Onnellinen olla m saan tnn
Yksin nyt jin, parempi nin - ahaa
Kadunkulmaan jn katsomaan
kun silhuetti iltaan katoaa
Vasta aamun ensisteet saa uudestaan
mut havahtumaan
Aikapyr vie eteenpin
aina eteenpin
yh eteenpin
En katso en taaksepin
elmn nn edessin
Matkalleni muistoja vien mukana
Kassillinen timantteja - ahaa
Kadunkulmaan jn katsomaan
kun silhuetti iltaan katoaa
Vasta aamun ensisteet saa uudestaan
mut havahtumaan
Pivkn (pivkn) ei saa (ei saa)
heitt hukkaan milloinkaan
Yksinkin (yksinkin) vaikka niin (vaikka niin)
me joskus kuljetaan
Vasta aamun ensisteet saa uudestaan
mut havahtumaan
Silmiisi mä ihastuin
kun ensi kertaa näin
sut jukeboxin vieressä
seisoit allapäin
et mua huomannut
kun katseeni mä käänsin
mut tajusin että sinuun
silloin rakastuin
Näin kuluu viikonloppu jokainen
kunnes nimesi tietää saan
en pysty öisin enää nukkumaan
sut täytyy nähdä uudestaan
Pyysin sinut tanssimaan
ja suostuit lähtemään
vain pieni hetki lähekkäin
ja syttyi meidän tunteet
silmissäni sinut näin
kun oltais kahden vain
mä huumannuin sun tuoksusta
Kuuntelen ääntä laineiden
ne sinut veivät mukanaan
kuuntelen kuinka pisarat
soittaa kellojaan
Viileään veteen kuvasi jää
en sitä tahdo unohtaa
Kuuntelen kuinka ikävä noin
nousee kohti pintaan
Tulisitko vielä tänään
Tulisitko vielä tänään
Tulisitko rantaan
minut noutamaan
ennenkuin yö meidät erottaa
se meidät erottaa
meidät erottaa, se meidät erottaa
Kaukana siintää rajattomuus
se horisontin taakse jää
kaukana syvä loputtomuus
ei pohjaa olekaan
Täällä on minun mereni
sen sinulle voin lahjoittaa
kuuntelen kuinka ikävä noin
nousee kohti pintaa
(2 x Chorus)
Erottaa, meidät erottaa
Hiljaisuuden meren tuulen
melkein kuulen net ikuisuuden
thdenlennon loisteen hennon
nn ja toivon ett sinkin net sen
etk olisi en yksininen
Thtikaaren taa taivaisiin
sinne minkin tahtoisin
kaukana on maa ja niin yksin
on ikv luokses niin
thtikaaren taa taivaisiin
eik palattais koskaan satamiin entisiin
Tnn lhden luokse thden
hiljaisen rannan jolle nimesi annan
satelliitin mukaan laitoin
sinulle viestin kunpa kuulisit sen
etk olisi en yksininen
Thtikaaren taa taivaisiin
sinne minkin tahtoisin
kaukana on maa ja niin yksin
on ikv luokses niin
thtikaaren taa taivaisiin
Taas m saan
lent vliss taivaan ja maan
enk kauaksi j
en milloinkaan
Kaivoon toiveiden lantin heitin
siivet selkn jos m saisin
korkealle sinut voisin lenntt
Vuorten ylle pilven reunaa teen
meille piilopaikan
illan tullen ikkunasta
noudan pois sut odottamasta
Taas m saan
lent vliss taivaan ja maan
enk kauaksi j
en milloinkaan
Yss avaruuden laulu
kaikuu holveissa piilopaikan
muistoja se tuo ja pois ne kuljettaa
Pilveltmme voimme nhd sen
tuon tutun thden
kirkkaimpana yss loistaa
Auringossa alkaneet
on kaikki kauniit hetket
mä niihin kulkea voin
Kun kesä lämmöllään
sai mielen täyteen onneen
mä lemmennektarin join
meri kimmeltää
Rakkaudesta laulettu
on monta sataa kertaa
sulle laulu merestä
en löytänyt vertaa
Itse siksi kirjoitin
tän pienen melodian
luona rantakahvilan
sen sulle laulan
Kesäpäivään päättyvään
sua ootan saapuvaksi
ei vielä varjoas näy
Jää iltaan kaipaus
pois menköön yksinäisyys
kun askel asfalttiin käy
Puistossa näin pikkulinnun
jotenkin loukkaantuneen
mietin kuinka mä kiinni saisin
linnun haavoittuneen
lähelle hiivin ja takin heitin
sen alle lintu jo jäi
Mut juuri kun sitä melkein koskin
se liepeen alta lensi pois
ei itseään antanut koskettaa
Miettinyt oon sitä useasti
nyt tiedän paremmin
oon nähnyt sen linnun monta kertaa
yössä kaupungin
Yksin kantaa murheitansa
kipua viiltävää
eikä tunnista auttajaansa
lähelle pyrkivää
Yksin kantaa murheitansa
ja pakenee yön selkään
ei sydäntään anna
Rakkauden saatat kadottaa
toisen jos tahdot kokonaan omistaa
kauneuden saat sen kuvittaa
omissa silmisssi ainoastaan
Tanssiin vei
meidt perhosten yo
tuntuu kuin loiste
ei katsettas kohdannut ois
kerroit mit s nt
ymmrtnyt et
mit yritit taas selitt
Yhteinen oli loputon y
