
Hadde du gitt jakken din til Johannes?
SOS MAYDAY:(http://www.sos-barnebyer.no/Mayday/Syria) låner folk bort jakka si når de ser ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Hadde du gitt jakken din til Johannes?
Hadde du gitt jakken din til Johannes?
SOS MAYDAY:(http://www.sos-barnebyer.no/Mayday/Syria) låner folk bort jakka si når de ser et barn som fryser? En test utført av SOS-barnebyer bekrefter at det er mye hjertevarme blant folk i Norge. Nå håper vi at engasjementet også når fram til barn i Syria. Les mer om hvordan du kan bidra her: http://www.sos-barnebyer.no/Mayday/Syria SOS-barnebyer i Syria deler ut tusenvis av varme jakker og pledd til barn på flukt, og samtidig mobiliseres givere i Norge for å kunne hjelpe flere barn gjennom givernettverket SOS MAYDAY. SOS MAYDAY: er et aksjonsnettverk i regi av SOS-barnebyer som bistår barn i akutte kriser. Som medlem i aksjonsnettverket kan du raskt gi din støtte via mobilen eller kort. Beløpet varierer fra aksjon til aksjon, og du velger selv om du vil støtte. Aksjonene du gir til er konkrete og aksjonsmålet skal nås på kort tid. I løpet av aksjonsperioden vil du motta oppdateringer på hva pengene dine har bidratt til via sms. Ved å bli med i vårt aksjonsnettverk takker du samtidig ja til å motta fremtidige akutte aksjoner via SMS.- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 897

Awesome 2012 Norway road trip [HD]
16 days roadtrip in Norway with a car and a tent. Headphones and HD much recommended ! 0:0...
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: kfpaulo
Awesome 2012 Norway road trip [HD]
Awesome 2012 Norway road trip [HD]
16 days roadtrip in Norway with a car and a tent. Headphones and HD much recommended ! 0:00 Departure from Oslo 2:35 Kjerag hike 3:45 Prekestolen hike 5:27 S...- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 22275
- author: kfpaulo

Hey guys! For all those of you who didn't already know, I am in fact 50% Norwegian and 50%...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: teaandtoastify
Hey guys! For all those of you who didn't already know, I am in fact 50% Norwegian and 50% British. So this is actually kind of relevant to my life, as I liv...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 5534
- author: teaandtoastify

Culture Shock in Norway
Last February, Giuliana Raggiani and I accidentally bought a ticket to Norway. We thought ...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: missybabyx0
Culture Shock in Norway
Culture Shock in Norway
Last February, Giuliana Raggiani and I accidentally bought a ticket to Norway. We thought the city, Oslo, was in Switzerland and purchased it last minute in ...- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 5326
- author: missybabyx0

http://facebook.com/ScenicMotion In this timelapse film you will see some of Norway´s most...
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: ScenicMotion
http://facebook.com/ScenicMotion In this timelapse film you will see some of Norway´s most famous nature attractions- from the beautiful fjords, spectacular ...- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 81030
- author: ScenicMotion

Why move from Norway to Canada?
And after having moved from Germany to Norway at that... Just answering a question that I'...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: SkallagrimNilsson
Why move from Norway to Canada?
Why move from Norway to Canada?
And after having moved from Germany to Norway at that... Just answering a question that I've been asked multiple times since I announced that my spouse Cara ...- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 2275
- author: SkallagrimNilsson

Ty's Worldly Adventures: Episode 5 - Norway's Finest Furniture
Ty Pennington and his design team take a closer look at Norwegian furniture design. Sponso...
published: 06 Aug 2013
author: IAmReallyTy
Ty's Worldly Adventures: Episode 5 - Norway's Finest Furniture
Ty's Worldly Adventures: Episode 5 - Norway's Finest Furniture
Ty Pennington and his design team take a closer look at Norwegian furniture design. Sponsored by: Sears, Lumber Liquidators, Canvas On Demand, Wall Spirit, W...- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 1003
- author: IAmReallyTy

Spectacular Northern Lights spotted in Norway
A nature photographer captures the northern lights over Norway's third city of Trondheim i...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Spectacular Northern Lights spotted in Norway
Spectacular Northern Lights spotted in Norway
A nature photographer captures the northern lights over Norway's third city of Trondheim in a timelapse film. Report by Lindsay Brown.- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 116

Michael Moore in Norway
This particular video includes the philosopher who is advising the Norwegian government on...
published: 07 Aug 2008
author: prosario2000
Michael Moore in Norway
Michael Moore in Norway
This particular video includes the philosopher who is advising the Norwegian government on what to do or not for the best of society.- published: 07 Aug 2008
- views: 380043
- author: prosario2000

Oslo Norway - Open Top Sightseeing
Oslo Norway video with Open Top Sightseeing actually gives
you a quick tour of Oslo Norwa...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Oslo Norway - Open Top Sightseeing
Oslo Norway - Open Top Sightseeing
Oslo Norway video with Open Top Sightseeing actually gives you a quick tour of Oslo Norway.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 12

