
EPA and Army Corps bring clarity to Clean Water Act Expansion proposal
March 25, 2014 01:38 PM - ENN Staff

In a joint document the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers released a proposed rule to clarify protections provided by the Clean Water Act. Following Supreme Court decisions in 2001 and 2006, there has been much confusion about definitions within the Act and applicability. The proposed clarifications will enhance understanding for industry, agriculture, local government officials and the public as it relates to protection of streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation's water resources.

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COLLEGIATE CORNER: Humanity of factory farming
March 25, 2014 02:01 PM - Jake Bucks, Class of 2015, Wakefield High School

Most omnivores like bacon, but I say omnivores because not every human is an omnivore. Have you ever thought to yourself what was the process this bacon went through? Well if you have, it was not a fun process for that pig. Farming has helped humans advance in size, without the farming innovations created through the industrial revolution, humans would have never had the resources to make such a huge population.

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Air pollution, now the world’s single largest environmental risk

ENN Editor
The World Health Organization today released mortality data from 2012 estimating that around 7 million people (one person in eight) died globally that year as a result of air pollution exposure. This finding more than doubles previous estimates and confirms that air pollution is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk.

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Don’t Know What To Do this Spring? How About Spring Gardening?

March 25th, 2014
Fully pumped up with the idea of spring gardening but don't know how to start? Well then, why don’t you take a look at these early spring chores that will definitely give your garden a jump start?
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Green Future: Google Invests $1 Billion in Clean Energy

March 18th, 2014
There’s a tech company that’s concerned with green – and no, not because it’s the color of money. The Internet juggernaut Google has recently invested $1 billion in green, clean, reusable energy...
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Getting Ready for Spring Cleaning (Part 2) : A Greener Recipe

March 18th, 2014
Cleaning your home does not have to mean drenching your home in layer after layer of chemicals. Many household cooking ingredients can be used instead, which is better for your health and the environment. Ingredients like vinegar have a high acidity that kills most mold, germs, and bacteria while baking soda neutralizes odors and acts [...]
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