New Taipei City - A Metropolis Redefined
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: tpctourism
New Taipei City - A Metropolis Redefined
Driving in New Taipei City - part 1
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: insanejuan
Driving in New Taipei City - part 1
Choreography 排舞賽10 Morning of Owl (KOR) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
Choreography 排舞賽10 Morning of Owl (KOR)
| 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽
published: 04 Nov 2013
Choreography 排舞賽10 Morning of Owl (KOR) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
Choreography 排舞賽10 Morning of Owl (KOR) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
Choreography 排舞賽10 Morning of Owl (KOR) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽 Web:http://newtaipeibboycity.tw/ FB:https://www.facebook.com/newtaipeifunstreet- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 6889
B-Girl 2on2 Final - Ayane&NAGI;(JPN) vs Narumi&Ayumi;(JPN) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Girl 2on2 Final - Ayane&NAGI;(JPN) vs Narumi&Ayumi;(JPN)
20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市...
published: 04 Nov 2013
B-Girl 2on2 Final - Ayane&NAGI;(JPN) vs Narumi&Ayumi;(JPN) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Girl 2on2 Final - Ayane&NAGI;(JPN) vs Narumi&Ayumi;(JPN) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Girl 2on2 Final - Ayane&NAGI;(JPN) vs Narumi&Ayumi;(JPN) 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽 Web:http://newtaipeibboycity.tw/ FB:https://www.facebook.com/newtaipeifunstreet- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 7191
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown 臺北最HIGH新年城跨年
Catch the countdown streamed live on 31-12-2013 7pm (CST)
Count down to...
published: 16 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown 臺北最HIGH新年城跨年
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown 臺北最HIGH新年城跨年
Catch the countdown streamed live on 31-12-2013 7pm (CST) 12月31號晚上7點(CST)直播 Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown" promises to be the must-see event of the year, with past years' events being named by CNN as among the "Top 10 Countries With the Most Unique Countdowns" and drawing thousands of spectators to Taipei's beautiful 101 Building, which is 509 meters high. With spectacular fireworks, the event will be streamed live on YouTube with performances by the hottest Taiwanese artists, including Bii, Dream Girl, Janet, S.H.E, Luan Tan Ah Xiang, Wei Li An, Liu Zi Qian, Xia Yu Qiao, Yoga Lin, Lin Zhi Sheng, Yang Dai Kang, Rainie Yang, Hao Jiao Xiang Qi, Wilber Pan, Hebe, Chairman, Lan Xin Mei, Xie Jin Yan, Guo Yan Wen, and David Tao! Don't miss this exciting event! ************************************* Watch more Taiwan dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&country;=tw&language;=&sort;=viewed Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community *************************************- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 90
League Preview - All New Taipei Assassins (TPA) Skins Gameplay! (League of Legends)
Enjoyed the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/mDwCBX League Preview featuring the new League...
published: 03 May 2013
author: MachinimaRealm
League Preview - All New Taipei Assassins (TPA) Skins Gameplay! (League of Legends)
League Preview - All New Taipei Assassins (TPA) Skins Gameplay! (League of Legends)
Enjoyed the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/mDwCBX League Preview featuring the new League of Legends (LoL) Taipei Assassin skins for Shen, Ezreal, Nunu, Ori...- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 127245
- author: MachinimaRealm
2014 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2014年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan New Year's Eve NYE 1080p
2014 New Year's Eve Taiwan fireworks better than last year's? Compare and vote: http://tin...
published: 31 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2014年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan New Year's Eve NYE 1080p
2014 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2014年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan New Year's Eve NYE 1080p
2014 New Year's Eve Taiwan fireworks better than last year's? Compare and vote: http://tinyurl.com/Taipei101Fireworks Happy new year 2014 from Taiwan! Taiwan is an independent, democratic country (also called the Republic of China) and not part of the People's Republic of China. The people of Taiwan overwhelmingly value their democracy and want to be the masters of their own fate. With a height of 509 meters, Taipei 101 officially was the world's tallest building from 2004 to 2010. Every year, the new year's fireworks draw huge crowds. To learn more about my reporting from Taiwan, follow me at http://twitter.com/taiwanreporter, http://facebook.com/taiwanreporter or http://gplus.name/taiwan (Google Plus) Also check out the awesome videos at http://www.crisisoflife.net to find out how to save the wonders of the living world.- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 1382
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance 韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 17
New Taipei City Internati...