Taste Test Norway #03
ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/david-chilco...
published: 10 Aug 2013
author: OnePotChefBlog
Taste Test Norway #03
Taste Test Norway #03
ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/david-chilcott/id478668534?mt=11 ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS - PAPERBACKS AND EBOOKS...- published: 10 Aug 2013
- views: 2467
- author: OnePotChefBlog

Norway Killer Breivik Demands Better Video Games In Prison
"Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik has threatened to go on hunger strike for better v...
published: 15 Feb 2014
Norway Killer Breivik Demands Better Video Games In Prison
Norway Killer Breivik Demands Better Video Games In Prison
"Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik has threatened to go on hunger strike for better video games to alleviate his "torture"-like living conditions, in a letter received by AFP Friday. The right-wing extremist -- who killed 77 people in a bomb and gun attack on July 22, 2011 -- enclosed a typed list of 12 demands sent to prison authorities in November. He described as "torture"-like his living conditions, in the high-security unit in Skien in southeast Norway where he serving out a 21-year sentence...".* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?!, and TYT Sports) and Cara Santa Maria (co-host and producer, TakePart Live) break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/14/breivik-hunger-strike-video-games_n_4788567.html- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 172
Vimeo results:

- This is a compilation of timelapses I did i...
published: 18 Feb 2012
author: Stian Rekdal
- This is a compilation of timelapses I did in western Norway last summer.
- Locations include Ålesund, Trollstigen, Geiranger, the Briksdal glacier and Urnes & Kaupang stave churches.
Available in 4K resolution
If you would like to see more of my work, check out these links:
Facebook - facebook.com/stianrekdal
500px - 500px.com/plan9
Flickr - flickr.com/photos/stianrekdal/

In this timelapse film you will see some of Norway´s most famou...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: Morten Berg
In this timelapse film you will see some of Norway´s most famous nature attractions- from the beautiful fjords, spectacular views from famous panoramic viewpoints like Dalsnibba in Geiranger all the way up to Galdhøpiggen (highest mountain peak in Norway and Northern Europe) just to mention a few of the locations in this film.
This is my debut timelapse video, and the making of this film has been a real challenge. Living in Oslo (250-500 km away from the scenery portrayed in this film), I had to make 11 trips over a period of 15 months to fullfill this project. I had to visit and revisit locations which were not easily reached considering the the heavy photo gear I was carrying.
When I look back on this project, the most exhausting and dramatic challenge was to climb Galdhøpiggen 2469m/8100ft (5:10-6:08). I had to visit this mountain twice while I was shooting this movie, as my first attempt back in july 2010 was ruined by strong winds. In 2011, a second attempt was made, and this time I got lucky. As I witnessed a beautiful sunset on the roof of Norway and Northern Europe, I knew I was pushing the boundaries and it would be a race against darkness and dropping temperatures to the valley 1400 meters/4600 ft below. My concern was right. At this alltitude, the temperature drops rapidly when the sun sets, and the snow fields in the rather steep terrain just below the summit (which were safe during the daylight) had now turned into treacherous ice. Although I was aware that the temperature had plummeted, I didn´t know that the snow fields had turned into ice so rapidly. As a result of my carelessness and stupidity, I fell uncontrolled down the steep slope and got some deep cuts in my left hand. After all, I had lucky escape- as I stopped before I was severly hit by the rocks in the end of the slope.
As the darkness fell, I ran into another problem. Even with a powerful headlamp, I couldn't find the cairns which would lead me down to the valley. After a while I was way out of track and heading straight into steep terrain, so I had no other option than to abort the descent and spend the night in this high alpine area. Nedless to say, the night was very cold, and I had to endure frostbite for many hours. Finally, after 17 hours in this high alpine area, I returned to safety.
Special thanks to:
Tore Johnsen who spent many hours to create and synchronize his beautiful music into this film and my parents for the support.
If you want more detailed information about the locations and nature attractions in this video, check out NORWAY-TRAVEL GUIDE vimeo.com/32381957 (nature attractions and locations are added in the right corner)
You can also check out my latest video "Dynamic Nature": vimeo.com/54802209
Hope you enjoy it- share if you like.
Morten Berg
Follow me for updates and still /behind the scenes images

short movie out of small shots made in norway, summer 2011. A little tribute to the beauty...
published: 02 Sep 2011
author: Henne
short movie out of small shots made in norway, summer 2011. A little tribute to the beauty of norway.
Shot on Canon EOS 550D
Music: Jonsi - Kolniður
Thanks for now over 5000 views and the likes ;)... I really appreciate your comments! thank you!

music: My Name Is Lincoln
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: Michal Tlusty
music: My Name Is Lincoln
Youtube results:

Fjord Norway
Hiking, surfing, snowboarding on a glacier - all in the same day! There's no way back afte...
published: 18 Dec 2013
Fjord Norway
Fjord Norway
Hiking, surfing, snowboarding on a glacier - all in the same day! There's no way back after watching this film. Breathtaking adventures are waiting for you in Fjord Norway! (By Yancy Caldwell, Matador Network)- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 737

