1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine - 1930 Al-Qassam Jihad - 1939 MacDonald White Paper
See the full videos
00:00 @The Zionist Story.
01:43 @The Pro...
published: 02 Jan 2014
1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine - 1930 Al-Qassam Jihad - 1939 MacDonald White Paper
1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine - 1930 Al-Qassam Jihad - 1939 MacDonald White Paper
See the full videos 00:00 @The Zionist Story. http://youtu.be/ufLAitMq3zI 01:43 @The Promised Land Conflict 12 May 08 Part 1 http://youtu.be/jgEisAxjV6Y 04:09 @The Middle East Crisis 1914-39 (Overview) http://youtu.be/zZZ15nF0jp8 09:10 @[وثائقي: صراع الحضارات - Clash of the World (الجزء الثالث)] http://youtu.be/1DJgVdaojes 03:43 & 07:10 23 May 1939 - The White Paper of 1939 was in favour of creating an independent Palestine governed by Palestinian Arabs and Jews in proportion to their numbers in the population and a limit of 75,000 Jewish immigrants was set for the five-year period 1940-1944. 11:15 ~1930 - Izz ad-Din al-Qassam was a Muslim preacher who was a leader in the fight against British, French, and Zionist organizations. Born in Syria, he later immigrated to British Mandate Palestine. In 1930 al-Qassam's preaching was instrumental in laying the foundations for the formation of the Black Hand (al kaff al-aswad), an anti-Zionist, anti-British militant organization. By 1935 he had organized military training for peasants and recruited several hundred men,-the figures differ, from 200 to 800,- organized in cells of 5 men. The cells were equipped with bombs and firearms, which they used to raid Jewish settlements and to sabotage British-constructed rail lines. Though striking a responsive chord among the rural poor and urban underclass, his movement deeply perturbed the Muslim urban elite as it threatened their political and patronage connections with the British Mandatory authorities. A British police manhunt eventually surrounded al-Qassam in a cave near Ya'bad, in the village of Sheikh Zeid and in the ensuing firefight al-Qassam was killed on 20 November 1935. 02:46 & 03:30 & 17:10 19 April 1936 - Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, after a wave of protest strikes and attacks against both the British authorities and Jews was unleashed in Palestine. and with the initial riots being led by Farhan al-Sa'di, and after his arrest and execution, upon al-Husseini's initiative, the leaders of Palestinian Arab clans formed the Arab Higher Committee under the Mufti's chairmanship. The Committee called for nonpayment of taxes after 15 May 1936 and for a general strike of Arab workers and businesses, demanding an end to the Jewish immigration. In 1937, evading an arrest warrant, he fled Palestine. 13:27 21 October 1937 - Sir Charles Tegart,was a colonial police officer in Mandatory Palestine sent to advise the Inspector General on matters of security. In due course he advised the construction of a large number of reinforced concrete police stations and posts which could be defended against attack, and of a frontier fence along the northern border of Palestine to control the movement of insurgents, goods and weapons. His recommendations were accepted and some 50 new "Tegart forts", as they came to be known, were built throughout Palestine, some of them are still in use by Israeli forces. It is recorded that his interrogation suspects underwent brutal questioning, involving humiliation and the practice of falaka (beating prisoners on the soles of their feet). 14:30 ~1936 - Orde Wingate was sent to Palestine as a Captain in military intelligence. Wingate was a Christian Zionists and saw the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine as a religious duty towards the literal fulfillment of Christian prophecy and he immediately put himself into an absolute alliance with Jewish political leaders. Wingate initiated a plan to create small mobile units of elite volunteers. A report he submitted , on June 5th, 1938, entitled : "Appreciation of the possibilities of night movements by armed forces of the Crown with the object of putting an end to terrorism in Northern Palestine" detailed his plan. The 1936--1939 Arab revolt in Palestine was a nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine against British colonial rule, motivated by opposition to mass Jewish immigration.The revolt consisted of two distinct phases. The first phase was directed primarily by the urban and elitist Higher Arab Committee (HAC) and was focused mainly on strikes and other forms of political protest. By October 1936, this phase had been defeated by the British civil administration using a combination of political concessions, international diplomacy (involving the rulers of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Transjordan and Yemen) and the threat of martial law. The second phase, which began late in 1937, was a violent and peasant-led resistance movement that increasingly targeted British forces. During this phase, the rebellion was brutally suppressed by the British Army and the Palestine Police Force using repressive measures that were intended to intimidate the Arab population and undermine popular support for the revolt.- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 24
