
"Why I'm a Republican" GOP Launches Ad Campaign Courting Minorities
"Republicans are just like you, and you, and you. That's the message of the latest (and le...
published: 18 Mar 2014
"Why I'm a Republican" GOP Launches Ad Campaign Courting Minorities
"Why I'm a Republican" GOP Launches Ad Campaign Courting Minorities
"Republicans are just like you, and you, and you. That's the message of the latest (and let's be honest, all) political advertisements from the GOP. But the you's in the new, "Why I'm a Republican" campaign, launching tomorrow, aren't who you might expect." Read more from Slate's Katie Long here: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/03/17/gop_launches_new_ad_campaign_to_win_over_minority_youth_and_women_obama.html Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks breaks down the super cheesy ads from the Republican party. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Get your TYT Merch: http://shoptyt.com or http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 42750

GOP Hangout: Learn How to Win Friends and Influence Followers
We will be hanging out with top conservative leaders, learning how to become online conser...
published: 26 Mar 2014
GOP Hangout: Learn How to Win Friends and Influence Followers
GOP Hangout: Learn How to Win Friends and Influence Followers
We will be hanging out with top conservative leaders, learning how to become online conservative activists, so we can make an impact online in the 2014 elections.- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 0

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice
Late in the evening on September 30, 2013, the House Rules Committee Republicans changed t...
published: 12 Oct 2013
The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice
The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice
Late in the evening on September 30, 2013, the House Rules Committee Republicans changed the Rules of the House so that the ONLY Member allowed to call up the Senate's clean CR for a vote was Majority Leader Eric Cantor or his designee -- all but guaranteeing the government would shut down a few hours later and would stay shut down. Previously, any Member would have had the right to bring the CR up for a vote. Democracy has been suspended in the House of Representatives.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 4629

GOP Civil War - The Numbers Tell A Bigger Story & It Ain't Pretty
Join the fight against money in politics: http://www.wolf-pac.com
"The jabs at Mitch McCo...
published: 15 Feb 2014
GOP Civil War - The Numbers Tell A Bigger Story & It Ain't Pretty
GOP Civil War - The Numbers Tell A Bigger Story & It Ain't Pretty
Join the fight against money in politics: http://www.wolf-pac.com "The jabs at Mitch McConnell have been coming on the air and in the mail, accusing the Senate Republican leader of helping President Obama and letting down Kentucky voters. The attacks are not the work of McConnell's conservative primary challenger. Instead, they are coming from independent groups that want to unseat him and are benefitting from a new system of unlimited contributions ushered in by the Supreme Court in its 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling. Conservatives cheered that decision, described at the time by McConnell as a "First Amendment triumph." But, as McConnell's experience now illustrates, the loosened rules are causing political headaches for the GOP — allowing tea party groups to bring more financial firepower to challenges against Republican incumbents. Now, party leaders struggling to unify the warring wings in time to retake the Senate this year and lay a foundation for the 2016 presidential race are instead contending with a well-financed insurgency."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Matea Gold and Dan Keating / Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/an-unexpected-legacy-of-citizens-united-more-money-to-finance-gops-intraparty-war/2014/02/01/df40aba0-8484-11e3-bbe5-6a2a3141e3a9_story.html ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Buy TYT Merch: http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 33624

Christie, Walker Court GOP Donors in Las Vegas
Governors Chris Christie spoke at the annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition in...
published: 29 Mar 2014
Christie, Walker Court GOP Donors in Las Vegas
Christie, Walker Court GOP Donors in Las Vegas
Governors Chris Christie spoke at the annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, which was attended by prominent Republican political donors like Sheldon Adelson. (March 29)- published: 29 Mar 2014
- views: 6

