Gayle McLaughlin discusses Richmond "eminent domain" on CNBC
Gayle McLaughlin: Mayor of Richmond, CA
Live at Beyond Pix Studios in San Francisco, CA. ...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Gayle McLaughlin discusses Richmond "eminent domain" on CNBC
Gayle McLaughlin discusses Richmond "eminent domain" on CNBC
Gayle McLaughlin: Mayor of Richmond, CA Live at Beyond Pix Studios in San Francisco, CA. Aug 19, 2013. www.beyondpix.com- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 10
Gayle McLaughlin, Richmond's Mayor Interview
Gayle McLaughlin interviewed at Richmond protest against Chevron.
published: 29 Aug 2013
Gayle McLaughlin, Richmond's Mayor Interview
Gayle McLaughlin, Richmond's Mayor Interview
Gayle McLaughlin interviewed at Richmond protest against Chevron. www.justiceforecuador.com- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 30
Interview With Mayor Gayle McLaughlin on Cooperatives in Richmond
Mayor of Richmond, CA Gayle McLaughlin discusses the history and needs of Richmond and how...
published: 22 Feb 2011
author: JJNoire
Interview With Mayor Gayle McLaughlin on Cooperatives in Richmond
Interview With Mayor Gayle McLaughlin on Cooperatives in Richmond
Mayor of Richmond, CA Gayle McLaughlin discusses the history and needs of Richmond and how cooperatives fit into Richmond's plan for a green, sustainable eco...- published: 22 Feb 2011
- views: 197
- author: JJNoire
Clean Power, Healthy Communities Conference featuring Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin
Despite California legislation to address global warming, greenhouse gas emissions continu...
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: localcleanenergy
Clean Power, Healthy Communities Conference featuring Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin
Clean Power, Healthy Communities Conference featuring Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin
Despite California legislation to address global warming, greenhouse gas emissions continue to. As a result, grassroots community activists throughout the Ba...- published: 11 Apr 2011
- views: 62
- author: localcleanenergy
Foreclosure Crisis: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Extended Interview
In Richmond, CA, a city wherein half of homeowners with mortgages are underwater, Mayor Ga...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Foreclosure Crisis: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Extended Interview
Foreclosure Crisis: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Extended Interview
In Richmond, CA, a city wherein half of homeowners with mortgages are underwater, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin is trying to use eminent domain to stem the foreclosure crisis, much to the chagrin of investors and governmental regulatory agencies. I sit to talk with her about the progress of her initiative.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 15
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Vice Mayor verbal tussel 20130702
Video by Richmond City Councilman Tom Butt....
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: Robert Rogers
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Vice Mayor verbal tussel 20130702
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Vice Mayor verbal tussel 20130702
Video by Richmond City Councilman Tom Butt.- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 189
- author: Robert Rogers
Gayle McLaughlin, Alcaldesa de Richmond, Bahía de San Francisco, California
Fuente: Agencia Andes
Alcaldesa de Richmond cree que la presión pública es más poderosa qu...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Gayle McLaughlin, Alcaldesa de Richmond, Bahía de San Francisco, California
Gayle McLaughlin, Alcaldesa de Richmond, Bahía de San Francisco, California
Fuente: Agencia Andes Alcaldesa de Richmond cree que la presión pública es más poderosa que las transnacionales Quito, 20 sep (Andes).- Gayle McLauglin, alcaldesa de Richmond, ciudad de la bahía de San Francisco, en California, conoció el martes el desastre ambiental de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, causado por una deficiente gestión y reparación ineficaz de la petrolera estadounidense Chevron, que hace 30 años dejó en la provincia de Sucumbíos (norte) miles de pozos contaminados por la empresa y que se niega a reconocer. "Mi impresión de los daños a la selva ecuatoriana es que hay una verdadera devastación al medio ambiente y contra la vida de las comunidades en la Amazonía; se parece mucho al sufrimiento que tuvo mi comunidad con la segunda refinería más grande de California, que está en la ciudad de Richmond, donde Chevron la ha manejado con ciertas falencias técnicas que siempre ha visto