
Restoring europe's wildlife with aurochs and others: Henri Kerkdijk-Otten at TEDxDeExtinction
Henri Kerkdijk-Otten has a lifetime of experience in understanding the mega-fauna of our p...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: TEDxTalks
Restoring europe's wildlife with aurochs and others: Henri Kerkdijk-Otten at TEDxDeExtinction
Restoring europe's wildlife with aurochs and others: Henri Kerkdijk-Otten at TEDxDeExtinction
Henri Kerkdijk-Otten has a lifetime of experience in understanding the mega-fauna of our prehistoric world. His interest and research today focuses on the re...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 1132
- author: TEDxTalks

Aurochs is ready for the return to the mountains
The bull from the first generation of backbreeding wild cattle from the programme of the T...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: EuropeanWildlife
Aurochs is ready for the return to the mountains
Aurochs is ready for the return to the mountains
The bull from the first generation of backbreeding wild cattle from the programme of the Tauros Foundation. The Foundation will get ready two herds of animal...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 4292
- author: EuropeanWildlife

Meet the Aurochs, the fabled "beasts" from Benh Zeitlin's mystical drama BEASTS OF THE SOU...
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: FoxSearchlight
Meet the Aurochs, the fabled "beasts" from Benh Zeitlin's mystical drama BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD, in this featurette.- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 47845
- author: FoxSearchlight

Extinct Running Aurochs
Link to main website/ice age book: www.IceAgeBook.com ~~~ A film of some running aurochs i...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: Raven Alb J.
Extinct Running Aurochs
Extinct Running Aurochs
Link to main website/ice age book: www.IceAgeBook.com ~~~ A film of some running aurochs in Romania, which is definite proof that aurochs are not extinct. Th...- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 2754
- author: Raven Alb J.

NATURPARK BAYERISCHER WALD: Aurochs (Urus) (Bos primigenius B.)
NaturPark Bayerischer Wald: some Aurochs are take their rest....
published: 11 Aug 2012
author: nicklandtube
NATURPARK BAYERISCHER WALD: Aurochs (Urus) (Bos primigenius B.)
NATURPARK BAYERISCHER WALD: Aurochs (Urus) (Bos primigenius B.)
NaturPark Bayerischer Wald: some Aurochs are take their rest.- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 613
- author: nicklandtube

Aurochs de Heck
Le blog de la vache : http://vachementbelles.blogspot.com/ Le véritable auroch a disparu, ...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: Alrom Niverno
Aurochs de Heck
Aurochs de Heck
Le blog de la vache : http://vachementbelles.blogspot.com/ Le véritable auroch a disparu, exterminé par l'homme au XVIIème siècle. Dans les années 1920, en A...- published: 05 Nov 2009
- views: 3784
- author: Alrom Niverno

Les Aurochs
Rubrique "Naturellement complice". Remerciements: SIERDA, ESPACE RAMBOUILLET, Claude GUINT...
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: pprgarden
Les Aurochs
Les Aurochs
Rubrique "Naturellement complice". Remerciements: SIERDA, ESPACE RAMBOUILLET, Claude GUINTARD, Didier CHAGOT.- published: 16 Mar 2009
- views: 13371
- author: pprgarden

The Sword - Lament For The Auroch [ Age Of Winters ]
Laboring in the liquid light of Leviathan Spectres swarm around the sunken cities of the S...
published: 26 Jun 2010
author: TheSwordDiscografia
The Sword - Lament For The Auroch [ Age Of Winters ]
The Sword - Lament For The Auroch [ Age Of Winters ]
Laboring in the liquid light of Leviathan Spectres swarm around the sunken cities of the Saurians Rising up from the void through the blackness of eternal ni...- published: 26 Jun 2010
- views: 22712
- author: TheSwordDiscografia