The GOP vs. The Suicide Tea-Party Caucus: Let The Blame Game Begin!
Confessions of a GOP Operative Who Left "THE CULT": 3 Things Everyone Must Know About the ...
published: 19 Oct 2013
The GOP vs. The Suicide Tea-Party Caucus: Let The Blame Game Begin!
The GOP vs. The Suicide Tea-Party Caucus: Let The Blame Game Begin!
Confessions of a GOP Operative Who Left "THE CULT": 3 Things Everyone Must Know About the Lunatic-Filled Republican Party: http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/Article/Confessions-of-a-GOP-Operative-Who-Left--THE-CULT---3-Things-Everyone-Must-Know-About-the-Lunatic-Filled-Republican-Party/256486 ---------------------------------- ** Visit PoliticalArticles.NET: http://www.politicalarticles.net/ ** Want To Show Us Some Love? Go Here: http://tinyurl.com/leh6kd5 ** Signup For Our Blog Newsletter and We'll Drop You a Line When New Articles Come Up: -- MAIN OPTION: http://tinyurl.com/main-option -- OTHER OPTIONS: http://tinyurl.com/other-options2 ** Like Us on FaceBook: http://goo.gl/usmuY ** Follow Us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/padotnet ** Add Us To Your Circles In Google: http://goo.gl/GF9Sc ** Racism, Prejudice & Hate: http://tinyurl.com/Racism-Prejudice-Hate ** Politics USA: http://goo.gl/Zs5nL ** Points To Ponder: http://goo.gl/MGHFo ----------------------------------- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 589

GOP Reps Call Out CNN Anchor in Battle over Shutdown: 'Whose Bidding Are You Doing?'
9/30/13 - A CNN interview with GOP Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Marsha Blackburn (R-T...
published: 30 Sep 2013
GOP Reps Call Out CNN Anchor in Battle over Shutdown: 'Whose Bidding Are You Doing?'
GOP Reps Call Out CNN Anchor in Battle over Shutdown: 'Whose Bidding Are You Doing?'
9/30/13 - A CNN interview with GOP Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) exploded on Monday as anchor Ashleigh Banfield tore into the House GOP conference over what appears to be a likely government shutdown over the effort to defund Obamacare through the budget process. Blackburn began by blaming the Senate for failing to act on the budget measures the House sent them. She insisted that the House GOP does not want to shut the government down. "It sounds so simple when you say it like that," Banfield replied. "It reminds me of the time in the Middle East when the Palestinians and the Israelis say that you want peace, but you both want your way and neither wants to blink in the ridiculous staring contest where we're the ones who need the Visine." Banfield pressed Rohrabacher over why the House has decided to make this stand over Obamacare in grave and serious terms. "Well, have you addressed that to the Senate?" Rohrabacher replied. "You are acting and telling the listeners that we republicans are holding this up, and the government is going to shut down. We have actually reached out to the democrats with a compromised position..." "Don't you dare put this back on me," Banfield replied. "You can't make something up." Both Banfield and the House members talked over each other while Rohrabacher accused Banfield of having them both on her show to "give us a tirade." "You can't make up facts sir," Banfield pressed. Rohrabacher accused Banfield of playing the same game the Senate is playing, refusing to even talk to the House GOP about their compromise which would continue to fund the government. "Whose bidding are you doing?" he asked. Banfield insisted that she only did not invite Democrats on her program, only Republicans. The interview concluded with Banfield prodding both House members to confirm whether they would surrender their paychecks in the event of a government shutdown. She demanded a "yes" or "no" answer, but the House members would only insist that they believed that the consequence of a shutdown should be felt by every federal employee. "We like to pay you your big salaries, but we would like to you to do more," Banfield concluded. "You're like intransigent kids."- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 212

Government Shutdown ▶ The GOP's Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown!
FULL ORIGINAL VIDEO -- The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans C...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Government Shutdown ▶ The GOP's Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown!
Government Shutdown ▶ The GOP's Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown!
FULL ORIGINAL VIDEO -- The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? 2013 The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown? The GOP's Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice: Republicans Changed The Rules Of Congress To Force A Shutdown?- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 110