afectada a la población por la contaminación". Indagada sobre qué paralelos encuentra en los sucesos de agosto de 2012, con el incendio de esta refinería en su ciudad, y el desastre dejado en la selva amazónica ecuatoriana dijo: "Lo que pasó en Richmond fue el resultado de una cultura de negligencia y las agencias ambientales de Estados Unidos encontraron que Chevron había cometido una negligencia voluntaria, que fue lo que causó el incendio y también causó la devastación en Ecuador, porque la compañía puso el dinero por encima de la seguridad de las personas". "Otra similitud es que Chevron miente, ha mentido en Richmond durante décadas de que su operación es segura, pero ha habido resultados de agencias ambientales que no es así, lo mismo dicen en Ecuador, de que no hay nada, que no es responsabilidad de ellos, pero existen pruebas de que si lo tienen". La política del partido verde estadounidense y la alcaldesa de la ciudad que alberga a unos 100.000 habitantes, sí reconoció que el caso de Richmond tuvo mayor respuesta que el caso del Ecuador, pese a que el propio presidente Rafael Correa ha difundido que la afectación es 85 veces peor que el derrame de British Petroleum (BP) en el Golfo de México y 18 veces más que el desastre de Exxon Valdez en Alaska. "Pienso que el reconocimiento del daño en Richmond llegó porque hubo mucha presión de la población y de las agencias de regulación, que encontraron que Chevron era negligente y eso ayudó a que Chevron reconociera que cometió irregularidades, lo que no existe en Latinoamérica. Además, en Richmond existe un movimiento progresista y es una ciudad que ha puesto presión a esta compañía, pero la presión debería ser contra toda corporación que comete este tipo de acciones contra países que están tratando de desarrollarse por sus propios medios", dijo. La población del estado de California es famosa por su cultura activista y su conciencia ambiental. Hay un llamado a boicotear a estas corporaciones evitando el consumo de sus productos, pero ¿es posible que funcione?, la alcaldesa pondera la acción colectiva, más allá del poder de la gigante petrolera. "Tenemos una fuerte tradición activista en California por el ambiente y dentro de estas redes de grupos activistas van a presionar y difundir esta campaña del presidente Correa, para que la gente evite comprar gasolina en las estaciones de Chevron y poner presión de esa forma. Efectivamente estas compañías tienen un gran poder, pero no se puede comparar con el poder que tiene el pueblo para organizarse y lograr los objetivos".- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 28
Al llegar al Aguarico #4 en la región de Lago Agrio la alcaldesa de Richmond California po...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Al llegar al Aguarico #4 en la región de Lago Agrio la alcaldesa de Richmond California por fin pudo ver con sus propios ojos ese desastre ambiental causado por la petrolera norte americana Chevron del cual tanto ha escuchado. El propio alcalde de Lago Agrio acompaño a la alcaldesa a ver la piscina contaminada Aguarico # 4. Una de las más de mil piscinas tóxicas que dejó Chevron en la amazonia ecuatoriana hace más de tres décadas y que siguen provocando enfermedades, daños al medio ambiente y muertes. Mclaughlin, también quiso ser una de las primeras en solidarizase con el presidente de Ecuador Rafael Correa en su campaña "LA MANO SUCIA DE CHEVRON2" con la que esta apelando al mundo entero para que se una a su causa y que evite consumir productos de la multinacional Chevron para golpearlos donde mas les duele en sus finanzas. ¡¡¡...LIKEA MIS VIDEOS Y SUSCRÍBETE A MI CANAL AHORA...OK.!!! http://www.youtube.com/user... https://www.facebook.com/Jo... https://twitter.com/JotaJot...- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 52
PNN-TV: The People March on ChevWrong! #2- (Featuring Mayor Gayle McLaughlin)
PNN-TV: The People of Richmond, California march on Chevron Corporation who operates a ref...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: retoor2
PNN-TV: The People March on ChevWrong! #2- (Featuring Mayor Gayle McLaughlin)
PNN-TV: The People March on ChevWrong! #2- (Featuring Mayor Gayle McLaughlin)
PNN-TV: The People of Richmond, California march on Chevron Corporation who operates a refinery and poisons the people with impunity. This video features Ric...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 31
- author: retoor2
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin saves homes.
How Los Angeles became the first 100% solar powered city in the US.
Once upon a time,...
published: 07 Jan 2014
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin saves homes.
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin saves homes.
