
Irish Names For Things
The definitive guide to Irish words for things.
Big thanks to
Sean: http://www.youtube....
published: 11 Nov 2013
Irish Names For Things
Irish Names For Things
The definitive guide to Irish words for things. Big thanks to Sean: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSonicScrew Sean: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBonkers101 Jamz: http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesMitchellTV Tshirts: http://www.hairybaby.com OUTTAKES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIwAGbQEhSY SUBSCRIBE for the craic! http://www.youtube.com/Clisare Bookmark me so you never miss an upload! http://bit.ly/WwhqDa STALK ME PLEASE: TWITTER! http://www.Twitter.com/Clisare FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Clisare INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/clisare TUMBLR: http://www.clisare.tumblr.com VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/clisarevlogs PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/Clisare TSHIRTS: http://www.clisare.spreadshirt.ie I'm a Yeousch director, check my videos out on their channel: http://www.youtube.com/Yeousch Big shout out to JamesMitchellTV for the intro, check out his channel here: http://www.youtube.com/jamesmitchelltv- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 5949

Conan Visits Irish American Heritage Center - CONAN on TBS
Conan gets in touch with his roots at Chicago's Irish American Heritage Center....
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: teamcoco
Conan Visits Irish American Heritage Center - CONAN on TBS
Conan Visits Irish American Heritage Center - CONAN on TBS
Conan gets in touch with his roots at Chicago's Irish American Heritage Center.- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 458041
- author: teamcoco

Republic Of Telly - You Know You're Irish When...
For more go to http://www.facebook.com/republicoftelly....
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: rterepublicofcomedy
Republic Of Telly - You Know You're Irish When...
Republic Of Telly - You Know You're Irish When...
For more go to http://www.facebook.com/republicoftelly.- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 890756
- author: rterepublicofcomedy

IRISH VS. AMERICAN | (Feat. BriBryOnTour)
Check out more BriBry here! He's quite talented: http://www.youtube.com/bribryontour Make ...
published: 11 Aug 2013
author: SimplySpoons
IRISH VS. AMERICAN | (Feat. BriBryOnTour)
IRISH VS. AMERICAN | (Feat. BriBryOnTour)
Check out more BriBry here! He's quite talented: http://www.youtube.com/bribryontour Make sure to hit the like button if ya enjoyed :D PREVIOUS MUSIC VIDEO: ...- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 14447
- author: SimplySpoons

Irish History Cromwell,God's Executioner Part 1.
Part 1 of a 2 part documentary about Oliver Cromwell's campaign in Ireland.Even in these t...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Micky Kellie
Irish History Cromwell,God's Executioner Part 1.
Irish History Cromwell,God's Executioner Part 1.
Part 1 of a 2 part documentary about Oliver Cromwell's campaign in Ireland.Even in these times, when all the talk is of putting history behind us, the easies...- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 6880
- author: Micky Kellie

Irish tavern music
Ambient tavern music perfect for use in RPG's All right go to content owner: Sony Music En...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: Kleko Winter
Irish tavern music
Irish tavern music
Ambient tavern music perfect for use in RPG's All right go to content owner: Sony Music Entertainment. Music by Gaelic Storm. Tracks as they appear: Bonnie S...- published: 14 Nov 2011
- views: 879448
- author: Kleko Winter

Irish Father's Priceless Reaction After Son Pretends To Fail His Driving Test
There is no feeling quite as satisfying as passing a test after hours of preparation. Ther...
published: 03 Feb 2014
Irish Father's Priceless Reaction After Son Pretends To Fail His Driving Test
Irish Father's Priceless Reaction After Son Pretends To Fail His Driving Test
There is no feeling quite as satisfying as passing a test after hours of preparation. There is also nothing more enjoyable than arriving home and pretending to your supportive parents that you failed. That is exactly what Feilim Mchugh decided to do after passing his driving test. Earlier this afternoon the Co. Leitrim lad posted this video to his Facebook page, titled: "My Dads reaction to me "failing" my driving test, priceless..." Source: https://www.facebook.com/feilim.mchugh Video: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=620304264690197&set;=vb.100001318879366&type;=2&theater; Reddit: Irish dad's reaction to the news his son has "failed" his driving test IrıshMirror: Dad's reaction to son 'failing' driving test goes viral Felim McHugh secretly recorded his dad complaining that he'd failed his driving test and then uploaded it to Facebook- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 16883

Every Irish Wedding Ever | Republic of Telly
Republic of Telly - RTÉ TWO | Mondays | 9:30pm
For more go to http://www.facebook.com/rep...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Every Irish Wedding Ever | Republic of Telly
Every Irish Wedding Ever | Republic of Telly
Republic of Telly - RTÉ TWO | Mondays | 9:30pm For more go to http://www.facebook.com/republicoftelly https://twitter.com/republicoftelly and RTÉ Player http://www.rte.ie/player/- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 104300

Irish History in 6 Minutes - Manny Man Does The History of Ireland
Like Manny Man on Facebook: http://goo.gl/WrSqDW
Follow John D Ruddy on Twitter: http://tw...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Irish History in 6 Minutes - Manny Man Does The History of Ireland
Irish History in 6 Minutes - Manny Man Does The History of Ireland
Like Manny Man on Facebook: http://goo.gl/WrSqDW Follow John D Ruddy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/johndruddyactor Subscribe on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RudtheSpud Manny Man presents the history of Ireland condensed into 6 minutes! I hope this makes some history make more sense to yous! :D If yous want more videos, let me know! Be sure to find Manny Man Comic on Facebook!- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 20921