Maher, Matthews Get in Epic Brawl with GOP Guests Over Obamacare GOP 'Sabotaging a Law!' YouTube
published: 12 Oct 2013
Maher, Matthews Get in Epic Brawl with GOP Guests Over Obamacare GOP 'Sabotaging a Law!' YouTube
Maher, Matthews Get in Epic Brawl with GOP Guests Over Obamacare GOP 'Sabotaging a Law!' YouTube
- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 25215

Rachel Maddow - Public opinion of GOP plummets
Oct 10, 2013
Ezra Klein, editor of the "Wonk Blog" for the Washington Post, talks with Rac...
published: 11 Oct 2013
Rachel Maddow - Public opinion of GOP plummets
Rachel Maddow - Public opinion of GOP plummets
Oct 10, 2013 Ezra Klein, editor of the "Wonk Blog" for the Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about poll numbers showing deep American disapproval of Republicans for the government shutdown and threats to the economy, and whether the latest round of deal talk holds the possibility of ending the shutdown.- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 177

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: GOP - Hashtag Awesomesauce (HBO)
Young tubular conservative Josh Gondelman explains what's amaze balls about the Republican...
published: 21 Mar 2014
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: GOP - Hashtag Awesomesauce (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: GOP - Hashtag Awesomesauce (HBO)
Young tubular conservative Josh Gondelman explains what's amaze balls about the Republican Party.- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 53281

Goofy Alabama GOP Ad Is Priceless
One congressional candidate is literally taking aim at Obamacare in a new ad, shooting at ...
published: 28 Mar 2014
Goofy Alabama GOP Ad Is Priceless
Goofy Alabama GOP Ad Is Priceless
One congressional candidate is literally taking aim at Obamacare in a new ad, shooting at a paper copy of the law with various firearms. "We're down here to have a little fun today and talk about two serious subjects: the Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare," Will Brooke, a congressional candidate running in the GOP primary for Alabama's 6th district says in a new video posted Wednesday to YouTube... Read More At: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/will-brooke-alabama-obamacare-105072.html Clip from the Thursday, March 27th 2014 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday - friday 4-6pm Eastern. Check out our website - and become a member - at: http://www.SecularTalkRadio.com Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kylekulinski Follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski Like on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SecularTalk Friends Of SecularTalk: http://www.facebook.com/beastofreason AMAZON LINK: (Bookmark this link to support the show for free!!!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=seculacom-20- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 418

Radical Christian Wins GOP Nomination For Congress
*A Republican candidate who believes that God dictates weather patterns and that tornadoes...
published: 21 Mar 2014
Radical Christian Wins GOP Nomination For Congress
Radical Christian Wins GOP Nomination For Congress
*A Republican candidate who believes that God dictates weather patterns and that tornadoes, autism and dementia are God's punishments for marriage equality and abortion access won the GOP nomination to challenge Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) in the Chicago-area 9th Congressional District. Susanne Atanus, of Niles, Ill., garnered 54 percent of the vote in her Tuesday win over David Earl Williams III...* Will this radical conservative Christian get enough votes in the general election? Are atheists blown away that she got the nomination? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Samantha Lachman / The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/19/susanne-atanus-congress-_n_4993555.html ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Get your TYT Merch: http://shoptyt.com or http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 21402
Youtube results:

GOP in Crisis at CPAC 2014 | Interview with Ben Swann
Abby Martin speaks with independent journalist Ben Swann, about the biggest takeaways from...
published: 11 Mar 2014
GOP in Crisis at CPAC 2014 | Interview with Ben Swann
GOP in Crisis at CPAC 2014 | Interview with Ben Swann
Abby Martin speaks with independent journalist Ben Swann, about the biggest takeaways from the 2014 CPAC conference, discussing Sen. Rand Paul's Straw Poll victory, the splintering of the GOP, and Sarah Palin's comments on nuclear weapons. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 157

