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The President and the Flying Horse "Barack"
Evolution of the wahhabiyyah from Ibn Taymiyya
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Religion of the children watch how this boy found his true religion
Satanic Verses: A False Story about The Prophet Muhammad
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Listenschmiedender Gott in der Bibel: Ka'b Bin Al Ashraf http://t...
"Barack" Muhammad's flying horse and the origin of the myth:
watch and share! since some have commented on the hadith ibn taymiyya quoted . visit the 2 links provided below to know more on the hadith : http://hadithpro...
icall History Geo for appstore.
religions of kids. clean your heart then say "O God, Guide me" .thn start seeking the truth. i ask you one thing. pray as Jesus and the prophets used to pray...
Ehteshaam Gulam gives the reasons why the Satanic Verses story about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is false and unreliable. The story of the Satan...
Tahun gajah dinamakan bersempena kedatangan tentera bergajah yang mahu memusnahkan Ka'abah. Kisah ini dirakamkan oleh Allah di dalam surah al-Fiil: 1. tidakk...
Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie (Kashmiri: अहमद सलमान रुशदी (Devanagari), احمد سلمان رشدی (Nastaʿlīq); born 19 June 1947) is a British Indian novelist and essayist....
The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie's fourth novel, first published in 1988 and inspired in part by the life of Muhammad. As with his previous books, Rushdi...
Christopher Hitchens was on The Hour on May12 2009, interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos.
"Say it isn't so!" The BBC's and arguably the world's foremost TV interviewer announces he will leave Newsnight April 20, 2014
In the first half, Christopher Hitchens talks to Tony Jones about living with cancer and not seeing any valid reason to change his beliefs close to death. In...
April 22, 2011. Laurie Taylor questioned the terminally-ill atheist and writer about the Iraq War, his rivalry with brother Peter, Christianity and the score... Writer, political commentator and author of 'god is not Great' sits down with host Jian Ghomeshi to kick around the idea of adding three ...
Christopher Hitchens Interview John And Tom Metzger in 1991 Neo Nazi Racism Racist.
Part 1: Author, journalist, and public intellectual Christopher Hitchens is a contributing editor to Vanity Fair and the author of numerous books, including the controversial best seller God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything and, most recently, Hitch-22: A Memoir. In this, the first part of a two-part interview, Hitchens speaks about his personal life: his education at a British private school and at Oxford University and his parent's mismatched marriage. His discusses his mother's suicide and his discovery after her death that she was Jewish. He also discusses his devotion to progressive causes, his intellectual appreciation of doubt and uncertainty, and his opposition to totalitarianism and all forms of absolutism. On a lighter note, he speaks of his Friday lunches with writer friends, including James Fenton and Martin Amis. Part 2: Author, journalist, and public intellectual Christopher Hitchens is a contributing editor to Vanity Fair and the author of many books, including the controversial best seller God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything and, most recently, Hitch-22: A Memoir. In this, the second part of a two-part interview, Hitchens speaks mostly about politics. He notes that he was known for his political militancy during his years at Oxford University, and identifies himself as the product of 1968: an activist during the last gasp of the socialist movement. He speaks critically of Bill Clinton, and admiringly of Margaret Thatcher and Somalian dissident Hirsi Ali. Hitchens discusses his support of the Iraq war and the necessity of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. He also discusses his book, God Is Not Great, and notes that most of the mail he receives in response to his atheism has been positive. He also asserts his respect for Marxism as a viable system for interpreting history.
Christopher Hitchens sat down with PlumTV's Jage Toba for a casual half-hour interview. Hitchens spoke on a variety of topics ranging from religion and politics to Monty Python and Orwell. May 28, 2008
Laurie Taylor interviews writer and broadcaster Christopher Hitchens, who discusses how his political beliefs changed over the years, revealing why Ayatollah Khomeini's 1989 fatwa on author Salman Rushdie represented a turning point in his life. He also talks about his atheist beliefs, his support for the war in Iraq and his rivalry with his brother Peter, as well as sharing his thoughts on being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
George Packer (born August 13, 1960) is an American journalist, novelist, and playwright. He is perhaps best known for his writings for The New Yorker about ...
By Request... Author and Journalist Christopher Hitchens speaks with Greg about his new book: "God is not great: How religion poisons everything" http://www....
January 23, 2011 C-SPAN Christopher Hitchens is the author of over a dozen books including his recent memoir, Hitch-22. Other titles incl...