The Middle East 1939-1946
see complete video @ A History of the Middle East since WWII
published: 23 Dec 2013
The Middle East 1939-1946
The Middle East 1939-1946
see complete video @ A History of the Middle East since WWII http://youtu.be/LdsmZo_1-gw [select the **show more** control to display additional info] [select a time index to skip to the video time] 00:00 23 May 1939 - The White Paper of 1939 was in favour of creating an independent Palestine governed by Palestinian Arabs and Jews in proportion to their numbers in the population and a limit of 75,000 Jewish immigrants was set for the five-year period 1940-1944. 00:52 23 July 1939 - The Alexandretta region which had become the Republic of Hatay (a transitional political entity that existed from September 7, 1938, to June 29, 1939) joined Turkey as the Hatay Province. 02:34 02 May 1941 - Anglo-Iraqi War 03:35 08 June 1941 - Syria--Lebanon Campaign 05:57 25 August 1941 - Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran forces the abdication of Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, who was then replaced with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 16 September. 07:46 22 July 1946 The King David Hotel & British Administrative HQ is targeted by the Irgun for the detonation of an explosive device and results in people of various nationalities being killed (91) and injured (46).- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 15
Walid Khalidi: The Reconquista of Mandatory Palestine Under British Aegis
see the full video @ The Nakba. Walid Khalidi
00:00 & 44:30 ...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Walid Khalidi: The Reconquista of Mandatory Palestine Under British Aegis
Walid Khalidi: The Reconquista of Mandatory Palestine Under British Aegis
see the full video @ The Nakba. Walid Khalidi http://youtu.be/PxY1oUmpsqw 00:00 & 44:30 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine 09:04 Zionist Nationalist Movement 17:00 Balfour Declaration 24:50 Arab Revolt in Palestine (1936--39) 26:26 The Peel Commission 30:24 The White Paper of 1939 2009 Keynote: Walid Khalidi (Co-founder of the Institute of Palestine Studies) From 1947 to 1897: From Partition to Basle. The Nakba at the Brunei Gallery - SOAS - University of London. Palestine Society: http://www.thenakba.co.uk/ http://vimeo.com/26132299 ************************************ Security Issues Project http://desip.igc.org/MiddleEast/khalidiMEReconquista.htm --------------------------------------------- Walid Khalidi - "The Hebrew Reconquista of Palestine" Since the issue was divine right, questions of who fired the first shot, and who did or did not accept partition are mere diversions and irrelevancies. ---Walid Khalidi, 2009 I The foundational premise of official Israeli historiography is that the Yishuv was in an essentially defensive mode during the 1947-48 war. (The Yishuv is the term for the pre-1948 Jewish settlement in Palestine.) In actuality, on the eve of the 1947-1948 war, the Yishuv was in a full-blown territorially expansionist mode. This militant mode long preceded the November 1947 UNGA partition resolution, which within six months led to the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe. 2 The change envisaged for Palestine by the Balfour Declaration was unprecedentedly radical. Article 2 of the League of Nations Mandate over Palestine, entrusted to Britain in 1922, provided for "placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of a Jewish national home." The local Arab community could not partner with this colonial enterprise upon which rode an external actor, the Jewish diaspora as represented by the World Zionist Organization (WZO). The element of nonconsent of the local community was paramount. [...] Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann had negotiated the Jewish national home with British Foreign Secretary James Arthur Balfour without permitting the Palestinians a voice in the formulation of the Mandate. Every Jewish immigrant who entered Palestine between 1918 and 1948, incrementally eroding the country's majoritarian demography, did so against the wishes of the Palestinians, for the most part with the help of British bayonets. Weizmann acknowledged to President Franklin Roosevelt in 1944 that it had been impossible to submit the Zionist project to the Palestinians because it would have been refused. The genius of the Zionist narrative is its ability to depict the Palestinians' resistance to this plan to dispossess them as Palestinian aggression, and the Zionist drive to impose this revolutionary status quo on the Palestinians by force of arms as Jewish self-defense. (25) 3 II The UN General Assembly (UNGA) partition resolution