Corne d'Auroch - Georges Brassens (Auprès De Mon Arbre)
Il avait nom corne d'Aurochs, au gué, au gué Tout l'mond' peut pas s'app'ler Durand, au gu...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: Roseline ESCARAVAGE
Corne d'Auroch - Georges Brassens (Auprès De Mon Arbre)
Corne d'Auroch - Georges Brassens (Auprès De Mon Arbre)
Il avait nom corne d'Aurochs, au gué, au gué Tout l'mond' peut pas s'app'ler Durand, au gué, au gué En le regardant avec un œil de poète On aurait pu croire ...- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 1000
- author: Roseline ESCARAVAGE

The Sword - Lament for the Auroch
Track 7 on Age of Winters....
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: TheSwordCollection
The Sword - Lament for the Auroch
The Sword - Lament for the Auroch
Track 7 on Age of Winters.- published: 23 Dec 2009
- views: 42687
- author: TheSwordCollection

Georges Brassens -Corne d'Aurochs- (Cuerno de Uro) Subtitulada al castellano
Il avait nom corne d'Aurochs, au gué, au gué Tout l'mond' peut pas s'app'ler Durand, au gu...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: Jesus Sojo
Georges Brassens -Corne d'Aurochs- (Cuerno de Uro) Subtitulada al castellano
Georges Brassens -Corne d'Aurochs- (Cuerno de Uro) Subtitulada al castellano
Il avait nom corne d'Aurochs, au gué, au gué Tout l'mond' peut pas s'app'ler Durand, au gué, au gué En le regardant avec un œil de poète On aurait pu croire ...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 145
- author: Jesus Sojo

Aurochs vs USH LB g3 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 3 of the Losers Bracket between Aurochs and USH for the Gamecom Plantronics D...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: PurgeGamers
Aurochs vs USH LB g3 Gamecom Plantronics
Aurochs vs USH LB g3 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 3 of the Losers Bracket between Aurochs and USH for the Gamecom Plantronics Dota 2 tournament! If you are interested in the format or in the Dot...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 15036
- author: PurgeGamers

The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs @ The Mohawk [Austin, TX - 08/28/09]
The Sword performing Lament For The Aurochs @ The Mohawk. Austin, TX - 08/29/09....
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: Justin Walters
The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs @ The Mohawk [Austin, TX - 08/28/09]
The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs @ The Mohawk [Austin, TX - 08/28/09]
The Sword performing Lament For The Aurochs @ The Mohawk. Austin, TX - 08/29/09.- published: 31 Aug 2009
- views: 4638
- author: Justin Walters
Vimeo results:

Linkin Park - "Стекляный замок" (клип по мотивам Medal of Honor: Warfighter)
Linkin Park - Castle of Glass (Замок из стекла) - замечательный ролик, который создавался ...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: Aurochs
Linkin Park - "Стекляный замок" (клип по мотивам Medal of Honor: Warfighter)
Linkin Park - Castle of Glass (Замок из стекла) - замечательный ролик, который создавался в сотрудничестве и как часть пиар-компании свежей "молотилки террористов" от Electronic Arts - Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
Что ж - видео с художественной точки зрения получилось неплохим: парень, потерявший отца на войне, далеко-далеко от дома. Трагедия, которая повторяется из поколения в поколение. Сам этот мальчик вырос и ему пришлось сказать те же тяжелые слова, которые лишили его отца в детстве маленькой девочке уже когда он сам возмужал, стал военным и вернулся с войны. (Хотя варианты понимания всего это с точки зрения пропаганды американского ура-патриотизма тоже присутствуют. Собственно игра именно с такими целями и выходит - тоже несет дерьмократию).
Однако, считаю что если бы вместо девочки показали парнишку, лишившегося родителей где-нибудь в Ираке в результате ночной "зачистки", и солдата, приносящего ему извинения. Думаю такой поворот событий был бы более справедливым, глубоким и интересным.
С музыкальной же точки зрения песня не кажется чем то особенным. Скорее это просто тра-ля-ля без изюминки. Слишком мягко и уныло, но под настроение - сойдет!

