Category Archives: Open Notebook

My thoughts on this process, this site and where I’m headed.

Chapter 85: In Which My Blog Expands Ever-So-Slightly

If you’ve read the entries in my Open Notebook, you know that I began sharing my writing via this blog to cultivate that tiny creative spark inside me that still lives. While I am my target audience, as my tagline indicates, I do admit to the occasional bit of vanity when I know that someone else reads my stuff.

I am excited-like-my-niece-at-a-Twilight-release-party to share that my humble little creation- this blog- now shares a reciprocal link with a website that I read daily- Popehat. I realize that in the grand scheme of the Interwebz this is not a reality-shaking event. But it is to me.

As an aside, I’d point out that the site shares many of my libertarian perspectives. I consistently come down on the same side of the argument that most of the site’s posts do. And in any case, it’s just cool to see my website linked to theirs. 

I’d also like to point out that the left sidebar of my website now includes a “Blogroll” section. Please take a moment to check out that site. Support the creators that keep the content flowing through these tubes. Popehat is my first reciprocal link and, as such, will always share a special place in my heart. However- as I’ve already shared with Ken- I will not blog about ponies

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Scratch That Itch!

I just wrote!

Nothing dramatic- but an idea I’ve had brewing for a few weeks. And for a few weeks, I’ve been thinking about it every day then finding a boatload of excuses not to start writing.

But this morning, as I was about 20 pages deep into the history of a blog that I follow, I realized that I was just killing time instead of working on my own stuff. It’s almost 10 am and the day’s schedule is starting to intrude. Everything indicated I was on track to have yet another day that I’d look back on and think, “Well, I didn’t write today. Maybe tomorrow.”

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Filed under Open Notebook

Well, sh*t…

Hey there- been a while! That’s on me. I haven’t been writing much lately. I seem to have this 400-ton block sitting squarely on that little bit of creative muscle that I’ve got. I need to break out of this inactivity- and I think someone just kicked me in the ass.

For about as long as I’ve been trying to pursue this creative exercise, I’ve been following another blogger that seems to be on a similar journey- pursuing a deep dream to write that great story inside of us. I’ve enjoyed his stuff, even when I’ve been quietly lurking in the shadows. Check him out at

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Thoughts on the Morning After

July 1st, 2012

Well, June has come and gone with barely an acknowledgment as it whisked through the door. My 30 Days of Write challenge has ended. How did I do? If you recall, my challenge had two parts:

  • I will post every day in the month of June.
  • Also, by the end of the month I will have Story Blue, aka The Third String, in a readable state.

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Filed under Open Notebook

Great Deal on a Nook Tablet!

Groupon is offering a great deal on refurbished Nook Tablets (16GB) for $169! Although the ad indicates this is 15% off the list price, they appear to be referring to the list price of a 8 GB Tablet. Barnes & Noble sells the 16GB Tablets for $249- which is better than 30% off!

I’ve had my Tablet for a few months now and love it. I don’t normally post things like this but I love the Nook products and think this a deal worth passing along. It looks like this is a deal for today so act quickly if you’re interested!

Although it is a refurbished unit, the details specifically indicate that you get the full 1 year B&N warranty.


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