps, chops, chill, chug
drink malt, smoke mota
i like you mucho
dame un beso
soma, valium, oxycontin
reds, whites, speed, vicodin
t's, b's, thorazine
screamers, pleasers
güero canelo
freak, tweek, week 2 week
kneel, feel, seek the geek
pump da bass in yo' face
how low can you go?
belladonna, mescaline
psylocibin, peyote
mda and dnt spells ecstasy
güero canelo
coil spring, bounce, crank
pumps, shocks, struts, tanks
psychoactive electroplade
it's necesito
dame un beso
impala, caddy
el dorado, comet
galaxy, el camino
chevelle, caprice
monte carlo
so low six fo'
how low can you go?
tweezer, teaser, tiger weezer
rusty, crusty, skuzzy skeezer
chuy, chata, cholo, chico
flaco, chucho
only at pueblo
molé y güero canelo
güero canelo
It's a simple mistake
When you've painted over your painting
Tired and heavy
Flat handed all the way
Beggin' in hard
Going 'round again
Sky stretch out
Speed without a sound
Sun's settin' low
Nearly touch the ground
Not ready to come down
Not ready to come down
Sun's settin' low
Nearly touch some ground
Not ready to come down
Not ready
Fall's rollin' in
Still wanna climb
On an empty highway
�Tween city lights
Tired and heavy still
Trouble winding down
Stars are saggin' low
Shootin' for the ground
Not ready to come down
Not ready to come down
Stars saggin' low
Shootin' for the ground
Not ready to come down
Not ready to come down
Not ready
Arms folding across against her chest
Didn't think her glow would ever wane
She's vanished like that afternoon
Blown about by the clouds
Now she's only present in the rain
Not ready to come down
Not ready to come down
Sun's settin' low
Nearly touch the ground
Not ready to come down
Not ready to come down
Stars saggin' low
Shootin' for the ground
It's time to bring it down
It's time to bring it down
This time
This time
Le corbeau s'approche
Atterit sur l'épaule de celui qui écrit
Reviens lui picorer le cou
Les veines sortent des chairs
Le sang se répand sur la page
Il crie ses dernières lignes
Et s'endort
Novembre et son manteau d'hiver
Revers sombres
Chemise blanche comme la neige
Manchettes noires
Plane sur la ville
S'agrippe aux murs, détruit les rues
Les lances de cornes acérées
Plongent dans les yeux et les coeurs des courtiers
Les enfants s'enfuient dans les rues des quartiers
Les voitures quittent la route, avalées par la mer
Les périls de l'hiver
Les photographes, les barillets ouverts
La poudre à canon et les éclairs aveuglants
Étouffés par les fumées
Les cendres des usines
Livres de comptes déchirés
Semés comme des miettes pour les sortir
Des tunnels, loin des murs de la vieille ville
Avant d'être enfouis sous l'ordure nouvelle.
Le corbeau se fatigue
Les corbeaux se multiplient
Le ciel noircit à chaque nouveau cadavre
Les champs s'enflamment
L'hystérie les chasse des villes vers les cavernes
Et les collines assombries
Vers les hauts plateaux
Vers les hauts plateaux
Vers les hauts refuges
Vers les hauts refuges
Vers les hautes plaines
Vers les hautes plaines
Vers les collines
Vers les collines
Vers les hautes terres
Watching your eyes go back and forth
Out on the highway
Watching your heart bend to the road
Kiss your forehead as I turn to go
Following those signs, driving out
Only engine smoke
Frozen in a cloud
Wishing the space would remain
Holding back your tears from letting go of your heart
Leaving the middle of the road
Letting go just a little bit
Till it all spills out the side of the road
Hole in the sea, hole in the heart
There's a hole in your hand where the money just falls
And the pain falls right through
The hole in your head wears right through
The hole in all your plans
There's a hole that shines right through
On the longest day
The vanishing mind
Knows not when the day ends
Who could care for you
Would could understand
In the room sealed shut
You're not what you were
So much sweeter now
That there's nothing left to
Remember you
It's what brought you here
It's what keeps you here
Who could care for you
Who could understand
Know not when the day ends or begins anymore
In the hallway and waiting again
Here we are, here we sit
The light turning grey
Your smile brings me back
To the longest day
There's a letter she keeps inside, a list of everyone she knows
Behind her closed eyes that turn her in when it's time to go
She's heading north into the haze, raise the wire and they raise the rent
She's walking the sun back home and in the night the moon is gone
Is it better? Is it better and better?
Is it better than staying home with nowhere to go?
I've seen your face out on the plains drifting all alone
Draw my finger in the dirt and down another blue road
She's in Kansas and Alabam', Idaho and the Carolines
Know I've seen her before can't you recognize those hands
Is it better? Is it better and better?
Is it better than staying back home?
Is it better? Is it better and better?
Woke up on Monday and wrote you a love song, wrote you a love song
Well the pen stopped and the paper flew out the window
And the notes rang down the road
I don't know where they'll go get caught in the trees I suppose
Ripped apart by the birds and the winter winds whisper good bye to your love
Went out walking into the storm, into the storm
Followed what I thought was your voice but it was just the riverside
I don't know where they'll go but I cast the letters you wrote
Taken out by the current or sink to the bottom to say a little goodbye to your love
Skies dark and the wind blew the trees down
I watched as the world slipped away
Carved into the bark a final love song
Then I carried the words to the fire
Staring into the glow where the branches are burning low
Sparks shooting out like stars and in the morning say a little goodbye to your love