
Make WordPress Core

Opened 5 weeks ago

Last modified 4 days ago

#27055 new task (blessed)

Themes Install Screen: introduce THX (Backbone powered) UX

Reported by: matveb Owned by:
Milestone: 3.9 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: trunk
Component: Themes Keywords: needs-patch
Focuses: administration Cc:


Start working on porting the work from THX (in core since 3.8) to the install screen. This time, let's try to work early on in tickets so when/if merge comes we are better prepared.

First steps are to reuse the JS from theme.js with minimal changes to support the admin screen. We'll probably discover improvements to make to the core JS. Once the UX is in place let's work on adding whatever missing functionality.

Attachments (14)

27055.1.diff (16.4 KB) - added by matveb 5 weeks ago.
Prototype using theme.js Backbone code and UI design
27055.2.diff (20.9 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.3.diff (25.0 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.4.diff (25.8 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.5.diff (29.0 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.6.diff (29.4 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.7.diff (29.6 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
theme-install-details.png (496.0 KB) - added by matveb 3 weeks ago.
27055.8.diff (29.8 KB) - added by matveb 2 weeks ago.
Making ajax request a bit more robust.
27055.9.diff (31.5 KB) - added by gcorne 6 days ago.
27055.context.patch (1.6 KB) - added by SergeyBiryukov 6 days ago.
add-theme-search-clobber.png (535.2 KB) - added by bpetty 4 days ago.
Search box clobbers other UI
Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 17.44.52.png (12.2 KB) - added by avryl 4 days ago.
Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 19.59.31.png (9.6 KB) - added by avryl 4 days ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (43)

matveb5 weeks ago

Prototype using theme.js Backbone code and UI design

comment:1 matveb5 weeks ago

First patch sets up the app structure in theme.js and the relevant data to handle in Backbone. The code weight to make the JS work is minimal, with no hacks of the main themes.php JS — it just extends the relevant views and includes specific template files to theme-install.php.

Note: this.searchContainer can be separated into an atomic ticket if desired, it makes it so that choosing where to put the search becomes trivial.

Reference of how it currently looks: https://cloudup.com/cttZQAbl4OJ

Sorting (featured, popular, new) are working, filters are not. Consider this a first prototype.

comment:2 SergeyBiryukov5 weeks ago

  • Component changed from Appearance to Themes
  • Focuses administration added

comment:3 helen3 weeks ago

You'll want to refresh the patch - I split up wp-admin.css, so hopefully everything (or close to) done here as far as CSS goes should be in wp-admin/css/themes.css. The more of that file you can get rid of, the happier I will be :)

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:4 matveb3 weeks ago

Updated patch includes:

  • Moved CSS to css/themes.css.
  • Added search functionality from api.wordpress.org/themes and a general purpose Ajax request object for accessing the API. The data is then passed to the main Collection.
  • Search supports an author:query input to get all the results from a theme author — idea here could be to use the author field from the detailed view to link to ?search=author:query giving users a quick way to browse themes by a given author.
  • Improved styles. (Ratings with half stars using dashicons.)
  • Added 'upload theme' section bound to the button.

Next up — hook our Collection pagination with API pagination so we have infinite scroll. Finish the filters section. Add GET actions for installing/preview, etc.

Last edited 3 weeks ago by matveb (previous) (diff)

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:5 matveb3 weeks ago

Patch .3:

  • Unified sorts and top-filters appearance for a cleaner interface.
  • Filter queries now work: example Photography and Responsive at top level.
  • Theme results added to the Collection means IS works by default when you return >~ 20 themes, as well as the overlay and arrow navigation.
  • Adds a "More" link to display more filters.
  • Adds Model action attributes for Install and Preview.
  • Installing a theme now works fine, but changes check_admin_referer in update.php.
  • ?theme=undefined when opening overlay is fixed.
  • Adds theme count.
  • Adds error message when Ajax request fails.
  • Uses correct spinner with span + class.

To-do and problems:

  • Make preview action work.
  • Upload Button event sometimes fails.
  • Ajax request is failing intermittently — add better error handling and try again.
  • Clean up error log once a new request is initialized.
  • Add tag:query support for search input.
  • Add the missing filters to "more" section.

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:6 matveb3 weeks ago

Updated patch to play nicely with r27268.

  • Adds new routes for install screen, including ?sort=sortBy.
  • Makes routing events system extendable by providing an extraRoutes function.

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:7 matveb3 weeks ago

Patch .5:

  • Adds Preview functionality as a new themes.view.Preview Backbone view with its own template.

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:8 matveb3 weeks ago

Patch .6 notes:

  • Show how many votes contributed to a theme rating.
  • Display tags on the templates when we have them.
  • Bump amount of themes that are bootstrapped.

comment:9 ircbot3 weeks ago

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by nacin. View the logs.

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:10 matveb3 weeks ago

Patch .7:

  • Cleans up some interface (error messages stacking) elements on failed and success Ajax requests.
  • Clean up some unused CSS.


  • Some events seem to be firing twice — which explains some wonkiness when searching (a delayed stack applies an old reset on the collection) and may also explain some of the intermittent Ajax request failures.

matveb3 weeks ago

comment:11 matveb3 weeks ago

Posting image as reference of what details we are currently displaying on theme overlays.

matveb2 weeks ago

Making ajax request a bit more robust.

comment:12 ircbot10 days ago

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by gcorne. View the logs.

gcorne6 days ago

comment:13 gcorne6 days ago

@matveb, I really enjoy the improved design!

