
Statius - Forest Kin
A track from our EP "Arcane Fables" if your interested in purchasing a cd send us a messag...
published: 05 Aug 2009
author: StatiusMetal
Statius - Forest Kin
Statius - Forest Kin
A track from our EP "Arcane Fables" if your interested in purchasing a cd send us a message at myspace.com/statius or email us at Statiusmetal@yahoo.com Lyri...- published: 05 Aug 2009
- views: 3362
- author: StatiusMetal

Chris Archie's FLAWLESS Statius Pk Commentary!
Can we get 3k Likes for dat full statius w/hammer? What should I use next Pk Com? Follow m...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: ChrisArchieRS
Chris Archie's FLAWLESS Statius Pk Commentary!
Chris Archie's FLAWLESS Statius Pk Commentary!
Can we get 3k Likes for dat full statius w/hammer? What should I use next Pk Com? Follow me! https://twitter.com/ChrisArchieRS.- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 89238
- author: ChrisArchieRS

Runescape Wild Pking Vid 21 Statius's Warhammer Ownage!
Sorry guys had to re-upload this because the old one had copyrighted music in it so please...
published: 17 Feb 2014
Runescape Wild Pking Vid 21 Statius's Warhammer Ownage!
Runescape Wild Pking Vid 21 Statius's Warhammer Ownage!
Sorry guys had to re-upload this because the old one had copyrighted music in it so please thumbs it back up to get this video to were it used to be! Thanks.- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 4588

Runescape Sparc Mac's Statius's Warhammer - Dharok Pk Commentary!
Statius Warhammer Pking with some live commentary. Tap that like while holding shift, I da...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: ggggllo
Runescape Sparc Mac's Statius's Warhammer - Dharok Pk Commentary!
Runescape Sparc Mac's Statius's Warhammer - Dharok Pk Commentary!
Statius Warhammer Pking with some live commentary. Tap that like while holding shift, I dare ya. Enjoy guys :) Follow me on Twitter! - http://twitter.com/#!/...- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 135273
- author: ggggllo

Runescape Statius Vs Vesta Pking With Commentary
Thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and comment If you think vesta or statius is better for...
published: 07 Sep 2012
author: TheMinecraftHippie
Runescape Statius Vs Vesta Pking With Commentary
Runescape Statius Vs Vesta Pking With Commentary
Thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and comment If you think vesta or statius is better for pking. ==========Stay Connected========== Twitter: https://twitter...- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 10818
- author: TheMinecraftHippie

Wim Statius Muller - Wals Nostalgia
Wals Nostalgia is composed and performed by Wim Statius Muller. This was recorded in Bimhu...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: Vrijegeluiden
Wim Statius Muller - Wals Nostalgia
Wim Statius Muller - Wals Nostalgia
Wals Nostalgia is composed and performed by Wim Statius Muller. This was recorded in Bimhuis Amsterdam for VPRO Vrije Geluiden.- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 4784
- author: Vrijegeluiden

Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Full Statius|Statius Warhammer Pking With Commentary 50m+ Pked Loot.
Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Full Statius Statius Warhammer Pking With Commentary 50m+ Pked Loot. R...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: TheMinecraftHippie
Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Full Statius|Statius Warhammer Pking With Commentary 50m+ Pked Loot.
Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Full Statius|Statius Warhammer Pking With Commentary 50m+ Pked Loot.
Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Full Statius Statius Warhammer Pking With Commentary 50m+ Pked Loot. Rs statius warhammer pk video with live commentary. Edgeville pking ...- published: 05 Feb 2012
- views: 13370
- author: TheMinecraftHippie

2012 Zilveren Anjer - Wim Statius Muller
Wim Statius Muller (Curaçao, 1930) uit Curaçao is componist en pianist. Hij ontvangt de Zi...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
2012 Zilveren Anjer - Wim Statius Muller
2012 Zilveren Anjer - Wim Statius Muller
Wim Statius Muller (Curaçao, 1930) uit Curaçao is componist en pianist. Hij ontvangt de Zilveren Anjer voor zijn bijdrage aan het behoud van het muzikaal erf...- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 1066
- author: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Despedida by Wim Statius Muller
Despedida (excerpt)
Op. 4, no. 25
composed by Wim Statius Muller (b. 1930)
performed by Ch...
published: 23 Nov 2013
Despedida by Wim Statius Muller
Despedida by Wim Statius Muller
Despedida (excerpt) Op. 4, no. 25 composed by Wim Statius Muller (b. 1930) performed by Christy Lee Video recorded at Estate Whim Great House St. Croix Landmarks Society Candlelight Classical Concert Series St. Croix, USVI November, 2012- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 15

