Posts Tagged ‘organisation’

Workers Power leaves British Socialist Alliance

July 20, 2003

Why we are leaving the Socialist Alliance

Statement to Socialist Alliance National Council of July 2003 from Workers Power, British section of the League for the Fifth International

Workers Power is leaving the Socialist Alliance. The SA is no longer a vehicle for the development of the class struggle and the winning of mass forces to socialism in Britain — indeed, insofar as it continues to exist it is now an obstacle. Therefore we can no longer participate in it.


Prospects for Socialist Alliance

May 6, 2003

A contribution to discussion

Socialist Democracy

1. As supporters of the Fourth International, mindful of both strengths and weaknesses of regroupment processes in other countries, we support in principle the evolution of the Socialist Alliance into a broad socialist, pluralist, democratic, multi-tendency party. Where successful, regroupments have been genuinely broad and based on vibrant currents in the mass movements. But given the fragile and fragmented state of the socialist groups in Australia, and our disconnection with the labour and social movements, this process requires care, time, discussion and reflection. Above all, in the context of the global capitalist offensive, and the acute current challenges posed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq, an effective Socialist Alliance requires a thorough re-examination of the politics, methods, instincts and behaviours that have led socialist groups to be so marginalised from the wider labour and social movements. We do not see SA as building on our strengths so much as being necessitated by our weakness.


Socialist Democracy and regroupment

November 16, 2002

Michael Schembri, for Socialist Democracy

As supporters of the Fourth International, we in SD seek to participate in the process of regroupment and rebuilding within the left in Australia through the Socialist Alliance initiative. We support moves to build a broad, democratic, pluralist, multi-tendency, socialist party. Having stated the principle, however, we need to look at all the real conditions necessary for such a regroupment to work.


Labor after the 2001 federal election

February 21, 2002

Submission to the ALP committees of inquiry

In making a submission, it is important to review the present structure of the ALP, and the relationship between the ALP and the trade unions, and to look also at the historical background of that relationship.


The 2002 discussion in the ISO

February 1, 2002

1. Observations on the discussion in the ISO and issues raised for the left

2. Notes on the discussion in the ISO

1. Observations on the discussion in the ISO

Bob Gould

[This piece was directed at members of the Australian International Socialist Organisation in their internal discussion leading up to the ISO national conference in early 2002.]

The socialist left in Australia is numerically the smallest it has been for about 100 years, and proportionately even smaller, if you consider that in the early years of the 20th century, when the Marxist left was about the same numerical size as it is today, Australia had a population of about 4 million, compared with nearly 20 million now. The overthrow of Stalinism in the Soviet Union, the removal of the greatest obstacle to healthy socialist movements for most of the 20th century, has not led to the more or less automatic flowering of a better socialist movement.


What sort of socialist alliance?

April 2, 2001

What’s needed for the new millennium? A broadly based and inclusive socialist alliance and socialist discussion, or a restrictive socialist electoral and propaganda alliance that by definition excludes socialist Laborites, socialist Greens, and anarcho-syndicalists?

Bob Gould

In January 2001, the leadership of the International Socialists (ISO) took a decision to agree to a long-standing invitation from the leadership of the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), to join them in a socialist electoral alliance, directed at the upcoming federal elections. These are the two largest groups on the non-Labor socialist left. This agreement between groups known in the past for their mutual acrimony is fairly significant. Since then a number of smaller socialist groups have joined this electoral alliance.



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