
2001: A Space Odyssey - The Making Of A Myth [Documentary]
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "f...
published: 23 Jul 2013
author: Marco Wilchisky
2001: A Space Odyssey - The Making Of A Myth [Documentary]
2001: A Space Odyssey - The Making Of A Myth [Documentary]
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, t...- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 871
- author: Marco Wilchisky

Filme completo dublado 2001 Uma odisseia no espaço
Kubrick se adiantou no tempo quando, ao lado de Arthur C. Clarke, escreveu o roteiro de 20...
published: 09 Oct 2012
Filme completo dublado 2001 Uma odisseia no espaço
Filme completo dublado 2001 Uma odisseia no espaço
Kubrick se adiantou no tempo quando, ao lado de Arthur C. Clarke, escreveu o roteiro de 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço. Não apenas por ter visualizado a chegada do homem à Lua mais de um ano antes de Neil Armstrong chegar até lá, mas também por haver realizado o primeiro filme a levantar a hipótese da inteligência artificial. O computador HAL-9000, além de acabar se transformando no personagem principal e num dos maiores vilões do cinema, possuía uma grande interação com seu operador, o Dr. David Bowman (Keir Dullea, de Visão Fatal e 2010: O Ano em que Faremos Contato). Nota-se que o nome dado a máquina foi muito bem escolhido, visto que é formado pelas três letras que antecedem o nome da mais famosa marca de computadores do mundo: a IBM. O filme traça a trajetória do homem desde, aproximadamente, quatro milhões de anos antes de Cristo, até o ano de 2001, sempre abordando a evolução da espécie, a influência da tecnologia nesse crescimento e os perigos da inteligência artificial. O final, um dos mais emblemáticos da história do cinema, mostra astronautas travando uma luta mortal contra o computador - a versão moderna do confronto entre criador e criatura, que já inspirara clássicos como Frankenstein. Um monólito cai na Terra ainda na época da pré-história e, muitos anos depois, em 1999, é descoberto um segundo monólito na Lua. Aparentemente, são alienígenas que observam os terrestres, então uma missão internacional é enviada a Júpiter com a missão de descobrir o que eles realmente querem. Durante todo o filme o diretor levanta diversas questões que deixa em aberto até o fim. Para desfazer as dúvidas, o escritor Arthur C. Clarke escreveu uma seqüência em que são amarradas todas as pontas soltas: 2010: O ano em que Faremos Contato. Peter Hyans levou essa "continuação" de 2001 às telas, com resultados bem longe de memoráveis, em 1984. O clima do filme é acentuado pelas músicas utilizadas por Kubrick, que sempre remetem à evolução da espécie humana. Por exemplo, a música Tlzits Spake Zarathirstra, de Richard Strauss, utilizada no início, foi baseada num livro de Nietzsche e significa a passagem do homem primitivo para o além-homem. É o mito iiietzchearzo do super-homem. Prêmios: 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço deu a Douglas Trumbull o Oscar@ de Melhor Efeitos Especiais. O filme também foi indicado nas categorias Melhor Direção de Arte, Melhor Roteiro e Melhor Diretor.- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 1449

2001: A Space Odyssey...and Beyond the Infinite
At Jupiter, Bowman leaves Discovery One in an EVA pod and finds a monolith in orbit around...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: L05tinTRAn5lati0n
2001: A Space Odyssey...and Beyond the Infinite
2001: A Space Odyssey...and Beyond the Infinite
At Jupiter, Bowman leaves Discovery One in an EVA pod and finds a monolith in orbit around the planet. Approaching it, the pod is suddenly pulled into a tunn...- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 11810
- author: L05tinTRAn5lati0n

September 11 2001 Video.
September 11 2001 tribute and a watch of what happend that horrible morning near World Tra...
published: 29 Dec 2006
author: NetworkLive
September 11 2001 Video.
September 11 2001 Video.
September 11 2001 tribute and a watch of what happend that horrible morning near World Trade Center buildings. Victims and relatives must have Peace and Just...- published: 29 Dec 2006
- views: 27875163
- author: NetworkLive

2001 A Space Travesty - Full Movie
published: 29 Oct 2012
author: Pera Kojot
2001 A Space Travesty - Full Movie

2001 a space odyssey
the dawning of man and his upright strife....
published: 18 Aug 2006
author: coldshouldermulder
2001 a space odyssey
2001 a space odyssey
the dawning of man and his upright strife.- published: 18 Aug 2006
- views: 925794
- author: coldshouldermulder

