"If one Pounding footstep can generate a vibe that entices a Nation's Flag
Then Thousands ...
published: 08 Sep 2013
"If one Pounding footstep can generate a vibe that entices a Nation's Flag Then Thousands of pounding feet can generate enough Vibration that uplifts a whole Nation" This November 10, we Run... We Run for life and all good things We Run for humanity and all causes We Run for hope, for love, for peace We Run for LEBANON Join the movement and REGISTER NOW: beirutmarathon.org, +9613727976 #run4lebanon "VIBRATION OF A NATION" Director: DANIELLE RIZKALLAH Produced by: TOUFIC TRABOULSI, MICHEL ABOUZEID- Independent Productions DOP: TOUFIC TABBAL Sound Design: RYAN SFEIR- GOLDMINE Studios Special Thanks: RunLebanon Team Elite Running Club Roadster Diner- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 88
La Société Générale de Banque au Liban à la conférence Bâle III à l'ESA
La SGBL était partenaire de la conférence « Basel III -- Immunity requirements » qui a eu ...
published: 03 Jun 2011
author: SGBLcom
La Société Générale de Banque au Liban à la conférence Bâle III à l'ESA
La Société Générale de Banque au Liban à la conférence Bâle III à l'ESA
La SGBL était partenaire de la conférence « Basel III -- Immunity requirements » qui a eu lieu à l'ESA le mardi 3 mai 2011. Axée sur les recommandations de B...- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 273
- author: SGBLcom
How to Register to the Banque Du Liban Beirut marathon
Registering for the BDL Beirut marathon is pretty easy. Follow the steps, watch the video ...
published: 27 Sep 2013
How to Register to the Banque Du Liban Beirut marathon
How to Register to the Banque Du Liban Beirut marathon
Registering for the BDL Beirut marathon is pretty easy. Follow the steps, watch the video and REGISTER NOW. Deadline for registration Oct 11. Run for Lebanon with the Beirut marathon this Nov 10!!- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 3
Beirut marathon and Banque Du Liban Documentary
A Documentary about all the hardships Beirut marathon and Banque Du Liban have overcame. T...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: beirutmarathon1
Beirut marathon and Banque Du Liban Documentary
Beirut marathon and Banque Du Liban Documentary
A Documentary about all the hardships Beirut marathon and Banque Du Liban have overcame. The common points between the two Lebanese pillars. Banque Du Liban ...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 68
- author: beirutmarathon1
Mr. Riyad Salameh, Governor - Banque du liban
Under the auspices of
His Excellency the President of the Republic of Lebanon
General Mich...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Mr. Riyad Salameh, Governor - Banque du liban
Mr. Riyad Salameh, Governor - Banque du liban
Under the auspices of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Lebanon General Michel Sleiman The Annual Arab Banking Conference 2013 And the 40 years anniversary celebrations of the Union of Arab Banks "Economic Implications of Arab Transitions: Reforms and Role of Banks" 14th & 15th of November, 2013 Phoenicia Hotel Beirut - Lebanon Since the beginning of the year 2011, many Arab countries have been experiencing severe turbulences at all levels, resulting from a series of accumulated socio - economic and political developments. These Changes and turbulences have caused a great overturn to the economic situation that affected most of the economic sectors, and was a major cause of the economic performance fallback, accumulation of debt and budget deficits, spread of youth unemployment, in addition to the increase of the developmental gap between the Arab countries, and was a direct reason for the erosion of the social middle class which is considered as the basis of every economy. In line with these direct damages, a series of indirect economic damages have also appeared resulting primarily from the negative implications on business environment and investment in the Arab region which led to instability in stock markets, increase in oil prices, changes of investment capital and touristic destinations, in addition to their impact on national economic policies in all countries in the region, including countries that were not affected by turbulences and transitions. تحت رعاية فخامة رئيس الجمهورية اللبنانية العماد ميشال سليمان المؤتمـــر المصرفـي العربــي السنـوي لعــام 2013 وإحتفالات مرور 40 عاماً على تأسيس إتحاد المصارف العربية "التداعيـات الإقتصاديـة للتحولات العربيــة؛ الإصلاحات ودور المصارف" 14-15 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2013 بيروت -- الجمهورية اللبنانية منذ بداية العام 2011 والعديد من الدول العربية تشهد إضطرابات شديدة على كل المستويات، ناجمة عن مجموعة من المشكلات الإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية المتراكمة. وقد أحدثت هذه الإضطرابات إنقلاباً كبيراً على الواقع الإقتصادي، طاول معظم القطاعات الإقتصادية، وكانت سبباً مباشراً لتراجع الآداء الإقتصادي، وتراكم الديون والعجز في الموازنات، وإنتشار البطالة بين الشباب. وإختلالات هيكلية في كافة القطاعات الإقتصادية، إضافة إلى تنامي الفجوة التنموية بين البلدان العربية، وتآكل مكانة الطبقة الإجتماعية المتوسطة التي تعتبر الأساس لكل إقتصاد. وإضافة إلى الأضرار الإقتصادية المباشرة لهذه الأحداث، هناك أضرار إقتصادية غير مباشرة على الإقتصادات الوطنية والإقليمية، وكلها أضرار ناتجة بالدرجة الأولى عن الآثار السلبية التي لحقت بمناخ الإستثمار وبيئة الأعمال في المنطقة العربية، وما نتج عنها من عدم إستقرار في أسواق الأسهم، ومن إرتفاع أسعار النفط، وتغيير الوجهات الإستثمارية لرؤوس الأموال، والوجهات السياحية للسائحين، إضافة إلى تأثيرها المباشر على أولويات السياسات الإقتصادية الوطنية لجميع دول المنطقة بما فيه الدول التي لم تصل إليها هذه الإضطرابات.- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 0
Crise syrienne : quel impact pour le Liban?
