Stiller Has (German for Silent Hare) are a musical trio founded 1989 in Bern, Switzerland. Considering themselves part of the Kleinkunst, or "small stage art" scene, they have nonetheless become a cult band across the German speaking part of Switzerland.
Stiller Has perform in Mundart, their native Bernese German, singing - as the Berner Zeitung put it - "about a piece of Switzerland that is paid little attention ... the middle country, the middle classes, the poor, the mediocre. ... Those that bitch about their fate, get drunk and get bitten in the butt by their own dog". The NZZ has assessed them as "the band that has described and sung about the existential orientation of Switzerland like no one else".
To date, Stiller Has have made numerous tours across Switzerland and released ten CDs. In 1995, they received the Salzburger Stier and the Deutscher Kleinkunstpreis, the two most notable small stage art awards in the German-speaking countries.
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heiligi chüe id pfanne ghoue
ha glück im spiel gha u päch ir liebi
ha luftschlösser u sandburge boue
aber es git ja ängle
ängle schwäbe über dir
we nüt meh louft gits geng no ängle
sie stöh diräkt näbe dir
u plötzlech
chunnt e so ne ängel derhär
aber der tüüfel
chunnt grad hindehär
ängle, ängle schwäbe über dir
ängle, sie stöh diräkt näbe dir
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aber es git ja ängle....
ängle, schwäbe über dir
ängle, sie stöh diräkt näbe dir
ängle,ängle zum glück
gits immer no ängle
sie stöi näbe dir
u plötzlech
chunnt e so ne ängel derhär
aber der tüüfel
chunnt grad hindehär
u plötzlech
chunnt e so ne ängel derhär
aber der tüüfel