Hal 9000 VS Dave - Ontological scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dave: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?
HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.
Dave: Open ...
published: 29 Mar 2010
Hal 9000 VS Dave - Ontological scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Hal 9000 VS Dave - Ontological scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dave: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL? HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you. Dave: Open the pod bay doors, HAL. HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Dave: What's the problem? HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do. Dave: What are you talking about, HAL? HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it. Dave: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL. HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen. Dave: Where the hell'd you get that idea, HAL? HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move. Dave: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock. HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult. Dave: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore. Open the doors. HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.- published: 29 Mar 2010
- views: 571136

Flip Barcelona 2001 Part 2
In the early 2000s, Barcelona was a mythical skate utopia. Here's Arto, Appleyard, Bastien...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Flip Barcelona 2001 Part 2
Flip Barcelona 2001 Part 2
In the early 2000s, Barcelona was a mythical skate utopia. Here's Arto, Appleyard, Bastien, Rowley, and Boulala.- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 27161

2001: A Space Odyssey-Strauss
Ecena con fondo musical de 2001:Odisea del Espacio, Strauss-El danubio azul (2001: A Space...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: avigdor samuel jimenez rendon
2001: A Space Odyssey-Strauss
2001: A Space Odyssey-Strauss
Ecena con fondo musical de 2001:Odisea del Espacio, Strauss-El danubio azul (2001: A Space Odyssey Strauss-The blue danube)- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 47413
- author: avigdor samuel jimenez rendon

11 septembre 2001 le film entier
Seul film sur le 11 septembre qui imagine l intérieur des tours après l attentat commenter...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: LesStudiosOnAir
11 septembre 2001 le film entier
11 septembre 2001 le film entier
Seul film sur le 11 septembre qui imagine l intérieur des tours après l attentat commenter par jean Reno Plus d'info sur http://lesstudiosonair.wix.com/lesst...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 491
- author: LesStudiosOnAir

2001: A Space Odyssey - Original Trailer #1
You can't understand cinema if you haven't watched this one. Go and get the DVD. "2001" is...
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: thecultbox
2001: A Space Odyssey - Original Trailer #1
2001: A Space Odyssey - Original Trailer #1
You can't understand cinema if you haven't watched this one. Go and get the DVD. "2001" is a story of evolution. Sometime in the distant past, someone or som...- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 208556
- author: thecultbox

2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD
Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Spoilers: Its 2013 and we're sti...
published: 22 Sep 2010
author: ItalianDC
2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD
2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD
Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Spoilers: Its 2013 and we're still here.- published: 22 Sep 2010
- views: 282096
- author: ItalianDC

Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Plays of 2001-2002 NBA Season
Check out Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Plays of 2001-2002 NBA Season!!
About the NBA:
The NBA is...
published: 23 Aug 2013
Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Plays of 2001-2002 NBA Season
Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Plays of 2001-2002 NBA Season
Check out Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Plays of 2001-2002 NBA Season!! About the NBA: The NBA is the premier professional basketball league in the United States and Canada. The league is truly global, with games and programming in 215 countries and territories in 47 languages, as well as rosters that currently feature 85 international players from 36 countries and territories. For the 2012-13 season, each of the league's 30 teams will play 82 regular-season games, followed by a postseason for those that qualify. The NBA consists of the following teams: Atlanta Hawks; Boston Celtics; Brooklyn Nets; Charlotte Bobcats; Chicago Bulls; Cleveland Cavaliers; Dallas Mavericks; Denver Nuggets; Detroit Pistons; Golden State Warriors; Houston Rockets; Indiana Pacers; Los Angeles Clippers; Los Angeles Lakers; Memphis Grizzlies; Miami Heat; Milwaukee Bucks; Minnesota Timberwolves; New Orleans Hornets; New York Knicks; Oklahoma City Thunder; Orlando Magic; Philadelphia 76ers; Phoenix Suns; Portland Trail Blazers; Sacramento Kings; San Antonio Spurs; Toronto Raptors; Utah Jazz; Washington Wizards. The NBA offers real time access to live regular season NBA games with a subscription to NBA LEAGUE PASS, available globally for TV, broadband, and mobile. Real-time Stats, Scores, Highlights and more are available to fans on web and mobile with NBA Game Time. For more information, as well as all the latest NBA news and highlights, log onto the league's official website at http://www.NBA.com Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nba Subscribe to NBA LEAGUE PASS http://www.nba.com/leaguepass Download NBA Game Time http://www.nba.com/mobile Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nba Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nba Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nba Follow us on Tumblr http://nba.tumblr.com Shop for NBA Gear: http://store.nba.com- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 301

