
My labor and Delivery 7/7/13 (13hrs in labor)
p.s turn on your captions!!! Thank you all for watching!!! and for wanting to be apart of ...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: Adriana Luna
My labor and Delivery 7/7/13 (13hrs in labor)
My labor and Delivery 7/7/13 (13hrs in labor)
p.s turn on your captions!!! Thank you all for watching!!! and for wanting to be apart of our special journey!! sorry its so shaky My contractions started at...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 7117
- author: Adriana Luna

Natural Labor & Delivery of Twins!
My completely natural, unmedicated labor and delivery of my twin boys with a breech baby B...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: GabeandJesss
Natural Labor & Delivery of Twins!
Natural Labor & Delivery of Twins!
My completely natural, unmedicated labor and delivery of my twin boys with a breech baby B at 38 weeks and 3 days gestation :) It couldn't have been any bett...- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 1446506
- author: GabeandJesss

Finally! Presley's amazing 27 hour labor and delivery-- my water breaking, induced with pi...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: WhatsUpMOMS
Finally! Presley's amazing 27 hour labor and delivery-- my water breaking, induced with pitocin, debating over epidural and lots of pushing!! She was worth i...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 28645
- author: WhatsUpMOMS

True Signs of Labor (Week 39)
False labor signs during the last month of pregnancy can cause a lot of anxiousness, stres...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Marin8d
True Signs of Labor (Week 39)
True Signs of Labor (Week 39)
False labor signs during the last month of pregnancy can cause a lot of anxiousness, stress and sometimes disappointment. Today I talk about why waiting migh...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 4068
- author: Marin8d

016 Labor and Delivery
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: TheBirth Digest
016 Labor and Delivery

A LONG day(s)- including complications with my epidural and a brief stint in the NICU... ...
published: 17 Oct 2013
A LONG day(s)- including complications with my epidural and a brief stint in the NICU... but again, SO worth it!! Welcome Ford, we love you! Subscribe! http://bit.ly/sub2moms P.S. Daddies-to-be take note... Ross was great that day! He was supportive & "shut up" when necessary knowing it was Mom's day to be crazy. ;) Want to contribute? Just launched!! http://bit.ly/InTheWUM Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/whatsupmoms Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/whatsupmoms Web Site: http://www.whatsupmoms.com How to Find me: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/whatsupelle Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/whatsupelle Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/whatsupelle Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/whatsupelle Presley's Delivery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg_y-19iH0Y 5 Ways to Kill Time 40 Weeks Pregnant! http://youtu.be/wXYidlsgioE- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 17498

Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An AMAZING First Entry in our Custom Zombies Map Contest! (Part 1)
Click here for the NGT Custom Zombies Contest details: http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An AMAZING First Entry in our Custom Zombies Map Contest! (Part 1)
Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An AMAZING First Entry in our Custom Zombies Map Contest! (Part 1)
Click here for the NGT Custom Zombies Contest details: http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum/m/21218942/viewthread/11334287-contest-map-submission-details If you want to help us give back to the map makers, then donate here (note: if you don't have a Twitch ID, just use your YouTube ID): https://www.streamdonations.net/c/nextgentactics Check out our AWESOME new community website: http://www.nextgentactics.com Thanks for watching NGTZombies! We post all kinds of Zombie, Undead, and Horror content from games such as Call of Duty: Zombies, The Walking Dead, Custom Zombie maps and much more. Please take a look around and we hope you enjoy our content! Map download link: http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum/m/21218942/viewthread/11372680-mini-labor/page/1 ------------------------------------------- Click Here To Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTZombies Twitter ► http://www.Twitter.com/NextGenTactics Facebook ► http://www.Facebook.com/NextGenTactics FREE NetFlix Trial ► http://www.netflix.com/NGT Live Stream ►http://www.twitch.tv/nextgentactics ------------------------------------------- Please support our NGT Network Channels: NextGenTactics ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGT NGTZombies ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTZombies NGTMobileGaming ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTMobile And Our NGT Partner Channels: Hypermole ► http://www.youtube.com/mole237 // @hypermole80 Want to become a YouTube Partner and earn money from your videos? Join the RPM Network ► http://awe.sm/r1FDX As always, THANK YOU for your continuing support! Rating our videos and leaving a comment is ALWAYS appreciated!- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 30136