published: 04 Nov 2013
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance 韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 17
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance 韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 17
www.cttv.tw,www.tvtv.tw 台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽記者會 New Taipei City International Street Dance Competition 「2013新北市國際街舞大賽」歷經激烈的北中南分區預賽後,在11月2日及3日展開總決賽,包含Breaking、Hip-Hop和排舞等組別,舞林高手龍爭虎鬥,今天參賽人數衝破2千人,來自20國街舞高手齊聚,千名臺灣選手與百位外國選手將決戰新北市。週六將進行的特別資格賽,讓國內外選手有最後一次晉級決賽的機會。本次大賽邀請到美國、法國、西班牙等11名世界級街舞大師擔任評審,陣容堅強,堪稱全臺之冠,記者會邀請義大利、香港與臺灣等知名街舞選手演出 【新北市訊】由新北市政府主辦的「2013新北市國際街舞大賽」將本周日(11/3)下午1點起於板橋車站站前廣場舉行總決賽,週六(11/2)增設特別資格賽,讓國內外選手有最後爭取晉級決賽的機會。今年街舞大賽共計有20國、逾2,000人參賽,更難得的是首次吸引到超過百位的外國選手參賽,競爭激烈、盛況空前,各國街舞高手將用最酷炫的舞技爭取冠軍寶座,亞洲年度最強陣容的國際街舞賽事就在新北市!在10月31日記者會中,邀請世界知名街舞評審為選手加油打氣,國內外街舞選手的Battle熱身賽,還有國際街舞賽事常勝軍向臺灣選手下戰帖,賽事精采可期,活動詳情請至官方網站http://www.新北市國際街舞大賽.tw查詢,或電洽板橋區公所(02)2968-6911轉501。 新北市政府文化局表示,「新北市國際街舞大賽」今年邁入第6年,賽事一年比一年盛大,參賽選手也一年比一年更多、更優秀,今年總計有超過2千位熱愛街舞的選手報名參賽,活動特別走出新北市,跑到臺北、臺中、高雄最熱鬧的購物廣場舉辦分區預賽,獲得熱烈迴響,各場預賽現場更聚集滿滿的人潮為選手們加油打氣。本週日的總決賽更堪稱世界大戰,從日本、韓國、美國、俄羅斯甚至烏茲別克,環繞全球募集到上百位外國舞林高手加入戰局,與臺灣選手進行激烈對戰,其中包括許多國際賽事的常勝軍,如此盛大的國際賽事,更慎重的邀請到美國、法國、瑞士、西班牙等11位世界級街舞大師擔任評審,對街舞愛好者來說,絕對是一場值得來「朝聖」的超高水準街舞賽事。 在記者會上,擔任評審的美國B-Boy教父Ken Swift以及義大利傳奇舞者Maurizio來到現場激勵參賽選手並進行現場演出。包括年僅14歲便拿下法國Juste Debout世界大賽亞軍的日本選手Kazane、2011 SDK Europe冠軍Tomoko & Miho、2013 Juste Debout日本冠軍Kneto & Cando等知名街舞高手共同出席記者會,代表外國選手向臺灣選手下戰帖,香港代表ChaCha與Bigki與臺灣代表The Future Crew帶來精采的國際Battle對戰,讓現場朋友提前感受到決賽時刻的緊張氣氛! 新北市板橋區公所指出,除了Breaking、Hip-hop、排舞三項主賽事以外,11/3決賽當日上午11點在板橋車站站前廣場還加開國內難得一見的女子FreeStyle、B-Girl賽事,以及可現場報名的Bboy個人自由競技,提供給一時技癢或錯過之前比賽報名的街舞高手現場報名,不用出國便能欣賞甚至挑戰世界高手,總決賽全程將會在YouTube上進行網路Live全球直播,歡迎大家一起來見證這次國際級的街舞盛會! 資料詳洽新北市板橋區公所: 人文課 許欹欹(02)2968-6911分機501 新聞聯絡人 林妙蓮(02)2968-6911分機2002013 新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽名單 Hip Hop 1 on 1 all age 冠軍: Kazane(日本) Hip Hop 1 on 1 new age 冠軍:Kyoka(日本) BBoy 5 on 5 冠軍:Morning of Owl(韓國) Freestyle Girl 2 on 2 冠軍:Yukari & LoCo YoKo(日本) B-Girl 2 on 2 冠軍:Narumi & Ayumi (日本) Bboy Solo Cypher 冠軍:健嚴(臺灣) Choreography排舞賽 冠軍:Morning of Owl (韓國) 亞軍:KC crew(臺灣) 季軍:Black ship(日本)- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 380
2014 Taipei 101 New Years Fireworks Perfect Recording 台北101跨年煙火 完美版 1080 (HD) Taiwan Firework
1st 2014 Taipei 101 Fireworks Video on YouTube - MUST WATCH...