tuntuu kuin piv ei auennut koskaan ois
vaan hiljalleen knnyit viereltin pois
luulin kai ettet koskaan vapaana kulkea vois
Nousitkin lentoon
kauneimpaan hentoon
tied en minne meet
Tuulista luode
luokseni viel
laulusi kantakoon
Uskollinen vain yhdelle aina on
kulkuri huoleton
kunnes hän seuraavan luokse saapuu
Vain lauantai-ilta on mielessään
kaverit vieressään
hän saliin astuu
Voi tehdä mitä haluaa
ja nähdä ihan mitä vaan
mut kukaan kuitenkaan ei saa
onnencowboyta ansaan
All right, all right, onnencowboy
Ruusulla saa sydämen lassottaa
tyttöä tanssittaa
kunnes hän seuraavan luokse saapuu
Saa kokonaan kaupungin katsastaa
radalla ratsastaa
(Chorus x2)
All right, all right, onnencowboy
Vie monen tie tunteita tuhlaamaan
jatketaan juhlaa vaan
kunnes taas seuraava päivä saapuu
Aamulla mies ovesta luikahtaa
kujalle katoaa
(Chorus x2)
M olin taas eilen ulkona
vaikka sulle sanoin olevani duunissa
s olit aivan yksin kotona
sen muistin vasta aamunkoitteessa
Kun yhdess ollaan
olet aivan toisenlainen
vaan pisteet saat nollaan
suurennellen valehdellen
Ei oikotie mun sydmeen
ky keinotellen ei
mut jos rehellinen oot
sut onnelliseks teen
Sulle kaiken voisi selitt
jos mahdollisuuden antaisit
en jaksaisi en nytell
tt roolia jonka mulle valitsit
Kun yhdess ollaan
olet aivan toisenlainen
vaan pisteet saat nollaan
suurennellen valehdellen
Ei oikotie mun sydmeen
ky keinotellen ei
mut jos rehellinen oot
Mut kun nn sun tulevan
todeks teen tn tarinan
Käy kelloni jo puolta yötä
kadut hiljenevät aamun myötä
valvoo kuu ja tahdon sinut unohtaa
Ei uni tule vaikka käsken
huomasin sen vasta äsken
soittaa tuuli yöllä biisin hiljaisen
Pois lähdit mukanasi liikaa
vain seinät ikävääni huutaa
Odota, miksi karkuun juoksit niin varoen
heräsin tähän kylmään aamuun, nyt palelen
Odota, miksi karkuun juoksit niin varoen
heräsin tähän kylmään aamuun, nyt palelen
Sinä vielä junalaiturilla
piiritit mut pikku suudelmilla
toivon sun vielä joskus luoksein palaavan
Jäi välillemme liian monta
kilometriä tunteetonta
ei saa ne meitä ikuisesti erottaa
Pois lähdit mukanasi liikaa
Sä oot ainoo joka voi auttaa
voit aina nauraa
pois on huolet huomisen
sydämesi vastauksen tietää
sisälläs loistaa valo ikuinen
Pimeinä aikoina saavut
siitä sä suutut
että olen allapäin
masennuksen iloksi muutat
silloin sä pyydät
et oltais lähekkäin
Matkustanut oon joka puolelle
ja kokenut sen minkä voin
mutta tiedän sen että paikkani luonas on
Matkustanut oon joka puolelle
ja kokenut sen minkä voin
mutta tiedän sen että paikkani luonas on
Paikoilleni pysähdyn joskus
ja sinua muistan
kun kesä syksyyn kääntyy taas
ajatuksen mukana kannan
jos anteeksi annat
niin kaikki onnistuu
Pimeinä aikoina saavun
ja tiedät mistä sä suutut
et pidä että
olen allapäin
silloin sä pyydät
Jostain tulit valokuviini
niissä maljoja me nostettiin
Kuin läsnä äärettömyys
pimeys ja päivä kuviin kiinnittyy
Väli elon ja hiljaisen
levoton leikki on
En tahdo kadottaa
mennyttä milloinkaan
kun kannet albumin suljen
jään hymyilemään hetkeä jolloin
kerran vierelläs sain hengittää
Kehittelen uudet kuvamme
vuoden jokaiselle päivälle
Kuin läsnä äärettömyys
pimeys ja päivä kuviin kiinnittyy
Väli elon ja hiljaisen
levoton leikki on
Nyt selaan albumia eteenpäin
vain tyhjät sivut näen edessäin
Kuin läsnä äärettömyys
pimeys ja päivä hetkeen kiinnittyy
En tahdo kadottaa
mennyttä milloinkaan
En tahdo kadottaa
katsettas kokonaan
En tahdo kadottaa
mennyttä milloinkaan
kun kannet albumin suljen
jään hymyilemään hetkeä jolloin
Vain näkemiin
sanoit ennenkuin lähdit
Jäin - tähän jäin
salaisuus vierelläin
Kuin kuningatar - sua odotan
kuningatar - yksin odotan
onnellinen olla voin vasta kun
luokses löydän
Kerro kerro kuvastin nyt voitko tulevan näyttää
kerro kerro kuvastin nyt voitko toiveeni täyttää
Aaa - magiaa, magiaa
Aaa - magiaa, magiaa
Vielä kohtalo meidät yhteen johdattaa
uuteen taikaan
Pois tunnit käy
ajan tahtoisin kääntää
Kai totuuden
kohta korteistain nään
Kuin kuningatar - sua odotan