Took a quick pass in 27055.9.diff to tighten up the javascript and make a few improvements.

  • Removed the unused 'tag' field from the query. Doing so dramatically sped up the API calls (going from 2-7 seconds to more like 280 ms).
  • Switched to https for the client-side API calls
  • Switched to inheritance, new objects, or lightly adding new methods to existing constructors instead of overwriting methods/properties on-the-fly
  • Fixed issue where infinite scroll wasn't working in some cases such as the "latest" and "popular" filters
  • Made a jshint pass.
  • Fixed up the router a bit to be more inline with how themes.php works.

While making this pass, I came up with some things that I think still need to be done:

  • Use the same treatment for themes that are already installed as themes.php
  • Finish up the "More" filters
  • Carefully think through what data coming from the API needs to be escaped.

comment:14 nacin6 days ago

In 27499:

Bring the theme browsing experience from 3.8 to the theme installer. First pass.

props matveb with assists from me and gcorne.
see #27055.

comment:15 nacin6 days ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.9
  • Type changed from enhancement to task (blessed)

comment:16 SergeyBiryukov6 days ago

Getting a notice on Add Themes screen:

Notice: Undefined variable: paged in wp-admin/theme-install.php on line 148

$paged was previously set in WP_Theme_Install_List_Table::prepare_items():

comment:17 SergeyBiryukov6 days ago

We now use "Latest" string in two different contexts. The first instance is in update_right_now_message().

We need to split these strings for proper i18n, see 27055.context.patch.

comment:18 SergeyBiryukov6 days ago

Also, some filters lack i18n (probably because the section is not finished yet):

comment:19 follow-up: melchoyce6 days ago

I have a couple comments/observations on this — should I leave them here, or make a new ticket?

comment:20 matveb6 days ago

@gcorne Nice improvements. A couple things:

  • It seems we lost the bootstrapped data for the sorting views (featured, popular, newest).
  • The ?theme route opens the preview view instead of the details overlay. It seems that was intended with "Details and Preview" but that prevents us from using these views, which are way faster for browsing than loading the preview, and benefits from the arrow navigation. It's also more consistent with the way themes.php work. I would keep the preview as the secondary action.

comment:21 in reply to: ↑ 19 ; follow-up: matveb6 days ago

Replying to melchoyce:

I have a couple comments/observations on this — should I leave them here, or make a new ticket?

Here is fine! This is our first pass.

comment:22 in reply to: ↑ 21 ; follow-up: melchoyce6 days ago

Replying to matveb:

Here is fine! This is our first pass.


I keep getting a weird loading issue on the preview screen: https://cloudup.com/ccY16iSwtde Here's a video I took of myself using it, you can see it pop up around halfway through: https://cloudup.com/cB0POiHuCjo

Also noticed that when you open, then close, the "more" filter option, it stays highlighted: https://cloudup.com/cSXrjzHrBdY (Since it also removes the underline on the filter you're currently viewing when you open the menu, there's no way to know which filter you're viewing after you close the menu.)

Lastly, it looks like both the "install" and "preview" buttons bring up the preview panel. This isn't what I'd expect to happen when I click "install".

comment:23 in reply to: ↑ 22 matveb6 days ago

Replying to melchoyce:

Lastly, it looks like both the "install" and "preview" buttons bring up the preview panel. This isn't what I'd expect to happen when I click "install".

Yes, this got wonky. Clicking on the theme should open the details-view (like themes.php), "Install" should install (like "Activate" in themes.php) and "Preview" should open the preview-view (like "Customize" and "Preview" in themes.php).

comment:24 bpetty4 days ago

The "upload theme" screen needs to be tacked onto the history stack, and properly closed on hitting back.

bpetty4 days ago

Search box clobbers other UI

comment:25 ocean904 days ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added

Since we currently don't plan a no-js version we should hide most parts of the screen and make at least ZIP upload work.

comment:26 DH-Shredder4 days ago

Couple things:
First, the number on the screen -- while comparable to the number on the Themes screen -- seems slightly confusing at first visit. When I saw it for the first time, especially when it pops from 0 to 7 -- my first thought was "what is this number that is changing in the upper left?"

Do we need the count (especially at that size) -- at the top of the screen? Does it matter to users how many total there are in the result, since it's infinite scroll anyway? For me, it'd mostly just matter to know when I hit the end of the results. Presuming we keep the count, it might help to wait to set it until we know the initial value.

Second, with routing: If you visit any of the sections where there are more than one "page" worth of results, then preview, and hit back -- the address changes, but the browser doesn't change your view and close the preview. If you visit more than one preview, then exit, you have to hit back multiple times to get back to the "Installed Themes" view. I haven't had a chance to track it down entirely yet, but if I do, I'll post back with a patch.

comment:27 avryl4 days ago

Just wondering, but why not use the standard tabs (screenshot above)?

comment:28 avryl4 days ago

And, I think, buttons next to the heading should be styled as above.

comment:29 ircbot4 days ago

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by nacin. View the logs.

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