His parents, Eric Ernest and Yvonne Jean (Hickman) Hitchens, met in Scotland when both were serving in the Royal Navy during World War II. His mother was a "Wren" (a member of the Women's Royal Naval Service), and his father an officer aboard the cruiser HMS Jamaica, which helped sink Nazi Germany's battleship Scharnhorst in the Battle of the North Cape. His father's naval career required the family to move a number of times from base to base throughout Britain and its dependencies, including in Malta, where Christopher's brother Peter was born in Sliema in 1951. Hitchens's mother, arguing "if there is going to be an upper class in this country, then Christopher is going to be in it",[18] sent him to Mount House School in Tavistock in Devon at the age of eight, followed by the independent Leys School in Cambridge, and finally Balliol College, Oxford, where he was tutored by Steven Lukes and read philosophy, politics, and economics. Hitchens was "bowled over" in his adolescence by Richard Llewellyn's How Green Was My Valley, Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, R. H. Tawney's critique on Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, and the works of George Orwell.[17] In 1968, he took part in the TV quiz show University Challenge.[19] In the 1960s, Hitchens joined the political left, drawn by his anger over the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons, racism, and oligarchy, including that of "the unaccountable corporation". He expressed affinity with the politically charged countercultural and protest movements of the 1960s and 1970s. However, he deplored the recreational drug use of the time, which he described as hedonistic.[20] He joined the Labour Party in 1965, but along with the majority of the Labour students' organisation was expelled in 1967, because of what Hitchens called "Prime Minister Harold Wilson's contemptible support for the war in Vietnam".[21][clarification needed] Under the influence of Peter Sedgwick, who translated the writings of Russian revolutionary and Soviet dissident Victor Serge, Hitchens forged an ideological interest in Trotskyist and anti-Stalinist socialism.[17] Shortly after he joined "a small but growing post-Trotskyist Luxemburgist sect".[22]
An interview of Christopher Hitchens on French TV that covers many of the topics Hitchens is famous for. Interview opens with a discussion about his book God...
Christopher Hitchens, contributing editor to Vanity Fair and the Atlantic Monthly, discusses his current paperback, "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons E...
Christopher Hitchens
Charlie Rose interviews Christopher Hitchens about his book "God Is Not Great."
Julian Morrow interviewed Christopher Hitchens during the Sydney Writers' Festival 2010 on ABC.
Christopher Hitchens in Asylum's segment 'Drinks with writers'. Credit to
Aired July 13, 2010.
This is an old radio interview of Christopher Hitchens from The Steve Kane Show recorded on April 7, 2009 after debating William Lane Craig. It is a sweet little gem. Enjoy!
Steve Kroft profiles Vanity Fair columnist, author and public intellectual Christopher Hitchens, for whom nothing is off-limits when making his wry and often...
A discussion about the life and work of author Christopher Hitchens with his friends and fellow authors: Salman Rushdie, Martin Amis, James Fenton & Ian McEw...
NOTA PENTING : KLIK DI BAWAH UTK INDEKS/PECAHAN TAJUK PERBINCANGAN ] Syarahan Kitab Wahyu Sahih Bukhari Sesi 12 - 140413 di Ku...
The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie's fourth novel, first published in 1988 and inspired in part by the life of Prophet Muhammad. As with his previous books...
In last part of Seerah I had explained to you guys that Muhammad(SAW) was a Shepard .Khadija(RA:)older sister had a folk & she hired two people Muhammad(SAW)...
Ziarah Syeikh Haidar Hasan Salim Hafizohullah (Ahli Majlis Fatwa Negara Yaman) di Asia Tenggara, Thailand (Pattani) dan Malaysia. Alhamdulillah ini merupakan...
The Mullahs in Iran, شيعة اثنا عشرية consider the 12 Imams ( the spiritual and political successors to Muhammad) to be utterly infallible, incapable of even ...
گفتگوی رادیو پیام با صلاح مازوجی (دبیر اجرایی حزب کمونیست ایران) و رحمان حسین زاده ( رئیس دفتر سیاسی حزب کمونیست کارگری ایران -حکمتیست) در مورد بحران منطقه، کردستان و کوبانی.
Have you ever seen Ping Pong played with a Tennis Shoe? Arizona Online - Desert Table Tennis Outpost Director, Producer, Cameraman, Player: Robert Trudell Pl...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia designated Al-Furqan under its Law of Terrorism Crimes and Financing and the Royal Decree A/44.
noodls 2015-04-07In conventional military terms, al-Shabab is losing ... Al-Shabab fighters once aspired to rule Somalia, and nearly did.
The Irish Times 2015-04-07As al-Shabab has shown with their latest attacks, it is not all about territory ... al-Shabab is losing.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-07But the Yarmouk scenario is also about countering the gains of al-Nusra in Idlib ... sparking a rift within al-Nusra.
CNN 2015-04-07... Fort in Al Rayyan ... The deconstruction of the previous Al Rayyan Stadium was completed in March 2015.
noodls 2015-04-07Press TV has interviewed Mimi al-Laham, a Syrian activist and political commentator in Australia, to ...
Press TV 2015-04-07Monday's air strikes were not the first launched by Kenya against al-Shabab targets ... Al Jazeera and agencies.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-07Ala'a Nashou'a, a former senior Baathist, told Al Jazeera by phone from Erbil ... Al-Joubor ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-07"The bombings are part of the continued process and engagement against al-Shabaab, which will go on," Obonyo added.
Taipei Times 2015-04-07Al-Shabab militants have said the attack was carried out in revenge for Kenya’s military operations in Somalia.
Press TV 2015-04-07Last week, the al-Shabab militant group ... Al-Shabab militants claimed responsibility for the attack.
Press TV 2015-04-07Despite military offensives against al Shabab and drone strikes by the U ... Al Shabab had been linked ...