kuningatar - yksin odotan
onnellinen olla voin vasta kun
luokses löydän
Peilipintaan lasiseen
tähtikartan meille teen
joka suunnan näyttää
luokses löydän
Unessani svelet vreiksi muuttuu
niist harmaita teet
kaukana katsot kun sydn suuttuu
taas jn pimeyteen
Nyt tiedn sen taas uudelleen
kuinka hyv on olla kun viel jaksan
parempaa odottaa
Enemmn saat kaikesta irti
enemmn kun anteeksi annat
enemmn jos sateelle nauran
kaiken saan
Unelmani nen nyt toteutuneen
siit voimaa saan
kanssasi kuljen ikuisuuteen
aamuun nousevaan
Avasit silmsi nyt net kaiken selvemmin
askeleet kulkevat samoille radoille
Sinun näen pois kävelevän
sä rikoit mulle lupauksen
miksi teit sen minua kohtaan
kanssa toisen rakkautes jaat
Sytytit minussa liekin
valheillas kadotit sen
sut kokonaan haluan unohtaa
kuinka saan sen onnistumaan
Ei ei et saa
sä tietää milloinkaan
kuinka mä saan
sen viestin pahimman
se toteutuu ja hymyilen taas
sisälläin tuleni tunnen
jokainen päivä minut uudistaa
Rakennan kuvion uuden
odotan kesäistä taikaa
niin kaunista se kasvattaa
iloita voin päivistä kirkkaista
ne kansiin kestäviin sulkea saan
Ei ei et saa
sä tietää milloinkaan
kuinka mä saan
sen viestin pahimman
Ei ei et saa
sä tietää milloinkaan
Silti kaiken nyt voin aloittaa
uudestaan tavallaan
nyt luotan omaan päätökseen
jätän sulle sanoman faksiin
kun sen saat oon kaukana jossain
enkä heti palaakaan
Sana ei on aina sun yllä
tänään ei on minulle kyllä
tukehdun jos vierelle jään sun
tahdon vapaana olla taas
Anna mun bailaa
anna mun bailata
anna mun koko ilta keinua vaan
Anna mun bailaa
mennä ja bailata
askeleitani et saa hidastaa
Kuski paina kaasu pohjaan
sinne minne valot ohjaa
koti-illat saavat riittää
enää et mua kiinni saa
Tarvitse en fyssaa tai hissaa
tahdon vain leikkiä kissaa
tukehdun jos vierelle jään sun
tahdon vapaana olla taas
Lämmin ilta maalattu suu
mansikalta mm maistuu
ei ollut enää montaa koulupäivää
tennareilla oli kevyt kävellä
Tapasin illoin sinua silloin
alla vaahterapuun
tutustuttiin ihastuttiin
alla vaahterapuun
Kukista teit seppeleen
sytytit menthol-savukkeen
laskimme leikkiä nauroimme
ei ollut muita olimme kahden
Tapasin illoin sinua silloin
alla vaahterapuun
tutustuttiin ihastuttiin
Jie kai wo zui shen mi de deng dai
Xing xing zhui luo feng zai chui dong
Zhong yu zai jiang ni yong ru huai zhong
Liang ke xin chan dou
Xiang xin wo bu bian de zhen xin
Quan nian deng dai you wo cheng nuo
Wu lun jing guo duo shao de han dong
Wo jue bu fang shuo
Iye nae sonul japgo nunulkamayo
uri saranghetton nalto sengkaghepayo
uri nomu sarangheso
soro saranghandan malto mottansondayo
Mei yi ye bei xing tong chuan yue
Si nian yong mei you zhong dian
Zao xi guang le gu du xiang sui
Wo wei xiao mian dui
Xiang xin wo ni xuan ze deng dai
Zai duo ku tong ye bu shan duo
Zhi you ni de wen rou neng jie jiu
Wu bian de leng mo
Hisae nayeso nechago nunei kamayou
Nuri saram haeto nago same kaemayao
Nuri normu saram haeso happa saneyou
Sorou saram hadam mago moteso neyou
Rang ai cheng wei ni wo xin zhong
Nei yong yuan sheng kai de hua
Chuan yue shi kong jue bu di tou yong bu fang qi de meng
Nuri normu saram haeso happa saneyou
Sorou saram hadam mago moteso neyou
Rang ai cheng wei ni wo xin zhong
Nei yong yuan sheng kai de hua
Nuri sojoh haeto yaso yijito manayou
Wei you zhen ai zhui sui ni wo
Chuan yue wu jin shi kong
Sorou saram hadam mago moteso neyou
You know my daddy dug gates for his whole life
And he never knew nothing more
Yeah and his daddy done the dig like his old man
Who had dug before the war
And though she couldn't have known till I was born
My poor mama God rest her soul
Like them I come out diggin'
Well I was layin' out wire on number 9
Now when she come down to earth
And she was talkin' real loud
All about how she was gonna save the universe
I went and snuck a lil' peek in her blue eyes
And words just aren't enough
She had me off and runnin'
Could it be that I got bored and lonely?