'Kiss Me, I'm Irish' In Real Life
Like the Stuart Edge FB page for cool stuff! http://bit.ly/stuartedgeFB We put the "Kiss M...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: Stuart Edge
'Kiss Me, I'm Irish' In Real Life
'Kiss Me, I'm Irish' In Real Life
Like the Stuart Edge FB page for cool stuff! http://bit.ly/stuartedgeFB We put the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" kiss to the test, and we got luc... er... got lots of...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 3061658
- author: Stuart Edge

Can Irish People Speak Irish?
SUBSCRIBE for the craic! http://www.youtube.com/Clisare
GRMA to JamesMitchellTV for film...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Can Irish People Speak Irish?
Can Irish People Speak Irish?
SUBSCRIBE for the craic! http://www.youtube.com/Clisare GRMA to JamesMitchellTV for filming this, check out his channel here: http://www.youtube.com/jamesmitchelltv I felt bad writing one of the translations, because it's literal (google) translation was different to how it would be understood in conversation so I wrote both. Before you ask, bhuail me LE MO chara is I MET my friend, she actually said Bhuail me mo chara so I HIT my friend. Easy mistake though in fairness. This was good craic but it wasn't to make a point. I know my Irish isn't perfect either, and some of the translations probably aren't spot on but blame Google for that because I double checked them all. It's all for a laugh. Bookmark me so you never miss an upload! http://bit.ly/WwhqDa STALK ME PLEASE: TWITTER! http://www.Twitter.com/Clisare FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Clisare INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/clisare TUMBLR: http://www.clisare.tumblr.com VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/clisarevlogs PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/Clisare TSHIRTS: http://www.clisare.spreadshirt.ie I'm a Yeousch director, check my videos out on their channel: http://www.youtube.com/Yeousch- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 4344

Irish Slang and Explanations 2
An educational video brought to you by, Goopery. Email: goopery@gmail.com Facebook: www.fa...
published: 22 Mar 2013
author: goopery
Irish Slang and Explanations 2
Irish Slang and Explanations 2
An educational video brought to you by, Goopery. Email: goopery@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/goopery Twitter: www.twitter.com/goopery Tumblr: goopery...- published: 22 Mar 2013
- views: 10530
- author: goopery

Clare will RT anyone who clicks this: http://bit.ly/1c4Tgbk
Have you ever noticed that th...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Clare will RT anyone who clicks this: http://bit.ly/1c4Tgbk Have you ever noticed that the GPS person can't pronounce Irish places? Well what would happen if there was an Irish voice option? Voiced by the effervescent TropperStopper: http://www.youtube.com/tropperstopper Subscribe for weekly videos: http://www.youtube.com/Clisare Second channel (vlogs): http://www.youtube.com/clisarevlogs Bookmark me so you never miss an upload! http://bit.ly/WwhqDa Find me online: BLOG: http://Clisare.com TWITTER! http://www.Twitter.com/Clisare INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/clisare TSHIRTS: http://www.clisare.spreadshirt.ie FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Clisare TUMBLR: http://www.clisare.tumblr.com- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 16715

MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - "Irish Celebration" (Official Music Video)
PRODUCED BY - Ryan Lewis VIOLIN - Andrew Joslyn TRUMPET - Owuor Arunga ADDITIONAL VOCALS -...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: Stephan Gray
MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - "Irish Celebration" (Official Music Video)
MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - "Irish Celebration" (Official Music Video)
PRODUCED BY - Ryan Lewis VIOLIN - Andrew Joslyn TRUMPET - Owuor Arunga ADDITIONAL VOCALS - Tim Haggerty, Noah Goldberg DIRECTOR: Stephan Gray DP - Ryan Purce...- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 11509890
- author: Stephan Gray
Youtube results:

ANGRY Irish Father | Hilarious Driving Test Prank
After seeing his father's reaction, it seems like this prankster son didn't have any choic...
published: 04 Feb 2014
ANGRY Irish Father | Hilarious Driving Test Prank
ANGRY Irish Father | Hilarious Driving Test Prank
After seeing his father's reaction, it seems like this prankster son didn't have any choice but to pass his driving test. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/JukinVideo LIKE us on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/JukinVideo FOLLOW us on TWITTER http://twitter.com/JukinVideo FOLLOW us on INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/JukinVideo REGISTER on our WEBSITE http://JukinVideo.com TO LICENSE THIS CLIP, GO TO: http://bit.ly/1elLj3I- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 2603

1st battalion Irish Guards
Report on young men from Eire serving in the Irish Guards. One of my favorite videos....
published: 13 Dec 2013
1st battalion Irish Guards
1st battalion Irish Guards
Report on young men from Eire serving in the Irish Guards. One of my favorite videos.- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 42

The Rumjacks - "An Irish Pub Song" Laughing Outlaw Records
http://www.BlankTV.com/ - The Rumjacks - "An Irish Pub Song" - Like this video? Come see t...
published: 23 Nov 2011
author: BlankTV
The Rumjacks - "An Irish Pub Song" Laughing Outlaw Records
The Rumjacks - "An Irish Pub Song" Laughing Outlaw Records
http://www.BlankTV.com/ - The Rumjacks - "An Irish Pub Song" - Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net's biggest, uncensored, completely d.i.y. p...- published: 23 Nov 2011
- views: 943879
- author: BlankTV

History of the Irish Language - Údarás na Gaeltachta.avi
An Údarás na Gaeltachta Video project....
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: Údarás Na Gaeltachta
History of the Irish Language - Údarás na Gaeltachta.avi
History of the Irish Language - Údarás na Gaeltachta.avi
An Údarás na Gaeltachta Video project.- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 51885
- author: Údarás Na Gaeltachta