published: 31 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Years Fireworks Perfect Recording 台北101跨年煙火 完美版 1080 (HD) Taiwan Firework
2014 Taipei 101 New Years Fireworks Perfect Recording 台北101跨年煙火 完美版 1080 (HD) Taiwan Firework
1st 2014 Taipei 101 Fireworks Video on YouTube - MUST WATCH- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 12405
HipHop Judge Solo - Fabrice (Ghetto Style/France) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
HipHop Judge Solo - Fabrice (Ghetto Style/France) | 20131103 新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽...
published: 04 Nov 2013
HipHop Judge Solo - Fabrice (Ghetto Style/France) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
HipHop Judge Solo - Fabrice (Ghetto Style/France) | 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
HipHop Judge Solo - Fabrice (Ghetto Style/France) | 20131103 新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 2672
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 8
New Taipei City Internati...
published: 05 Nov 2013
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 8
2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽New Taipei City International Street Dance韓國 Morning of Owl台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 8
www.cttv.tw,www.tvtv.tw 台網TNTV,中網CTTV,華網TVTV 2013新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽記者會 New Taipei City International Street Dance Competition 「2013新北市國際街舞大賽」歷經激烈的北中南分區預賽後,在11月2日及3日展開總決賽,包含Breaking、Hip-Hop和排舞等組別,舞林高手龍爭虎鬥,今天參賽人數衝破2千人,來自20國街舞高手齊聚,千名臺灣選手與百位外國選手將決戰新北市。週六將進行的特別資格賽,讓國內外選手有最後一次晉級決賽的機會。本次大賽邀請到美國、法國、西班牙等11名世界級街舞大師擔任評審,陣容堅強,堪稱全臺之冠,記者會邀請義大利、香港與臺灣等知名街舞選手演出 【新北市訊】由新北市政府主辦的「2013新北市國際街舞大賽」將本周日(11/3)下午1點起於板橋車站站前廣場舉行總決賽,週六(11/2)增設特別資格賽,讓國內外選手有最後爭取晉級決賽的機會。今年街舞大賽共計有20國、逾2,000人參賽,更難得的是首次吸引到超過百位的外國選手參賽,競爭激烈、盛況空前,各國街舞高手將用最酷炫的舞技爭取冠軍寶座,亞洲年度最強陣容的國際街舞賽事就在新北市!在10月31日記者會中,邀請世界知名街舞評審為選手加油打氣,國內外街舞選手的Battle熱身賽,還有國際街舞賽事常勝軍向臺灣選手下戰帖,賽事精采可期,活動詳情請至官方網站http://www.新北市國際街舞大賽.tw查詢,或電洽板橋區公所(02)2968-6911轉501。 新北市政府文化局表示,「新北市國際街舞大賽」今年邁入第6年,賽事一年比一年盛大,參賽選手也一年比一年更多、更優秀,今年總計有超過2千位熱愛街舞的選手報名參賽,活動特別走出新北市,跑到臺北、臺中、高雄最熱鬧的購物廣場舉辦分區預賽,獲得熱烈迴響,各場預賽現場更聚集滿滿的人潮為選手們加油打氣。本週日的總決賽更堪稱世界大戰,從日本、韓國、美國、俄羅斯甚至烏茲別克,環繞全球募集到上百位外國舞林高手加入戰局,與臺灣選手進行激烈對戰,其中包括許多國際賽事的常勝軍,如此盛大的國際賽事,更慎重的邀請到美國、法國、瑞士、西班牙等11位世界級街舞大師擔任評審,對街舞愛好者來說,絕對是一場值得來「朝聖」的超高水準街舞賽事。 在記者會上,擔任評審的美國B-Boy教父Ken Swift以及義大利傳奇舞者Maurizio來到現場激勵參賽選手並進行現場演出。