This video is based on original science study: http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/10...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: BosniacumLilium
This video is based on original science study: http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/10/1964.full All your comments sen to my private message *Bosniaks (e...- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 13362
- author: BosniacumLilium
Bosniaks Genocide - Systematic rape of women and girls committed by Serbian Nazi fascists.
Rape in the Bosnian war pertains to the characteristic elements of sexual abuse in the eth...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: DrzavaBosna
Bosniaks Genocide - Systematic rape of women and girls committed by Serbian Nazi fascists.
Bosniaks Genocide - Systematic rape of women and girls committed by Serbian Nazi fascists.
Rape in the Bosnian war pertains to the characteristic elements of sexual abuse in the ethnic clash between Serb, Croat and Bosniak factions in the Bosnian w...- published: 16 Dec 2012
- views: 5033
- author: DrzavaBosna
True About Bosniaks
The Truth about lies of Bosniaks from how they help Croatia to the betraying Croats in BiH...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: RamielGodsThunder
True About Bosniaks
True About Bosniaks
The Truth about lies of Bosniaks from how they help Croatia to the betraying Croats in BiH. Za više informacija pogledajte video Muslimansko Srpska suradnja ...- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 143
- author: RamielGodsThunder
Bosniaks in WW1
This Video shows some images from WW1 about soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina(they were...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: Neuer Belmo
Bosniaks in WW1
Bosniaks in WW1
This Video shows some images from WW1 about soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina(they were elite soldiers in Austria-Hungary army) They fought on three front...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 590
- author: Neuer Belmo
Bosniaks Genocide - Serbian Captain Dragan "committed torture and rape".
Dragan Vasiljković (born 12 December 1954) nicknamed Captain Dragan was a founder and capt...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: DrzavaBosna
Bosniaks Genocide - Serbian Captain Dragan "committed torture and rape".
Bosniaks Genocide - Serbian Captain Dragan "committed torture and rape".
Dragan Vasiljković (born 12 December 1954) nicknamed Captain Dragan was a founder and captain of the Serbian paramilitary unit called the Knindže (Knin ninja...- published: 16 Dec 2012
- views: 366
- author: DrzavaBosna
Historija Bošnjaka - History of Bosniaks - 2
Historija Bošnjaka - History of Bosniaks - 2....
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: bosnamuslimmedia
Historija Bošnjaka - History of Bosniaks - 2
Historija Bošnjaka - History of Bosniaks - 2
Historija Bošnjaka - History of Bosniaks - 2.- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 338
- author: bosnamuslimmedia
The BOSNIAKS People and FOOD (Usa/St.Louis is Littel Bosniakistan) !
The Bosniaks are one Muslim Nomadic Folk and live throughout the Balkans.The Bosniaks live...
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: Romina Burghardt
The BOSNIAKS People and FOOD (Usa/St.Louis is Littel Bosniakistan) !
The BOSNIAKS People and FOOD (Usa/St.Louis is Littel Bosniakistan) !
The Bosniaks are one Muslim Nomadic Folk and live throughout the Balkans.The Bosniaks live a most in Republic of Turkey, Bosna Hercegovina, Sancak, Montenegr...- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 147
- author: Romina Burghardt
Bosniaks fighting against Assad regime in Syria bošnjacki šehidi sirije)
published: 28 May 2013
author: topSYRIANEWS
Bosniaks fighting against Assad regime in Syria bošnjacki šehidi sirije)
Bosniaks fighting against Assad regime in Syria bošnjacki šehidi sirije)
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 103
- author: topSYRIANEWS
There will always be a Bosnia and its Bosniaks. ArBiH - UCK unity. Bit ce Bosne Braco!
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: BosnianF22Widowmaker
There will always be a Bosnia and its Bosniaks. ArBiH - UCK unity. Bit ce Bosne Braco!
There will always be a Bosnia and its Bosniaks. ArBiH - UCK unity. Bit ce Bosne Braco!
- published: 19 Feb 2009
- views: 886
- author: BosnianF22Widowmaker
Bosniaks most pure Slavs on Balkan
Islamic leader Ceric and a anti-nationalist said that bosniaks are turks. Serbian national...
published: 04 Jul 2011
author: Bosanska Straza
Bosniaks most pure Slavs on Balkan
Bosniaks most pure Slavs on Balkan
Islamic leader Ceric and a anti-nationalist said that bosniaks are turks. Serbian nationalists also claim last 100 years that bosniaks are turks and Bosnia i...- published: 04 Jul 2011
- views: 5997
- author: Bosanska Straza
Bosniaks men are beautiful / Bošnjaci su najljepši.
