- published: 01 Oct 2014
- views: 112953
Coordinates: 40°00′N 127°00′E / 40.000°N 127.000°E / 40.000; 127.000
North Korea ( listen), officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK; Chosŏn'gŭl: 조선민주주의인민공화국; hancha: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國; MR: Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk), is a country in East Asia, in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. The name Korea is derived from the Kingdom of Goguryeo, also spelled as Koryŏ. The capital and largest city is Pyongyang. North Korea shares a land border with China to the north and northwest, along the Amnok (Yalu) and Tumen rivers, and a small section of the Tumen River also forms a border with Russia to the northeast. The Korean Demilitarized Zone marks the boundary between North Korea and South Korea.
Korea was annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. After the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II in 1945, Korea was divided into two zones by the United States and the Soviet Union, with the north occupied by the Soviets and the south by the Americans. Negotiations on reunification failed, and in 1948 two separate governments were formed: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south. An invasion initiated by North Korea led to the Korean War (1950–53). Although the Korean Armistice Agreement brought about a ceasefire, no official peace treaty was ever signed. Both states were accepted into the United Nations in 1991.
The P'yŏngŭi Line is an electrified main trunk line of the North Korean State Railway running from P'yŏngyang to Sinŭiju on the border with China. It is the main corridor for overland traffic between North Korea and China, and is one of the country's most important rail lines. A bridge over the Yalu River connects Sinŭiju to the Chinese city of Dandong and the Shendan Line to Shenyang and Chinese points beyond.
Deceased North Korean leader Kim Jong-il used to travel on the P'yŏngŭi Line for visits to China, as he did not fly.
The name of the P'yŏngŭi Line combines one character from the name of each of its termini, P'yŏngyang and Sinŭiju. It forms one part of the Gyeongui Line, which connected the capital city of Seoul to Sinŭiju from 1906 until the division of Korea. The character gyeong (경, 京) means "capital" and refers to Seoul.
The electrification of the P'yŏngŭi Line was completed in 1964.
At Sinŭiju trains can continue over the Yalu River Bridge into the People's Republic of China through the city of Dandong. Pyongyang has various rail links, including the P'yŏngbu Line, another segment of the former Gyeongui Line running to Kaesong. Connections have been built to rejoin the P'yŏngbu Line with the South Korean portion of the Gyeongui Line, and the first trains across the border ran in 2007; however, the border crossing has since been closed. P'yŏngyang is also a terminus of the P'yŏngnam Line, running to Namp'o.
The Mugunghwa-ho or Mugunghwa is a class of train operated by Korail, the railroad of South Korea. Mugunghwa trains are the cheapest class of trains to operate cross-country. Along rural lines such as the Gyeongbuk Line, they remain the only class of passenger train operating. They (and in some cases the Tonggeun) are the only trains to stop at many stations not served by Saemaul-ho or KTX trains. Mugunghwa are built to accommodate large numbers of standing passengers, and frequently have many more standees than sitting passengers.