'Apartheid' Arizona Gov. Brewer Vetos GOP's Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill
White Supremacy: 'Apartheid' Arizona's SB 1070 Immigration Law is All About Maintaining a ...
published: 27 Feb 2014
'Apartheid' Arizona Gov. Brewer Vetos GOP's Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill
'Apartheid' Arizona Gov. Brewer Vetos GOP's Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill
White Supremacy: 'Apartheid' Arizona's SB 1070 Immigration Law is All About Maintaining a White Majority: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/2012/04/27/white-supremacy-apartheid-arizonas-sb-1070-immigration-law-is-all-about-maintaining-a-white-majority/ ---------------------------------- ** Visit PoliticalArticles.NET: http://www.politicalarticles.net/ ** Signup For Our Blog Newsletter and We'll Drop You a Line When New Articles Come Up: -- MAIN OPTION: http://tinyurl.com/main-option -- OTHER OPTIONS: http://tinyurl.com/other-options2 ** Like Us on FaceBook: http://goo.gl/usmuY ** Follow Us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/padotnet ** Add Us To Your Circles In Google: http://goo.gl/GF9Sc ** Racism, Prejudice & Hate: http://tinyurl.com/Racism-Prejudice-Hate ** Politics USA: http://goo.gl/Zs5nL ** Points To Ponder: http://goo.gl/MGHFo ----------------------------------- published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 13

GOP sell out of Tea Party?
Donna Brazile asks Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer if House Republicans are abandoning ...
published: 31 Jan 2014
GOP sell out of Tea Party?
GOP sell out of Tea Party?
Donna Brazile asks Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer if House Republicans are abandoning their principles.- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 1536

GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Demands Andrea Mitchell Defend Democrats Keeping Obamacare Perks
10/8/13 - A heated exchange broke out on MSNBC on Tuesday when anchor Andrea Mitchell aske...
published: 08 Oct 2013
GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Demands Andrea Mitchell Defend Democrats Keeping Obamacare Perks
GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Demands Andrea Mitchell Defend Democrats Keeping Obamacare Perks
10/8/13 - A heated exchange broke out on MSNBC on Tuesday when anchor Andrea Mitchell asked Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) to defend the government shutdown keeping the families of veterans who lost their lives in combat from accessing their benefits. Duffy turned the tables and pressed Mitchell to defend members of Congress keeping their benefits under the Affordable Care Act. "I think the media should start doing its job," he insisted. The interview began cordially, with Duffy defending the House GOP passing a number of small continuing resolutions and attacking the Senate for not sending them to the president. Mitchell countered that those piecemeal funding resolutions miss the larger point: The issue is not that this is a small matter, it's a very big matter, but so is the matter of the kids in head start. So is the problem of the single moms who aren't getting food stamps and their help. So down the road are survivors' benefits — that fund is going to run out in weeks if not months. So you can't take this piecemeal, congressman. "Isn't the issue that someone has to sit down and figure out what to do about the stalemate that has led to this disgrace?" Mitchell asked. "You hit it on the head," Duffy replied. "The president has said I won't sit at the table." "No," Mitchell replied. "He said that he will negotiate and negotiate a lot of things that you all want: tax reform, entitlements. He will negotiate once the threat of the government shutdown and debt default is not hanging over their heads. That's what he says." "Andrea, that's ridiculous," Duffy shot back. "You're aware all we've asked for is the president and administration join us in Obamacare." "That's a nonnegotiable demand," Mitchell insisted. "Why not sit down and negotiate over entitlement reform?" Duffy pivoted to attacking the media, saying it was "pathetic" that no one in the press except for Comedy Central host Jon Stewart has pressed an administration member to defend the benefits presidential and congressional employees receive under the ACA. "We've asked questions of both sides," Mitchell responded. "That's not fair." "Why should members of Congress be under Obamacare and not the president," Duffy pressed. "Isn't that fair? Can you defend that?" "I can't defend why the Congress and the White House can't figure out a way to reopen government," Mitchell replied. "I think the media should start doing its job," Duffy concluded. "Thanks for the advice," Mitchell signed off.- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 22