of 27 November 1947 was the proximate portal of the Nakba. Britain had dumped the "Palestine problem" on the UN and got out of its difficulties by ostensibly creating two states, a Jewish and an Arab state to succeed the Mandate in Palestine, thus liquidating its moral responsibility to its policy's principal victim: the Arab population. At the UN, British prime minister Clement Attlee pretended not to endorse it by abstaining, while seeing to it that Britain's Commonwealth partners voted in its favor. Meanwhile U.S. president Harry Truman jammed partition down the throats of other UN member states. The UNGA partition resolution is one of the foundational myths of Israel on the grounds that it was equitable, practicable and morally and legally viable and that the Jews had accepted it while the Palestinians and Arabs had rejected it. But the Palestinians and the Arabs rejected it precisely because it was not equitable, practicable, or morally and legally viable. Aggression and offensive action were built into the very concept of the UN partition resolution. The area of the proposed Jewish state was 15 million dunams (1 dunam = 1,000 sq meters) while Jewish land ownership in 1948 totaled 1.7 million dunams. The UN was effectively saying to the Yishuv: go seize those additional 13.3 million dunams that you don't own from those who do. (26) Since the Yishuv was fully mobilized, and there was no central authority to oversee the process and no agreed mechanism for implementation, the Jewish forces were able to use the alibi of the UNGA partition resolution to establish the Jewish state by force of arms under the guise of conforming to the international will. [...] The outcome of the regular war was already sealed in favor of Israel by the time it began. The "existential threat" supposedly posed by the Arab armies, like the ostensible equity and moral viability of the UN partition resolution, is a myth. (27)- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 10
World Zionist Organization's documentary on the estableshment of the state of Israel
This video was made by the World Zionist Organization documenting the story of the formati...
published: 01 Dec 2013
World Zionist Organization's documentary on the estableshment of the state of Israel
World Zionist Organization's documentary on the estableshment of the state of Israel
This video was made by the World Zionist Organization documenting the story of the formation and establishment of the State of Israel. In 1897, Herzl gathered the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland The congress established the World Zionist Federation and the Zionist Executive Committee In 1917, the Balfour Declaration declared Britain's commitment to the establishment of a Jewish state. This was followed by the creation of dozens of Jewish immigrant settlements and kibbutzim, as well as the beginning of Tel Aviv. Soon after, the land which became Israel saw its first pogroms in 1921, and more came in 1929 and between 1936 and 1939 In 1939, the British passed the White Paper, restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine The Arab riots lead to the establishment of Jewish militias, the Haganah, the Etzel, and the Lehi. There groups were established to defend Jewish settlements from Arab attacks as well as to bring illegal Jewish immigrants into the land that exceeded the British quota, and later they fought and won the War of Independence. The UN voted in 1947 to establish the State of Israel, with 33 votes in favor, 13 opposed, and 10 abstentions. The two superpowers at the time, Russia and the United States, were both in favor of the Jewish state's establishment. The day after, Arabs attacked a bus killing 7 Jews. This is considered the beginning of Israel's War of Independence. On May 14, 1948, Britain lowered their flag from Haifa port and officially ended their rule in Israel. Ben Gurion declared the State of Israel independent that same day. The next day, 5 Arab armies attacked Israel, marking the second stage of the War of Independence. The IDF won this war as well, and secured the Galilee, the Negev, and Western Jerusalem. Since 1947, Israel has absorbed over 3 million immigrants from Northern Africa, Europe, and around the world. Israel today is one of the most advanced and developed nations in the world.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 8
Exposició MUA - Llapis, paper i bombes. 1936-1939
La sala Aifos va acollir l'exposició "Llapis, paper ...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Exposició MUA - Llapis, paper i bombes. 1936-1939
Exposició MUA - Llapis, paper i bombes. 1936-1939