The Mugunghwa-ho takes its name from the mugunghwa, the national flower of South Korea.
These lines have regular Mugunghwa-ho trains:
朝鮮鉄道省 平義線全区間車窓(1)(平壌→定州) View all sections of Pyongui Line, DPRK / North Korea (1)
朝鮮鉄道省 平義線全区間車窓(2)(定州→新義州) View all sections of Pyongui Line, DPRK / North Korea (2)
朝鮮鉄道省 平義線全区間車窓(3)(新義州→丹東) View all sections of Pyongui Line, DPRK / North Korea (3)
平壌~北京間国際列車 平壌駅入線
平壌地下鉄 千里馬線 車内の様子(栄光→凱旋)
ディープラーニング自動彩色実験 魔法使いサリーOP+第1話ダイジェスト
ミャンマー国鉄 ヤンゴン臨港線全区間前面展望 Pazundaung→Pansodan→Htaw Li Kue(RBE-A→B直通)
サバ州立鉄道 元名鉄キハ8500系 全区間前面展望(Tanjung Aru→Beaufort)・Beaufortデルタ線走行
地下鉄新車両が運行開始 平壌、近代的仕様に New metro cars with video screens start running in N. Korean capital
RapidKLアンパン線 PWTC駅離合
Yeongdong line Gangneung station and section center of a city Vanished passing train
【FHD全区間鉄道車窓】東海道新幹線 のぞみ112号東京行 新大阪→東京 Japan Train View Tokaido-Shinkansen Super Express NOZOMI
シベリア鉄道 前編
北朝鮮 「朝鮮観光HPより 鉄道愛好家観光 (조선 관광 운수애호가관광)」 朝鮮観光HP 2017/07/20
North Korea: Driving in Pyongyang April 2017 平壌のドライブ
北朝鮮 「朝鮮観光HPより 平壌高麗国際旅行社 (조선 평양고려국제려행사)」 朝鮮観光HP 2017/07/20
北朝鮮旅行・平壌の繁華街 地下鉄の入り口前 North Korea Pyongyang DPR-Korea
[アジアプレス 北朝鮮内部取材10]外国人が絶対に行けない平壌裏通り(3) 北朝鮮庶民の「足」日本製中古自転車
©光プロダクション・東映アニメーション/魔法使いサリーより引用 OP→カラー放送OP学習モデルによる自動彩色 本編以降→カラー放送(18~23話)学習モデル(複数モデル使用) by mahalita https://github.com/Eiji-Kb/mahalita
始発列車にて撮影(車両はRBE3002)。ヤンゴン臨港線はPansodanを境に運行系統が東西で分かれているが、始発列車及び最終列車のみ全区間直通運行する(Pazundaung~Pansodanは2両編成、Pansodanで分割・併合)。 Linstaung~Htaw Li Kueは併用軌道である。自動車や歩行者に注意しながら低速で走行する。Botahtaung Pagoda駅付近では料金所を通過する。 ※ミャンマー鉄道運輸省の許可及び乗務員の方々の多大なるご厚意の下撮影 http://www.2427junction.com/mmryangonsr.html Strand Road RBE, Yangon, Myanmar.
2016年10月17日からサバ州立鉄道で営業運転を開始した、元名鉄キハ8500系の全区間前面展望(キハ8502による単行運転)。「First Class」という名の優等列車で運行され、最高速度は約90km/h。途中停車駅はPaparのみで、85kmの道のりを1時間半弱で走行する俊足運転である。 片運転台車であるキハ8502を用いた単行運転のため、Beaufort駅到着後はデルタ線を走行して方向転換する。客扱い終了後のデルタ線走行も含めて全区間を収録した。 ※サバ州立鉄道の多大なるご協力のもと、乗務員室にて許可を得て撮影 Sabah State Railway (JKNS) Ex.Meitetsu Kiha 8500 started operation from October 17, 2016. This train is named "First Class" and maximum speed is about 90km/h. This train only stops at Papar station. http://www.2427junction.com/mysjknscar8500.html
金正恩元帥の現地指導チュチェ104年11月分の記録映画から 詳細→http://dprktrain.tk/%e5%b9%b3%e5%a3%8c%e5%9c%b0%e4%b8%8b%e9%89%84%ed%8f%89%ec%96%91%ec%a7%80%ed%95%98%ec%b2%a0%eb%8f%84/
北朝鮮の首都平壌の地下鉄で1日、新たに製造された車両が運行を開始した。 New metro cars equipped with video and passenger information screens start running in North Korea's capital on Jan. 1, 2016. The cars, the inside of which are much brighter and modern than older types, run on the Chollima Line, one of Pyongyang's two metro lines.
평창 동계올림픽과 원주 - 강릉 복선전철화 연결하기 위해 약 3년 동안 강릉역은 잠시 폐쇄한다. 하지만 강릉 시내구간에 지나는 철길은 지하화로 이설해 사실상 역사 속으로 사라지게 되었다. PyeongChang Winter Olympics and Wonju-Gangneung double-track electric railway shoes about 3 years to connect Gangneung station was briefly closed. But halfway through the railway line on the underground urban section of Gangneung, Brazier became the de facto stand out and disappear into history. 단행열차 #L1681 [동해 - 강릉] / Carried locomotive #L1681 [Donghae - Gangneung] 무궁화호 #1672 [동대구 - 강릉] / Mugunghwa train #1672 [Dong-Daegu - Gangneung] 무궁화호 #1681 [강릉 - 부전] / Mugunghwa train #1681 [Gangneung - Bujeon] 새마을호(바다열차) #4235 [삼척 - 강릉] / Saemaul train(Sea train) #4235 [Samcheok - Gangneung] 단행열차 #L1640 [동해 - 강릉] / Carried locomotive #L1640 [Donghae - Gangneung] 무궁화호 #1633 [청량리 - 강릉] / Mu...