Depuis le début des événements en Syrie, le Liban a été touché par la crise syrienne, la.....
published: 30 Sep 2013
Crise syrienne : quel impact pour le Liban?
Crise syrienne : quel impact pour le Liban?
Depuis le début des événements en Syrie, le Liban a été touché par la crise syrienne, la... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-vous et recevez notre sélection quotidienne d'actualités internationales:http://eurone.ws/YhnkpY Euronews est disponible en 13 autres langues: http://eurone.ws/17mq3VK http://fr.euronews.com/2013/09/30/crise-syrienne-quel-impact-pour-le-liban Depuis le début des événements en Syrie, le Liban a été touché par la crise syrienne, la crise a affecté le Liban politiquement, économiquement et socialement. Euronews a eu un entretien avec le Premier ministre libanais par intérim M. Najib Mikati. Euronews, Daleen Hassan: Najib Mikati bonjour. Le Liban suit une politique de «maintien à distance " vis-à-vis de la crise syrienne, mais en réalité, en quoi le Liban est-il affecté par cette crise? Najib Mikati: Je crois que l'auto-distanciation est la politique appropriée pour le gouvernement et le peuple libanais s'agissant des développements dans la région, et les événements en Syrie ont touché directement les Libanais et de façon significative. Vous connaissez la relation historique et géographique qui lie le Liban et la Syrie, et tout cela a été pris en considération, tout comme la division de la société libanaise entre pro et anti Assad. Je pense que c'est la bonne attitude à conserver pour le gouvernement dans le futur, c'est ce qui protégera le Liban des conséquences des événements dans la région. Euronews: En l'absence d'un nouveau gouvernement, vous en tant que Premier ministre par intérim, comment gérez-vous les conséquences de la crise syrienne, en particulier la crise des réfugiés? Najib Mikati: C'est d'abord une crise humanitaire, non politique. Aujourd'hui, quand un citoyen syrien, qui est un frère de notre peuple libanais, cherche refuge au Liban pour trouver un endroit sûr, nous devons répondre à cette demande. Mais le nombre de réfugiés est très grand, nous avons environ 750 000 réfugiés enregistrés dans les organisations internationales et ils ont le statut de réfugié. Mais il y a plus de 300 000 Syriens qui ne sont pas enregistrés comme réfugiés, et qui en ce moment sont au Liban. En tant que gouvernement libanais, nous faisons notre devoir envers les réfugiés syriens qui sont sur notre territoire. Euronews: Les Libanais doivent-ils supporter les conséquences de la crise syrienne? Des gens à Beyrouth disent que la présence des Syriens a exacerbé les problèmes du Liban? Najib Mikati: Quand il y avait la guerre civile au Liban, la Syrie a ouvert ses portes pour recevoir les Libanais au fil des ans, aujourd'hui nous n'allons pas fermer les portes aux Syriens. Mais la question est sous le contrôle de l'Etat libanais afin que le nombre de Syriens au Liban n'augmente qu'à certaines conditions, et nous surveillons les frontières libanaises aussi, et donc chaque syrien qui se trouve au Liban et n'a pas le statut, nous étudierons son cas. Euronews: Le Liban retire-t il des avantages économiques de la crise syrienne? Najib Mikati: Non, au contraire. Selon la dernière évaluation de la Banque mondiale, le Liban souffre de cette crise, qui a un impact direct sur la croissance. Euronews: Mais des banquiers libanais ont indiqué que de nombreux Syriens avaient déposé leur capitaux dans les banques libanaises. Vous ne pensez pas que cela aide l'économie libanaise? Najib Mikati: Je vous assure, les banques libanaises sont prudentes sur ces dépôts des Syriens, les banques libanaises font leur travail en contrôlant les comptes et les propriétaires de ces comptes, parce que nous ne voulons pas être mis en doute par la communauté internationale à cause de certains comptes détenus dans des banques libanaises. Euronews: Mais on parle de fonds versés dans des banques libanaises par des personnes liées au régime syrien, ce qui serait une violation des sanctions imposées à Damas. Najib Mikati: Les banques libanaises vérifient tous les comptes et toutes les personnes qui souhaitent placer leur argent dans les banques libanaises, et je ne pense pas que les sommes venant de Syrie soient énormes compte-tenu de ces mesures. Euronews: Le Hezbollah a admis combattre aux cotés du régime syrien. Il y a aussi un afflux d'armes et de combattants qui soutiennent l'insurrection en Syrie et qui veulent aider l'armée libre. Comment réagissez-vous à cette question, et des mesures ont elles été prises pour empêcher l'arrivée d'armes et de combattants en Syrie? Najib Mikati : Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronewsfr- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 64
Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon - Riad Salameh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 00
Governor Riad Salameh speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, the Cent...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon - Riad Salameh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 00
Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon - Riad Salameh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 00