包括年僅14歲便拿下法國Juste Debout世界大賽亞軍的日本選手Kazane、2011 SDK Europe冠軍Tomoko & Miho、2013 Juste Debout日本冠軍Kneto & Cando等知名街舞高手共同出席記者會,代表外國選手向臺灣選手下戰帖,香港代表ChaCha與Bigki與臺灣代表The Future Crew帶來精采的國際Battle對戰,讓現場朋友提前感受到決賽時刻的緊張氣氛! 新北市板橋區公所指出,除了Breaking、Hip-hop、排舞三項主賽事以外,11/3決賽當日上午11點在板橋車站站前廣場還加開國內難得一見的女子FreeStyle、B-Girl賽事,以及可現場報名的Bboy個人自由競技,提供給一時技癢或錯過之前比賽報名的街舞高手現場報名,不用出國便能欣賞甚至挑戰世界高手,總決賽全程將會在YouTube上進行網路Live全球直播,歡迎大家一起來見證這次國際級的街舞盛會! 資料詳洽新北市板橋區公所: 人文課 許欹欹(02)2968-6911分機501 新聞聯絡人 林妙蓮(02)2968-6911分機2002013 新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽名單 Hip Hop 1 on 1 all age 冠軍: Kazane(日本) Hip Hop 1 on 1 new age 冠軍:Kyoka(日本) BBoy 5 on 5 冠軍:Morning of Owl(韓國) Freestyle Girl 2 on 2 冠軍:Yukari & LoCo YoKo(日本) B-Girl 2 on 2 冠軍:Narumi & Ayumi (日本) Bboy Solo Cypher 冠軍:健嚴(臺灣) Choreography排舞賽 冠軍:Morning of Owl (韓國) 亞軍:KC crew(臺灣) 季軍:Black ship(日本)- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 915
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 2
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 N...
published: 31 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 2
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 2
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown" promises to be the must-see event of the year, with past years' events being named by CNN as among the "Top 10 Countries With the Most Unique Countdowns" and drawing thousands of spectators to Taipei's beautiful 101 Building, which is 509 meters high. With spectacular fireworks, the event will be streamed live on YouTube with performances by the hottest Taiwanese artists, including Bii, Dream Girl, Janet, S.H.E, Luan Tan Ah Xiang, Wei Li An, Liu Zi Qian, Xia Yu Qiao, Yoga Lin, Lin Zhi Sheng, Yang Dai Kang, Rainie Yang, Hao Jiao Xiang Qi, Wilber Pan, Hebe, Chairman, Lan Xin Mei, Xie Jin Yan, Guo Yan Wen, and David Tao! Don't miss this exciting event! 台北最HIGH新年城跨年被CNN選為十大最獨特跨年晚會之一,吸引上千人到台北101觀賞壯觀煙花! 出席的藝人包括Bii 畢書盡, Dream Girls, S.H.E, 福山雅治, 楊丞琳, 潘瑋柏, Hebe 田馥甄, Janet 謝怡芬, 乱弹阿翔, 韋禮安, 劉子千, 夏于喬, 林宥嘉, 林智勝, 楊岱剛, 浩角翔起, 董事長樂團, 藍心湄, 謝金燕, 郭嚴文 和 陶喆! ************************************* Watch more Taiwan dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&country;=tw&language;=&sort;=viewed Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community *************************************- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 6736
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown- Fireworks Show Demonstration
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 N...