鉄道車窓 東海道新幹線 広島06:37発(112Aレ) のぞみ112号 東京行 N700A系X52編成 新大阪→東京 1号車11D席 山側車窓 言うまでもなく日本で一番の大動脈である東海道新幹線。 今回はその車窓撮影に挑戦してみました。 新大阪から東京までの区間、山側での撮影。 天気は曇りで、残念ながら富士山は見えません。 カメラの都合で京都停車中にいったん映像をカットしていますが、それ以外はノーカットです。 京都や名古屋、東京で様々な在来線や私鉄と並走するのも車窓の見所の一つです。 京都 Kyoto 12:46 名古屋 Nagoya 48:46 新横浜 Shin-Yokohama 2:11:50 品川 Shinagawa 2:22:33 2015.07.04. Japan Train View JR Central Tokaido-Shinkansen Super Express "NOZOMI" No.112 from Shin-Osaka to Tokyo Window of Mountainside(North side) Due to technical reason of my camera, I cut movies stopping at Kyoto station.
From my trip to North Korea in April 2017 2017年4月の北朝鮮旅行から ブログ:http://chojiro22.blogspot.jp/
動画のラストでは、現地ガイドに静止されて撮影を止めています。 2014年9月22日。 多くの人民が行き来している発展して整然としている都市です。 日傘をさしている人が多いです。 真面目そうな人が多く、メディアで言われているような 悪い人たちには、とても見えませんでした。 色々な問題はありますが、できるだけ早く日本と国交正常化して欲しいです。 物乞い・ホームレスが居ないのが平壤の特徴です。 これは、許可を受けた限られた人民しか平壤に住めないという この国の独特な事情によるものだそうです。 この旅行代理店から申し込みました(^-^)↓ http://www.307.co.jp/tour/list/?prtid=1
◎ほかの北朝鮮内部映像を見る https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3KzVaT9Ypker_3L8YFyUa04AiRFw2nn7 ◎アジアプレス・ネットワーク http://www.asiapress.org/apn/ 映像が撮影された平壌市内の寺洞(サドン)区域は、平壌市の中心を流れる大同江(テドンガン)の南東に位置している。この地域には高層建築物も無く、4~5階建てのアパートがぽつぽつと目に付く程度だ。道路も舗装されていないところが多く、平壌市内でも開発が遅れている地域のうちの一つだ。 2007年まで隣接する船橋(ソンギョ)区域で生活した脱北者の話によると、寺洞(サドン)区域に住んでいると言うと、他区域に住む人から「田舎者」扱いされたという。平壌市内の中では、郊外のイメージが強く、労働者が多く住む地域でもある。 北朝鮮国内の自転車のほとんどは、日本から海を渡ってきた中古自転車だ。日本で撤去された放置自転車が、業者を通じ北朝鮮に輸出されていくのである、公共の交通網の発達が遅れた北朝鮮では、90年代中盤から自転車が庶民の生活必需品になった。食糧配給制度が麻痺し、商売を通じて生計を立てている民衆にとって、自転車やリヤカーはとても大事な移動・運送手段だからだ。 ◆アジアプレスYoutubeチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/user/ASIAPRESSmovie 著作権:アジアプレス 映像の無断使用・転載を禁止します。 Footage Copyright : ASIAPRESS The video footage may not be used in any form(copying,selling,renting,distributing,screening,broadcasting, ...
UPDATE - one year after visiting North Korea I traveled to South Korea and made a video comparing my experiences in both of these two countries. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJUSIWSaQX4 I've always been very interested in North Korea because it seemed to be one of the most unique and mysterious countries in the whole world. This is my day to day life throughout the 7 days that I spent in North Korea. You can never be sure whether things were staged or not in North Korea because you are only shown what they want you to see. You can't choose where or when you will be going to specific places, they simply tell you to hop on a bus and ask you to get off at one point or another. That is why I didn't want to offer my opinion about whether things were staged or not, whether th...
Holiday In North Korea: A Rare Look Inside The Secretive State - Part 1 SUBSCRIBE:http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj NORTH KOREA has closed its borders in fear of the spread of the Ebola virus. But at a time when the secretive state was still welcoming tourists, former aid worker Andrew Macleod made the journey to the repressive nation. Andrew’s holiday snaps and camera footage provide a unique insight into the reclusive country, where he came across deserted motorways, metro stations plastered with propaganda and attractive border guards. Videographer / Director: Andrew Mcleod Producer: Rebecca Lewis Editor: Ian Phillips For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life:...
