MCI Green Operator - ABA Motorcoach Travel News
During the American Bus Association's Marketplace, January 5 through January 9, in Charlot...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: MotorCoachInd
MCI Green Operator - ABA Motorcoach Travel News
MCI Green Operator - ABA Motorcoach Travel News
During the American Bus Association's Marketplace, January 5 through January 9, in Charlotte, North Carolina, MCI President and CEO Rick Heller explained how...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 547
- author: MotorCoachInd
MCI Triage Song
This is a review of the color triage system. This is meant to be a memorable way to rememb...
published: 04 Dec 2010
author: BlueJFilms
MCI Triage Song
MCI Triage Song
This is a review of the color triage system. This is meant to be a memorable way to remember the different priorities and treatments. The lyrics are written ...- published: 04 Dec 2010
- views: 28480
- author: BlueJFilms
Northwest Bus Sales - 1982 NICE MCI MC9 47 Passenger Coach For Sale - C37014
More MCI's @ http://www.nwbus.com It's hard to find a more reliable bus than the ever popu...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: NW Bus Sales
Northwest Bus Sales - 1982 NICE MCI MC9 47 Passenger Coach For Sale - C37014
Northwest Bus Sales - 1982 NICE MCI MC9 47 Passenger Coach For Sale - C37014
More MCI's @ http://www.nwbus.com It's hard to find a more reliable bus than the ever popular MC9. This bus runs and drives great, is straight and very clean...- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 2388
- author: NW Bus Sales
Bus Tour MCI J4500
Here's a tour of the bus I drove from June 27 - July 1 2013, an MCI J4500 built in 2002 at...
published: 06 Jul 2013
author: TouristProfessional
Bus Tour MCI J4500
Bus Tour MCI J4500
Here's a tour of the bus I drove from June 27 - July 1 2013, an MCI J4500 built in 2002 at the plant in Winnipeg, MB Music by Ionide, used by permission. Che...- published: 06 Jul 2013
- views: 124
- author: TouristProfessional
MCI - Máquinas para Salgados - Robocopy Buffet Super - (11) 4013.7223
Acesse: http://www.MCImaquinaparasalgados.com.br - Máquinas para formar e rechear salgados...
published: 28 Sep 2009
author: mcimatheus
MCI - Máquinas para Salgados - Robocopy Buffet Super - (11) 4013.7223
MCI - Máquinas para Salgados - Robocopy Buffet Super - (11) 4013.7223
Acesse: http://www.MCImaquinaparasalgados.com.br - Máquinas para formar e rechear salgados. Faz salgados de diversos formatos e tamanhos. Tem capacidade para...- published: 28 Sep 2009
- views: 73577
- author: mcimatheus
MCI - Francis, le mime d'avions
Message à Caractère Informatif "Francis, le mime d'avion" enjoy ;p....
published: 20 Sep 2006
author: demonklyd
MCI - Francis, le mime d'avions
MCI - Francis, le mime d'avions
Message à Caractère Informatif "Francis, le mime d'avion" enjoy ;p.- published: 20 Sep 2006
- views: 56737
- author: demonklyd
MCI - Soyez autoritaire avec les objets...
Message à Caractère Informatif "Soyez autoritaire avec les objets..." enjoy ;p....
published: 20 Sep 2006
author: demonklyd
MCI - Soyez autoritaire avec les objets...
MCI - Soyez autoritaire avec les objets...
Message à Caractère Informatif "Soyez autoritaire avec les objets..." enjoy ;p.- published: 20 Sep 2006
- views: 128050
- author: demonklyd
Jesus Shake - MCI Mosquera
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: MCI Mosquera
Jesus Shake - MCI Mosquera
2010 MCI J4500 Start and Switches
Its a real nice bus, but I was extremely unfamiliar with it. I'm more comfortable with it ...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: matts4290
2010 MCI J4500 Start and Switches
2010 MCI J4500 Start and Switches
Its a real nice bus, but I was extremely unfamiliar with it. I'm more comfortable with it now. It is a real nice bus.- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 14105
- author: matts4290
MCI NHTSA Bus Crash Test.
On December 14, 2007 Transportation Research Center Inc. conducted a frontal Motor Coach c...
published: 07 May 2010
author: doggsho
MCI NHTSA Bus Crash Test.
MCI NHTSA Bus Crash Test.
On December 14, 2007 Transportation Research Center Inc. conducted a frontal Motor Coach crash test for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (...- published: 07 May 2010
- views: 269579
- author: doggsho
published: 28 Dec 2009
author: panchobiblia
- views: 50392
- author: panchobiblia
Used MCI mc-12 prison transport bus c48044
Used prison transport bus - 1995 MCI MC-12 Full current inventory at http://www.lasvegasbu...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: MrBusesforsale
Used MCI mc-12 prison transport bus c48044
Used MCI mc-12 prison transport bus c48044
Used prison transport bus - 1995 MCI MC-12 Full current inventory at http://www.lasvegasbussales.com.- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 1797
- author: MrBusesforsale
published: 08 Jan 2011
author: Ju-Chin Tsai
有多位專業人士幫陪同看MCI有力的二行程引擎室.- published: 08 Jan 2011
- views: 2184
- author: Ju-Chin Tsai
Vimeo results:
Temporal Distortion
Featuring an original score by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, Eure...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Randy Halverson
Temporal Distortion
Featuring an original score by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, Eureka, etc) http://www.bearmccreary.com Thanks to Bear for taking the time to do this!