Governor Riad Salameh speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 8
Elie Khoury - DerManDar - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 26
Elie Khoury from DerManDar speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, t...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Elie Khoury - DerManDar - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 26
Elie Khoury - DerManDar - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 26
Elie Khoury from DerManDar speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 18
Rabih Nassar - Apstrata - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 22
Rabih Nassar from Apstrata speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, t...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Rabih Nassar - Apstrata - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 22
Rabih Nassar - Apstrata - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 22
Rabih Nassar from Apstrata speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 7
Minister of Telecom - Nicolas Sehnaoui - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 03
Governor Riad Salameh speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, the Cent...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Minister of Telecom - Nicolas Sehnaoui - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 03
Minister of Telecom - Nicolas Sehnaoui - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 03
Governor Riad Salameh speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 81
Hala Fadel - MITEF Pan Arab - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 15
Hala Fadel from MITEF Pan Arab speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 201...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Hala Fadel - MITEF Pan Arab - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 15
Hala Fadel - MITEF Pan Arab - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 15
Hala Fadel from MITEF Pan Arab speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 19
Minister of State - Marwan Kheireddine - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 02
Minister of State Marwan Kheireddine speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Minister of State - Marwan Kheireddine - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 02
Minister of State - Marwan Kheireddine - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 02
Minister of State Marwan Kheireddine speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 24
Loulou El Khazen - Nabbesh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 31
Loulou El Khazen from Nabbesh speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Loulou El Khazen - Nabbesh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 31
Loulou El Khazen - Nabbesh - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 31
Loulou El Khazen from Nabbesh speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 2
Youtube results:
Walid Hanna - MEVP - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 12
Walid Hanna from MEVP speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, the Ce...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Walid Hanna - MEVP - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 12
Walid Hanna - MEVP - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 12
Walid Hanna from MEVP speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 21
Louay El Kadri - Presella - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 32
Louay El Kadri from Presella speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013,...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Louay El Kadri - Presella - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 32
Louay El Kadri - Presella - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 32
Louay El Kadri from Presella speaks at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 5
Maitre Pierre Kanaan - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 04
Maitre Pierre Kanaan speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, the Centr...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Maitre Pierre Kanaan - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 04
Maitre Pierre Kanaan - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 04
Maitre Pierre Kanaan speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 2
Ricardo Skaff - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 05
Maitre Pierre Kanaan speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013.
On December 19 2013, the Centr...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Ricardo Skaff - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 05
Ricardo Skaff - BDL Startup Workshop 2013 - 05
Maitre Pierre Kanaan speaking at BDL Startup Workshop 2013. On December 19 2013, the Central Bank of Lebanon launched Lebanon's 1st sovereign startup fund via Circular 331 at the BDL Startup Workshop 2013. At over 400 million US$, the BDL C331 Fund is the largest of its kind in the Arab World. BDL C331 Fund is deployed through upfront guarantees (75% guarantee) of equity investments in Lebanon incorporated startups. For more information visit: http://seeq.co/circular331- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 1