
Ticketbust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #27: When to Ask for the County Seat
Today, we'll continue our series on tips for when you get pulled over by an officer. We've...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: TicketbustCA
Ticketbust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #27: When to Ask for the County Seat
Ticketbust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #27: When to Ask for the County Seat
Today, we'll continue our series on tips for when you get pulled over by an officer. We've been talking about how you can choose to have the place which you ...- published: 23 Mar 2011
- views: 172
- author: TicketbustCA

The County Seat - Part 1 (Pilot Episode)
This is part 1 of 4. "The County Seat" is a Public-Affairs program for counties to educate...
published: 06 Dec 2009
author: TheCountySeat1
The County Seat - Part 1 (Pilot Episode)
The County Seat - Part 1 (Pilot Episode)
This is part 1 of 4. "The County Seat" is a Public-Affairs program for counties to educate their constituents about the issues that affect them. Terry Wood e...- published: 06 Dec 2009
- views: 447
- author: TheCountySeat1

Indigent Defense
The County Seat's Malia Bascom takes a look at what Indigent Defense is, how it impacts co...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: The County Seat
Indigent Defense
Indigent Defense
The County Seat's Malia Bascom takes a look at what Indigent Defense is, how it impacts counties on a daily basis, and some potential things that might chang...- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 73
- author: The County Seat

TicketBust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #24: Requesting a County Seat
Today, we'll continue our series on tips for when you get pulled over by an officer. Last ...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: TicketbustCA
TicketBust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #24: Requesting a County Seat
TicketBust.com's Traffic TicketTalk #24: Requesting a County Seat
Today, we'll continue our series on tips for when you get pulled over by an officer. Last week we talked about how you can choose to have the place which you...- published: 09 Mar 2011
- views: 171
- author: TicketbustCA

Grazing on the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument, The County Seat Season 4 Episode 2
The Bureau of Land Management is currently finishing up the scoping process for a plan ame...
published: 12 Jan 2014
Grazing on the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument, The County Seat Season 4 Episode 2
Grazing on the Grand Staircase Escalante Monument, The County Seat Season 4 Episode 2
The Bureau of Land Management is currently finishing up the scoping process for a plan amendment on the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. This week's program looks into the BLM's planning process for a plan amendment and Chad Booth discusses the implications that changes to grazing on the monument would have on cattlemen and counties.- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 327

Renewable Energy in the West County Seat Season 3, Episode 19
We have a MECCA of renewable energy within a 50 mile radius. Talk about an education gold ...
published: 10 May 2013
author: The County Seat
Renewable Energy in the West County Seat Season 3, Episode 19
Renewable Energy in the West County Seat Season 3, Episode 19
We have a MECCA of renewable energy within a 50 mile radius. Talk about an education gold mine; and a development gold mine. We have the capabilities and the...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 44
- author: The County Seat

BLM Deferral of Oil and Gas Leases, The County Seat, Season 3, Episode 49
Nearly 100,000 acres of land were deferred from a BLM Oil and Gas Lease Sale. The parcels ...
published: 08 Dec 2013
BLM Deferral of Oil and Gas Leases, The County Seat, Season 3, Episode 49
BLM Deferral of Oil and Gas Leases, The County Seat, Season 3, Episode 49
Nearly 100,000 acres of land were deferred from a BLM Oil and Gas Lease Sale. The parcels affected were in Carbon and Emery Counties. Our program hit the road to meet up with State Director of the BLM, Juan Palma; along with Mike McCandless, economic development director for Emery County; and Kathleen Sgamma, Western Energy Allaince; to find out why 2/3rds of the parcels that were originally offered were taken out of the auction and how that affects the counties where the parcels lie.- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 4

U.S. Forest Service Travel Management Plans County Seat Season3, Episode 10
Counties and citizens are finding road closed signs and are worried about access to the fo...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: The County Seat
U.S. Forest Service Travel Management Plans County Seat Season3, Episode 10
U.S. Forest Service Travel Management Plans County Seat Season3, Episode 10
Counties and citizens are finding road closed signs and are worried about access to the forest. Chad Booth sits down with John Erickson, the new forest super...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 29
- author: The County Seat

Chris Stewart, County Seat Season3, Episode 28
Chris Stewart joins Chad Booth to talk about how monument designations and energy policies...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: The County Seat
Chris Stewart, County Seat Season3, Episode 28
Chris Stewart, County Seat Season3, Episode 28
Chris Stewart joins Chad Booth to talk about how monument designations and energy policies set at the federal level have a direct impact on Utah's Counties. ...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 27
- author: The County Seat

County Seat Episode 22 Bark Beetle in Utah
Susan Wood talks to experts around the state about the problems caused by the spruce bark ...
published: 06 Jun 2011
author: The County Seat
County Seat Episode 22 Bark Beetle in Utah
County Seat Episode 22 Bark Beetle in Utah
Susan Wood talks to experts around the state about the problems caused by the spruce bark beetle in the Dixie National Forest. The insect lays it's eggs in t...- published: 06 Jun 2011
- views: 222
- author: The County Seat

The County Seat - Part 3 (Pilot Episode)
This is part 3 of 4. "The County Seat" is a Public-Affairs program for counties to educate...
published: 06 Dec 2009
author: TheCountySeat1
The County Seat - Part 3 (Pilot Episode)
The County Seat - Part 3 (Pilot Episode)
This is part 3 of 4. "The County Seat" is a Public-Affairs program for counties to educate their constituents about the issues that affect them. This third p...- published: 06 Dec 2009
- views: 80
- author: TheCountySeat1

