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Ozleft An independent voice on the Australian left

English - Left, Politics
Ozleft · 9M ago

Margaret Thatcher’s memories of power

The Iron Lady Directed by Phyllida Lloyd Starring Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent Reviewed by Jenny Haines The curse of our lives is that as we get older all we are left with, as children lea...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Anything for a quid. Social and environmental costs of Australia’s resources boom

Dirty Money. The true cost of Australia’s minerals boom Matthew Benns Random House Australia, 2011 A review As an environmental disaster it was world-class — up there with last year’s Gulf o...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Ferguson puts spooks to work for mining companies

The Sydney Morning Herald and other papers carry reports that Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson has been using a private spy agency, the National Open Source Intelligence Centre,...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Anthing for a quid. The high cost of Australia’s resources boom

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Ozleft · 9M ago

Refugees and offshore processing: a reply to Robert Manne

By Jenny Haines In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald’s National Times section on December 22, Robert Manne, stated his opinion that the left got it wrong on boat people. Manne notes th...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Refugees and offshore processing: a reply to Robert Manne

By Jenny Haines In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald’s National Times section on December 22, Robert Manne, stated his opinion that the left got it wrong on boat people. Manne notes th...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Paul Howes, coal seam gas and Dutch disease

Paul Howes, in a demagogic and incoherent article in the January 1 Sydney Sunday Telegraph begins with a description of what some economists call Dutch disease: the collapse of manufacturing...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Too many people? A review

Too many people? Population, immigration and the environmental crisis Ian Angus and Simon Butler Haymarket Books, 2011 Available in Australia from Resistance Books In about 20 years as an ac...
Ozleft · 9M ago

Agonising about organising

A response to Max Lane Max responded to my observations about the Labor Party conference, and particularly the decision on marriage equality, with two fairly long and thoughtful comments on ...
Ozleft · 9M ago

The Labor left and its role

A response to Doug Jordan Doug Jordan responds on the Green Left discussion list to my post, Left reaction to the Labor conference. DJ: “Almost implict in Ed’s comments seems to be the idea ...