Voa News 2015-04-07Al Hilal Takaful, the takaful insurance subsidiary of Al Hilal Bank, has signed a distribution ...
noodls 2015-04-07Christopher Eric Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was an English American author and journalist whose career spanned more than four decades. Hitchens, often referred to colloquially as "Hitch", was a columnist and literary critic for New Statesman, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Daily Mirror, The Times Literary Supplement and Vanity Fair. He was an author of twelve books and five collections of essays. As a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits, he was a prominent public intellectual, and his confrontational style of debate made him both a lauded and controversial figure.
Hitchens was known for his admiration of George Orwell, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, as well as for his excoriating critiques of various public figures including Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Diana, Princess of Wales. Although he supported the Falklands War, his key split from the established political left began in 1989 after what he called the "tepid reaction" of the Western left to the Rushdie Affair. The September 11 attacks strengthened his internationalist embrace of an interventionist foreign policy, and his vociferous criticism of what he called "fascism with an Islamic face." His numerous editorials in support of the Iraq War caused some to label him a neoconservative, although Hitchens insisted he was not "a conservative of any kind", and his friend Ian McEwan describes him as representing the anti-totalitarian left.
Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie (Hindi: अहमद सलमान रुशदी (Devanagari), احمد سلمان رشدی (Nastaʿlīq); /sælˈmɑːn ˈrʊʃdi/; born 19 June 1947) is a British Indian novelist and essayist. His second novel, Midnight's Children (1981), won the Booker Prize in 1981. Much of his fiction is set on the Indian subcontinent. He is said to combine magical realism with historical fiction; his work is concerned with the many connections, disruptions and migrations between East and West.
His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), was the centre of a major controversy, provoking protests from Muslims in several countries, some violent. Death threats were made against him, including a fatwā issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, on 14 February 1989.
Rushdie was appointed Commandeur dans Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France in January 1999. In June 2007, Queen Elizabeth II dubbed him Knight Bachelor for his services to literature. In 2008, The Times ranked him thirteenth on its list of the fifty greatest British writers since 1945.
They call him a bandit
And you know the notches
That he ought to wear on his gun
He sees you through eyes
He's partially blinded
>from staring to long at the sun
But he's true to his school
And he's nobody's fool
And he's lucky to still be alive
The wolf pack will die
When it's scattered by man
Lonesome coyotes survive.
He burried his feelings
And life was a mountain
That he was determined to climb
Then he caught the scent
Of a sister in spirit
Who taught him to love her in time
Somehow or other
She gathered together
The cubs that he sired on the way
And they run by his side
Through the chill hungry night
And they sleep to his sweet serenade
There's a part of his heart up in heaven
And a part that will always be wild
And all he can leave them is love and a reason
To run for the rest of their lifves
Lonesome coyotes survive.
There's a part of his heart up in heaven
And a part that will always be wild
And all he can leave them is love and a reason
To run for the rest of their lifves
Lonesome coyotes survive.
These boys don't talk a lot (ooh oooh)
My soldiers don't run to the cops (ooh oooh)
We got beef then we keep 'em cocked
The new No Limit, we all we got
Now if you in, then you in
From the streets to the pen
That shit that happened last year won't happen a-fuckin-gain
The only way out is to die my nigga
Fuck with the mob we gonna ride my nigga
See I ain't the nigga that said I'm done this year
I'm the nigga that said we run this here
And we in it for the money, fuck the fame and the glory
I ain't tryin' to get y'all to love me by tellin' false stories
This from the heart nigga, I speak the truth
You don't fuck with me, then I don't fuck with you
And if you never sold dope, you don't know how I feel
And you ain't gotta get shot to be motherfuckin' real
When you’re next to me. It feels so heavenly.
Oh ask me anything. And baby I get chills, yes I will.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
And you know it’s true.
You control my mind. Stick inside my head.
That’s why I have no say. My heart decides instead but I feel glad.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
We love reggae music
All you got
We love happiness
All you got
Peace not war
All you got
Let's make some joy, rigt now
Well easy, well hardb|
Can't sit and reason with hypcrites
Just teasing, that's all
Can't sit and eat with hypocrites
We love reggae music
All you got
We love happiness
All you got
Peace not war
Let's make, I wanna make some joy
What burden, what tasks
Can't be dealt with diplomats?