QT: Should the UK be like Norway in EU? (17Jan13)
Should the UK be like Norway in the EU.... rich? Recorded from BBC Question Time, 17 Janua...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: liarpoliticians2
QT: Should the UK be like Norway in EU? (17Jan13)
QT: Should the UK be like Norway in EU? (17Jan13)
Should the UK be like Norway in the EU.... rich? Recorded from BBC Question Time, 17 January 2013.- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 4868
- author: liarpoliticians2

Bergen, Norway
Bergen, Norway - Motion 2013
Amazing Bergen with beautiful "black nights" in winter and "w...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Bergen, Norway
Bergen, Norway
Bergen, Norway - Motion 2013 Amazing Bergen with beautiful "black nights" in winter and "white nights" in summer.Some clues: 00:01 Panoramic view of Bergen From Bergen Hills (http://www.floibanen.com/views/ ) 05:06 Foggy Bergen 05:50 Bergen Downtown 09:42 Boat Competition 10:15 Fantoft Stavkirke-Stave Church(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantoft_Stave_Church) 10:58 Norway's National Day Parade - http://www.visitnorway.com/en/About-Norway/History/Norways-national-day/ 12:15 Bergen Police Show 16:11 Classic Cars Expo-Bergen Veteranvogn Klubb ( http://www.bvkn.no/ ) 17:25 Bergen from Bus Bergen is a city and municipality in Hordaland on the west coast of Norway. As of 23 August 2013, the municipality had a population of 270,100 and Greater Bergen had a population of 397,000, making Bergen the second-largest city in Norway..( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergen ) English 日本語 العربية हिंदी 한국 中文 Deutsch français italiano русский português español Music CC by Zero-Project: http://www.zero-project.gr- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 18

olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever
Olympic Commercial From Norway Is The Greatest Ever.
olympic commercial from norway is th...
published: 10 Feb 2014
olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever
olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever
Olympic Commercial From Norway Is The Greatest Ever. olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever olympic commercial from norway is the greatest ever olympic commercial from. Olympic Commercial From Norway Is The Greatest Ever. Watch Olympic Commercial From Norway Is The Greatest Ever now. Olympic Commercial From Norway Is The Greatest Ever. New Guinness TV commercial: 'wheelchair basketball' View the full ad: Dedication. Loyalty. Friendship. The choices. Commercial from olympic.org. Watch Movies Online Free DvdRip HD : Download Movies DvdRip For Free : Watch Tv SHows, Series Online F. Nike Find Your Greatness - London Olympics Commercial Find Your Greatness . Pro Gay Olympic Games Luge PSA - Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion TV Commercial. Canada Claims Winter Olympics Games Have Always Been a Little B. Extra Tags: girls fail compilation fail compilation 2012 compilation fail girls fail compilation girls fail fail compilation 2011 . In Belgium, in a little town, in a quiet square, they placed a button, and just waited. TNT - they know Drama! Pro Gay Olympic Games Luge PSA - Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion TV Commercial. Canada Claims Winter Olympics Games Have Always Been a Little B. Bronze goes to Norway after some excellent jumping in the team large hill event at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Athletes featured in this video :. Winter Olympics in Sochi,Russia-Opening Ceremony part 4-The Teams Presentation.February 7-th 2014.Have a nice watching!Amnas2011 Ceremonia otwarcia Zimowej O. Production Company: Animasjonsdepartementet Director: Martin Engh Producer: Jakob Thommessen Music & Sound Design: Echoic Post-Production / VFX Post-Producti. An aid convoy bringing supplies into the besieged district of the central Syrian city of Homs has come under fire, leaving at least one person hurt. The Unit. Prince William has gone hunting deer and wild boar in Spain - just a day before making a public plea to end the illegal wildlife trade. In a video message, t. Jay and Dan of Fox Sports got bad media credentials and weren't allowed into the Olympics to film. So they improvised! Sifting through hundreds of thousand TV ads, all over the world, Culturepub looks for the funniest & selects three of them daily for you to laugh and share w. At the Calgary 1988 Winter Olympics Jamaica sent an unexpected team to compete in the bobsleigh event. Though their participation did not end in medal glory,. Odporúčame - veľký prehrávač a 720p! Препоручени - велики играц и 720п! We recommend-great player and 720 p!◅ ▻Počúvate oficiálny song zimných olympijských . Norwegian coach Bjørnar Håkensmoen gave Sara Renner a ski pole after hers was broken when a competitor stepped on it during the cross-country team sprint at . France Train Crash Leaves 2 Dead In The Alps, Leaving Two Dead - Seven Injured - 9 Feb 2014 Two dead and seven injured as people are trapped in tourist train. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen (Norway ) is one of the greatest Olympic athletes with a total of 11 medals . He just won a medal in Sochi content in this year's compe.- published: 10 Feb 2014
- views: 65