Music : Halid Bešlić - Čardak. The Bosniaks or Bosniacs (Bosnian: Bošnjak, pl: Bošnjaci) a...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: DrzavaBosna
Bosniaks men are beautiful / Bošnjaci su najljepši.
Bosniaks men are beautiful / Bošnjaci su najljepši.
Music : Halid Bešlić - Čardak. The Bosniaks or Bosniacs (Bosnian: Bošnjak, pl: Bošnjaci) are a South Slavic ethnic group, living mainly in Bosnia and Herzego...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 717
- author: DrzavaBosna
Continuity of genocide upon Bosniaks
Virtual Museum of Genocide upon Bosniaks mr Fatmir Alispahic dr Selma Rizvic Bosniaks are ...
published: 19 Jul 2013
author: VMGenB
Continuity of genocide upon Bosniaks
Continuity of genocide upon Bosniaks
Virtual Museum of Genocide upon Bosniaks mr Fatmir Alispahic dr Selma Rizvic Bosniaks are a nation of Slavic origin and Islamic religion. They live in the We...- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 10
- author: VMGenB
Genetika Bošnjaka (Genetics Bosniaks)
Potražite nas na facebook:
published: 23 Feb 2014
Genetika Bošnjaka (Genetics Bosniaks)
Genetika Bošnjaka (Genetics Bosniaks)
Potražite nas na facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Islamovickanal?ref=hl- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 18
Vimeo results:
Scenes from traditional jumping from the Stari Most bridge in the old town of Mostar, Bozn...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: DGA Productions
Scenes from traditional jumping from the Stari Most bridge in the old town of Mostar, Boznia and Herzegovina. Leaping from the bridge into the Neretva river is a rite of passage for the town's young men, and continues on despite the bridge's destruction during the Croat-Bosniak War.
Shot on location for http://espn.go.com/espn/feature/moment/_/page/KennyMayneWWOS/kenny-mayne-wider-world-sports
About Blood and Honey - teaser
About Blood and Honey is journalism funded by the crowd.
Twenty years after the beginnin...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: Van Mars
About Blood and Honey - teaser
About Blood and Honey is journalism funded by the crowd.
Twenty years after the beginning of the war in Bosnia Herzegovina we want to collect new stories and new images in this young country.
Here you will find more info: http://igg.me/p/39609?a=208918&i;=shlk
So please watch, like, share and fund!
One Day On Earth
UNDP Kosovo
Dragash/š municipality is located in the southernmost part o...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: Amir
One Day On Earth
UNDP Kosovo
Dragash/š municipality is located in the southernmost part of Kosovo, at an altitude of 1.050 meters. The municipality includes town and 35 villages and spreads throughout the regions of Gora and Opojë/Opolje. The estimated population is over 41,000. About two-thirds of the inhabitants are Kosovo Albanian and one third are Kosovo Gorani and Bosniaks.
Due to poor agricultural resources and geographical isolation Dragash/š is among the most underdeveloped regions in Kosovo. The economic situation is dominated by a high rate of unemployment, suffering from population loss resulting from large-scale emigration, and limited access to public transportation, modern forms of energy services, education, phone lines, health facilities and markets.
The Sharr mountain, an alpine range in Dragash/ š bordering Macedonia to the east and Albania to the south is nature capital important not only for Dragash/š, but also to Kosovo as well as Eastern Europe. It possesses high value in its bio-diversity and large fauna, its economic agriculture potential, and it’s water-shed and water resources, the hydropower energy potential, importantly, is a key alternative energy.
The ongoing project’s, Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragash/š, objective is to put in place sustainable development plans/policies effectively respond to the need of central & local government, as well as promote employment and environmental protection . It comes after a one year Preparatory Assistance to Sustainable Development Project, part of which were the two sub-projects that we visited and filmed.
Elementary school in Kosavë/o village
Main intention of the project was saving the energy and increasing the commodity for the students and teachers, while insulating thermally external walls of the school premises and replacing windows and doors.
The project enabled better working environment, warmer during winter, and fresh during the summer months.