Could it be that I'm just dumb and horny?
Could it be that Lady Luck has smiled herself on me?
Could it be?
She wore rattlesnake boots, a sassy mood
She had me laughin' in my tears
The most beautiful thing, so young and sweet
A little green behind the ears
She took me higher then I ever been
Lord, what have I been missin'?
Now she is all I'm diggin'
Could it be that I got bored and lonely?
Could it be that I'm just old and horny? (Could it be,
Could it be that Lady Luck has smiled herself down on
She's smilin' down on me, yeah
Come a little closer
Let me show you how it could be
Spacy little cowgirl
Come a little closer to me
You and I are betting on words
You and I are wandering worlds apart from each other
joined at the heart
You and I escaping the Earth
Tasting tears for all that it's worth apart from each
other joined by a thought
Can you believe me?
Still sitting pretty with a pistol in hand
Living to love you will you be my man?
If I beg, If I plead
Would you please, please, please satisfy me?
Anything goes in this cosmic dare
Anything goes so take care
Did you feel my heartbeat to your lies
Listen close sweet love of mine
You and I are travelling time
You and I a moon rockets climb
In tune with forever, never say never we're told
You and I are floating in space
You and I are waiting to make the most of a moment
alive in this silence so great
Can you believe me?
Still sitting pretty with a pistol in hand
Living to love you will you be my man?
If I beg, If I plead
Would you please, please, please satisfy me?
Anything goes in this cosmic dare
Anything goes so take care
Did you feel my heartbeat to your sighs
Mon amour sweet love of mine
Anything goes in this cosmic dare
Anything goes so take care
Did you feel my heartbeat to your sighs
Like the perfect ending,
It won't be long,
Till everything I've ruined has seen me gone,
In time, I pray you'll forgive,
Now you know the man I am,
Can you forgive me?
I fall,
Like the sands of time,
Like some broken rhyme,
At feet no longer there.
If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the
pain you feel
I would
You gave yourself to me and showed me what the truth
could be
For that, I say thank you
This was my life
It never made much sense to me...
With every lie that I lived,
Part of me would fade,
Into this empty shadow I've become,
And now I feel so numb,
I no longer know myself,
But I still know you.
I call,
And there is no reply,
Like some phantom cry,
On ears too far away,
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by,
The only thing I see is you,
For all the times you walked the line for me and
standing by my side,
I say thank you,
Here lies my life,
It never felt that real to me.
You'll always mean so much to me,
And there's no reply,
And there's no reply,
You'll never know how much you meant to me,
And there's no reply,
And there's no reply,
You'll never know how much you meant to me.
If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the
pain you feel.
I would.
You gave yourself to me and showed me what the truth
could be.
For that, I say thank you.
This was my life.
It never made much sense to me...
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by,
The only thing I see is you,
For all the times you walked the line for me and
standing by my side,
I say thank you,
You in my life,
You said you wanted to see Paris
So I took you to the movie
'Bon Amie' or something French like that.
Then you said you were embarrassed
Because I never bought you jewelery.
Television shopping fixed all that.
Funny thing, 'cause I haven't seen you lately.
When I called your house it wasn't you who told me
I heard it all from your dad.
I used up all my money on you, baby, and I want it
I want it back.
I used up all my money trying to please you and I want
it back.
Do you remember late last winter?
You said that you had nothing to wear.
Those fake fur pajamas looked real nice.
I couldn't take you to Miami
I took you to the ocean and we
Had some blue Hawaii on the beach.
Let me think.
If I add up all you owe me,
And include my time I might make it through the summer.
And I guess that ain't too bad.
I used up all my money on you baby and I want it back.
I said I want it back.
I used up all my money trying to please you and I want
it back.
And I guess that ain't too bad.
I used up all my money on you baby and I want it back.
I said I want it back.
I used up all my money trying to please you, now I want
it back.
Want it all back
I said I want it all back
Gimme my money all back
Happiness is just a word to me
And it might have meant a thing or two
If I'd known the difference
Emptiness, a lonely parody
And my life, another smokin' gun
A sign of my indifference
Always keepin' safe inside
Where no one ever had a chance
To penetrate a break in
Let me tell you some have tried
But I would slam the door so tight
That they could never get in
Kept my cool under lock and key
And I never shed a tear
Another sign of my condidtion
Fear of love or bitter vanity
That kept me on the run
The main events at my confession
I kept a chain upon my door
That would shake the shame of Cain
Into a blind submission
The burning ghost without a name
Was calling all the same
But I wouldn't listen
The longer I'd stall
The further I'd crawl
The further I'd crawl
The harder I'd fall
I was crawlin' into the fire
The more that I saw
The further I'd fall
The further I'd fall
The lower I'd crawl
I kept fallin' into the fire
Into the fire
Into the fire
Suddenly it occurred to me
The reason for the run and hide
Had totaled my existnce
Everything left on the other side
Could never be much worse that this
But could I go the distance
I faced the door and all my shame
Tearin' off each piece of chain
Until they all were broken
But no matter how I tried
The other side was licked so tight
That door it wouldn't open
Gave it all that I got
And started to knock
Shouted for someone
To open the lock
I just gotta get through the door
And the more that I knocked
The hotter I got
The hotter I got
The harder I'd knock
I just gotta break through the door
Gotta knock a little harder
Gotta knock a little harder
Gotta knock a little harder
The singing sea,
The talking trees
Are silent in a noisy way.
