
What The Ancients Did For Us: The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas (History Documentary)
What The Ancients Did For Us: The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas (History Documentary)
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published: 23 Sep 2013
What The Ancients Did For Us: The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas (History Documentary)
What The Ancients Did For Us: The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas (History Documentary)
What The Ancients Did For Us: The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas (History Documentary) Step back in time to discover how the world was shaped by the ancient Chinese, the Mesopotamians, the Arabs and even the Ancient Britons. Adam Hart-Davis presents an epic history of ancient inventions and is joined by his team of roving reporters on the move around the globe as they delve into the beginnings of civilization. Who invented beer, bread and the wheel? How did the Egyptians align the pyramids so accurately? Did you know the ancient Greeks measured the circumference of the earth, invented robots and the first computer? This epic new series begins in the Middle East with a set of amazing inventions from The Islamic World and the series finishes with the Britons. Along the way we will meet the Chinese, the Aztecs, Maya & Incas, the Romans, the Indians, the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, the Greeks. Nine programmes examining the military, technological, social, architectural and medical advances of each era and its peoples, What the Ancients Did for Us traces some of the defining moments in history and the key inventions that shaped our world today. THE AZTECS, MAYA, AND INCAS These three peoples lived in a vast area of modern-day Central and South America which incorporates coastal strips, hot and steamy jungles, savannah grassland and cold windy highlands. Though they spoke different languages, they had broadly similar cultures and they worshipped many of the same gods (although they gave them different names). They all used digging sticks, ate maize and beans, respected the number 13 and practised human sacrifice. Interestingly, although they developed the wheel as a toy, for some reason they didn't adapt it for other purposes. The Aztecs built their settlement in a swamp in what is now Mexico City and when the Spanish arrived they thought it more spectacular than Venice. The Aztecs were fantastic warriors but they were also excellent farmers: because they had stumbled on hydroponics, their floating fields produced an abundance of nutrients in the food they were growing. The Mayas built some of the tallest buildings of the ancient world without the use of the wheel, or even horses. The pyramid El Castillo in Chichen Itza is the Mayan calendar, literally set in stone. Each staircase has 91 steps which, when added to the single step at the main entrance to the temple, totals 365 steps. At sunset on the spring equinox, the great serpents' heads at the foot of the main staircase are joined to their tails by a "body" of shadow. They developed a very accurate calendar that could predict solar and lunar eclipses, transits of Venus and - most importantly - the coming of the rains and the time to plant.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 137

MAYA - Muzika fėja (Official video) 2013
MAYA - Muzika fėja
Pagaminta: http://www.VuRecords.lt
Muzika: Arvydas Martinėnas
Žodžiai: ...
published: 18 Sep 2013
MAYA - Muzika fėja (Official video) 2013
MAYA - Muzika fėja (Official video) 2013
MAYA - Muzika fėja Pagaminta: http://www.VuRecords.lt Muzika: Arvydas Martinėnas Žodžiai: Rūta Lukoševičiūtė Make up: Živilė Petroševičienė (C) VuRecords- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 15735

Maya - Vlora (Official Video HD)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ArkivaShqip Realizuar nga Max Production Producer and Ri...
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: ArkivaShqip
Maya - Vlora (Official Video HD)
Maya - Vlora (Official Video HD)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ArkivaShqip Realizuar nga Max Production Producer and Rightsholder: Maya.- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 523885
- author: ArkivaShqip

Maya Bazar
Subscribe for more T'Town Entertainment - http://goo.gl/XX91B Like us on Facebook - http:/...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: shalimarcinema
Maya Bazar
Maya Bazar
Subscribe for more T'Town Entertainment - http://goo.gl/XX91B Like us on Facebook - http://goo.gl/4TzYC Follow us on Twitter - http://goo.gl/VRmtZ During the...- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 5281
- author: shalimarcinema