How Los Angeles became the first 100% solar powered city in the US. Once upon a time, not too long ago, in my lifetime, the image of LA was of a smog filled city, near Hollywood, where the air was too thick to breath. People were chopping up LA air, packaging it and selling it as door-stops. But now in 2014, LA is fast becoming the first 100% solar powered city in the US, where all the electric street cars, buildings, schools and Tesla electric cars are powered by solar energy. An ideas solar city is rising out of the ashes of coal & oil. It won't happen this year, but die has been cast, and the people of LA are rising to meet the challenge. This is the tail that is waging the dog. What happened? A young man named Hermann Scheer wrote a few books on the "Solar Economy" in the 90's, following Chernobyl. He believed it was possible to shift the world economy from nukes to solar & wind with a policy, a law, that gave power to the 99%. Scheer's law did shift power from the 1%, using a unique form of Jiujitsu, where the Utility company became a farmers market. Five environmental activists in LA decided to apply what they had learned from Hermann Scheer, and shift economy of California from oil to solar, by first making LA a solar powered city. Their vision was that would then help shift the whole US economy to solar. The 5 activists were scared that the world would soon be drowning in its own waste, so they set about drafting a solar feed-in tariff payment policy for LA that requires the Utility to pay anyone who fed solar onto the grid $0.17 kwh. This, the five believed would, save LA from the smog / CO2 and stop the polar ice caps from melting. That was the plan. The actual history is not clear, but it seems to have also been inspired by President Ronald Reagan ripping the solar panels off the White House. Which, of course, as everyone now knows, directly caused the hurricane than destroyed the Philippines in 2013. A funny thing happened on the way to saving the world. While LA was stumbling towards solar,.... a small farming village, Wildpoldseird, Germany suddenly leaped into the forefront of the media, by producing 333% more solar than it uses. Last year those few farmers in that one town made $6 million! Six million! This set the new world standard for solar buzz. How could they? They did it by offering to pay $0.99 kwh to anyone feeding solar onto the grid. Ninty nine cents? Do the math. That means a farmer could make $60,000. a year extra just by feeding solar onto the grid. That is more than farmers were making from raising eggs or chickens. Suddenly everyone with a barn roof was signing contracts with the government to require the Utility to pay them $0.99 kwh for solar. Solar was suddenly hot! Very hot in cold, cloudy Germany. This race between sunny LA & cloudy Germany became the stuff of legends. A new movie, now free on Youtube came out about this Germany gold rush for solar: "Here Comes the Sun - Scheer". Across this golden stage of solar money, dozens of world leaders began singing their own version of the song, "Here Comes the Sun", but few of them took the time to first read the Bible, "Energy Imperative" by Hermann ( & the Hermits ) Scheer. Too bad. Those who did actually read the book, which reads like a road map of how to get from an oily, smoggy world to a clean, green sunny world, where energy is free, nukes are no more, and there is full employment, were able to reap the fully bounty of solar. One sterling example was Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan. Kan read Scheer's book and applied the road map to Japan. He found it worked as perfectly in Japan as it had in Germany. Suddenly Japan was able to find a sunny way out from under the yoke of its own nuclear disaster. Suddenly Japan became the land of the rising sun. Kan, recognizing the world was facing a climate emergency, after the triple meltdown in Fukushima, so Kan wrote the law the require Utilities to pay a whopping $0.53 kwh to anyone feeding solar onto the grid. It worked. Japan leaped from being a slave of GE to being the new sun-land of Asia. At the same time, people were fleeing Japan in droves to Brazil, as it appeared Fukushima was about the melt down, once again, during the repair project. The wheel is still spinning. We do not know what will happen in Japan or in LA. Will solar advocates actually be able to reverse climate change fast enough to stop air pollution from strangling every person on earth by 2020? We do know that Germany now has the cleanest air on earth, thanks to its solar feed-in tariff payment policy that now pays $0.54 kwh to those who buy solar panels and feed their surplus onto the grid.- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 2
Gayle McLaughlin Chevron Refinery Explosion Richmond 08072012
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin speaks about the Chevron Refinery Explosion on August 6, 2...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: selfreliantist
Gayle McLaughlin Chevron Refinery Explosion Richmond 08072012
Gayle McLaughlin Chevron Refinery Explosion Richmond 08072012
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin speaks about the Chevron Refinery Explosion on August 6, 2012. Richmond Memorial Auditorium.- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 174
- author: selfreliantist
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Sticks it to the Banksters!
http://kalw.org/post/richmond-mayor-gayle-mclaughlin-citys-bold-plan-stem-foreclosures BRA...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: skybirdbird
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Sticks it to the Banksters!