Which pardon should we ask
Can't be given by aristocrats
We love reggae music
All you got
We love happiness
All you got
Peace not war
Let's make some joy
In a dub wise
Dem dub wise
Dem dub dance
Can't be done by stiff necks
Now let's dance
And you take a chance
But you can't complete with roots man
We love reggae music
All you got, all you got
Happiness, treat me
Peace not war, no war
Let's make, we wanna make some joy
Let's do it
Well, well well well well well easy, well hard
Can't sit and reason with hypocrites
They are just teasing brother that's all
Can't sit and eat with hypocrites
We love reggae music, all you got
We love happiness, yes I will do my best
Peace not war, no no war
Let's just make some joy, choose it
Heavy music, hevy music, hevy music
Music of the bird, music of the sea
The music which is to be, reggae music
R & B, a soul, rock and roll
This a music, a reggae music, a reggae music
I heard you say that no one seems to care 'bout you
It's in your eyes, you think that life's unfair to you
Just give it all you got, my friend
Just give it all you got, it's not the end
Cause you oughta know
There's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bear
So don't you let go
Everybody has their up and down times
Everybody needs to know how much they're loved
My friend
So hold on, it's not the end
As I remember everything you touch
Would turn to gold
You held the secrets
To make your grandest dreams unfold
You were the very best of us all
But the sun that rises still falls
It's just a love song
Cause everybody needs a friend
I'll be right here for you
Just a simple prayer
It's from the bottom of my heart
That He'll never let you go
I Heard you say that no one seems to care 'bout you
It's in your eyes, you think that live's unfair to you
Just give it all you got, my friend
Just give it all you got, it's not the end
Cause you outta know
There's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bear
So don't you let go
Everybody has their up and down times
Everybody needs to know how much they're loved
My friend
So hold on, it's not the end
As I remember everything you touch
Would turn to gold
You held a secrets
To make your grandest dreams unfold
You were the very best of us all
It's just a love song
Cause everybody needs a friend
I'll be right here for you
just a simple prayer
It's from the bottom of my heart
That He'll never let you go
Cause you outta know
There's a reason for these changing seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bear
So don't you let go
Everybody has their up and down times
Everybody needs to know how much their loved
My friend, so hold on, it's not the end
[Intro: girl (RZA)]
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
Aiyo, we keep these wizzes in the lab, held down like hostages
Dime pieces, deep throat like ostriches
I'm vegetarian, don't eat swine sausages
You defeat the Killa Beez? Don't be proposterous
Bobby, steal the show, let 'em know who got the shit
Zu, muthafucka, Wu, (yeah), we got this shit
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
E-lectricity, e-lectricity
Yeah, shells all in my clip, wizzes all on my dick
Leather wood, on the whip, rubbergrips on four fifths
Escape from jakes, if I'm traced, more paper to make
My team form the C.R.E.A.M., we exchange it for cake
Cherries on the top, I grind for the gwop
I'm grot, then I shine, then I rise to the top
Roll, with flurries of cops, money bulging in my socks
Loving my block, cuz we all that we got, got
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
Oh yeah, ya'll know who is he, ya'll keep these wizzes dizzy
[girl & Monk:]
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
E-lectricity, e-lectricity
[Chorus x2: Crisis, Monk]
I love my hood and my block, cuz it's all that we got
By peter leinheiser and michael mcdonald
It's not enough, there's never enough¡
As we look out on a world
Full of people, places and things
They seem so important to us
There's no harm in that girl
But for all the joy it can bring
We know that's not all we're gonna find
But when it comes to you and me
I know the most important part
Is what we have in our hearts
Baby it's all we really need
When all those things are never enough
In this world of everything or nothin' baby
Remember, this love is all we got, babe
As we travel down the road
To make our dreams come true
We know that things are gonna change
But when it comes to you and me
If we look back to the start
When all we shared was in our hearts
We could have a house in the country
We could drive a big fine car
We could set our sights on tomorrow
We could hitch a ride on the brightest star
'cause all those things could never be enough
In this world of everything or nothing
Remember baby, this love is all we got
This love is all we got, babe
When it comes to money
People, places and things
Don't slow down - life's illusion
It's getting harder every day for me to see, ooh
So don't slow down - my confusion
'Cos I can twist and turn 'till finally I'm free
Oh yeah
Heaven or hell - we ride on time, yes I ride on time
Down this never ending road
Oh yeah
And we've got is all we need
Love's come and rescued me
All we've got is all we need
Somebody has finally set me free
So turn it on - just the good times
I can walk up to the edge and still look down
Turn it on - in your own mind
'Cos our life is something we can turn around
Oh yeah
Heaven or hell - we ride on time, yes I ride on time
What we need is what we've got, today
Stright ahead this time, we'll stay close together now
We'll make it last forever, oh oh oh
All we've got it all we need
Chorus (2)
Here the lights fall just as hard
A bit softer in the stall
It's not really wrong
It's not really right
I'm wide awake
She's upfront upshot
Upstart up in every case
The kind of girl that whispers
Thank god for you
Oh yeah all you got is me
Oh yeah all you need is me
Her confusion is in the night that I stumbled
It's in the morning that I that I struggled
Because I start to forget
But she will always remember
The kind of girl who laughs and says
Get up off your knees
Oh yeah all you need is me
Oh yeah all you want is me
So you come and so you go
Tell me how hard how fast
Baby tell me how high I must go
Tell me what you want
And tell me what you need
Tell me how hard how fast
Baby how high I must go
Oh yeah well all you need is me
Hey there Al Qaeda I got an idea
Stop being assholes in the middle east
Leave Afghanistan come to TV land
And try to do some good for once at least
You're all a bunch of slobs just looking for a cause
You would do most anything to get close to god
I know it sounds odd an MTV jihad
You're only killing imbeciles is that so wrong
Hey Al Qaeda I gotta lotta ideas
Whitney and LC in The Hills sunning
A sniper rifle's never out of reach
Spencer and Heidi won't see it coming
Blow up their humvee with an IED
A bunch of spoiled teens all blown to smithereens
Would be my favorite episode of sweet sixteen
I'm not being mean it's right there on the screen
The most insipid bullshit of society
Here the lights fall just as hard
A bit softer in the stall
It's not really wrong
It's not really right
I'm wide awake
She's upfront upshot
Upstart up in every case
The kind of girl that whispers
Thank god for you
Oh yeah all you got is me
Oh yeah all you need is me
Her confusion is in the night that I stumbled
It's in the morning that I that I struggled
Because I start to forget
But she will always remember
The kind of girl who laughs and says
Get up off your knees
Oh yeah all you need is me
Oh yeah all you want is me
So you come and so you go
Tell me how hard how fast
Baby tell me how high I must go
Tell me what you want
And tell me what you need
Tell me how hard how fast
Baby how high I must go
Oh yeah well all you need is me
This is the time of my life
Aloha from Las Pezia, I said that over and over
But with you I'm planning something bigger
I promise you
Sunrises and sunsets
Tom Selleck style
Bring your bikini, darling, hey
I'll take you to Hawaii
A lei would look good on you if you get sunburst
Well, it's gonna be a honeymoon
Better than Love Boat
I wouldn't put my eyes on Vicki
I just want you
As Isaac's cocktails are too light
I'll take you to Hawaii
I'll take you you you to Hawaii
I'll take you, we'll have a good time
And we'll do do do do it fine going down to Hawaii
Expect no big Wednesday but big Saturday nights
I'm not a dumbass surfer guy but 70s Elvis type
Sunrises and sunsets
Days will go by
I took my shirt, I'm ready
There's parents prayin
To feed their families today
While men with money
Still think it's funny
To spend their change
On every pointless thing
We gotta stand up put our hands up and fight
Just like an army
We'll keep on marchin
For what is right
We're bring hope to life
All you gotta do is...