published: 16 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown- Fireworks Show Demonstration
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown- Fireworks Show Demonstration
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown" promises to be the must-see event of the year, with past years' events being named by CNN as among the "Top 10 Countries With the Most Unique Countdowns" and drawing thousands of spectators to Taipei's beautiful 101 Building, which is 509 meters high. With spectacular fireworks, the event will be streamed live on YouTube with performances by the hottest Taiwanese artists, including Bii, Dream Girl, Janet, S.H.E, Luan Tan Ah Xiang, Wei Li An, Liu Zi Qian, Xia Yu Qiao, Yoga Lin, Lin Zhi Sheng, Yang Dai Kang, Rainie Yang, Hao Jiao Xiang Qi, Wilber Pan, Hebe, Chairman, Lan Xin Mei, Xie Jin Yan, Guo Yan Wen, and David Tao! Don't miss this exciting event! ************************************* Watch the latest dramas and movies with subtitles: http://www.viki.com/ Watch more Taiwan dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&country;=tw&language;=&sort;=viewed Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community *************************************- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 4351
2013 Taipei 101 new year fireworks in Taiwan Perfect version 台北101跨年煙火 完美版
This video was recorded by Panasonic GX1 with Lumix 14mm F2.5....
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: pym8888
2013 Taipei 101 new year fireworks in Taiwan Perfect version 台北101跨年煙火 完美版
2013 Taipei 101 new year fireworks in Taiwan Perfect version 台北101跨年煙火 完美版
This video was recorded by Panasonic GX1 with Lumix 14mm F2.5.- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 44156
- author: pym8888
Vimeo results:
New Taipei City_Luti Park
This is a closed canal, sunny, windy day, flying very thrilling.
CineStar 8 with 2-axis g...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: Rick Chen
New Taipei City_Luti Park
This is a closed canal, sunny, windy day, flying very thrilling.
CineStar 8 with 2-axis gimbal.
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX GH3 12-35 Lens.
Format: MOV 1920 x 1080
FPS: 30
Data Rate: 50 Mbit/s
BEHIND THE SCREEN - Trailer (english)
The documentary film BEHIND THE SCREEN illustrates the global impact of seemingly trivial ...
published: 23 Jul 2011
author: Stefan Baumgartner
BEHIND THE SCREEN - Trailer (english)
The documentary film BEHIND THE SCREEN illustrates the global impact of seemingly trivial actions like simply buying a computer. It shows the stages of the cycle from the ore extraction process through manufacturing and product use up to its final disposal.
Director: Stefan Baumgartner
DoP, Editor: Simon Fraissler
Production: Sandra Heberling
Trailer edit: Stefan Baumgartner
Sales: www.sixpackfilm.com
Festival List / Awards:
41st Sehsüchte International Student Filmfestival 2012, Germany:
Focus Sustainability Award
26th Leeds International Film Festival - LIFF 2012, Leeds, U.K.:
Cinema Versa Section
Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2012, Cannes, France:
Golden Dolphin, Category: Environment & Ecology
4th SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival 2012, San Vito Lo Capo, Italy:
2nd Prize, Documentary Section
Deauville Green Awards 2013, Deauville, France:
Gold Award, Documentary Film; Sustainable Production & Consumption
10th Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival 2012, Hong Kong, China
9th Globians Doc Fest Berlin 2013, Berlin, Germany:
Digital Culture Section
New Taipei City Film Festival 2013, New Taipei City, Taiwan:
World in Change Section
IMTF - International Movie Trailer Festival:
Best Student Award
Info: www.behindthescreen.at and www.stefan-baumgartner.com
志宏+俐卉 Wedding@New Taipei City,Taiwan
edit software:sony vegas
more on wretch.cc/blog/duerfy...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: KIWI Video Studio
志宏+俐卉 Wedding@New Taipei City,Taiwan
edit software:sony vegas
more on wretch.cc/blog/duerfy
Ken+Min Wedding@New Taipei City,Taiwan
Videographer : Vic、阿嘉
Assistant : 旻軍
more on kiwi-video.com/...