The stars are bright
But give no light
The world spins backwards every day.
(Oh, look at that!)
A rainbow rat,
A checkered cat
Go tail in tail along the road.
The mouse is pleased.
The moon is cheese.
The sun is shining hot and cold.
A golden bird
Today I heard
Sitting upon a silver branch.
His little song was very long
Which made me sad and start to laugh.
(Ooh, let me see!)
My sister is he.
My brother is she.
But there is only me in the family.
When I grow up
Oh, I'll go down
I was Heaven sent
Traded for the words
I swore that every piece of me would still belong
Forever and a day
To someone who created
Whatever there may be
Ever there may be
You came along
Now I'm going all against the promises I made but here I
Falling for your love
Or am I lost in Heaven?
I don't know anymore
Don't know anymore
Judgment will be made
On a Christmas day
Hiding in the snow he's prying me
Toys if you've been good
Knives if you have not
better steal a kiss, for I'll be gone
Tell me what the rain knows
O are these the Tears of Ages
That wash away the Wolf's Way
And leave not a trace of the day?
Tell me what the rain knows
O is this the flood of fortune
That pours itself upon me?
O see how I drown in this sea
Hark, hear the howl that eats the moon alive
Your fur it is on fire
The smoke turns the whole sky raven black
And the world upon your back will crack
Where will you go
Now you've no home?
Gummed up, brain dead and can't decide
You can't pray enough, you can't hide
You can be cool or you can cry
Do it wrong
Not it all
Or do it right
No one owes you, no one's to blame
Save for bad genes or DNA
Ask your conscience the why and how
Do it then
Do it when
But, do it now
What's up, sweet cakes?
Who's hip anyway?
Earthgirls are easy
Whatcha gonna do, lil' buckaroo?
(Hey you, better ask her nice!)
All you gotta do, happy fool, is ask your mom
No, we all can't be Superfly GQPhdFBI
You can pretend or you can try
Move ahead
Lay down dead
Or slip on by
When the truth seems so faraway
Buddha loves you and Jesus saves
You need answers for your dismay
Ask yourself
Ask your mom
What's up, sweet cakes?
Who's hip anyway?
Earthgirls are easy
Whatcha gonna do, lil' buckaroo?
(Hey you, better ask her nice!)
All you gotta do, happy fool, is ask your mom
Kamakamakama ask your mama
Super groover mama Dahli Lama
What's up, sweet cakes?
Who's hip anyway?
Earthgirls are easy
Whatcha gonna do, lil' buckaroo?
Come on!
What's up, sweet cakes?
Who's hip anyway?
Earthgirls are easy
Whatcha gonna do, lil' buckaroo?
(Hey you, you better ask her nice!)
Been a fool, been a clown
Lost my way from up and down
And I know, yes I know
And I see it in your eyes
That you really weren't suprised at me at all
Not at all
And I know by your smile it's you.
Don't care for me, don't cry
Let's say goodbye, Adieu.
It's time to say goodbye, I know that in time
It will just fade away, it's time to say goodbye.
I stand alone, and watch you fade away like clouds
High up and in the sky
I'm strong and so cold
As I stand alone
Goodbye, So long, Adieu.
Oh how I love you so, lost in those memories
And now you've gone
I feel the pain, feeling like a fool, Adieu
My love for you burns deep
Inside me, so strong
Embers of times we had
And now here I stand lost in a memory
I see your face and smile.
Oh how I love you so, lost in those memories
And now you've gone
I feel the pain, feeling like a fool, Adieu
My love for you burns deep
Inside me, so strong
Embers of times we had
And now here I stand lost in a memory
One, two, three, four.)
(Okay, we're still going, and it's, uh, number... four-
Him: Won't you please have some coffee with me?
Her: No.
Him: Just some tea or something like that?
Her: Nnn-no!
Him: Aw, c'mon, just this time...
Her: Nnnnnnn-o!
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Him: Aw, c'mon, just some coffee together?
Her: Nnno.
Him: Oh, please! Just this once, for me?
Her: Nnnno!
Him: Aw, it would be so nice to have some coffee
together. PLEASE? Aw, c'mon!
Her: No!
(That's a pretty nice take.)
*NOTE: This 'song' is spoken words, a conversation
Been a long road to follow
Been there and gone tomorrow
Without saying goodbye to yesterday
Are the memories I hold still valid?
Or have the tears deluded them?
Maybe this time tomorrow
The rain will cease to follow
And the mist will fade into one more today
Something somewhere out there keeps calling
Am I going home?
Will I hear someone singing solace to the silent moon?
Zero gravity, what's it like?
Am I alone?
Is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet?