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News Vice founder Shane Smith managed to get into North Korea after a year and half of trying and is witness to the craziness of this hermit nation. Crazy is actually kind of an understatement. More from Shane Smith: http://www.vice.com/author/shane-smith Follow Shane on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanesmith30 Watch the rest here: http://bit.ly/Inside-North-Korea Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag...
Vito takes a look at everybody's favorite Korea: the crazy weird murdery one. Is this the hot new travel destination or should your dumb ass stay the hell away of course don't fucking go to north korea are you retarded http://patreon.com/gesualdi | http://twitter.com/vitogesualdi | http://twitch.tv/vitozone
Vice Guide to Travel - North Korea - Complete Documentary The Vice Guide to Travel is a documentary-style travel show released in 2006 by Vice Media, as part of the VBS.tv online television division of Vice. The show follows Vice employees as they travel to dangerous, weird, and offbeat locations throughout the globe. This time Shane Smith gets inside North Korea and show us how things works there. This is a unique documentary that shows us how far an ilusion can go.
One of our friends gets in trouble for wandering off, as we tour the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang, North Korea. This museum is dedicated to the North Korean government's rendition of Korean War.
https://www.facebook.com/learnwithsyed WARNING: Some governments advise against all travel to North Korea due to the uncertain security situation caused by North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program and highly authoritarian and unpredictable regime. Though there is little evidence of safety issues concerning tourists on organized expeditions, those planning to engage in activities that the North Korean government forbids must be prepared to face severe consequences. Under no circumstances are you to say anything that could be perceived as an insult to or critical of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un, the Juche ideology, the Songun policy, the ruling Worker's Party of Korea, the North Korean government in general, or the citizens of North Korea. Simply avoid these topics if you c...
How Does North Korea Make Money? http://testu.be/1SYyIao Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml After years of limited access, North Korea is opening its doors to foreign tourists. So what does it take to get into North Korea? Learn More: Tourism to North Korea: Unethical or an opportunity for engagement? http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2015/06/09-north-korea-tourism-lee ""What is it like inside an American nightclub?" The question from a young North Korean woman startled me. " How to travel to North Korea http://travel.cnn.com/how-travel-north-korea-042681/ "Despite tense relations between the United States and North Korea, and increased rhetoric from Pyongyang, the isolated state remains open to U.S. citizens, among other travelers." Eric Talmadge is the only ...
DAY 1185 // 3RD AUGUST 2016 // Pyongyang, North Korea Our 5th day in North Korea the most isolated nation on earth! I’m trying to focus on positive things in the country and combat the purely negative image we see in the Media. JOIN THE CLUB! http://livetheadventure.club Lane Youtube // https://www.youtube.com/user/jesusfreaklancifer Twitter // https://twitter.com/Lancifer Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/LanciferMusic/ upload video answers to youtube unlisted (IN LANDSCAPE) and email me the link at submissions@funforlouis.com follow what i'm up to http://www.twitter.com/funforlouis http://www.facebook.com/funforlouis http://www.instagram.com/funforlouis http://www.funforlouis.tumblr.com Snap chat: FunForLouis Make sure you subscribe for DAILY VLOGS! Big thanks to the Music b...
An informative travel log from a visit to the most isolated country in the world, including a review of food and accommodation.
Subscribe! http://skr.cm/SubscribeToStories Watch more episodes! http://skr.cm/1UrZkCb North Korea is one of the most isolated nations in the world, so what's it really like to be a tourist there? More of Matt Paish’s photos - http://www.mattpaishphotography.com This weekly storytelling series uses the imagery of photographers and adventurers around the world to give us a deeper connection to and understanding of the human condition. Watch Seeker's content days before anyone else, click here for a free 30 day subscription to Vessel: http://skr.cm/seekeratvessel Join the Seeker community! Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeekerNetwork Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seeker-Network/872690716088418?ref=hl Instagram: http://instagram.com/seekernetwork Tumblr: http://se...
READ THE DESCRIPTION! 👇 I'm Indonesian. I was going to a street food stall at Bugsae Street in Pyongyang. I don't buy many kinds of food, since we are moslem, my wife and I try to be careful in choosing food. We only buy food that contain vegetable or seafood or rice and flour. -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/07/north-korea-privileged-pyongyang-daily-life ==================================================== So many people asked me.. "How could you upload youtube video in NK?". "He uploads the video after he back to Indonesia, because he didn't dare if he upload directly from NK". Nope..that is not entirely True.. The answer is.. I already back to Indonesia, and currently I live in Indonesia.. My first 23 videos was up...