published: 06 Jan 2014
author: KIWI Video Studio
Ken+Min Wedding@New Taipei City,Taiwan
Videographer : Vic、阿嘉
Assistant : 旻軍
more on kiwi-video.com/
Youtube results:
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 1
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 N...
published: 31 Dec 2013
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 1
2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown Episode 1
Count down to the New Year with Taiwan's biggest event of the year! The "2014 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Countdown" promises to be the must-see event of the year, with past years' events being named by CNN as among the "Top 10 Countries With the Most Unique Countdowns" and drawing thousands of spectators to Taipei's beautiful 101 Building, which is 509 meters high. With spectacular fireworks, the event will be streamed live on YouTube with performances by the hottest Taiwanese artists, including Bii, Dream Girl, Janet, S.H.E, Luan Tan Ah Xiang, Wei Li An, Liu Zi Qian, Xia Yu Qiao, Yoga Lin, Lin Zhi Sheng, Yang Dai Kang, Rainie Yang, Hao Jiao Xiang Qi, Wilber Pan, Hebe, Chairman, Lan Xin Mei, Xie Jin Yan, Guo Yan Wen, and David Tao! Don't miss this exciting event! 台北最HIGH新年城跨年被CNN選為十大最獨特跨年晚會之一,吸引上千人到台北101觀賞壯觀煙花! 出席的藝人包括Bii 畢書盡, Dream Girls, S.H.E, 福山雅治, 楊丞琳, 潘瑋柏, Hebe 田馥甄, Janet 謝怡芬, 乱弹阿翔, 韋禮安, 劉子千, 夏于喬, 林宥嘉, 林智勝, 楊岱剛, 浩角翔起, 董事長樂團, 藍心湄, 謝金燕, 郭嚴文 和 陶喆! ************************************* Watch more Taiwan dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&country;=tw&language;=&sort;=viewed Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community *************************************- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 6890
B-Boy 5on5 Final - Morning of Owl(KOR) vs Boyz in the Hood(TWN)2013New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Boy 5on5 Final - Morning of Owl(KOR) vs Boyz in the Hood(TWN)
20131103 New Taipei Bboy ...
published: 05 Nov 2013
B-Boy 5on5 Final - Morning of Owl(KOR) vs Boyz in the Hood(TWN)2013New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Boy 5on5 Final - Morning of Owl(KOR) vs Boyz in the Hood(TWN)2013New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽決賽
B-Boy 5on5 Final - Morning of Owl(KOR) vs Boyz in the Hood(TWN) 20131103 New Taipei Bboy City新北市國際街舞大賽總決賽 Web:http://newtaipeibboycity.tw/ FB:https://www.facebook.com/newtaipeifunstreet- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 19106
2013 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2013年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan HD 1080p complete
Happy new year 2013 from Taiwan! Taiwan is an independent, democratic country (also called...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: taiwanreporter
2013 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2013年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan HD 1080p complete
2013 Taipei 101 New Year Fireworks 2013年台北101跨年煙火 Taiwan HD 1080p complete
Happy new year 2013 from Taiwan! Taiwan is an independent, democratic country (also called the Republic of China) and not part of the People's Republic of Ch...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 223532
- author: taiwanreporter