RS2477 County Rights of Way, County Seat Season3, Episode 13
Kane County and the Federal Government have had a dispute over the ownership of a number o...
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: The County Seat
RS2477 County Rights of Way, County Seat Season3, Episode 13
RS2477 County Rights of Way, County Seat Season3, Episode 13
Kane County and the Federal Government have had a dispute over the ownership of a number of roads that traverse federal lands which the county has argued bel...- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 39
- author: The County Seat

Jail Funding County Seat Episode 49 part 2
Chad Booth visits the newly completed jail in Kane County to talk about jail contracting. ...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: The County Seat
Jail Funding County Seat Episode 49 part 2
Jail Funding County Seat Episode 49 part 2
Chad Booth visits the newly completed jail in Kane County to talk about jail contracting. Jail contracting allows the state to contract with county jails to ...- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 139
- author: The County Seat

Murray County - Battle for County Seat
In 2007 as a part of the Sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration of Murray County, Minnes...
published: 16 Mar 2010
author: LakeShetek
Murray County - Battle for County Seat
Murray County - Battle for County Seat
In 2007 as a part of the Sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration of Murray County, Minnesota the battle between Currie and Slayton for the legal right to be...- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 299
- author: LakeShetek
Youtube results:

Caucuses and Count My Vote - The County Seat CSEP407
he underlying tenant of our democracy is that everyone has a vote. Yet fewer people are sh...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Caucuses and Count My Vote - The County Seat CSEP407
Caucuses and Count My Vote - The County Seat CSEP407
he underlying tenant of our democracy is that everyone has a vote. Yet fewer people are showing up at the polls. Some people are beginning to think our laws are partly to blame and it's prompted an initiative called 'Count My Vote' which has been making waves, with the potential to change Utah's election laws in the not too distant future. Count my vote is trying to initiate a law so they are collecting signatures; they need to collect 100,000 signatures In 26 of 29 senate districts so you will probably see them out now in different areas of the state. Currently a candidate files a declaration of candidacy with the county clerk's office, and if they are affiliated with a political party they move into that party's caucus system. The Caucuses are made up of neighborhoods or precincts who select delegates. Those delegates are involved in meeting with candidates and are sent as representatives to the state or the county conventions where candidates are selected. In this case if the candidate receives a majority of the votes from the delegates beyond a certain threshold they move on to the general election and a primary isn't necessary. The 'Count my Vote' initiative seeks to do away with caucuses and instead requires a candidate to collect signatures of at least 2% of the registered voters in their party relative to the size of the office they are running for, to become nominated for the primary election. Then a Primary election would take place to select the candidates who would then run in the general election. The signatures for the initiative are due by April 15th to make it a law. Opponents then have until May 15 to submit signatures of people who want to withdraw from the count my vote petition. Once the county clerks reach may 15th they are required to send us all of the numbers for these petitions and we will go through all the petitions right here on this table we will probably have a stack and large boxes and we start counting up all of the numbers and we get the grand total, and so the lieutenant governor will then announce that the petition was sufficient, or insufficient. If it's sufficient then it's going to go on to the general election ballot in November, and there's a process and procedures to get to that point too including coming up with a ballot title. The signatures that candidates would need to collect to run in the primaries would then be verified by the county clerk. This extra step poses some challenges for the county clerk's office. It's a manual process so each signature is compared to the signature the person used when they registered to vote. It does make a cost increase for two reasons: first candidates are now submitting a petition, for governor they are going to have to have at least 13,000 signatures probably a 1/3 more than that to ensure they get 13,000 registered voters. And that's just for one candidate. We figure each one of those signatures will take anywhere from 30 sec to a minute to go through and verify that's kind of our average time. You can kind of calculate that out and figure out how much time that would take in man hours for our staff to handle that, so there is a fiscal impact on the county clerks to go through and verify those signatures. More candidates and more voter participation do create the need for more resources in order to run the election, which will push the clerk's office each election cycle. But in either scenario the county clerks are willing to do what is necessary to carry out an election according to the law.- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 2

Public Lands in Utah County Seat Season3, Episode 8
In recent years there has been a public outcry from Utahans asking the State to take a mor...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: The County Seat
Public Lands in Utah County Seat Season3, Episode 8
Public Lands in Utah County Seat Season3, Episode 8
In recent years there has been a public outcry from Utahans asking the State to take a more active role in how management decisions are made on public lands....- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 148
- author: The County Seat

Warren County Seat
This is were the Surrogate, Passport, Business Name, Mortgage Documents, ..., Election Off...
published: 29 Sep 2012
author: Greystone Psychiatric Hospital
Warren County Seat
Warren County Seat
This is were the Surrogate, Passport, Business Name, Mortgage Documents, ..., Election Office, Probation, Sheriff, Criminal and Civil Court to name what I kn...- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 12
- author: Greystone Psychiatric Hospital

Governor Herbert introducing the County Seat
The County Seat is a local television program about county government in Utah. Each week w...
published: 17 Feb 2014
Governor Herbert introducing the County Seat
Governor Herbert introducing the County Seat
The County Seat is a local television program about county government in Utah. Each week we take time to discover and discuss the functions of county level government officials and introduce issues that they deal with on a daily basis. For the most part the topics on the show happen in the background. Tune in and find out about the government that has the most impact on your daily life and the government that you can have the most involvement in, County Government!- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 1