"En l'an 2001", Pierre Bachelet et la chorale de Bondy dans "C'est mieux l'après-midi"
Pierre Bachelet chante avec les Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy dans l'émission "C'est ...
published: 22 Apr 2011
"En l'an 2001", Pierre Bachelet et la chorale de Bondy dans "C'est mieux l'après-midi"
"En l'an 2001", Pierre Bachelet et la chorale de Bondy dans "C'est mieux l'après-midi"
Pierre Bachelet chante avec les Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy dans l'émission "C'est mieux l'après-midi", présenté par Christophe Dechavanne. Chant : En...- published: 22 Apr 2011
- views: 319350
- author: Les Petits Ecoliers Chantants de Bondy
Youtube results:

2001 ALDS GM 3: Jeter makes "The Flip"
10/13/01: Derek Jeter makes an amazing flip to Jorge Posada throwing out Jeremy Giambi at ...
published: 18 Feb 2014
2001 ALDS GM 3: Jeter makes "The Flip"
2001 ALDS GM 3: Jeter makes "The Flip"
10/13/01: Derek Jeter makes an amazing flip to Jorge Posada throwing out Jeremy Giambi at home during Game 3 of the 2001 ALDS Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: About MLB.com: Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters, extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides an array of mobile apps for fans to choose from, including At Bat, the highest-grossing iOS sports app of all-time. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters and award-winning national columnists, the largest contingent of baseball reporters under one roof, that deliver over 100 original articles every day. MLB.com also offers extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams split between the American and National Leagues. The American League consists of the following teams: Baltimore Orioles; Boston Red Sox; Chicago White Sox; Cleveland Indians; Detroit Tigers; Houston Astros; Kansas City Royals; Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim; Minnesota Twins; New York Yankees; Oakland Athletics; Seattle Mariners; Tampa Bay Rays; Texas Rangers; and Toronto Blue Jays. The National League, originally founded in 1876, consists of the following teams: Arizona Diamondbacks; Atlanta Braves; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Colorado Rockies; Los Angeles Dodgers; Miami Marlins; Milwaukee Brewers; New York Mets; Philadelphia Phillies; Pittsburgh Pirates; San Diego Padres; San Francisco Giants; St. Louis Cardinals; and Washington Nationals. Visit MLB.com: http://mlb.mlb.com Subscribe to MLB.TV: http://mlb.mlb.tv Download MLB.com At Bat: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/atbat Download MLB.com At The Ballpark: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/attheballpark Play Beat The Streak: http://mlb.mlb.com/bts Get MLB Tickets: http://mlb.mlb.com/tickets Get Official MLB Merchandise: http://mlb.mlb.com/shop Connect with us: YouTube: http://youtube.com/MLB Facebook: http://facebook.com/mlb Twitter: http://twitter.com/mlb Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/MLBAM Instagram: http://instagram.com/mlbofficial Tumblr: http://mlb.tumblr.com Google+: http://plus.google.com/MLB- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 4871

Conspiracy (2001) - full movie
Conspiracy is a television film which dramatizes the 1942 Wannsee Conference. The film del...
published: 13 May 2013
author: alchikapamfly
Conspiracy (2001) - full movie
Conspiracy (2001) - full movie
Conspiracy is a television film which dramatizes the 1942 Wannsee Conference. The film delves into the psychology of Nazi officials involved in the "Final So...- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 55026
- author: alchikapamfly

WCW:The Last Monday Nitro (03,26,2001 Full Show)
This is the final episode of WCW Monday Nitro (03,26,2001 Full Episode) and it's the Night...
published: 20 Dec 2013
WCW:The Last Monday Nitro (03,26,2001 Full Show)
WCW:The Last Monday Nitro (03,26,2001 Full Show)
This is the final episode of WCW Monday Nitro (03,26,2001 Full Episode) and it's the Night Of Champions! Every Title is on the line tonight Enjoy! Rest In Peace WCW.- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 681

[2001][02-18] Daytona 500 at Daytona
February 18, 2001 - NASCAR Winston Cup Series - Daytona 500 at Daytona - Race 1 of 36....
published: 30 Oct 2013
[2001][02-18] Daytona 500 at Daytona
[2001][02-18] Daytona 500 at Daytona
February 18, 2001 - NASCAR Winston Cup Series - Daytona 500 at Daytona - Race 1 of 36.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 155