Watch in HD
http://dakotalapse.com/2012/02/temporal-distortion-2/ for more info and digital download.
There is a 23 minute extended cut, available for digital download here http://dakotalapse.com/2012/02/temporal-distortion-extended-cut/ The feature is 23+ minutes of Milky Way, Aurora and other night timelapse, it has 2 original scores by Simon Wilkinson http://www.thebluemask.com , as well as some from his royalty free collection.
Download an MP3 of Bear McCreary's Temporal Distortion on Amazon http://tinyurl.com/8955prd or on Itunes
What you see is real, but you can't see it this way with the naked eye. It is the result of thousands of 20-30 second exposures, edited together to produce the timelapse. This allows you to see the Milky Way, Aurora and other Phenonmena, in a way you wouldn't normally see them.
In the opening "Dakotalapse" title shot, you see bands of red and green moving across the sky. After asking several Astronomers, they are possible noctilucent clouds, airglow or faint Aurora. I never got a definite answer to what it is. You can also see the red and green bands in other shots.
At :53 and 2:17 seconds into the video you see a Meteor with a Persistent Train. Which is ionizing gases, which lasted over a half hour in the cameras frame. Phil Plait wrote an article about the phenomena here http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/10/02/a-meteors-lingering-tale/
There is a second Meteor with a much shorter persistent train at 2:51 in the video. This one wasn't backlit by the moon like the first, and moves out of the frame quickly.
The Aurora were shot in central South Dakota in September 2011 and near Madison, Wisconsin on October 25, 2011.
Watch for two Deer at 1:27
Most of the video was shot near the White River in central South Dakota during September and October 2011, there are other shots from Arches National Park in Utah, and Canyon of the Ancients area of Colorado during June 2011.
Equipment Used
Thanks to Dynamic Perception for their support and for making the Stage Zero Dolly. http://www.dynamicperception.com The best dolly made in many ways!
Canon 5D Mark II and Canon 60D
Canon 16-35, Tokina 11-16
Shot in RAW format. Manual mode, Exposure was 30 seconds on most Milky Way shots, 15-30 seconds on Aurora. ISO 1600 - 6400 F2.8. 3 second intervals between exposures
Production Assistants - River Halverson and Kelly McIlhone
Opening title by Gus Winkelman // Winkelmedia LLC // Contact Guswinkelman@gmail for creative solutions
Available in 4K Digital Cinema
Contact for licensing footage, or anything else.
Randy Halverson
Google + https://plus.google.com/115274420552571826637/posts
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse
If you have ever been in a wide open landscape the most interesting thing isn't necessaril...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Randy Halverson
If you have ever been in a wide open landscape the most interesting thing isn't necessarily the landscape itself, but what you see coming over the horizon. Growing up in South Dakota the landscape itself can be beautiful at times, but that doesn't compare to what the sky can do, especially at night. Combine that with the landscape, and it makes for great photo opportunities. More information and stills at http://dakotalapse.com/2013/06/horizons/
Watch the 30 minute feature on Vimeo On Demand https://vimeo.com/ondemand/horizons
Bear McCreary (The Walking Dead, Defiance, Battlestar Galactica, etc) once again helped me with some original music for the video. This time he suggested adding vocals to the mix. Brendan McCreary and his band (Young Beautiful in a Hurry) did just that. They came up with “I Forever” The single is available on iTunes http://tinyurl.com/pgrq45p , Amazon and other online sources.
I shot Horizons from April - October 2012 mostly in South Dakota, but also some at Devils Tower in Wyoming. From the rugged Badlands, the White River valley and the Black Hills, the horizons seem to endlessly change.
Download the 30 minute long Horizons feature at http://dakotalapse.com/2013/06/horizons-feature
Photography and Editing – Randy Halverson
Production Assistants – River Halverson and Kelly McILhone
Color Correction - Jeff Zueger - Spectrum Films
Dynamic Perception – The Stage Zero and Stage One dollies were used in many of the shots. I can't recommend them enough for a quality product at a low price. http://www.dynamicperception.com/#oid=1005_1
Borrowlenses – Throughout the summer I got some great Canon and Zeiss lenses from Borrowlenses to use in the shoot. They have great service and every lens performed flawlessly. So if you ever want to try out a lens ,or just need one for an special shoot, give them a try! http://www.borrowlenses.com
Granite Bay Software – I try to avoid flicker in sunset or daytime timelapse while shooting. But sometimes it is unavoidable. I used GBDeflicker to smooth out the flicker in some of the sunset timelapse. http://www.granitebaysoftware.com/
Equipment Used
Canon 5D Mark III, sometimes with a 2nd from Borrowlenses.com
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 60D
I used a variety of lenses, many from Borrowlenses.com
Canon 14, 16-35, 24-70, 50 F1.2, 70-200mm lenses
Zeiss 21, 25, 35mm lenses
Nikon 14-24mm with Novoflex Adapter
Available in 4K Digital Cinema
Contact for licensing footage, shooting rates or anything else. My website http://www.dakotalapse.com
Randy Halverson
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse
Tempest Milky Way
Tempest Milky Way won Best Overall and Audience Choice at the 2011 Chronos Film Festival. ...