Say what you wanna say
And be what you wanna be
Don't let yourself get all confused
Cuz all gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it
You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
Cuz it's your life
It's up to you to make it
You'll make it
The world is tired
Of all the little lies they preach
The politicians
Who blur our vision
So we believe
In someone else speech
We gotta stand up
Put our hands up to fight
We are an army
Always marchin for what is right
We're bring hope to life
All you gotta do is...
Say what you wanna say
And be what you wanna be
Don't let yourself get all confused
Cuz all gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it
You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
Cuz it's your life
It's up to you to make it
You'll make it
There is kids with gun bein forced to fight (no)
The lucky ones will make it home alive (no)
And everyone's got a choice to make (yeah)
The world won't change
Until we finally find a way
Say what you wanna say
And be what we need to be
Don't let yourself get all confused
Cuz all gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it
You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
Cuz it's your life
It's up to you to make it
You'll make it
(You'll make it)
Gotta stand up
Put our hands up to fight
(you'll make it)
Like an army
(you'll make it)
Always marchin for what is right
(Yo, my nigga, fuck that bitch! Tell them all they good for!)
[Verse 1: JT Money]
Time for them bitches with the
Weave and bangols, big ear rings, and jangols
Walkin' 'round town lookin' all pretty
Actin' all seditty, attitude shitty!
You can't front on me, bitch, I know ya ass
You was valedictorian of my class
Used to copy your papers, you lil' nerd
Now you tryin' to get fly? That shit's for the birds!
Seen you every day jumpin' in cars
BMW's, Benz's and Jaguars
Guess you're lettin' all the dope niggas hit ya
See you on the picture, lettin' three get ya
I remember when niggas couldn't touch you
Sold you a buck or two, now they can fuck you!
You got to rap, now I guess that's kinda fun
Because you made projects from 1991
Simply nothin', hoe! You gets nothin', hoe!
Seen you on film, and now you're frontin'? Yo,
Bitch, don't try to flauge, 'cause all you good for
Is some head and a back massage!
All they good FOR! [x4]
[Verse 2: JT Money]
I know this bitch who fucked niggas with big money
Now she got a big tummy, lookin' like a big dummy
Told another hoe she fiendin' for John Doe
Don't even know his last name and claims she gettin' John's dough
Hoe, you ain't nothin' but a trick bitch,
Schemin' on niggas, tryin' to get rich
Talkin' bout, "So-and-so is my nigga,"
Sittin' on your ass while your bank account's gettin' bigger
But one nigga bust you up and ran
Now you stuck with a baby on your hands
Lookin' at the next man? Don't even bother
It's not my fault you don't know your baby's father
You wouldn't know the nigga now if you see him!
Only thing you know is that the nigga drives a BM
Seen (?), now you layin' on the mattress,
Don't know his name, phone number or his address
And you even needs that to get a case
Dumb bitch, lookin' like shit in the face
Sit yo' ass down, take the loss, and
Use that burgundy check for an abortion
'Cause, hoe, you can never live large
All you good for is some head and a back massage
All they good FOR!
Bitch, all you good FOR!
Trick hoe, all you good FOR!
Stinkin' mouth bitch, all you good FOR!
Slut, all you good FOR!
Get off my dick, HOE!
(Heyyyyy, just gimme some more!)
[Verse 3: JT Money]
I hate bitches that try to play dumb
I got 99 motherfuckin' problems; a bitch ain't one
See hoes walkin' 'round with tight clothes
In spandex - blacks, even white hoes!
Lookin' like sluts! Draws up they butt,
And they frontin' and want to fuck!