Natural Labor and Delivery with an Asynclitic Birth
****THE CAR RIDE IN THE MIDDLE WAS TO HELP REPOSITION BABY- We did not actual go anywhere ...
published: 17 Oct 2013
Natural Labor and Delivery with an Asynclitic Birth
Natural Labor and Delivery with an Asynclitic Birth
****THE CAR RIDE IN THE MIDDLE WAS TO HELP REPOSITION BABY- We did not actual go anywhere else. =) *** The all natural labor and delivery of our third child who presented in an asynclitic position. This was a hard labor but well worth it. This little girl, our third child, was born naturally into the world on October 2, 2013. We are so grateful to our birth team who was willing to do everything it took to safely delivery Baby Audrey into our loving arms. Asynclitism: http://spinningbabies.com/baby-positions/all-positions/asynclitism After Labor and Delivery: Herb Bath and First Time Nursing: http://youtu.be/77F_5PEDkgY Children Meeting New Baby and Big Sis/Bro Gifts: http://youtu.be/7sx5LH9Zut0 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GoTeamHale Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kyleandcourt Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kyleandcourt Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/kyleandcourt Pregnancy Vlogs with Baby #3: http://tinyurl.com/mm3zflj The Name Reveal!!!!: http://youtu.be/o0C9lSaJOWU Operation: Get Ready for Baby Season 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n4p6co5m3A- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 11642

Labor and Delivery Footage (Baby #2)
Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/tiffanydarlyn ♡Follow Tj: http://www.twitter.com/te_ej ♡...
published: 23 May 2013
author: TiffanysVLogs
Labor and Delivery Footage (Baby #2)
Labor and Delivery Footage (Baby #2)
Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/tiffanydarlyn ♡Follow Tj: http://www.twitter.com/te_ej ♡Instagram: TiffanyDarlyn ♡Tjs Intsagram: Te_e ♡Main Channel: http...- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 160513
- author: TiffanysVLogs

"MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies)
The detail is just insane :O Hope you enjoy! :D
●Lets go for 1,500 likes! Love you all ^....
published: 03 Mar 2014
"MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies)
"MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies)
The detail is just insane :O Hope you enjoy! :D ●Lets go for 1,500 likes! Love you all ^.^ ●Subscribe - http://bit.ly/VNLqYy Today I'm playing on a mod called "MINI LABOR". The detail on this is just insane. Very similar to Moon's indoor areas and corridors, and some pretty amazing concepts too. New perks, the mystery box has a redesign and the easter egg is pretty simplistic but time consuming! Enjoy the ride :) -MrDalekJD DL - http://t.co/QEiT4fdj7g Stay Updated: • Subscribe - http://bit.ly/VNLqYy •Twitter for Updates: http://www.twitter.com/mrdalekjd •Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrdalekjd •Elgato Game Capture HD: http://e.lga.to/d "MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies) "MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies) "MOST DETAILED MAP EVER!" - Custom Zombies "MINI LABOR" (CoD WaW Custom Zombies)- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 7875

Labor Positions
FOR MORE LABOR POSITIONS: BIRTHING BALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV0pJ... BEFORE EP...
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: TheParentingChannel
Labor Positions
Labor Positions
FOR MORE LABOR POSITIONS: BIRTHING BALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV0pJ... BEFORE EPIDURAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmX_2TSCQQQ KEEP YOUR CHILD...- published: 26 Feb 2012
- views: 162934
- author: TheParentingChannel

Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #3 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943
Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #3 (German) [HD]
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #3 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943 Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1hHXBTq Intro by Khazi: http://bit.ly/19ipBXL Map Links: MEGA: http://bit.ly/1fyQCxi GameFront: http://bit.ly/1cumKfz Meine Mitspieler: TheReaper: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__TnBqLBkZ8o1IEDt3ya8Q ZHC x ZOMBIE: http://www.youtube.com/ZombieHeadCrasher xXBAROCKXx: http://www.youtube.com/BRKZombie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by Team 00 YaPh1l Kampfschaf Mike aka Der_WixXxer Hello dear reader, we, Team 00, are proud to announce the first public release, version 1.0, of our 4th map "Mini-Labor". As this is a full release, we tried to make sure to eliminate all known bugs, however, nobody's perfect, so if you find any bugs, glitches, etc. please report back. To see a list of people who helped us, click the "About this map" button in the main menu. Thank you very much and enjoy the map! - YaPh1l, Kampfschaf, Mike http://www.youtube.com/user/YaPh1l http://www.youtube.com/user/PlayKampfschaf - First public release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/veKtik2 Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/veKtikYT Website: http://www.veKtik.de Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/veKtik Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/veKtik Google+: http://bit.ly/18fGDY2 Skype: veKtik Zombies XBL: http://bit.ly/19iiLkV PSN: TheveKtikZombie Steam: veKtik --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mein Equipment: Mein PC: http://amzn.to/ICmLVY Meine Monitore: http://amzn.to/1as6bi6 Meine Cam: http://amzn.to/196nWCL Mein Aufnahmegerät: http://amzn.to/176kknv Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1bJV1LF Mein Gelenkarmstativ: http://amzn.to/1oxRfJJ Mein Mikrofon Popschutz: http://amzn.to/163sZY3 Meine Mixamp: http://amzn.to/1csW2DS Mein XBOX Headset: http://amzn.to/18tOfod Mein PC Headset: http://amzn.to/1eo2T3P Mein TV: http://amzn.to/1eo3anz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programme: ●Cinema4D ●Sony Vegas Pro 12 ●After Effects CS6 ●Photoshop CS6- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 7334

