Christopher Hitchens - On BBC Radio 4 'Great Lives' discussing Leon Trotsky [2006]
August 8, 2006. Matthew Parris is joined by Christopher Hitchens who nominates Leon Trotsk...
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: LeCaNANDian
Christopher Hitchens - On BBC Radio 4 'Great Lives' discussing Leon Trotsky [2006]
Christopher Hitchens - On BBC Radio 4 'Great Lives' discussing Leon Trotsky [2006]
August 8, 2006. Matthew Parris is joined by Christopher Hitchens who nominates Leon Trotsky for great-life status, and the historian Professor Robert Service...- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 4622
- author: LeCaNANDian
Trotsky: Rise & Fall of a Revolutionary (I of VI)
After achieving almost saintly status as a hero of the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky fo...
published: 25 Mar 2011
author: Alfonzo T
Trotsky: Rise & Fall of a Revolutionary (I of VI)
Trotsky: Rise & Fall of a Revolutionary (I of VI)
After achieving almost saintly status as a hero of the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky found his power and reputation slowly stolen by his political opponen...- published: 25 Mar 2011
- views: 39653
- author: Alfonzo T
Trotsky with Hitchens and Service
Christopher Hitchens and Robert Service introduce Leon Trotsky, one of the half-dozen outs...
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: HooverInstitution
Trotsky with Hitchens and Service
Trotsky with Hitchens and Service
Christopher Hitchens and Robert Service introduce Leon Trotsky, one of the half-dozen outstanding Marxist revolutionaries.- published: 03 Aug 2009
- views: 42094
- author: HooverInstitution
Trotsky y México, Dos Revoluciones del Siglo XX
"Trotsky y México, Dos Revoluciones del Siglo XX" nos habla del famoso revolucionario ruso...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: garciavidela
Trotsky y México, Dos Revoluciones del Siglo XX
Trotsky y México, Dos Revoluciones del Siglo XX
"Trotsky y México, Dos Revoluciones del Siglo XX" nos habla del famoso revolucionario ruso asilado por el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas y asesinado en México po...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 7881
- author: garciavidela
Leon Trotsky speaks on the Moscow Trials
From Mexico between 1937 and his assassination in 1940 "Stalin's trial against me is built...
published: 15 Oct 2010
author: Chris Hill
Leon Trotsky speaks on the Moscow Trials
Leon Trotsky speaks on the Moscow Trials
From Mexico between 1937 and his assassination in 1940 "Stalin's trial against me is built upon false confessions, extorted by modern Inquisitorial methods, ...- published: 15 Oct 2010
- views: 11499
- author: Chris Hill
León Trotsky. A 69 años de su asesinato. Homenaje biográfico (Primera parte)
Primera parte de homenaje biográfico dedicado al marxista revolucionario ruso León Trotsky...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: TroskoRojoyFurioso
León Trotsky. A 69 años de su asesinato. Homenaje biográfico (Primera parte)
León Trotsky. A 69 años de su asesinato. Homenaje biográfico (Primera parte)
Primera parte de homenaje biográfico dedicado al marxista revolucionario ruso León Trotsky, elaborador efectivo de la Teoría de la Revolución Permanente, pre...- published: 15 Sep 2009
- views: 18981
- author: TroskoRojoyFurioso
seminario el marxismo de Leon Trotsky.mp4
El miércoles 18 de Abril, se dicto en La Plata el primer encuentro del seminario "el marxi...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: contraimagen
seminario el marxismo de Leon Trotsky.mp4
seminario el marxismo de Leon Trotsky.mp4
El miércoles 18 de Abril, se dicto en La Plata el primer encuentro del seminario "el marxismo fe León Trotsky".- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 1841
- author: contraimagen
Asesinato de León Trotsky
A casi siete décadas del asesinato del revolucionario León Trotsky a manos de la burocraci...
published: 25 Jul 2009
author: 1917octubrerojo
Asesinato de León Trotsky
Asesinato de León Trotsky
A casi siete décadas del asesinato del revolucionario León Trotsky a manos de la burocracia stalinista, "Asaltar los cielos" documenta aquellos acontecimientos.- published: 25 Jul 2009
- views: 20908
- author: 1917octubrerojo
Leon Trotsky Exile in Turkey - Part 1/6
A film/documentary about Leon Trotsky's exile in Turkey in 1929-1933....