A collection of my eating experiences around North Korea in 2015. Some of the places shown are not in the regular tourist tour itinerary.
My tour guide in North Korea gets pissed off with me for filming her....
Discover more at http://jeffreydonenfeld.com/blog/2015/04/exploring-north-korea-and-running-the-pyongyang-marathon/ Adventurer Jeffrey Donenfeld travels to North Korea with Uri Tours to run the 2015 Pyongyang marathon and explore the DPRK. Along the way, Jeffrey discovered wonder, amazement, beauty, and weirdness inside the hermit kingdom. Including: Flying to North Korea, The DMZ and Joint Security Area, Kaesong, Pyongyang Subway, Nampo Dam, Ryonggang Radon Hot Springs, Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. - Produced by Ship to Shore Media - http://ShipToShoreMedia.com and Four North Media - http://Four-North.com - Directed, Edited, and Filmed by Justin Martell - http://ShipToShoreMedia.com - Hosted and Filmed by Jeffrey Donenfeld - http://JeffreyDonenfeld.com - Tour led by Uri Tours - http:...
Join me as we tour the Koryo Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea. Filmed September 7, 2015
North Korea lies somewhere between a 1930′s Soviet Union frozen in time and a dark, futuristic vision of society... as imagined back in the 70′s. "Land of Whispers" invites you to visit arguably the most unique and isolated travel destination in the world - not to criticize, but to observe and listen. Aside from usual highlights such as Pyongyang or Arirang, this unique one-man documentary brings you to areas such as Chongjin or Wonson, still virtually unknown to even google or wikipedia. There, I attempt to pierce through the ever-present 'national mythology' and as much as possible, I try to connect with people - such as the waitress mesmerized by tablet computers, or a tour guide cautiously fascinated by modern pop culture. * Third World Indie Film Festival 2013 (San Francisco, USA)...
DAY 1181 // 30TH JULY 2016 // Beijing, China JOIN THE CLUB! http://livetheadventure.club Lane Youtube // https://www.youtube.com/user/jesusfreaklancifer Twitter // https://twitter.com/Lancifer Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/LanciferMusic/ upload video answers to youtube unlisted (IN LANDSCAPE) and email me the link at submissions@funforlouis.com follow what i'm up to http://www.twitter.com/funforlouis http://www.facebook.com/funforlouis http://www.instagram.com/funforlouis http://www.funforlouis.tumblr.com Snap chat: FunForLouis Make sure you subscribe for DAILY VLOGS! Big thanks to the Music by… https://soundcloud.com/swensen330 https://soundcloud.com/beatknitter Music wanted!! If you are a music producer and would like me to use your music (funky jazz hiphop vibes) pleas...
On our second day, we visited the north of North Korea. We went to the International Friendship Exhibition, an old Buddhist temple, the Hyangsan Hotel, a secondary school and a local restaurant. Plus, lots of bus ride and filming! If you have any questions regarding my trip, don't hesitate to ask.
North Korea has come up with a new way to bring cold hard cash into its isolated country: export North Korean workers to slave away in the Siberian forest (often without telling them they're no longer in North Korea). We set out to investigate these camps and almost landed ourselves in quite a bit of trouble. More from Shane Smith: http://www.vice.com/author/shane-smith Follow Shane on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanesmith30 Subscribe for videos that are actually good: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://www.youtube.com/user/vice/videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com
Verse 1:
Mirror, mirror
Tell me I'm not the one
That I see in your reflection
Never, never
Want to see myself like this
Hope it's all made up by my imagination
Or my loneliness is blowing my emotions
My eyes are burning
And my mouth is getting dry
Getting sick of thinking about her and I
It's been a long time
Since i've seen you smile
I can't count the days but i know it's been awhile
Since your time passed, soon to say goodbye
All I need
Is a world filled with dreams
Why wont you
Take me back where I belong
Verse 2:
Through all the good times
I've lost my fantasy
All my faith is falling with me
Not strong enough
To face the world to be
Think I'll soon crack down on the pressure
And my life bears too much failure
All I need
Is a world filled with dreams
Why wont you
Take me back where I belong
All I need
Is a world filled with dreams
Why wont you
Take me back where I belong
-Music Bridge-
All I need
Is a world filled with dreams
Why wont you
Take me back where I belong
All I need
Is a world filled with dreams
Why wont you, take me home...
Take me home...
So take me...