Teen Mom: Labor and Delivery of Aleia Rae
I finally went into labor with Aleia on December 26, 2012. I was in labor for 19 hours tot...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: AleiasTeenMama
Teen Mom: Labor and Delivery of Aleia Rae
Teen Mom: Labor and Delivery of Aleia Rae
I finally went into labor with Aleia on December 26, 2012. I was in labor for 19 hours total. She was born at 9:53 pm and weighed 7 pounds and 5 oz and was 2...- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 203920
- author: AleiasTeenMama

Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #4 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943
Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1...
published: 04 Mar 2014
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #4 (German) [HD]
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #4 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943 Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1hHXBTq Intro by Khazi: http://bit.ly/19ipBXL Map Link: http://bit.ly/1n6xkjs Meine Mitspieler: TheReaper: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__TnBqLBkZ8o1IEDt3ya8Q ZHC x ZOMBIE: http://www.youtube.com/ZombieHeadCrasher xXBAROCKXx: http://www.youtube.com/BRKZombie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by Team 00 YaPh1l Kampfschaf Mike aka Der_WixXxer Hello dear reader, we, Team 00, are proud to announce the first public release, version 1.0, of our 4th map "Mini-Labor". As this is a full release, we tried to make sure to eliminate all known bugs, however, nobody's perfect, so if you find any bugs, glitches, etc. please report back. To see a list of people who helped us, click the "About this map" button in the main menu. Thank you very much and enjoy the map! - YaPh1l, Kampfschaf, Mike http://www.youtube.com/user/YaPh1l http://www.youtube.com/user/PlayKampfschaf - First public release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/veKtik2 Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/veKtikYT Website: http://www.veKtik.de Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/veKtik Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/veKtik Google+: http://bit.ly/18fGDY2 Skype: veKtik Zombies XBL: http://bit.ly/19iiLkV PSN: TheveKtikZombie Steam: veKtik --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mein Equipment: Mein PC: http://amzn.to/ICmLVY Meine Monitore: http://amzn.to/1as6bi6 Meine Cam: http://amzn.to/196nWCL Mein Aufnahmegerät: http://amzn.to/176kknv Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1bJV1LF Mein Gelenkarmstativ: http://amzn.to/1oxRfJJ Mein Mikrofon Popschutz: http://amzn.to/163sZY3 Meine Mixamp: http://amzn.to/1csW2DS Mein XBOX Headset: http://amzn.to/18tOfod Mein PC Headset: http://amzn.to/1eo2T3P Mein TV: http://amzn.to/1eo3anz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programme: ●Cinema4D ●Sony Vegas Pro 12 ●After Effects CS6 ●Photoshop CS6- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 9243
Vimeo results:

Parts + Labor
a short film by Sean O'Malley starring Barak Hardley and Tipper Newton
Music by Tandemoro...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: Sean O\'Malley
Parts + Labor
a short film by Sean O'Malley starring Barak Hardley and Tipper Newton
Music by Tandemoro

Presentando Labor, una nueva revista.
Una revista sobre cómo se hacen las cosas.
published: 17 Jun 2011
author: Revista Labor
Presentando Labor, una nueva revista.
Una revista sobre cómo se hacen las cosas.

Introducing Labor, a new magazine coming out soon.
A magazine about how things get done.
published: 16 Jun 2011
author: Revista Labor
Introducing Labor, a new magazine coming out soon.
A magazine about how things get done.

Labor Pain Simulation
Happy Mothers Day!...
published: 10 May 2013
author: Kensington
Labor Pain Simulation
Happy Mothers Day!
Youtube results:

Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #6 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943
Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1...
published: 06 Mar 2014
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #6 (German) [HD]
Custom Zombies | "Mini Labor" Koop #6 (German) [HD]
Mein MMOGA Shop: http://www.mmoga.de?ref=1943 Günstige Prepaid Gameserver: http://bit.ly/1hHXBTq Intro by Khazi: http://bit.ly/19ipBXL Map Link: http://bit.ly/1n6xkjs Meine Mitspieler: TheReaper: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__TnBqLBkZ8o1IEDt3ya8Q ZHC x ZOMBIE: http://www.youtube.com/ZombieHeadCrasher xXBAROCKXx: http://www.youtube.com/BRKZombie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by Team 00 YaPh1l Kampfschaf Mike aka Der_WixXxer Hello dear reader, we, Team 00, are proud to announce the first public release, version 1.0, of our 4th map "Mini-Labor". As this is a full release, we tried to make sure to eliminate all known bugs, however, nobody's perfect, so if you find any bugs, glitches, etc. please report back. To see a list of people who helped us, click the "About this map" button in the main menu. Thank you very much and enjoy the map! - YaPh1l, Kampfschaf, Mike http://www.youtube.com/user/YaPh1l http://www.youtube.com/user/PlayKampfschaf - First public release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/veKtik2 Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/veKtikYT Website: http://www.veKtik.de Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/veKtik Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/veKtik Google+: http://bit.ly/18fGDY2 Skype: veKtik Zombies XBL: http://bit.ly/19iiLkV PSN: TheveKtikZombie Steam: veKtik --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mein Equipment: Mein PC: http://amzn.to/ICmLVY Meine Monitore: http://amzn.to/1as6bi6 Meine Cam: http://amzn.to/196nWCL Mein Aufnahmegerät: http://amzn.to/176kknv Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1bJV1LF Mein Gelenkarmstativ: http://amzn.to/1oxRfJJ Mein Mikrofon Popschutz: http://amzn.to/163sZY3 Meine Mixamp: http://amzn.to/1csW2DS Mein XBOX Headset: http://amzn.to/18tOfod Mein PC Headset: http://amzn.to/1eo2T3P Mein TV: http://amzn.to/1eo3anz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programme: ●Cinema4D ●Sony Vegas Pro 12 ●After Effects CS6 ●Photoshop CS6- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 3743

Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An EPIC Win and EPIC Map Credits! (Part 6)
Check out our AWESOME new community website: http://www.nextgentactics.com
Click here for...
published: 06 Mar 2014
Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An EPIC Win and EPIC Map Credits! (Part 6)
Custom Zombies - Mini-Labor | An EPIC Win and EPIC Map Credits! (Part 6)
Check out our AWESOME new community website: http://www.nextgentactics.com Click here for the NGT Custom Zombies Contest details: http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum/m/21218942/viewthread/11334287-contest-map-submission-details If you want to help us give back to the map makers, then donate here (note: if you don't have a Twitch ID, just use your YouTube ID): https://www.streamdonations.net/c/nextgentactics Check out our AWESOME new community website: http://www.nextgentactics.com Thanks for watching NGTZombies! We post all kinds of Zombie, Undead, and Horror content from games such as Call of Duty: Zombies, The Walking Dead, Custom Zombie maps and much more. Please take a look around and we hope you enjoy our content! Map download link: http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum/m/21218942/viewthread/11372680-mini-labor/page/1 ------------------------------------------- Click Here To Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTZombies Twitter ► http://www.Twitter.com/NextGenTactics Facebook ► http://www.Facebook.com/NextGenTactics FREE NetFlix Trial ► http://www.netflix.com/NGT Live Stream ►http://www.twitch.tv/nextgentactics ------------------------------------------- Please support our NGT Network Channels: NextGenTactics ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGT NGTZombies ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTZombies NGTMobileGaming ► http://bit.ly/JoinNGTMobile And Our NGT Partner Channels: Hypermole ► http://www.youtube.com/mole237 // @hypermole80 Want to become a YouTube Partner and earn money from your videos? Join the RPM Network ► http://awe.sm/r1FDX As always, THANK YOU for your continuing support! Rating our videos and leaving a comment is ALWAYS appreciated!- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 17860

LABOR DAY Official Trailer -- Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin
LABOR DAY Official Trailer -- Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin
Subscribe to ClevverMovies: http:/...
published: 01 Nov 2013
LABOR DAY Official Trailer -- Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin
LABOR DAY Official Trailer -- Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin
LABOR DAY Official Trailer -- Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin Subscribe to ClevverMovies: http://bit.ly/clevvermovies Labor Day opens in theaters on December 25th, 2013. Cast: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith, Tobey Maguire, James Van Der Beek, Alexie Gilmore, Clark Gregg, Lucas Hedges, Brooke Smith, Gattlin Griffith, Tom Lipinski, Maika Monroe, Brighid Fleming, Micah Fowler Labor Day centers on 13-year-old Henry Wheeler, who struggles to be the man of his house and care for his reclusive mother Adele while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a back-to-school shopping trip, Henry and his mother encounter Frank Chambers, a man both intimidating and clearly in need of help, who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict. The events of this long Labor Day weekend will shape them for the rest of their lives. Labor Day trailer courtesy of Paramount Pictures For More Clevver Visit: Like us on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/ClevverMovies Follow us on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/ClevverMovies Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Website: http://www.clevver.com Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverMovies Tweet Erin: https://twitter.com/erinjwhite- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 3495