Latest Reports

  • It’s time to transform our culture so we shift from not talking about dying to talking about it. It’s time to share the way we want to live at the end of our lives. And it’s time to communicate about the kind of End of Life Care we want and don’t want for ourselves and our loved ones....

  • The practice of medicine must adapt to meet evolving practical and ethical challenges of an aging population, in addition to ongoing improvement in the technological capacity to prolong life. To meet these challenges, doctors need to incorporate better care at end of life into routine practice...

News & Analysis

  • In 2017 ACHR will be launching the Bend the Curve Campaign. This campaign focusses on collaborative and innovative approaches to achieving High-Value Care across the health, disability and aged care sectors. The key outcome is better quality care at a lower cost and to promote access to affordable, ...

  • We wish all our members, partners and friends a festive and safe holiday season. ACHR will be closed from Friday, 23rd December 2016 and will reopen on Monday, 16th January 2017. We looking forward to unveiling exciting new projects in 2017. ...


About ACHR
About ACHR
ACHR is an independent, health research institute focused on accelerating evidence-based solutions to improve the quality and lower the costs of care. Concentrating on the creation, translation and advocacy of health systems knowledge, ACHR transforms evidence on high-quality, high-value care into policy and practice…Read more

Issue Briefs

  • Australia’s health workforce is under pressure and must undergo significant transformation to meet the rapidly rising demands for healthcare. If Australia is to continue to have a high-quality health system that is sustainable and affordable, we need to look at how the workforce can provide health s...

  • End of Life Care is about improving the quality of care and experience for all patients at the end of their life, and supporting their carers and families, regardless of their condition, setting, or social and personal circumstances. End-of-life care is now recognised as a priority for health system...

  • Worldwide, there is currently more information generated in a single day than we could possibly absorb in an entire lifetime. Predictive analytics is the analysis of current and historical data elements to make predictions about future events and trends. This is particularly valuable as the healthca...

Conversations on Health Reform

  • Philip Clarke, Professor of Health Economics, University of Melbourne and Peter Sivey, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, RMIT University Good health data and statistics should be a priority of politicians across Australia. Hospital death rates provide important performance data, giving patients more information and help improve the quality and safety of our hospitals. So why wasn't this data released last year?...

  • Jim Gillespie, Deputy Director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy & Associate Professor in Health Policy, University of Sydney Greg Hunt was today announced as federal health (and sport) minister following Sussan Ley’s resignation. Can Hunt implement the series of major reviews of spending programs launched under Ley?...

  • Roger Watson, Professor of Nursing, University of Hull There is significant evidence that nurses do many things as well as doctors. They do so well, in fact, that you may soon begin to question why you have a doctor when you could be seen by a nurse....

Upcoming Events


    May 20, 2016 @ 12:00 pm - December 31, 2022 @ 12:00 pm
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    until March 15, 2018