A long-term benefit for the community is saving the energy of combustible such as wood and coal that is basically used in the schools of municipality of Dragash/ š. Savings combustibles will be about 40 % comparing the time when the school premise has not been insulated thermally and with doors and windows with greater coefficient of thermal conductivity. From here, we can emphasize also, the decrease of CO2 emission in the area, since the combustibles (wood, coal) would be consumed less.
First Solar Water Heating in Medical Health Family Center
A pilot project “Instalment of the Solar System for Sanitary Water Heating at the Medical Centre in Dragash/š”, was implemented by UNDP with the support of non-governmental energy organization AKEREE and funded by the Government of Finland to promote the use of solar panels for heating sanitary water supply of the Medical Health Family Center (MHFC). Additionally, the targets included increased energy efficiency and a stable adequate supply of hot sanitary water for the MHFC.
Water is heated by using the solar energy collectors on the roof of the building while the water is kept in the 27 central boilers of the hospital. The employees of MFHC have been trained to maintain the solar water heating system and to avoid any damage caused by casual electricity cut. The expected results of the two months pilot project include annual electric energy savings 16 MWh, annual reduction in CO2 emissions 17.4 Ton and annual reduction in electricity costs 2.000 euros. The money saved from the decreased electricity consumption will be used for investments within MHFC.
Being the first solar water heating system in Dragash/š municipality, the pilot project has a great demonstration value to the local community by introducing the potential of renewable energy.
Hopefully, the promising results of using solar energy will have a gripping effect on the other activities in the region including dairy, food processing and especially households
En memòria / Sjećanje na Srebrenicu / In memory
Reportatge fotogràfic (2007/2009/2010 ) sobre els enterraments del genocidi de Srebrenica ...
published: 11 Jul 2011
author: Sergi Grau
En memòria / Sjećanje na Srebrenicu / In memory
Reportatge fotogràfic (2007/2009/2010 ) sobre els enterraments del genocidi de Srebrenica al memorial de Potočari de les restes humanes provinents de les fosses comunes del genocidi, fins a la Commemoració del 15è aniversari de la massacre (1995-2010).
Srebrenica, etimologia de la massacre
A Srebrenica (Bòsnia i Herzegovina) un poble situat dins la república Srpska, molt a prop de la frontera amb Sèrbia, van ser assassinades més de 8.100 persones -tot i que algunes investigacions en documenten 8.373-, majoritàriament musulmans bosnians i alguns cristians.
La campanya de neteja ètnica la dirigia presencialment el comandant en cap de l'exercit Serbo- Bosnià de la República Srpska, Ratko Mladić, detingut el passat més de juny de 2011 a Sèrbia i empresonat a l’Haia pel Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l’Ex Iugoslàvia. Mladić va comptar amb la col·laboració dels comandos paramilitars anomenats els Skorpioni (Els Escorpins).
La detenció de l’autor material de la massacre més gran perpetrada a Europa des de la 2a Guerra Mundial, així com la detenció, també, de l’autor intel·lectual Radovan Karadži, detingut el 21 de juliol de 2008 a Belgrad i la recent captura de Goran Hadzic, tanquen la llista dels més coneguts criminals de guerra, 16 anys després dels fets, segurament a canvi de certes concessions de la Unió Europea a Sèrbia com a futur estat lliure associat.
Potočari, d’àrea industrial a memorial
L’àrea de Potočari, la perifèria industrial de les afores de Srebrenica, estava considerada una zona segura, protegida pel contingent holandès Dutchbat format per 400 soldats. Aquesta base general estava sota les ordres del comandant coronel Thomas Karremans en l’operació de l’UNPROFOR (Forces de Protecció de les Nacions Unides) dins les forces de l’ONU, sota el comandament del general Bernard Janvier. Els refugiats de Srebrenica es van desplaçar amb massa buscant la protecció de les Nacions Unides, fugint del bombardeig intensiu i de la imminent entrada a la població de les tropes sèrbies.
Entre els dies 11, 12 i 13 de juliol de 1995, però, l’exèrcit serbi va fer-los presoners i va separar homes, dones, adolescents i nens, i va identificar qualsevol persona en edat militar entre els 12 i els 77 anys. Un cop els periodistes i les càmeres de televisió es van retirar, la massacre va començar, amb una evident ineficàcia de les Nacions Unides i de tímides reaccions internacionals.