published: 22 Aug 2011
author: Randy Halverson
Tempest Milky Way
Tempest Milky Way won Best Overall and Audience Choice at the 2011 Chronos Film Festival. http://www.chronosfilmfestival.com
One of the challenges in making this video, was trying to get good storm with stars shots. The opportunity doesn't come along very often, the storm has to be moving the right speed and the lightning can overexpose the long exposures. I had several opportunities this summer to get storm and star shots. In one instance, within a minute of picking up the camera and dolly, 70mph winds hit. One storm was perfect, it came straight towards the setup, then died right before it reached it.
Extended cut available here http://dakotalapse.com/2011/08/tempest-milky-way/
At the 1:57 mark a Whitetail buck came in to check out the setup. It was caught on 20 frames, and was there for about 10 minutes. It was only 50 yards from the camera, dolly and light.
At the 3:24 mark, a meteor reflects on the water of the small lake, see still below in Photos. There are also quite a few other meteors in the timelapse.
This was all shot in central South Dakota from June-August.
Canon 5D Mark II for a few shots, Canon 60D and T2i
Canon 16-35, Tokina 11-16
Shot in RAW format. Manual mode, Exposure was 30 seconds on most Milky Way shots, 20-25 on some of the storm shots, ISO 1600 or 3200 F2.8.
Simon Wilkinson at http://www.thebluemask.com created the music "Tempest" and sound for it.
I used the Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly on most of the shots as well, it is awesome. http://www.dynamicperception.com
Contact for licensing or anything else
Randy Halverson
Google + https://plus.google.com/115274420552571826637/posts
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse
MCI 2011
Command for mci, perfomed at stravinski in Monthreux.
Motion Video Artist
Vj Likid
VJ zer...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: TarraBasS
MCI 2011
Command for mci, perfomed at stravinski in Monthreux.
Motion Video Artist
Vj Likid
VJ zero
VJ Camille de Dieu
3d by Raphael italiano
editting by François Moncarey
More project at www.cenc.ch
Youtube results:
MCI - Máquinas para Fazer Salgados - Robocopy Mini - (11) 4013.7223
Para mais informações acesse : http://www.mci.ind.br/salgados Não esqueçam de adcionar nos...
published: 28 Sep 2009
author: mcimatheus
MCI - Máquinas para Fazer Salgados - Robocopy Mini - (11) 4013.7223
MCI - Máquinas para Fazer Salgados - Robocopy Mini - (11) 4013.7223
Para mais informações acesse : http://www.mci.ind.br/salgados Não esqueçam de adcionar nosso novo canal : videosmci.- published: 28 Sep 2009
- views: 617405
- author: mcimatheus
MCI - Les graphiques ont leurs secrets
Message à Caractère Informatif "Les graphiques ont leurs secrets" enjoy ;p....
published: 20 Sep 2006
author: demonklyd
MCI - Les graphiques ont leurs secrets
MCI - Les graphiques ont leurs secrets
Message à Caractère Informatif "Les graphiques ont leurs secrets" enjoy ;p.- published: 20 Sep 2006
- views: 106073
- author: demonklyd
All MCI Collaboration Coaches
Here is a 9 minute video of all of the collaborations of MCI coaches. Enjoy, and don't for...
published: 24 Jun 2009
author: baul104
All MCI Collaboration Coaches
All MCI Collaboration Coaches
Here is a 9 minute video of all of the collaborations of MCI coaches. Enjoy, and don't forget to rate and comment!- published: 24 Jun 2009
- views: 6479
- author: baul104
MCI - Máquinas de Rechear e Formar Salgados - Robocopy Pratic (11) 4013.7223
Acesse: http://www.MCImaquinaparasalgados.com.br - Máquinas para formar e rechear salgados...
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: mcimatheus
MCI - Máquinas de Rechear e Formar Salgados - Robocopy Pratic (11) 4013.7223
MCI - Máquinas de Rechear e Formar Salgados - Robocopy Pratic (11) 4013.7223
Acesse: http://www.MCImaquinaparasalgados.com.br - Máquinas para formar e rechear salgados. Faz salgados de diversos formatos e tamanhos. Tem capacidade para...- published: 30 Nov 2009
- views: 146429
- author: mcimatheus