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Sticks it to the Banksters!
http://kalw.org/post/richmond-mayor-gayle-mclaughlin-citys-bold-plan-stem-foreclosures BRAVO to this mayor!!!- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 76
- author: skybirdbird
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party part 2
part 2 . Nativo Lopez chicano activist and president of the Mexican American Political Ass...
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: Oakland latinosunited
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party part 2
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party part 2
part 2 . Nativo Lopez chicano activist and president of the Mexican American Political Association speaks at Richmond CA mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign part...- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 73
- author: Oakland latinosunited
Vimeo results:
Richmond & Mondragon Cooperative
Presentation of Mondragon Cooperative by Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Marilyn Langlois of Of...
published: 30 Oct 2010
author: Permaculture Cooperative
Richmond & Mondragon Cooperative
Presentation of Mondragon Cooperative by Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Marilyn Langlois of Office of Mayor of Richmond City in the Bay Area .
Controlling the Corporation Conference, Panel 5
Creating new economic models and launching initiatives
Gar Alperovitz – Professor of Polit...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: CSRL
Controlling the Corporation Conference, Panel 5
Creating new economic models and launching initiatives
Gar Alperovitz – Professor of Political Economy, UMD
Greg LeRoy – Executive Director, Good Jobs First
Dimitra Doukas – Worked Over: The Corporate Sabotage of an American Community
Gayle McLaughlin – Mayor, Richmond CA
Alexis Baden-Mayer – Political Director, Organic Consumers Association
Models for a New Economy: Worker Ownership & Entrepreneurship Part 1
What can our economic future look like?
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Welcome and opening r...
published: 15 May 2012
author: The Economics Of Peace
Models for a New Economy: Worker Ownership & Entrepreneurship Part 1
What can our economic future look like?
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Welcome and opening remarks
Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor of Richmond, CA
Joseph Tuck, CEO of Alvarado Street Bakery, Petaluma, CA
Liher Pillardo, Professor Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon University, Spain
Irati Arka, Mondragon University Team Academy, Spain
Kasper Koczab, Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (NoBAWC)
Tim Huet, Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives, San Francisco
Brought to you by Georgia Kelly of Praxis Peace Institute - http://www.praxispeace.org/
PART 2 - https://vimeo.com/42250044
Models for a New Economy: Worker Ownership & Entrepreneurship Part 2
What can our economic future look like?
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Welcome and opening r...
published: 16 May 2012
author: The Economics Of Peace
Models for a New Economy: Worker Ownership & Entrepreneurship Part 2
What can our economic future look like?
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Welcome and opening remarks
Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor of Richmond, CA
Joseph Tuck, CEO of Alvarado Street Bakery, Petaluma, CA
Liher Pillardo, Professor Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon University, Spain
Irati Arka, Mondragon University Team Academy, Spain
Kasper Koczab, Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (NoBAWC)
Tim Huet, Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives, San Francisco
Brought to you by Georgia Kelly of Praxis Peace Institute - http://www.praxispeace.org/
PART 3 - https://vimeo.com/42253146
Youtube results:
Gayle McLaughlin setting a respectful tone for the Richmon
Mayor of Richmond, Ca sets the tone for civility and respect before the December 6th 2011 ...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: Motivated4me
Gayle McLaughlin setting a respectful tone for the Richmon
Gayle McLaughlin setting a respectful tone for the Richmon
Mayor of Richmond, Ca sets the tone for civility and respect before the December 6th 2011 city council meeting.- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 35
- author: Motivated4me
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party
Part 1 . Nativo Lopez chicano activist and president of the Mexican American Political Ass...
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: Oakland latinosunited
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party
Nativo Lopez speaks at Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign party
Part 1 . Nativo Lopez chicano activist and president of the Mexican American Political Association speaks at Richmond CA mayor Gayle McLaughlin campaign part...- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 121
- author: Oakland latinosunited
Gayle McLaughlin swearing in ceremony as Richmond Mayor
Swearing in Ceremony of Green Party member Gayle McLaughlin as Mayor of Richmond, Californ...
published: 17 Jan 2007
author: mfeinsteintube
Gayle McLaughlin swearing in ceremony as Richmond Mayor
Gayle McLaughlin swearing in ceremony as Richmond Mayor
Swearing in Ceremony of Green Party member Gayle McLaughlin as Mayor of Richmond, California. Preceding McLaughlin are Matt Gonzalez and Van Jones. Gayle inv...- published: 17 Jan 2007
- views: 707
- author: mfeinsteintube