They ain't nothin' but dick-teasers
Need to stop fakin' and let a nigga skeeze ya
Or you'll be The Bitch That I Hate
Or a motherfuckin' victim of date rape
I know you're with it, so just get it and just shut up
Get in your stance, face down and your butt up
Come out that skirt and that shirt so I can insert,
Go to work, do your dirt, make it hurt, then squirt
On your back, like a mack is supposed to
Grab the dick, make it spit on your clothes too
'Cause all you do is SPLAK!
Talkin' 'bout whippin' me? Oh, bitch, it ain't all that!
JT Money is TOO large! And all you good for
Is some head and a back massage!
All they good FOR!
Stinkin' mouth bitch, all you good FOR!
Stank pussy hoe, all you good FOR!
Stupid-ass trick, you know what I want!
Heard you say that no one seems to care 'bout you
It's in your eyes, you think that life's unfair to you
Just give it all you got, my friend
Just give it all you got, it's not the end
'Cause you oughta know, there's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bare
So don't you let go, everybody has their up and down times
And everybody needs to know how much they're loved, my friend
So hold on, it's not the end
As I remember everything you touch would turn to gold
You have the secrets to make your grandest dreams unfold
You are the very best of us all
But the sun that rises still falls, yes you oughta know
'Cause you oughta know, there's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bare
So don't you let go, everybody has their up and down times
And everybody needs to know how much they're loved, my friend
So hold on, it's not the end
It's just a love song 'cause everybody needs a friend
And I'll be right here for you
It's just a simple prayer it's from the bottom of my heart
That he'll never let you go
'Cause you oughta know, there's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bear
So don't you let go, everybody has their up and down times
Everybody needs to know how much they're loved
'Cause you oughta know, there's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bare
So don't you let go, everybody needs to know how much they're loved
My friend, so hold on, it's not the end
Stop you've got it all wrong
I should've seen it from the start
You were never gone in my direction
But you were known for
The coldest heart that ever lived
But I swear I'll make it through
Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh
I lift you up, I lift you up
Oh, oh, oh
You just bring me down
Now we go on
Can't you leave
You're sleeping till tomorrow
Stay here
We'll find a way to make it work
A way to make the hurt fall away
Cause this is all we got
Let's keep it undiscovered
Just lay here under covers
Laugh it off now
Even though I know
You're gonna break my heart
And tear it right apart
Can't you just pretend to love me
Like there's no one else above me
Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh
I lift you up, I lift you up
Oh, oh, oh
You just bring me down
Now we go on
Can't you leave
You're sleeping till tomorrow
Stay here
We'll find a way to make it work
A way to make the hurt fall away
Now we go on
Can't you leave
You're sleeping till tomorrow
Stay here
We'll find a way to make it work
A way to make the hurt fall away
Now we go on
Can't you leave
You're sleeping till tomorrow
Stay here
We'll find a way to make it work
A way to make the hurt fall away
Cause this is all we got
[Intro: girl (RZA)]
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
(We all that we got, we all that we got)
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi (we all that we got, we all that we got)
Aiyo, we keep these wizzes in the lab, held down like hostages
Dime pieces, deep throat like ostriches
I'm vegetarian, don't eat swine sausages
You defeat the Killa Beez? Don't be proposterous
Bobby, steal the show, let 'em know who got the shit
Zu, muthafucka, Wu, (yeah), we got this shit
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
E-lectricity, e-lectricity
Yeah, shells all in my clip, wizzes all on my dick
Leather wood, on the whip, rubbergrips on four fifths
Escape from jakes, if I'm traced, more paper to make
My team form the C.R.E.A.M., we exchange it for cake
Cherries on the top, I grind for the gwop
I'm grot, then I shine, then I rise to the top
Roll, with flurries of cops, money bulging in my socks
Loving my block, cuz we all that we got, got
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
Oh yeah, ya'll know who is he, ya'll keep these wizzes dizzy
[girl & Monk:]
Bobby Bobby Bobby, Digi Digi Digi
E-lectricity, e-lectricity
[Chorus x2: Crisis, Monk]
I love my hood and my block, cuz it's all that we got
Go to bed everything's alright
Don't know the whole
world's changing
As you sleep through the night
Wake up slowly and it's a
different world
Hear the news and the
floods begin
Screams so loud but only
felt within
Heart is shattered
The pieces can't be found
I feel your pain, I wrote this
song for you, for you
You will make it, you will
make it through
I promise you, he would
want you to
Months go by, still living
in a daze
Don't know what you've done
With the last seven days
Soul is numb and life
is like a dream
Helping hands but you
push them away
How could they understand
Don't wanna share your pain
Afraid to heal, 'cause that
would be goodbye
I feel your pain, I wrote this
song for you, for you
You will make it, you will
make it through
I promise you, she would
want you to
Olele Olele Ubaba
One day sunlight hits
a photograph
And it makes you smile
The memories dance
around you now
And they make you smile
You're not alone
You'll never be
Just like the stars
They oversee
And they whisper to you
You're still, you're still,
You're still, you're still alive
I feel your pain, I wrote this
song for you, for you
You will make it, you
will make it through
I promise you, they would
want you to
Do not stand at my
grave and weep
I am not there I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds
that blow
I am the diamond glints
on snow
I am the sun on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain
When you awaken in the
morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft stars that
shine at night
Do not stand at my grave
and cry
I am not there; I did not die
Olele Olele Ubaba
Uzube naye Nikosi
Olele Olele Ubaba
Una de estas noches
Yo voy a raptarte
Voy a seducirte
Voy a arrinconarte
Como una gatita llegare
De un salto a tu balcn
Y con mis caricias ya veras que te hago ronronear
Quieras o no quieras
Tu seras mi gato malandrin...