Full Statius Pking Runescape Commentary - Full Statius 2012
If you guys give me good enough feedback then I'll try out full Vesta! :D I'm also looking...
published: 22 May 2012
author: RiskySharky
Full Statius Pking Runescape Commentary - Full Statius 2012
Full Statius Pking Runescape Commentary - Full Statius 2012
If you guys give me good enough feedback then I'll try out full Vesta! :D I'm also looking for a good channel icon + good partnership background for my channel!- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 36957
- author: RiskySharky

Pk K1n9 5's Runescape High Risking Full Statius Ags Pking With Commentary
700+ Likes for more high risk statius pk videos! ==========Stay Connected========== Twitte...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: TheMinecraftHippie
Pk K1n9 5's Runescape High Risking Full Statius Ags Pking With Commentary
Pk K1n9 5's Runescape High Risking Full Statius Ags Pking With Commentary
700+ Likes for more high risk statius pk videos! ==========Stay Connected========== Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jared_Alec Facebook: http://www.facebook.com...- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 11933
- author: TheMinecraftHippie

Statius bum rushing, emphasis on the bum teheheheheeehehe. The fantastical Kevin - http://...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: MLGudi
Statius bum rushing, emphasis on the bum teheheheheeehehe. The fantastical Kevin - http://www.youtube.com/iskiml0ot.- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 7040
- author: MLGudi

Wtf Elvemage High-Risk world pking Full Statius and Warhammer BEAST LOOT
Hey everyone decided to buy full statius and use my statius warhammer that failed me last ...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: ElveTheRunePure
Wtf Elvemage High-Risk world pking Full Statius and Warhammer BEAST LOOT
Wtf Elvemage High-Risk world pking Full Statius and Warhammer BEAST LOOT
Hey everyone decided to buy full statius and use my statius warhammer that failed me last time. I was really happy with the outcome of the vid and i hope you...- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 97669
- author: ElveTheRunePure
Youtube results:

LIVE: Johnny Kleinmoedig & Wim Statius Muller: wals van Kleinmoedig
http://deklassieken.radio4.nl Meesters van de Anitilliaanse wals Wim Statius Muller en Joh...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: radio4nl
LIVE: Johnny Kleinmoedig & Wim Statius Muller: wals van Kleinmoedig
LIVE: Johnny Kleinmoedig & Wim Statius Muller: wals van Kleinmoedig
http://deklassieken.radio4.nl Meesters van de Anitilliaanse wals Wim Statius Muller en Johnny Kleinmoedig samen achter de vleugel in de Fortkerk bij de uitze...- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 3103
- author: radio4nl

Runescape: Ruby - Statius Warhammer | Live PK Commentary #10
Suggest what to do for the next PK commentary :) + Thanks a lot for watching! Follow me on...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Craftingrubies
Runescape: Ruby - Statius Warhammer | Live PK Commentary #10
Runescape: Ruby - Statius Warhammer | Live PK Commentary #10
Suggest what to do for the next PK commentary :) + Thanks a lot for watching! Follow me on Twitch TV http://www.twitch.tv/craftingrubies I used fraps to reco...- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 10596
- author: Craftingrubies

Izaline Calister & Wim Statius Muller - Rudy Plaate/ Atardi Korsau ta Bunita
Wim Statius Muller - Piano Izaline Calister - Vocals Atardi Korsau ta Bunita is composed b...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: Vrijegeluiden
Izaline Calister & Wim Statius Muller - Rudy Plaate/ Atardi Korsau ta Bunita
Izaline Calister & Wim Statius Muller - Rudy Plaate/ Atardi Korsau ta Bunita
Wim Statius Muller - Piano Izaline Calister - Vocals Atardi Korsau ta Bunita is composed by Rudy Plaate. Performed in Bimhuis Amsterdam by Wim Statius Muller...- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 4923
- author: Vrijegeluiden

Wim Statius Muller & David Dubal, 3/8/84
One in a series of radio programs titled "For the Love of Music," hosted by David Dubal on...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: noochinator
Wim Statius Muller & David Dubal, 3/8/84
Wim Statius Muller & David Dubal, 3/8/84
One in a series of radio programs titled "For the Love of Music," hosted by David Dubal on WNCN-FM, New York. Guest is composer and pianist Wim Statius Mulle...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 69
- author: noochinator