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: Ted Sprague
Leon Trotsky Exile in Turkey - Part 1/6
Leon Trotsky Exile in Turkey - Part 1/6
A film/documentary about Leon Trotsky's exile in Turkey in 1929-1933.- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 3005
- author: Ted Sprague
V7Inter: El asesinato de León Trotsky
Sábado 21 de agosto de 2010/ Redacción: Pedro Brieger/ Edición: Gastón Fedeli/ Visión Siet...
published: 21 Aug 2010
author: TVPublicaArgentina
V7Inter: El asesinato de León Trotsky
V7Inter: El asesinato de León Trotsky
Sábado 21 de agosto de 2010/ Redacción: Pedro Brieger/ Edición: Gastón Fedeli/ Visión Siete Internacional/ El 20 de agosto de 1940 un agente enviado por Iósi...- published: 21 Aug 2010
- views: 11963
- author: TVPublicaArgentina
Leon Trotsky is one of the most controversial revolutionary figures of the 20th Century....
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: PSMedia100
Leon Trotsky is one of the most controversial revolutionary figures of the 20th Century.- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 221
- author: PSMedia100
Ciclo "Vida y obra de León Trotsky" - Parte 1/2
Las ideas de León Trotsky y la opinión de intelectuales. Trotsky en Nuestro Tiempo - Un pr...
published: 08 Nov 2012
author: tvptsweb
Ciclo "Vida y obra de León Trotsky" - Parte 1/2
Ciclo "Vida y obra de León Trotsky" - Parte 1/2
Las ideas de León Trotsky y la opinión de intelectuales. Trotsky en Nuestro Tiempo - Un programa de TVPTS y del CEIP (Centro de Estudios, Investigaciones y P...- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 2889
- author: tvptsweb
Vimeo results:
El marxismo en Leon Trotsky (primera charla)
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: tvpts
El marxismo en Leon Trotsky (primera charla)
A Chair for Leon Trotsky
A Chair for Leon Trotsky was designed in the constructivist style, and folds down into the...
published: 02 Jan 2012
author: Gwen Lovsted
A Chair for Leon Trotsky
A Chair for Leon Trotsky was designed in the constructivist style, and folds down into the eternal form of a cube. It is constructed from birch wood with custom brass hardware. Designed and built by Benjamin van Nostrand and Gwendolyn Lovsted at the University of Waterloo.
Why the Jews Are Hated - Dr. William Pierce
Dr. Pierce says, "we cannot blame the Jews for the fact that we have many fools and many k...
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: William Pierce
Why the Jews Are Hated - Dr. William Pierce
Dr. Pierce says, "we cannot blame the Jews for the fact that we have many fools and many knaves among our own people, and we cannot blame them for the fact that we have a system of government which is so susceptible to corruption: a system in which fools are allowed to vote and knaves are allowed to hold office. So this weakness, this susceptibility to manipulation and corruption, was inherent in us even without the intervention of the Jews. But you know, the Jews have an amazing talent for sniffing out weaknesses in others and then figuring how to turn those weaknesses to their own advantage."
Lecture 4: Totalitarian Media Freedom
Totalitarian media freedom web page: http://politicsandmediafreedom.net/lecture/lecture-4-...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: Politics & Media Freedom
Lecture 4: Totalitarian Media Freedom
Totalitarian media freedom web page: http://politicsandmediafreedom.net/lecture/lecture-4-the-totalitarian-model-of-media-freedom
Youtube results:
Leon Trotsky regains popularity in Europe - RT 100820
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: newsupload2010
Leon Trotsky regains popularity in Europe - RT 100820
Leon Trotsky regains popularity in Europe - RT 100820
http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-08-20/trotsky-socialism-crisis-revolution.html.- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 1080
- author: newsupload2010
Stalinism and Bolshevism - 1937 (Leon Trotsky)
One of the clearest rebuttals to those who claim that Stalinism is the natural outcome of ...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: trotskyaudioarchive
Stalinism and Bolshevism - 1937 (Leon Trotsky)
Stalinism and Bolshevism - 1937 (Leon Trotsky)
One of the clearest rebuttals to those who claim that Stalinism is the natural outcome of Marxism and Bolshevism. In responding to anarchists, Mensheviks and...- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 1000
- author: trotskyaudioarchive
León Trotsky 1879 1940 Homenaje biográfico HD
León Trotsky (1879-1940) Homenaje biográfico....
published: 27 Aug 2012
author: TroskoRojoyFurioso
León Trotsky 1879 1940 Homenaje biográfico HD
León Trotsky 1879 1940 Homenaje biográfico HD
León Trotsky (1879-1940) Homenaje biográfico.- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 2343
- author: TroskoRojoyFurioso
Christopher Hitchens on Trotsky (part 1 of 3)
The great Christopher Hitchens discussing the equally great Leon Trotsky on the BBC Radio ...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: Omar Raii
Christopher Hitchens on Trotsky (part 1 of 3)
Christopher Hitchens on Trotsky (part 1 of 3)
The great Christopher Hitchens discussing the equally great Leon Trotsky on the BBC Radio 4 show "Great Lives", hosted by Matthew Parris. Historian Robert Se...- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 44304
- author: Omar Raii