Una de estas noches
Con mi serenata
Mostrare las uas
Tu no te me escapas
Con un maullidito ronco
Me diras al fin que si
Una luna llena nos dara
La luz para el festn
Y en algun tejado tu y yo
Haremos el amor...
Pata con patita
Cola al viento vamos tu y yo
Y soamos con tener
Gatitos de todo color
Quieras o no queras tu seras mi gato malandrin
Alguien nos arruina
Nuestro amor de gatos
Porque desde arriba
Nos cay un zapato
Y desde el tejado el gato y yo
Rolamos un balcon
Que confeccion
Y pasado el susto otra vez
Comienza el festin
En el jardin
Pese al zapatazo siete vidas
Turn your face away from your god.
Nothing can save you from this.
Suck it up bitch, I'm going to fucking own you.
You're fucked.
Say your prayers, fall to your knees.
Look at this face.
There's no such thing as a god.
Motherfucker, open your eyes.
There's no such thing as a god.
I'm inflicting bloodshed upon bitches,
Just because I hate the female race.
There's no remorse.
There's no remorse in me.
I keep wanting to burn my name onto the gospel.
Or burn the Bible to hell.
Religion is a futile attempt to abstain from loosing your mind.
There's no remorse in my eyes.
Women were born to be fucked.
For some men,
The power to destroy a life
Becomes a quest for dominance.
I need to own this world.
I need to own this world!
Murder begins
Where your self-defense ends.
Look in my bloodshot eyes
And feel the presence of hell.
Your life amounts to nothing.
Lifeless slut, in love with God.
Do you believe there's a god in this lifetime?
Thinking things over
What a crazy ride
You have blown my expectations
You are so very alive
Living in a time and a place
In the middle of the plans You made
As crazy as it truly seems
You far exceed my wildest dreams
I've got no room to complain
There's never any room
It's all so good, carry me away
It's all so good, daily You amaze me
The things that You do I will always be in awe of You
Yeah, I will always be
Thinking things over
You really make me smile
You are more than a distant father figure
You are the unpredictable God
There is so much more now
There is so much more now
You'll show us all if we let You
You'll far exceed our wildest dreams
Got no room to complain
There's never any room
It's all so good, carry me away
It's all so good, daily You amaze me
The things that You do I will always be in awe of You
Yeah, I will always be
We all come into the world with nothing
We're all gonna leave the same way
Everything is a gift from You
Without faith, hope, love it's a fool's parade
We all come into the world with nothing
We're all gonna leave the same
Ain't got no reason to complain
No, no, no, no
It's all so good, carry me away
It's all so good, daily You amaze me
The things that You do I will always be in awe of You
Yeah, I will always be
It's all so good, carry me away
What's true for you
Is not what's true for me
At least I think that's true
So don't disagree
It's all about how you feel
There's no right or wrong
At least I think that's right
So don't say I'm wrong or you'll be wrong
You'll be mistaken
According to myself
Don't treat me unfairly
Or you'll be mistaken
I'll be good
Good, good, good
I'll be good
Good, good, good
Flash, we meet
Passin' in the streets
Words unspoken
Silence unbroken, hey
Just by chance
We fell into romance
The cry of success
Left no room to guess
Oh, no
(Oh, no)
Love has knocked us
Down and scored
We've been twice
Around the block before
Know the changes
You've been through
My promise is to you
I'll be good
Ooh, ooh
(Ojoh, ooh)
Better than before
You know
I'll love you more
I'll be good
Ooh, ooh (ooh, ooh)
Better than before
You know
I'll love you more
I fell in love so quick
I knew that this was it
So much emotion
Made so much devotion
And when we talk
We're never miles apart
Your telephone line
Is tied right to my heart
(Love me, baby)
Your love has knocked me
Down and scored
(Knock me out, baby)
You may hide
And close your door
(Baby, baby)
Open up
I swear it's true
(What you gonna do)
I'll be good
(I just wanna be good)
To you (how good)
Better than before (mmm)
You know
I'll love you more
I'll be good
Will you be good, boy
(So good), so good (hey)
Better than before
You know
I'll love you more
When we talk
We're never miles apart
Telephone line
(Telephone line)
Tied straight to my heart
I fell in love so quick
I thought my mind
Was playin' tricks
One twist of fate
Made it somethin' so great
Let me show you how to live
Stop goin' from town to town
Don't be afraid to give
Time to settle down
When I'm good I'm bad
And when I'm bad I'm better
When I'm at my best
There's no room to guess
I'll be good
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Better than before
You know
I'll love you more
I'll be good
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Mmm, ooh
I'll be good
Better than before
Know I'll love you more
Better than before
You know
I'll love you more
I'll be good
This is for you who lost your hope
Stuck in the fight and you're on the rope
You know i've been there before
I couldnt take anymore.
You were still running when the storm cloud broke
Lost on the water with nowhere to go
And you swore it was the end
But we all gotta start again.