Maya - Jedan Pravi [Official Artwork]
Music: Damir Handanović Lyrics: Saša Lazić Arrangement: D.K. Struja Directed Video by Deja...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: OfficialMayaYT
Maya - Jedan Pravi [Official Artwork]
Maya - Jedan Pravi [Official Artwork]
Music: Damir Handanović Lyrics: Saša Lazić Arrangement: D.K. Struja Directed Video by Dejan Milićević Artist: Maya Berović Album: Djevojka Sa Juga ©&℗ 2012. ...- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 3397994
- author: OfficialMayaYT

Maya De Bij - De fles van Willy
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: Maya De Bij Kanaal
Maya De Bij - De fles van Willy

Maya - Daar Heb Je Maya De Bij
Download de single op iTunes via http://bit.ly/DaarHebJeMayaDeBijITunes Ontdek meer van Ma...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: Studio 100
Maya - Daar Heb Je Maya De Bij
Maya - Daar Heb Je Maya De Bij
Download de single op iTunes via http://bit.ly/DaarHebJeMayaDeBijITunes Ontdek meer van Maya De Bij op http://www.maya.tv.- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 698722
- author: Studio 100

Maja de Bij - Maya leert vliegen - Deel 1
Deel 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIYmt46BgVE ----------------------- Maya leert vlie...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: MC Enterprise
Maja de Bij - Maya leert vliegen - Deel 1
Maja de Bij - Maya leert vliegen - Deel 1
Deel 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIYmt46BgVE ----------------------- Maya leert vliegen - Deel 1 ----------------------- Maya krijgt haar eerste vliegl...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 337774
- author: MC Enterprise

Der Maya Code DOKU ARTE 2013
Noch bis vor Kurzem war die Schrift der Maya ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln und der Zugang zu...
published: 04 Jul 2011
author: M3tatr0n2012
Der Maya Code DOKU ARTE 2013
Der Maya Code DOKU ARTE 2013
Noch bis vor Kurzem war die Schrift der Maya ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln und der Zugang zu einer der wichtigsten Zivilisationen der Menschheit blieb verschlo...- published: 04 Jul 2011
- views: 241181
- author: M3tatr0n2012

Autodesk Maya 2014 - Complete Soda Can Modeling
Autodesk Maya 2014 - Complete Soda Can Modeling Download Files : http://irvin390.weebly.co...
published: 26 May 2013
author: irvin390
Autodesk Maya 2014 - Complete Soda Can Modeling
Autodesk Maya 2014 - Complete Soda Can Modeling
Autodesk Maya 2014 - Complete Soda Can Modeling Download Files : http://irvin390.weebly.com/download-files.html In this video I go over how to model a comple...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 4523
- author: irvin390

Der Maya Kalender - Wie funktioniert er? [Doku deutsch]
Eine interessante Dokumentation über die wahre Bedeutung und Zeitrechnung der Mayas und ih...
published: 17 Oct 2013
Der Maya Kalender - Wie funktioniert er? [Doku deutsch]
Der Maya Kalender - Wie funktioniert er? [Doku deutsch]
Eine interessante Dokumentation über die wahre Bedeutung und Zeitrechnung der Mayas und ihrem Kalender. doku, doku deutsch, dokumentation, dokumentation deutsch, doku 2013, doku 2014, maya kalender, maya kalender 2013, maya kalender 2014, maya kalender erklärung, maya kalender doku, maya kalender weltuntergang, doku maya code, doku maya kalender, dokumentation maya, dokumentation mayas, der maya code, der maya kalender, der maya code doku arte 2013, der maya code arte- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 5

Maya De Bij - De Maya Dans
Download De Maya Dans op iTunes: http://go.studio100.eu/DeMayaDansITunes
Leer hier de dans...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Maya De Bij - De Maya Dans
Maya De Bij - De Maya Dans
Download De Maya Dans op iTunes: http://go.studio100.eu/DeMayaDansITunes Leer hier de danspajes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKl9ZcG6eQQ- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 11336

National Geographic Live! - Palenque and the Ancient Maya World
Archaeologists and National Geographic grantees George and David Stuart offer keen insight...
published: 22 Aug 2011
author: NationalGeographic
National Geographic Live! - Palenque and the Ancient Maya World
National Geographic Live! - Palenque and the Ancient Maya World
Archaeologists and National Geographic grantees George and David Stuart offer keen insights into the art and culture of the Mayans.- published: 22 Aug 2011
- views: 98666
- author: NationalGeographic
Vimeo results:

This is a short film (a fast paced preview of our new book about Trillions) by MAYA Design...
published: 02 Nov 2009
author: MAYA Design
This is a short film (a fast paced preview of our new book about Trillions) by MAYA Design created to put some perspective on the invisible but fast approaching challenges and opportunities in the pervasive computing age.
Want to learn more about the future of the future and how we'll not only survive but thrive? Trillions, the book is now available in hardcover and kindle versions at Amazon, at Barnes and Nobles, and on iTunes. http://trillions.maya.com
For more information please visit: http://www.maya.com/practices/research

This is a short film by MAYA Design about architecture in its broadest sense. This film is...
published: 16 Feb 2009
author: MAYA Design
This is a short film by MAYA Design about architecture in its broadest sense. This film is a companion piece to our film about information. If you'd like to understand how architecture will drive profound changes in the world as we enter the era of pervasive computing (some call it the "Internet of Things"), pre-order our new book! Want to learn more about the future of the future and how we'll not only survive but thrive? Order the book!
Just want a taste, visit: http://www.maya.com/the-feed/what-is-information-architecture

MIA TEASER mayafan.tumblr.com
published: 07 Jul 2013
author: MAYA FAN
MIA TEASER mayafan.tumblr.com

This is a short film by MAYA Design about information. Although most of us think we know w...
published: 16 Feb 2009
author: MAYA Design
This is a short film by MAYA Design about information. Although most of us think we know what we mean when we say "information," we sometimes confuse the medium with the message. This is a companion piece to our film about architecture. Want to learn how the future will be radically changed by Information? Pre-order our new book! Want to learn more about the future of the future and how we'll not only survive but thrive? Order the book!
Just want a taste? visit http://www.maya.com/the-feed/what-is-information-architecture
Youtube results:

Lost King of the Maya
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ - In an ancient Mayan arena, enemies of notorious King Yax K...
published: 27 Mar 2009
author: PBS
Lost King of the Maya
Lost King of the Maya
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ - In an ancient Mayan arena, enemies of notorious King Yax KÕuk Mo square off in a ball game that appears much like modern socc...- published: 27 Mar 2009
- views: 174742
- author: PBS

Autodesk Maya 2013: Dynamics
Maya nHair More realistic hair and other curve-based dynamics are now possible with the ne...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: Autodesk
Autodesk Maya 2013: Dynamics
Autodesk Maya 2013: Dynamics
Maya nHair More realistic hair and other curve-based dynamics are now possible with the new Maya® nHair module for the Maya® Nucleus unified simulation frame...- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 252292
- author: Autodesk

UFOTV® Presents - Super Science of the MAYA - Beyond Space & Time
(3-HOURS) UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Posted by permission only! Now presenting a totall...
published: 17 Sep 2013
UFOTV® Presents - Super Science of the MAYA - Beyond Space & Time
UFOTV® Presents - Super Science of the MAYA - Beyond Space & Time
(3-HOURS) UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Posted by permission only! Now presenting a totally new perspective about the very nature of reality and our ancient past. In this amazing program Mayan researcher Ian Xel Lungold presents new discoveries about how the Maya centered their civilization around a "Super Science" that included a reality and concept of time they believed was the unfoldment principle for consciousness, galaxies, life, history and even creation itself. This program includes amazing new discoveries, expert analyses and fascinating facts about this secret, ancient and advanced culture. Exhilarating ideas and fascinating facts for both the scientific and spiritually minded. In Loving Memory of Ian Xel Lungold, 1949 - 2005, and his Contributions to Mayan Studies. Advertising Proceeds go to Ian's Family. NOW ON DVD - LOST SECRETS OF THE MAYA - 3-HOUR 2-DVD SPECIAL EDITION, Cat# K654. Go to http://www.UFOTV.com. ©2005-2013 The Lungold Family & UFOTV®, a UFO Video, Inc. Company.- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 9858