Still the road keeps on telling me to go on
Something is pulling me
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
With the block one time that I bend the curbe
Lookin for the pop was a light the herb
Yeah im drinking and driving, I like to swerve
Trap house jumping, I like to serve
Keep I got my hoes working, love to pimp
Might see me in the jag but I love the m
Set the twins in the back like government
Like I set the hoes up with some double date
So I take em all down to the W
Hop about all that most smoke a blood or two
Now I'm bout to let you know what I wanna do
Watch you rub on her while I rub on you
It's a rendez vous, a menage a trois
Got 2 girls ripping off my draws
One on my dick, one on my balls
Bout to ski, ski, ski off in the jaws
It's p.i.m.p, it's mister v.i.p.
I'm blowin on that og, making money where them hoes be
Keep my bi low key, s.m.k.a, the know me
I keep it real like brother oneil, and pimping hoes like jody
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
Like shit it ain't nothin to it, young buck and brill
Still killin these niggas, I'm so far here
I done got a little name, these hoes on my head
Nigga still ain't changed, keep 2 in my bed
Black up a nigga, this real life
Niggas just came from bte
Niggas out there still sippin the spray
I don't take long for break a big collar
Talking bout guilt for chasing good sin
Playboy shit but it ain't there yet
Currency retarded, don't miss the jet
I was 18, nigga my pimping
No id, I was just cool, cool young nigga, they respect my mind
Nothing like this, I'm a young teen
Right about it on g's
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
Young runaway, I'm with a runway model
Fresh like I'm fresh off a wrong way pot
Said I'm too parlor, flippin through dollar
Work a whole scholar
Breaking my model, sippin my syrup by the barlor
Taller, chad in the fresh, give a bitch no riff
Fuck her whole mind, she don't get no sex
Give her head to hell, and don't get there
Bitch in the back, she ain't foreign she ain't worry
Ride in the front, roll my blunt
Give a pimp some of that mouth that she want
Coming off hard like ball like g
All these broads they calling me
And all these gangs they came from the cator
stunt on them fools and molly
On my show my rollie
Got pimp and my blood too shout it
Walk right in but walk on timber
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
Old school lac that's pimpin mane,
Got the diamonds in the back, that's pimpin mane
Let your meat rack a flow, that's pimpin mane
If you quick to break a hoe, that's pimping mane
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
All my niggas straight drop chop for the paper, hoe
That's p.i.m.p. bout the m.o.n.e.y.
Buck wild all about that money
A thumb goes up, a car goes by
It's nearly 1 a.m. and here am I
Hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride
Gotta get me home by the morning light
I got no fare to ride a train
I'm nearly drowin' in the pouring rain
Hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride
Gotta get me home to my baby's side
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Long distance call I got today
She sounded lonely so I'm on my way
Hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride
Gotta get me home, keep her satisfied
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
A thumb goes up, a car goes by
Oh, won't somebody stop and help a guy?
Hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride
Been away too long from my baby's side
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
Ride, ride
Ride, ride
Ride, ride
You're a love song
Only half-way sung
You're the knot that comes undone
Dressed as darkest night
The flight of a stringless kite
The very vision
The mirage man
You're air in the palm of my hand
You're like catching
The day's sunset
O rain that's never wet
You're a butterfly in the mind
You're a butterfly before my eyes
You're a butterfly, a trick of time
Who leaves before he arrives
You're a butterfly in the mind
You're a butterfly before my eyes
You're a butterfly, who says he's mine
Seeing you in my tears
In my own reflection
I hear you in the wind that passes through me
Feel you in my hunger
You're haunting my ambition
Beautifully destructive attraction
Climbed to zero G's
Now falling like a rock
Drugged and digitized you inside a dream
E tu sei per me...
L'aria che respiro
l mio cibo, ci che osservo
magico sei tu! E io sento che...
Sono innamorata di emozioni
smisurate, infinite ormai!
A velveteen equation
I find you in my fears
and in my fascination
I taste you in safe water and it drowns me
Paranoid and peaceful
Inside a sweet addiction
Velvety electrical reaction
Soft insanity
And I can't make it stop
Live hallucination within a dream
E tu sei per me...
L'aria che respiro
il mio cibo, ci che osservo
magico sei tu! E io sento che...
Sono innamorata di emozioni
smisurate, infinite ormai!
A velveteen equation
Magico, questo un grande amore
No time
No long good-bye
No time
No answer for the reason why
No guarantees in life
Save for the end
Which is no big surprise
Time can't be overcome
Time won't wait for anyone
The well is running dry
You know, and so am I
I'm sorry now
And then
Sometimes I didn't even give a damn
So sorry
Yes, I am
To leave the ones who made me a better man
Time doesn't understand
'Won't let up, it never makes any plans
All stories have to end
'Farewell' to all my friends
Twilight, free my soul
Goodnight... 'time I go
Please don't cry for me
Please don't be sad
I'll be all right
Just my turn, you know
Please don't be mad
It's part of life
I'll wait there for you
'Won't be so bad
Don't wanna be the one to pop your cherry, girl
Just jump a train that will bring you back to mama's
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Buyin' a one way ticket out of your mind
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
You keep on pushin' and you will see my chilly yellow
Only one more time
Don't wanna get your teddy bear mad at me, girl
So get your pretty slippers on and dance out of here
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Be happy living in your nuclear life
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
You keep pushin' and you will feel my frozen beastly
Only one more time
Figurines that fall like leaves,
Then diisappear,
Keep calling,
Is it real? Is it real?