Żubroffka 2013
Real life rendition of a logo we designed in 2011 for Żubroffka Festival.
Concept, design...
published: 01 Dec 2013
author: K/A
Żubroffka 2013
Real life rendition of a logo we designed in 2011 for Żubroffka Festival.
Concept, design - Kijek/Adamski
Object built by Grzegorz Zięcina
Sound design by Grzegorz Mańko
Thanks - Radek Perzanowski

Silent Winter
Winter can be so still and quiet! Had some time to kill the other day so I shot this vide...
published: 27 Jan 2009
author: Paul Frederick
Silent Winter
Winter can be so still and quiet! Had some time to kill the other day so I shot this video, what struck me most was the stillness of the afternoon. I went back to Pt. AuRoche State Park in Upstate New York to shoot this. Same location as my Winter Solstice piece, but the same place can sure look different depending on the light.
I also finally got Magic Bullet Looks. Used it to add the vignette and to color correct these shots. Used it even more toward the end to add the soft warm glow to the footage. It's a powerful tool but I see it overused alot. I'll try not to do that even though it is quite fun to play around with the look of your footage. To me it's all about enhancing the mood you are trying to convey.
Music is by Bill Douglas "Earth Prayer" from Hearts of Space records.
Stay warm! Spring is coming....so they say!

Death to the Tinman
Directed by Ray Tintori
Bill loves Jane, the pastor's daughter....
published: 12 Sep 2013
author: Court 13
Death to the Tinman
Directed by Ray Tintori
Bill loves Jane, the pastor's daughter. When Bill becomes a threat to the community, the pastor is forced to curse his ax. One of the most stylish & kinetic films of the true indie era.
Director's Biography
Ray Tintori is an American director, screenwriter, and founding member of Court 13. His undergraduate thesis film Death to the Tinman premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival where it won an Honorable Mention and later played over 70 film festivals worldwide, including the New York Film Festival and South by Southwest. Since then, Ray has directed a number of award-winning music videos, collaborating with Court 13, for bands like MGMT, The Killers, and Chairlift (nominated for MTV Breakthrough Video), as well as writing two commissioned feature length screenplays for the Weinstein Company and Paramount Pictures. On Beasts of the Southern Wild, Ray was director of the Aurochs Unit, which was responsible for designing and executing the film's sequences featuring the titular beasts, as well as other effects sequences involving cloud tanks and miniature pyrotechnics. In 2012 he received a KRF Screenwriting Grant from the San Francisco Film Society and is currently writing and developing a feature script that he plans to be his directorial debut and a Court 13 production.
Youtube results:

Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g1 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 1 of the Grand Finals between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics Dot...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: PurgeGamers
Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g1 Gamecom Plantronics
Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g1 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 1 of the Grand Finals between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics Dota 2 tournament! If you are interested in the format or in the Dota ...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 22506
- author: PurgeGamers

Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g2 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 2 of the Grand Finals between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics Dot...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: PurgeGamers
Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g2 Gamecom Plantronics
Rox vs Aurochs FINALS g2 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 2 of the Grand Finals between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics Dota 2 tournament! If you are interested in the format or in the Dota ...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 24111
- author: PurgeGamers

Rox vs Aurochs WB g1 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 1 of the Winners Bracket between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics ...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: PurgeGamers
Rox vs Aurochs WB g1 Gamecom Plantronics
Rox vs Aurochs WB g1 Gamecom Plantronics
This is game 1 of the Winners Bracket between Rox and Aurochs for the Gamecom Plantronics Dota 2 tournament! If you are interested in the format or in the Do...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 22436
- author: PurgeGamers

The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs Guitar Cover
7/9 Lament For The Aurochs The Sword Age of Winters Follow SVM: http://twitter.com/skyvall...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: skyvalleymusic
The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs Guitar Cover
The Sword - Lament For The Aurochs Guitar Cover
7/9 Lament For The Aurochs The Sword Age of Winters Follow SVM: http://twitter.com/skyvalleymusic Follow Me: http://twitter.com/james_alvarado.- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 396
- author: skyvalleymusic