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Jeremy Herve

· jeremyherve.com

WordPress addict, Internet junkie. You have been warned. You can find out more about me at jeremyherve.com, follow @jeherve on Twitter, or add me on Google+.


All geeky gadgets, TV Series, and WordPress of course!


Jeremy's Activity

  • Posted a reply to "Photon: Please add flush cache option OR bypass in template", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @pazzaglia Could you please post a link to the Photon image here, or send us…

    16 hours ago

  • Closed ticket #2052, in Plugins Trac:
    Twitter Cards: handle plugin conflicts separately from OG tags

    4 days ago

  • Posted a reply to "Jetpack for Super Admins only", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    remove_menu_page( 'jetpack' ); works, but you'll need to hook it to admin_init to make sure…

    6 days ago

  • Closed ticket #1991, in Plugins Trac:
    Carousel: layout breaks on mobile when device is rotated

    6 days ago

  • Posted a reply to "New Post Email to Subscribers coming from wordpress.com and not blog name", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @nicolelennox Could you please start your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome? http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack#postform You…

    6 days ago

  • Posted a reply to "JetPack Slideshow Gallery Issue", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @farsite281 Could you please start your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome? http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack#postform Thank…

    7 days ago

  • Posted a reply to "4 column mosaic gallery", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    No you can't fix it by adjusting content width (which I already did before even…

    1 week ago

  • Posted a reply to "4 column mosaic gallery", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Adjusting content width merely increases individual image sizes in the mosaic gallery.There should be an…

    1 week ago

  • Closed ticket #2050, in Plugins Trac:
    Widget Visibility: improve compatibility with bbPress' Forums root

    1 week ago

  • Posted a reply to "Comments,likes not working on localhost", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    With your advices out of 32 plugins i can activate 12 plugins. Tell me just…

    2 weeks ago

  • Posted a reply to "Comments,likes not working on localhost", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    What Infinite Scroll has to do with wordpress.org. I cannot activate it. Once you activate…

    2 weeks ago

  • Posted a reply to "Thumbs size for Tops posts & pages widget", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Try adding a width parameter to the CSS, like so: #sidebar_primary .widgets-list-layout .widgets-list-layout-blavatar{max-width:300px;width:100%;}

    2 weeks ago

  • Posted a reply to "Thumbs size for Tops posts & pages widget", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    It seems your sidebar is organized a bit differently. Try with the following CSS instead:…

    2 weeks ago

  • Closed ticket #2037, in Plugins Trac:
    Featured Content: move all controls into Customizer

    2 weeks ago

  • Closed ticket #1809, in Plugins Trac:
    Publicize: Facebook doesn't list Pages I manage anymore

    4 weeks ago

  • Created a new ticket, #27144, in Core Trac:
    Network Site Settings: add a pretty name to avoid confusions

    4 weeks ago

  • Closed ticket #1854, in Plugins Trac:
    Tiled Galleries: "Links to:" options not respected

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #2152, in Plugins Trac:
    Jetpack: missing closing div for Recent Posts widget output when no posts ...

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #2027, in Plugins Trac:
    Contact Form: add an "Empty Spam" option

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #1830, in Plugins Trac:
    Stats - error: array_intersect() [function.array-intersect] in stats.php, ...

    1 month ago

  • Created a topic, Tiled Galleries: Alt attributes, part 2, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #2145, in Plugins Trac:
    After the Deadline: update autosave handling

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #1768, in Plugins Trac:
    Jetpack's jQuery Spin conflicts with Mootools' Spinner

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #1739, in Plugins Trac:
    Infinite scroll: don't use the query var 'page' as it may lead to ...

    1 month ago

  • Closed ticket #1736, in Plugins Trac:
    Contact form: handle square brackets in input fieds

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1735, in Plugins Trac:
    Using the same field names on a Contact form causes only the 2nd one to be ...

    2 months ago

  • Reopened ticket #1854, in Plugins Trac:
    Tiled Galleries: "Links to:" options not respected

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #2017, in Plugins Trac:
    Custom CSS: Notice when WP_DEBUG is set to true

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1821, in Plugins Trac:
    Publicize to Tumblr doesn't publish Photosets

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1933, in Plugins Trac:
    Publicize: iframe code is being removed

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #2007, in Plugins Trac:
    Stats: hide the sparkline on mobile

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #2006, in Plugins Trac:
    Unnecessary title attributes

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1973, in Plugins Trac:
    Sharing: Official Digg button throws a javascript error

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1999, in Plugins Trac:
    Custom CSS: show_all_rev doesn't return all revisions anymore

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1962, in Plugins Trac:
    Widget Visibility: choosing the "Page Name" rather than Posts page

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1902, in Plugins Trac:
    Omnisearch: Warning notice in the module description

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1868, in Plugins Trac:
    Sharing / Likes: conflict with the Basic Google Maps Placemarks plugin

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1846, in Plugins Trac:
    MP6: Navigation menu is not sticky when in the Jetpack menu

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1875, in Plugins Trac:
    Sharing: Official Google+ is not loaded when loading more posts through ...

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1833, in Plugins Trac:
    Shortcodes: slideshow-shortcode.js uses ? for URL parameters when & is ...

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1825, in Plugins Trac:
    Custom CSS: add support for -webkit-mask-image

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1811, in Plugins Trac:
    Facebook Like Box widget: increase the max-width

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1762, in Plugins Trac:
    Contact form: cannot insert a form using do_shortcode

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1655, in Plugins Trac:
    Jetpack's Carousel has a logical issue in wp_get_attachment_link filter

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1632, in Plugins Trac:
    Custom Post Types with 'exclude_from_search' set to true do not show ...

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1928, in Plugins Trac:
    Use namespacing in custom post types to avoid conflicts

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1890, in Plugins Trac:
    Sharing: localized string is missing from .pot file

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #2045, in Plugins Trac:
    Subscriptions / Stats: add tracking to notification emails

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1766, in Plugins Trac:
    Photon doesn't recognize images using a filename similar to WordPress' ...

    2 months ago

  • Closed ticket #1815, in Plugins Trac:
    Tiled Galleries: Alt Text is removed when Tiled galleries are enabled

    2 months ago