Dark machines that wheeze and breathe,
And mark the air,
What is real? What is real?
This world can really be too much,
I can't take another day.
I guess that i've just had enough
My mind slipping far away.
I'm falling in and out of touch,
Can someone please explain?
Set my mind for open sky,
But couldn't fly,
And so sadly,
What am I? what am I?
Sullen eyes shed tear-drop lies,
then criticise
Now loving,
What is real? What is real?
It's really all become too much,
I'm not sure what I should feel,
I guess I've really had enough,
I don't know know if this is real.
I'm crashing in and out of touch,
I don't feel a thing
And I stopped remembering
The days are just like moments turned to hours
Mother used to say
If you want you'll find a way
but mother never danced through fire shower
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Is it right or is it wrong
and is it here that I belong
I don't hear a sound
Silent faces on the ground
the quiet screams, but I refused to listen
If there is a hell
I'm sure this is how it smells
I wish this were a dream, but no, it isn't
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Am I right or am I wrong
and is it here that I belong
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Why do I feel so alone
Let's kick the beat!
(rhythm guitar and keyboards)
It's your turn!
(drum kit joins)
The conga drums!
(conga drums join)
Listen to the rhythm tracks!
(keyboard rhythm changes, saxophone joins)
Africa, Mexico, Sicily, Tijuana,
India, Osaka, Indonesia.
Africa, Mexico, Sicily, Tijuana,
India, Osaka, Indonesia.
Africa, Mexico, Sicily, Tijuana,
India, Osaka, Indonesia.
Africa, Mexico, Sicily, Tijuana,
India, Osaka...
...just bring us back, too!
Let's kick the beat!
Let's kick the beat!
Let's kick the beat!
Let's kick the BEAT!
Let's kick the beat!
Roaming in between the worlds of sleep and awake
Seems so far away from where I've been and unsure but
not afraid
Trusting my soul I know I must be taken to see the
world that is
Not so far from now
Imaginations come and sweep the shores of my mind
Letting it be, visions pass, and emotions arise
Letting them go, and beyond are doors I've never seen,
opening one by one
(Wake up and show the light, wake up, the time is
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
Look inside, see the light now ever holding you
All the truth is all you need to make of your reality,
its right here
Look deep within your shell
Finding out a galaxy of planets and stars within me
Listening to each of them singing the same silent
I've never seen such beauty in possibility -- no speck
of doubt or fear
(Wake up and show the light, wake up, the time is
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality it's
-- beauty within the shell
(Wake up and show the light, wake up, the time is
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality, it's
Right here within this shell
The sandglass starts for another time's beginning from
Cotton fields, mama's arms are gently unfolding me into
the new...
(Wake up and show the light, wake up, the time is
Here from behind my sight, my thoughts my mind
Show from the light
The time is right
And from the depth within show the balance
Of outer and inner harmony
Mind and heart, soul and spirit undivided
Here's where teh true strength and beauty lies
We'll see this before us with our own eyes
We'll see, with our own eyes... LOVE
(Wake up and show the light, wake up, the time is
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality it's
What can I tell you, this guy you see
Can't help feeling
So cool, hip, and so free.
I don't believe in getting hooked on love, no not me!
You can't persuade me to play your game.
You turn your nose up whenever I do the same.
The way to move is all so smooth and cool.
I know you want to hold me, cool kat.
Just leave me drinking this bar tonight.
I know you want me to make you make me feel right.
But all you do is hang your head so low.
I know you really want me to go.
Why can't you please understand what kind of man I've got
to be?
You're saying I'm such a fool,
You're right, and it's driving you wild!
I'm sorry I'm a cool kat baby.
You can't persuade me to play your game.
You turn your nose up whenever I do the same.
The way to move is all so smooth and cool.
In the morning light
She felt the new day coming in
Opened her eyes
In her quiet favorite place
There was no one there to break her heart
There was no one there to make her laugh
And she
She hid the secrets in a closet
In her room
Everytime she felt sad
Doesn't and all seems well
Sometimes laughing, crying felt the same
Lying, being honest felt the same
But then she said
Nothings getting better now
Just Said
Nothings getting better now
Tell how selfless
Its so hopeless
Someone to lose
Someone to lose
She lied
Cuz she never thought
Noone ever knew
Puzzles inside her heart
But it was always incomplete
In spite of them
Things she had let go
For the first time
I'm the feeling you feel
A small voice or a chill
I am here and I am there
I'm that feeling inside
The one that comes and then hides
I'm nowhere and everywhere
Don't you know me?
I'm the one you used to talk to
You stopped believing
But still I follow everywhere you go
I'm walking right behind you
And I'm just around the corner
I'm always down the hall and by your side
You might call me your shadow
Or the reason that you laugh and you don't know why
I inspire, I'm aloof
Spend my time just watchin' over you
I am here and everywhere
Don't you know me?
I'm the one you used to talk to
You stopped believing
But still I follow everywhere you go
I'm walking right behind you
And I'm just around the corner
I'm always down the hall and by your side
You might call me your shadow
Or the reason that you laugh...