Brother this life is all you got
This could be your only shot
Dont miss your chance staring at the clock
Cause the fighting's never gonna stop
Woah, this life is all that you got.
I've been in the front taking shots
And they're watching me fall
Now it makes me wonder
If there's reason to fight at all
Im praying to god up in the sky
To give me grace and make it right.
Brother this life is all you got
This could be your only shot
Dont miss your chance staring at the clock
Cause the fighting's never gonna stop
Woah, yeah this life is all you got.
The pain is real, that you feel
So take this time and let it heal
And all the lies that you despise
Let them go and win this fight.
You'll win this fight
Oh, you'll win this fight
Brother this life is all you got
This could be your only shot
Dont miss your chance staring at the clock
Cause the fighting's never gonna stop
Woah, woah, woah
Here she comes again with that look in her eyes
I wonder what she has in mind for me this time
She tells me it's cool and that he doesn't know a thing
She knows that doesn't matter cause I won't stop a thing
And we know
Someone will burn from this
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
I'm getting off easy
and there's no regrets
You get what you ask for
You know what you're in for
When you cross the line
There she goes again with her master plan
And I can't say that I completely understand
No matter what takes place we'll all eventually
Will have to realize that nothing comes for free
And we know
Someone will burn from this
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
I'm getting off easy
And there's no regrets
You get what you ask for
You know what you're in for
When you cross the line
I should've stopped this mess
At the very first kiss
But let's remember one thing
You're the one who started this
And we know
Someone will burn from this
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
I'm getting off easy
and there's no regrets
You get what you ask for
You know what you're in for
When you cross the line
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
You want it, you got it
But that's all you get
You want it, you got it
i don’t want your money, i want your job
you’re in it for the paycheck man that’s all
but we put our hearts in every song and it might be a waste of time
but it’s all we got
you’ve become a memory
a musical lobotomy
everything you said is dead and gone
your bullshit rock and roll
it’s got no fucking soul
you cashed in and now look what you’ve become
playing to the market
aimed at teens draped in targets
go on man, bring out the firing squad
lyrics shooting lies
hidden behind your disguise
driven by bank accounts applaud
but we’ll, we’ll play on and on…
No, I never did believe
That I ever would be saved
Without giving my all to God…
So I freely give my whole
My body and my soul
To the good Lord
let's take the train or ride the busif not steal a car
i don't care where we're goin' yet
just care who we are
it's so hard for me to deal
with you so far away
i suffer the whole week of school
and wait for Saturday
i don't know where I'm going
i just know that you're coming
where do I go from here?
i know that things will never be quite the same
now you're standin' at my door
my jaw's dropped to the ground
don't know what the hell I'd do
if you weren't around
i'd probably just mope around
feel sorry for myself
go to a psychiatrist, get professional help
where do you wanna go? what do you wanna do?
it doesn't matter to me. as long as we're together
i'm the lock you're the key. you're the key to a lot of
[Hook: x2]
YSL cheetah these are not adidas
Splash in the sauce, side me is like bary geeda
Tiger strike Versace, all the girls exotic
Ice playing hockey, I can see you but you watching
Tiger strike Versace got me acting lil verace
Shoe games far, eat Christian not horacis
European jackets, I got scarfs on a tire
Fresh... lil nigga I'm messiah
Gucci's on my face and I'm looking right by you
Ysl hot tubs, man on fire
Denzel Washington key way flier
Chick on your hit, young nigga we will but her
Audemar from davis, swirl in the water
Adding 30 pounders, little cost up and extra corner
25 racks to the future, that's from deal main
Million dollar city, yeah I'm getting real money
[Hook: x2]
YSL cheetah these are not adidas
Splash in the sauce, side me is like bary geeda
Tiger strike Versace, all the girls exotic
Ice playing hockey, I can see you but you watching
Wearing up sweaters, cost a main treasure
White canary yellow, purple or the yellow
Codeine habits, the Honda for the carriage
Took it in the goose shirt cause I don't like to wear
Boss of the century, iPad memory
Thousand dollars shoe game, boosting up my energy
Versaces on the sofa, made the bitch super soak
Burberry blazer with the red bottom loafers
Every single color, I'm a free bands hustler
Ysl cheetah, pay my feet inside the jungle
Money over bitches, swear to God I never love them
Rock star life they call me future hugh hefner
[Hook: x2]
YSL cheetah these are not adidas
Splash in the sauce, side me is like bary geeda
Tiger strike Versace, all the girls exotic
Ice playing hockey, I can see you but you watching
I told her ride it like a rarri, pop it like a molly
Ysl belt, and my jeans is cavali
Red bottoms on like my feet just caught a body
Red bottoms on like my feet just caught a body
I'm the hottest and the coldest, the flies and you
Balence I got sneakers, stepping on you cockroaches
My chain cost a kilo, that don't include the piece
That cost another kilo, my watch another kilo
All the girls they love me, I was taught to get money
Look down in my rollie, it's always time to get money
They get fly, I am fly, they burn fly, I'm jet fly
While animals, I wear those
They friendly, come pet mine
[Hook: x2]
YSL cheetah these are not adidas
Splash in the sauce, side me is like bary geeda
Tiger strike Versace, all the girls exotic