Sense espectadors
Com cada any des de 1995, el 10 i l’11 de juliol al, poble que ha perdut el nom del poble, milers de bosnians es desplacen a Srebrenica, una part d’ells provinent de la diàspora bosniana d’arreu, i l’altra de diferents indrets del nou país. 8.100 assassinats donen de si, familiars i amics és retrobin malauradament en un dol col·lectiu, entre 30.000 i 40.000 persones, tot dependrà de la quantitat d’identificacions per establir el trist balanç anual; 465, 534 i 800 enterraments respectivament el 2007, 2009 i el 2010.
Marcats genèticament pel dolor, els familiars estan condicionats a un futur incert acord en paral·lel amb la situació actual de Bòsnia i Herzegovina. Durant aquestes dates de dol nacional, els familiars que han tingut la fortuna de poder identificar a un o varis familiars assassinats –el pare, la mare, els germans…– exterioritzen l’angoixa patida, a partir de les seves creences religioses amb una litúrgia plena d’emoció. És el tret de sortida a una altre dolor que perdura i perdurarà en el temps, els sentiments i les expressions prenen la mateixa intensitat com si 16 anys d'incertesa no haguessin passat per la porta del temps.
No són espectadors, sinó participants i protagonistes d’una obra dramàtica en temps real, qui més que menys té algú enterrat, pendent d’identificar o desaparegut. Una cerimònia que no permet oblidar, dins d’un país mal dividit al ranxo de Dayton, i que es podria descriure amb la frase “on s’acaba la lògica comença Bòsnia”, segons paraules d’un amic meu. Mentre a Bòsnia i Herzegovina és dia de dol nacional, sota la música clàssica que és omnipresent a les emissores, al nord, a la República Srpska és un dia qualsevol, un dia laborable, amb la retransmissió de partits de futbol i emissió de programes d’entreteniment.
Durant el procés d’enterrament se segueix fil per randa la litúrgia musulmana, els homes són els únics que poden tocar els taüds. Les dones esperen, ara si, amb la certesa del saber a la fossa, tota la família participarà activament de l’enterrament com si es reunissin al voltant d’una llar de foc. Els 400, 500, 600 enterraments requereixen d’una organització militar, ironicament, semblant a la del dia que van començar les massacres. L’ordre hi impera, i només es trenca en el moment de la col·locació del fèretre a la fossa, on tothom s’afanya a tirar terra al damunt, amb l’instint innat de tancar un episodi v
Youtube results:
Who are "Bosniaks"?
The so-called "Bosniaks" are actually Turks. bosniakandjewishfriendship.wordpress.com/...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: Interahamwe55
Who are "Bosniaks"?
Who are "Bosniaks"?
The so-called "Bosniaks" are actually Turks. bosniakandjewishfriendship.wordpress.com/- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 350
- author: Interahamwe55
Bosniaks Genocide - Canadian Peacekeeper Gen. Lewis Mackenzie suspected of Rape.
SARAJEVO - Bosnian authorities are investigating rape allegations against retired Canadian...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: DrzavaBosna
Bosniaks Genocide - Canadian Peacekeeper Gen. Lewis Mackenzie suspected of Rape.
Bosniaks Genocide - Canadian Peacekeeper Gen. Lewis Mackenzie suspected of Rape.
SARAJEVO - Bosnian authorities are investigating rape allegations against retired Canadian General Lewis MacKenzie, who commanded UN peacekeepers in Bosnia a...- published: 16 Dec 2012
- views: 394
- author: DrzavaBosna
Forgoten Bosniaks of World War II - 13.SS Handschar Division (Waffen SS)
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: BosniacumLilium
Forgoten Bosniaks of World War II - 13.SS Handschar Division (Waffen SS)
Forgoten Bosniaks of World War II - 13.SS Handschar Division (Waffen SS)
- views: 3443
- author: BosniacumLilium
Fra Antun Knezevic "To Bosniaks" (1870 a.d.)
Antun Knezevic is Bosniak Catholic Franciscan monk from 19th century who fought for Bosnia...
published: 11 May 2013
author: BosniacumLilium
Fra Antun Knezevic "To Bosniaks" (1870 a.d.)
Fra Antun Knezevic "To Bosniaks" (1870 a.d.)
Antun Knezevic is Bosniak Catholic Franciscan monk from 19th century who fought for Bosniak national identity! He fought for one Bosniak nation regardless of...- published: 11 May 2013
- views: 138
- author: BosniacumLilium