http://www.veu.ua.es/va/noticia/4560/ La sala Aifos va acollir l'exposició "Llapis, paper i bombes. 1936-1939". La mostra està integrada per un centenar de dibuixos que van fer els xiquets i xiquetes que van ser evacuats a diversos llocs d'Europa durant la Guerra Civil Espanyola, on van rebre cures i formació en colònies segures. Durant l'estada els menuts van plasmar les punyents experiències de la guerra en dibuixos que van crear en paper amb llapis de colors. La Universitat d'Alacant ha aconseguit reunir en una sola mostra aquests dibuixos que es trobaven dipositats en diverses institucions com la Biblioteca Nacional o les universitats de Califòrnia de San Diego i Columbia de Nova York. També s'hi han inclòs dibuixos realitzats pels xiquets i xiquetes que van ser evacuats a Rússia, cedits per a l'ocasió per l'Associació Arxiu Guerra i Exili i pel Centre Espanyol de Moscou. L'exposició està integrada també per fotografies i cartells de l'època pertanyents al Centre Documental de la Memòria Històrica de Salamanca i inclou una banda sonora creada especialment per a aquesta mostra pel músic italià Giovanni Alberto Croatto. Tres seccions formen el recorregut expositiu. Una primera part integra els dibuixos relacionats amb tres escenaris de la guerra civil: El bombardeig de Madrid, d'on procedien molts dels xiquets; el bombardeig de Port Bou, origen dels xiquets evacuats a les colònies del sud de França; i la batalla de Terol, com una esperança per als republicans. La segona secció de la mostra inclou dibuixos relacionats amb la vida en les colònies, i una última part, conté dibuixos relacionats amb l'evacuació des del lloc de residència a les colònies. Junt amb la Universitat d'Alacant, han coordinat la mostra un grup de professors d'Història d'instituts d'ensenyament secundari d'Alacant, entre els quals es troben José Antonio Fernández, Ramón Galdrán, Remedios Izquierdo, Carlos Salinas i Teresa Sanz. L'Àrea de Didàctica del MUA ha preparat una sèrie d'activitats educatives adreçades a l'alumnat de l'Escola d'Estiu de la UA en les quals participaran més de 150 xiquets i adolescents que podran conèixer de primera mà la vida d'altres xiquets que, fa 75 anys, van passar per la terrible vivència de la Guerra Civil Espanyola. El MUA també ha editat una guia didàctica per alumnes i professors, en versió valenciana i castellana, i un quadern didàctic, en edició bilingüe.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 148
Levesque's White Paper
Synchronous with Pierre Trudeau's imminent departure from the federal scene, Quebec Premie...
published: 01 Feb 2009
author: Fed Vid
Levesque's White Paper
Levesque's White Paper
Synchronous with Pierre Trudeau's imminent departure from the federal scene, Quebec Premier Rene Levesque announces his Parti Quebecois government's plan for...- published: 01 Feb 2009
- views: 5140
- author: Fed Vid
ISRAEL 1948 - Rebirth of the Jewish State
In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused of selli...
published: 15 Jan 2014
ISRAEL 1948 - Rebirth of the Jewish State
ISRAEL 1948 - Rebirth of the Jewish State
In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused of selling military secrets; after a show trial he was imprisoned in solitary confinement on Devil's Island. Anti-Semitic mobs chanted "Death to the Jews." A year later, a notorious bigot named Karl Leuger was elected mayor Vienna. In 1986, appalled by these two events and fearing they signaled a dramatic worsening in Anti-Semitism in Europe, a young journalist named Theodor Herzl published a book called "The Jewish state", in which he argued that, to free themselves from oppression and violence, the Jewish people needed to regain political independence. In 1897 he founded the World Zionist Congress. With the defeat of the Ottoman empire in ww1, the British government obtained a mandate to govern Israel, then called by its latin name, Palestine. In 1917 the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, claiming it would "look with favor...on the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people." Throughout the interwar period the Zionist movement gained momentum, building farms and kibbutzim, founding new cities, starting schools, hospitals and universities. It also came to reflect the political divisions of the age, with Labor Zionism, inspired by socialism, competing with the more conservative Revisionist movement. Both right and left-wing Zionist groups organized political activism and youth groups in the diaspora; Ha-Shomer Hatzair, Poale Zion and Betar would all contribute to the anti-fascist struggle. Despite the increasing support it enjoyed it remained, the goal of a Jewish state remained a distant reality. Despite their official endorsement of the idea of a "national home for the Jewish people", the British government took no steps to honor this commitment; by 1939 it had reversed its policy completely. As pan-Arab nationalists expressed increasingly violent hostility to Zionism, the British sought to appease them by placing a virtual ban on Jewish immigration. As a result of the 1939 white paper, hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees were prevented from entering the British mandate. In 1945 after the defeat of Nazi Germany, hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors remained homeless in displace