Posts Tagged ‘neocons’

Piers Ackerman’s antisemitic hero

May 17, 2007

The truth about Joe Gullett

Bob Gould

Green Left Weekly discussion list, May 17, 2007

Piers Ackerman this morning makes a bit of a hero of the late, unlamented reactionary Tory politician Jo Gullett. He quotes as good coin Gullett’s lying slanders of Australian waterfront workers in his memoir. Gullett provides no real evidence for his slanders, just makes assertions.


Che Guevara and the left

January 12, 2005

A response to Louis Nowra

Bob Gould

The gap between the rapid right-wing shift in the public print culture in English-speaking countries and the underlying persistence, or even new emergence, of radical attitudes among sections of the population is underlined by the recent right-wing attack on the generalised radicalisation revealed in the population of the movie, The Motorcycle Diaries, about the young Che Guevara.


The morality and justice of the Iraq war

April 21, 2003

Marxism and religion

An open letter to Barry York and Gerard Henderson

Bob Gould

Former Maoist, Barry York has burst into print in The Australian attacking the left for not supporting the Iraq war in an article titled Not in your name, indeed, and former secretary to B.A. Santamaria, Gerard Henderson, has laid down the law in the Sydney Morning Herald, as a kind of cultural commissar for religion, attacking most world religious leaders for not supporting the same war.
