Posts Tagged ‘DSP’

The DSP leadership’s ugly venture into religious bigotry

July 23, 2008

Bob Gould

Anyone who is uneasy with my classification of the DSP political leadership as unprincipled political adventurers should sit back and review the events since the DSP organised the extended exercise in religious bigotry and backwardness known as the NoToPope Coalition, and attempted to pass it off as Marxism.


Propaganda versus agitation

May 19, 2008

Bob Gould

One by product of the explosion in the DSP is very healthy. Apart from a bit of rearguard bluster from the DSP majority, almost everyone else who participates in the discussion adopts a rational tone, discussing the political problems of the far left in a more open and concrete way than has been the case in my memory.


Disrepute and democratic centralism according to the DSP

May 15, 2008

Greg Adler

“Henry II was a great Lawgiver,and it was he who laid down the great Legal Principle that everything is either legal or (preferably) illegal.” 1066 And All That

It’s appropriate to start with a quote from a farce as I take a brief forensic look at the process by which the DSP majority carried out its purge against the minority, although to call the process farcical would be to grant it great deal more dignity and authority than it deserves.


Australian DSP divides

May 12, 2008

Dysfunctional marriage is finally dissolved by the expulsion of the minority

Bob Gould

Tomorrow, May 13, the DSP majority will expel the whole of the minority, which calls itself the Leninist Party Faction. A protracted witch-trial in the DSP has culminated in a recommendation from the three-member investigating committee appointed by the national executive to expel the whole of the Leninist Party Faction, led by John Percy, Doug L, and a number of others in other cities.


Gerard Henderson’s praise of Green Left Weekly

April 2, 2008

Bob Gould

Gerard Henderson yesterday quoted approvingly from Green Left Weekly in a column setting out to prove that there’s no difference between the Rudd Labor government and the defeated Howard Liberal government on Iraq, and Stuart Munckton posted the Henderson article without comment on the Green Left discussion list.


A healthy development

February 17, 2008

Green Left Weekly, the DSP and this week’s developments in the labour and indigenous movements

Bob Gould

After a week of discussion and argument the issue of the DSP’s Green Left Weekly that went up on the web this evening is a breath of fresh air, up to a point, as is the linked Green Left discussion site.


The left and the apology

February 14, 2008

The range of responses to yesterday’s Australia-wide outburst of emotion over the new government’s apology to indigenous Australia

Bob Gould

The most striking thing about the apology ceremonies was the extraordinary outburst of emotion throughout the day by tens of thousands of indigenous people watching the events at public venues from Hobart to Darwin, Broome, Cairns, Sydney, Perth and all places in between, and an equally emotional response from possibly hundreds of thousands of non-indigenous Australians.


The weird sectarianism of the DSP majority

February 11, 2008

It gets worse by the second

Bob Gould

Some time ago, unless I’m a complete dummkopf in using computer search (which is possible), Green Left Weekly appears to have dumped the once very useful list it used to have of coming events on the left.


A strange discussion on socialist unification

February 7, 2008

Bob Gould

On Monday I posted on Ozleft a straightforward little news item about the unification of three groups in the IS tradition, and posted pointers to it on the Green Left Weekly discussion list and Marxmail, from where it was picked up and posted to Leftist Trainspotters. It was also picked up on the spin-off from Marxmail, the SWP-USA discussion list, where mention of it was used by some of the participants in one of the demonic and spiteful discussions that often go on there, to demonstrate some almost incomprehensible point or other.


Luke Skywalker lets the cat out of the bag

January 3, 2008

Bob Gould

First of all, to Luke himself. I’ve got nothing at all against you, Luke. Years ago at a demonstration you grumbled to me in a humorous way that I had kept you up half the night reading stuff that was on Ozleft. To anyone who writes, even for a small audience, the notion that anyone reacts is always flattering, so thanks for your interest.


Statistics on the Socialist Alliance

January 3, 2008

By Bob Gould

I’ve just seen a very strange document, which has been sent out in the past week or so to all members of the Socialist Alliance. A friendly SA member gave me a copy because they think it’s so weird. It’s 17 pages of statistical charts about the Socialist Alliance.


A balance sheet of the crisis in the DSP

January 2, 2008

Bob Gould

The DSP is about to hold a decision-making conference on January 3-6. Delegates have been elected and the leadership has a majority a little larger than last time.


Richard Fidler offers some advice

December 30, 2007

Ed Lewis

On Marxmail, Richard Fidler says:

Even ex-DSPer Ed Lewis — a carping critic of the DSP if there ever was one — has made a contribution of sorts by helping Bob Gould set up the Ozleft web site, which contains much valuable documentation on the Australian left and workers movement. Ed would make a further contribution if he put more of the DSP’s historical documents on-line!

It’s interesting Richard, that you, like many in the DSP leadership, find it necessary to focus on the individual, rather than the politics of what I had to say, but thanks for remembering me.


The DSP and democratic centralism

December 30, 2007

Contributions to an exchange on Marxmail 

Bob Gould

As my name has been mentioned in the discussion on the DSP and democratic centralism on Marxmail, I’d make the following observations, without prejudice to a longer article I’m writing about the two platforms in the dispute in the DSP, which article I hope will appear in a day or so.


Dopey exposure as usual

December 6, 2007

Struggles begin to develop in the workers’ and labour movements, but it’s back to the dopey exposure business for the DSP leadership

Bob Gould

Discussion on far left email lists, such as Green Left, Marxmail and Leftwrites since the Howard government’s electoral defeat has been trivial and rather stupid. Most of the discussion has paid little attention to the enormous popular mobilisation that was essential for the Howard government’s electoral defeat.



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