Azure is a variation of blue that is often described as the color of the sky on a clear summer's day.
On the RGB color wheel, "azure" (color #007FFF) is defined as the color at 210 degrees, i.e., the hue halfway between blue and cyan. In the RGB color model, used to create all the colors on a television or computer screen, azure is created by adding a little green light to blue light. The complementary color of azure is orange.
In the X11 color system which became a standard for early web colors, azure is depicted as a pale cyan.
The color azure ultimately takes its name from the intense blue mineral lapis lazuli. Lapis is the Latin word for "stone" and lazuli is the genitive form of the Medieval Latin lazulum, which is taken from the Arabic لازورد lāzaward, itself from the Persian لاژورد lāžaward, which is the name of the stone in Persian and also of a place where lapis lazuli was mined.
The name of the stone came to be associated with its color. The French azur, the Italian azzurro, the Polish lazur, Romanian azur and azuriu, and the Portuguese and Spanish azul, Hungarian azúr all come from the name and color of lapis lazuli.
This list of Donald Duck universe characters focuses on Disney cartoon characters who typically appear with Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck, but are not related to them. For relatives of Donald and Scrooge, see Duck family (Disney) or Clan McDuck. For characters exclusive to the DuckTales franchise, see List of DuckTales characters.
Ducks are the most common type of named characters in the Donald Duck universe. Like Donald, they appear as white American Pekin ducks.
Umperio Bogarto is a private detective. He was invented by Carlo Chendi and Giorgio Cavazzano in the early 1980s to be used as a supporting character in two stories with O.K. Quack. But ironically Bogarto became more popular than O.K. himself. He is named after the actor Humphrey Bogart. Bogarto's office is straight from a typical 1920s-era American detective novel. He is running severely late on payment of his rent. Bogarto wears a trench coat, a fedora and gum-soled shoes.
You gave your heart to me
I can't believe it's through
and now you're gone.
Don't make it hard for me.
Dip your wings in blue
and leave alone.
I'm not gonna think it over.
Even though I'll never see your face again.
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.
Cause this blues has found a bitter end.
This blues has found a bitter end.
Love is a travesty.
Let's repeat the cue
to make a point.
All of our lives we'll dream.
Stars will fall
and suns will burn in gold.
I'm not gonna think it over.
Even though I'll never see your face again.
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.
Cause this blues
has found a bitter end.
I'm not gonna take it sober.
So tonight I'm gonna blame myself again.
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.
Cause this blues has found a bitter end.
This blues has found a bitter end.
We sat by the broken window.
and watched the sunlight disappear.
(A silver moon of broken promises
Lit up a silhouette against the sky.)
I'm not gonna think it over.
Even though I'll never see your face again.
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.
Cause this blues
has found a bitter end.
I'm not gonna take it sober.
So tonight I'm gonna blame myself again.
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.
Cause this blues has found a bitter end.
This blues has found a bitter end.
This blues has found a bitter end.
This blues has found a bitter end.