persons' camps across Europe. When Jewish families tried to return to their former homes in Kielce, Poland, they were massacred. The US and UK had passed racist immigration quotas against Jews. Their lives in Europe destroyed, thousands of desperate survivors tried to emigrate to the British mandate, where the Zionist movement was still struggling for a Jewish state. The British labelled these refugees 'illegal immigrants' and imprisoned them in internment camps on Cyprus and in Haifa. Then, on 29 November 1947, the newly formed UN voted to partition the British mandate into two states- one Jewish, and one Arab. For the first time in two millennia, the Jewish people would be free. While Jews celebrated the UN decision by dancing in the streets of Tel-Aviv, extreme Arab nationalists were furious, declaring they would never except a Jewish state in the middle east, vowing to destroy it at birth and massacre its people. The armies of five countries now attacked a tiny country populated mainly with traumatized refugees; they expected a quick, sensational victory. Instead, the poorly armed young people of the Haganah and Palmach managed to defend the Jewish state and ensure its survival. One of those fighting was a Captain Abba Kovner of the Givati brigade, who had led the Vilna ghetto uprising against the Nazis. The reestablish of Israel in 1948 marked the end of centuries of brutal oppression in which Jews in both Europe and the middle east were deprived of basic civil rights, treated at best as second-class citizens and subject to arbitrary racist violence. Now, with a nation-state and army, the Jewish people could defend themselves. LONG LIVE ISRAEL ✡ ❤- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 32
Germany lauds Jewish-German paper: Berlin's new 'Jewish Voice' praised by FM Guido Westerwelle
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle took part in the launch a "Jewish Voice from Ger...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: JewishNewsOne
Germany lauds Jewish-German paper: Berlin's new 'Jewish Voice' praised by FM Guido Westerwelle
Germany lauds Jewish-German paper: Berlin's new 'Jewish Voice' praised by FM Guido Westerwelle
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle took part in the launch a "Jewish Voice from Germany," a new Jewish newspaper in Berlin. He said, "The 'Jewish Voic...- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 833
- author: JewishNewsOne
Justice Department's White Paper on Targeted Killing in full
NBC News has obtained a Justice Department white paper that purports to explain when it wo...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: thetruegrimghost
Justice Department's White Paper on Targeted Killing in full
Justice Department's White Paper on Targeted Killing in full
NBC News has obtained a Justice Department white paper that purports to explain when it would be lawful for the government to carry out the extrajudicial kil...- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 86
- author: thetruegrimghost
The Restoration of Israel is the Fulfillment of Dan 9
This video is my testimony of when Jesus revealed to me that the present restoration of Is...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: James D Albright
The Restoration of Israel is the Fulfillment of Dan 9
The Restoration of Israel is the Fulfillment of Dan 9
This video is my testimony of when Jesus revealed to me that the present restoration of Israel is the fulfillment of the 70 weeks in Dan 9. The 7 weeks began...- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 51
- author: James D Albright
Donald Duck Cartoons Full Episodes - Beach Picnic 1939
no description availablePart of The Chronological Donald Volume One 1934-1941 Made by: Dis...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Donald Duck Cartoons Full Episodes - Beach Picnic 1939
Donald Duck Cartoons Full Episodes - Beach Picnic 1939
no description availablePart of The Chronological Donald Volume One 1934-1941 Made by: Disney I wish to share my child hood memorys with every one I grew up with this cartoon, and wish for every one else to watch them to Please sit down and watch my child hood cartoon :D Enjoy This is an original Walt Disney cartoon with Donald Duck, uploading it for all Disney fans like me, Have fun Beautiful orrery(solar system model) avaiable in : ... .Donald Duck is at the beach and tries to ride a rubber horse. He notices Pluto sleeping at the shore and decides to have some fun with him by sending the rubber horse over to Pluto which completely mesmerizes him. Meanwhile, a tribe of ants abduct Donald#39s picnic lunch. Donald lays out fly paper to stop the ants. Pluto follows one of the ants and, of course, he and later Donald become enmeshed in the fly paper.Donald Duck is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill. Donald Duck is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill. ManagerLeague: donald duck Full Movie HDdonald duck Full Movie HD donald duck Full Movie