Still I follow everywhere you go
I'm walking right behind you
And I'm just around the corner
I'm always down the hall and by your side
You might call me your shadow
Or the reason that you laugh and you don't know why
I'm the feeling you feel
A small voice or a chill
(Chicky-bone, chicky-chicky bone...)
I like, you like, he likes she likes chicken bone.
Everyone loves like a crazy chicken bone.
My dog, my cat, my mouse want chicken bone.
I lost my head over the chicken bone.
Dreaming dreaming dreaming of the chicken bone.
Crazy crazy crazy for the chicken bone.
Happy happy happy with the chicken bone.
From the bottom of my heart is chicken bone.
Gloss it well with cajun sauce,
Together... together...
Long as they don't throw it away (?)
Bake it with asian sauce,
Together... together...
It is good for your healthy life,
Baby it's true... ooh-ooh
'Cause will you love it to the bone?
Whoa, bone
Just like a chicken bone
I really moved by the chicken bone.
The more you eat, the more you'll beat the chicken bone
I lost my head over the chicken bone.
(ladeeladea ladeeladea...)
Dreaming dreaming dreaming of the chicken bone.
Crazy crazy crazy for the chicken bone.
Happy happy happy with the chicken bone.
From the bottom of my heart is chicken bone.
Gloss it well with cajun sauce,
Together... together...
Long as they don't throw it away (?)
Bake it with asian sauce,
Together... together...
It is good for your healthy life,
Baby it's true... ooh-ooh
'Cause will you love it to the bone?
Whoa, bone
*NOTE: this song is played in Cowboy Bebop episode 17,
Mushroom Samba,
along with Mushroom Hunting.
Neither song makes sense, and all punctuation added to
this song is purely to
I close my eyes and I keep seeing things
Rainbow waterfalls
Sunny liquid dreams
Confusion creeps inside me raining doubt
Gotta get to you
But I don't know how
Call me call me
Let me know it's alright
Call me call me
Don't you think it's 'bout time
Please won't you call and
Ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you
Peace of mind
What can I do
To get me to you
I had your number quite some time ago
Back when we were young
But I had to grow
Ten thousand years I've searched it seems and now
Gotta get to you
Won't you tell me how
Call me call me
Let me know you are there
Call me call me
I wanna know you still care
Come on now won't you
Ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you
Peace of mind
What can I do
To get me to you
Come on now won't you
Ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you
Peace of mind
Reasons for livin my life
Ease my mind
Reasons for me to know you
Peace of mind
What can I do
all day the city's selling something
always, the busy people spinning 'round
'til they go back home to somewhere
and taxies stop to say 'hello'
'want a ride? I'll take you there'
'to anywhere, just tell my driver'
the sun is casting shadows
an afternoon is fading
I ask, but no one knows
the answer to the question
my life is like an island
where does this ocean go?
shyly, a wino sips his wine
slowly, cause to him that is all that matters
he sees a cat he knows so well
now sleeping on a bench together
a woman waiting by herself, selling flowers
'please buy some, so I can help my daughter, will you?'
the man with spider eyebrows
is standing on a corner
'who wants to see a show?'
his head looks like a melon
he turns into an alley
then stops to blow his nose
sky is filled with neon
the buildings stand electric
and almost seem to glow
want answers to the question
my life is like an island
where does the ocean go?
I really want to know
my life is like an island
it's time for me now to fly
We couldn't say them,
So now we just pray them,
Words that we couldn't say.
Funny, aint it?
Games people play,
Scratch it, paint it,
One in the same,
We couldn't find them,
So we tried to hide them,
Words that we couldn't say.
It hurts, don't it?
Fools on parade,
Taint it, own it,
Chase it away,
We couldn't make them,
So we had to break them,
Words that we couldn't say.
Sometimes baby,
We make mistakes,
Dark and hazy,
Prizes we pay,
I seat here in my shelf,
Just talking to myself,
Words that we couldn't say.
Someday, maybe,
We'll make it right,
Until that day,
Long enless night,
We couldn't say them,
So now we just pray them,
Words that we couldn't say.
We couldn't say them,
So now we just pray them,
Words that we couldn't say.
Someday, maybe,
We'll make it right,
Until that day,
Long enless night,
We couldn't say them,
So now we just pray them,
Win dain a lotica
En val tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint
Win chent a lotica
En val tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
Si katigura neuver
Floreria for chesti
Si entina
Fontina Bly Cent
De cravi esca letisimo
De quantain
La finde reve
Win dain a lotica
En val tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dien a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
Readin' my paper in Roy's cafe
The ol' guy next to me is loud as day
Rambled and rambled while eatin' his pie
He dropped his wallet, now its mine uh huh
Sorry old man but that's jus' the way that it is
Don't bother none
Won't help at all to worry 'bout it
Picked up the wallet and slipped out side
Walked around and walked around and walked around town
I found my nerve and a good place to hide
Only to find no cash inside uh-huh
Oh well I guess that's just the way that it is
Don't bother none
Won't help at all to worry 'bout it
I got thirsty so I went to a bar
Met a lil darlin' with the face of a star
In the mornin' woke up to find
She stole my car along with my heart uh-huh
Oh well I guess that's jus' the way that it is
Don't bother none
Won't help at all to worry 'bout it
Wish she'd give me back my heart uh-huh
Oh, well I guess that's jus' the way that it is
Don't bother none