HD donald duck Full Movie HD donald duck Full Movie HD donald duck Full Movie HD do. Walt Disney (Film Producer),Cartoon (TV Genre),Disneyland,animation,Kingdom Hearts,Disney,World,donald,duck,Disney Channel (Organization),cartoon,Mickey Mous. Cartoons belonging to your childhood Donald Duck - cartoon episodes series The cartoons from your childhood Donald Duck and his friends Please subscribe for . Donalds Snow Fight is an animated short film featuring classic cartoon character Donald Duck in a boisterous snowball fight with his nephews Huey, Dewey and. Full Movie Donald Duck Cartoons Donalds Garden Episodes (1942) Donald Duck is one of the famous ducks we all know and love. Uncle of the mischievous trio H. Full Movie Donald Duck Cartoons Donalds Garden Episodes (1942) Donald Duck is one of the famous ducks we all know and love. Uncle of the mischievous trio H. . Released on 10th April 1942. In respect to Walt Disney and Dick Lundy. With norsk subtitles Full Movie Donald Duck Cartoons Donalds Gold Mine Episodes (1942) Donald Duck is one of the famous ducks we all know and love. Uncle of the mischievous tri. . Full Movie Donald Duck Cartoons Donalds Ostrich Episodes (1973) Donald Duck is one of the famous ducks we all know and love. Uncle of the mischievous trio . . donald duck,donald duck cartoon,mickey mouse,donald duck cartoons,donald duck christmas,tom and jerry,mickey mouse clubhouse,mickey mouse cartoons,chip and d. All Best Cartoons For Cool Kids Subscribe And Be Cool: tom and jerry spongebob squarepants mickey mouse to. Cartoons For Children # Donald Duck-Donald_s Better Self - Best Cartoon Episodes.mp4. This is a clasic cartoon starring donald duck. n nDonalds Snow Fight is an animated short film featuring classic cartoon character Donald Duck in a boiste. Donald duck, walt disney, disney, disney movies, disney full movies, disney movies full length, disney pictures, disney songs, disney cartoon, disney movie, . [Donald Duck] Donalds Penguin - 1939 Channel: Website: [Donald Duck] Donalds Penguin - 1939. Part of The Chronological Donald Volume One 1942-1946 Made by: Disney I wish to share my child hood memorys with every one I grew up with this cartoon, and. Walt Disney (Film Producer),Cartoon (TV Genre),Disneyland,animation,Kingdom Hearts,Disney,World,donald,duck,Disney Channel (Organization),cartoon,Mickey Mous. Best Cartoons Ever-cartoons for children,cartoons and cereal kendrick lamar,cartoon movies disney full movie,oggy cartoon,oggy 2013,oggy and the cockroaches . Classic cartoons from the good old days. Donald Duck is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill.Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (1939) [DISNEY CLASSICS] Donald Duck - Beach Picnic (193- published: 23 Feb 2014
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Youtube results:
1939 newspaper that was found in an old demolished house.
Exploring some newspapers from 1939 what were used in the walls of an old house as insulat...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: ForgottenGraveyard
1939 newspaper that was found in an old demolished house.
1939 newspaper that was found in an old demolished house.
Exploring some newspapers from 1939 what were used in the walls of an old house as insulation.- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 151
- author: ForgottenGraveyard
DIY: Paper Boxes for Makeup, Jewelry, Cupcakes, Ect...
You can use these boxes for any number of uses!
Once you learn the pattern, you...
published: 02 Nov 2013
DIY: Paper Boxes for Makeup, Jewelry, Cupcakes, Ect...
DIY: Paper Boxes for Makeup, Jewelry, Cupcakes, Ect...
OPEN ME! You can use these boxes for any number of uses! Once you learn the pattern, you'll be making boxes of all shapes and sizes! Check out the scrapbooking paper section at any local craft store (Joann Fabric, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, ect) and you will find hundreds of different designs for all occasions! All the materials you need: Paper Scissors Optional Materials: Tape Glue Time to get your creativity on! Enjoy! Have you seen my last video? 50 Random Facts about Me!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS_Af2hV4i0 Check out my Cousin's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/shanran07 Business Inquiries: glossandsparkle@gmail.com- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 158
1941 Nazi Backed Muslim Brotherhood Masacre of Jews in Iraq
This video uncovers that in 1941 the Nazis supported the Muslim Brotherhood, under the lea...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: James D Albright
1941 Nazi Backed Muslim Brotherhood Masacre of Jews in Iraq
1941 Nazi Backed Muslim Brotherhood Masacre of Jews in Iraq
This video uncovers that in 1941 the Nazis supported the Muslim Brotherhood, under the leadership of the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem to massacre the Jews in Ira...- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 735
- author: James D Albright